Smash Lord
I always thought you were in the SW with Levi... I've only beeen to your house once, for like, 5 seconds, so I didn't know.god, again. i live SE.
in fact, alex, you are like right in between, If anything i am the only SE smasher aside from people i dont know live in SE.
That, and I think Neil and John are SE as well, but I'm not sure.
I know, I was just joking around with my post, just messing with your head.also, alex, if i wanted to be banned, you'd all go hell to make it there. so trust me this is fortunate.

To make this post a little more worthwhile:
Character: Kirby, Marth is my Second.
Occupaiton: Customer Service @ Southcenter mall, Segway.
School: E.P. Scarlett
Quadrant: SE. [Brad, I'm pretty far down into the SE... Nowhere near the middle. O_o.]
Tag: NTRO.
Also, I'm saving for a new computer, seeing as all the ones I currently have are pretty substandard, and a better capture card. This doesn't really affect any of you except Levi, myself, Brad and Riley.