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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
That's actually a very good point. The fans, at least majority of them knew what was coming when they saw the on foot screenshots. Maybe they were expecting a balance between the on foot gameplay and the rail shooter gameplay. There shouldve been a balance at least. It would been nice to see Fox in his arwing while on dinosaur planet or some sections of him riding a pterodactyl like with Krystal early in the game but with the barrel rolls, somersaults etc.
Yeah, those guys are buffoons they must have never watched the previews or read Nintendo Power


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
If Sakurai trolled us, and SSB4 had a story mode like SSE, what would Krystal's intro be?
I had an idea of Krystal teaming up with the Kongs to beat King K. Rool on his Pirate Ship. It would be a nice throw back to DKC and a reference to Krystal meeting General Scales in SFA. The ship could probably sink after the final battle, Toon Link sees the ships wreckage with Krystal and the Kongs while sailing and saves them. Now I suddenly want Subspace to come back.

Also Krystal and the Kongs sounds like a funny name for an animated series. I would watch that if DK gets to sing again.:troll:

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
I had an idea of Krystal teaming up with the Kongs to beat King K. Rool on his Pirate Ship. It would be a nice throw back to DKC and a reference to Krystal meeting General Scales in SFA. The ship could probably sink after the final battle, Toon Link sees the ships wreckage with Krystal and the Kongs while sailing and saves them. Now I suddenly want Subspace to come back.

Also Krystal and the Kongs sounds like a funny name for an animated series. I would watch that if DK gets to sing again.:troll:
That sounds like a name for a band if anything else :p

For me, I always saw Krystal as the type to team up with an animal, especially with her role in adventures, so I would see her teaming up with Yoshi at some point.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
There is also this...this boggles my mind

(I don't even think people even know that Star Fox has been on-foot before Star Fox Adventures & it kind of angers me that they took that mode out in the 3DS remake)
That... that's news to me.

Looks... strange. Kinda like a creepy-pasta. Lacking terrain, blowing up on death...

Blowing up on death...


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Guys should Retro work on the new Star Fox?
At this point, I'm not sure. They could probably do a really good job with it. Miyamoto is apparently looking for studios to help him finish the game within the year 2015.

Then again, Miyamoto is heavily overseeing the production. I'm going to be completely honest: that alone has me worried. The guy can't leave Star Fox alone. He doesn't really oversee Mario or Zelda these days... Why can't he let someone else come in and bring fresh ideas to Star Fox?

Oh yeah, I forgot, this is the real motto of Miyamoto, as quoted by Dylan Cuthbert: "No idea must go into a game, even if it is a good one."

Yep. He said that.

It must be stressful to work with Miyamoto. He seems to be extremely selfish and strangely limiting himself. In that sense, I fear for the fate of the company that has to work with him. I also inadvertently fear for the Wii U Star Fox game. The kind of innovation Miyamoto might bring to the series will probably not be the kind of innovation the series needs...

That is, in this day and age.

Oh, I should mention. Miyamoto has been playing around with that demo for around 6 years. I would say he's having a tough time figuring out just what to do with Star Fox. Why should it take 6 years just to figure out what to do with the series that, arguably, has the most potential out of every Nintendo franchise?!

I made a post a while back. Allow me to quote it:

You. I like you. Star Fox could be a fantastic story-driven series. That is, of course, if Miyamoto wasn't the man with the plan. That interview with him shows his true colors, if you look deep enough.

Then again, in my post on the previous page, I think Star Fox wouldn't bring out its full potential if it simply strives to be a Hollywood-esque sci-fi epic (fair potential, but not its best). I think, instead, it should rely on story-telling through provoking the player's wonder. It's a series that, not only deserves to, but needs to stand out; frankly, it cannot stand out if it keeps getting the "puppet show" treatment that it has received in the past. This would require great TLC towards how they flesh out each character, as well as focusing on the many factors of immersion (without having to use peripherals to simulate in-game virtual reality, or anything like that) such as (but not limited to): atmosphere design and feel (including the design and limitations of the many planets as well as the Lylat system itself, etc.), musical depth, variety and coherence; intuitive, but non-gimmicky control; the ability to switch between the different Star Fox members as playable characters during the actual story (I feel this will help players feel more invested into each character, rather than just getting Fox's perspective, and, in turn, perhaps provide a more positive fan reception towards each character); and finally bringing a sense of constant strategy/options during the story (without needing to use an overhead map/anything related to Command).

I feel Star Fox would be at its peak potential if it could perfectly blend a sense of urgency while granting options; a universe of which you could (while keeping it optional, for those who prefer the more linear approach) explore/perform side missions for credits (or whatever the currency should be) that could be used for constantly upgrading equipment/vehicles/weaponry/powers (this slight RPG element for seducing the traditionally eastern gamer, and granting a greater sense of immersion all-in-all; and powers for Krystal, if you so choose, as a developer, to allow players, as an option, to utilize different melee techniques [i.e Krystal's staff, not SSBM] while on the many different planets [including other melee techniques for the other Star Fox characters]; or expand Krystal's control over telepathy, perhaps opening new venues of her psychic powers, even). For this, you could treat the Great Fox as the hub of all Star Fox activities. Slippy, the team's mechanic, could be the one who deals with all of the upgrading, so perhaps a deck on the Great Fox could be used for this. Another deck could be reserved for training, training that could give way to more advanced techniques, or to keep the players you're not playing as at the top of their game so they are ready when you want to play as them (I must stress that there would probably need to be counter-aspects that reduce a potential grindy-feel [the feel, for those unaware, of the player spending long, almost unnecessary, amounts of time on just trying to become stronger]). Even then, there could be so much more done with the Great Fox, if it is treated as a hub. Don't even get me started on the amount of customization that could be put in (including, but not limited to the customization of fighting mechanics, weaponry, and vehicles). It could be simply epic, and something to get lost into, let alone itself.

Of course, an option to dispatch other members of Star Fox with you is a must (this is where multiplayer could come into play as well). Sometimes, it could be a requirement, depending on the quest/mission.

Yet at the same time, while you could (optionally) explore Lylat/perform side quests, I said that Star Fox needs to have a sense of urgency (wherein lies the sense of strategy, and how you handle decisions regarding your path towards Cornerian victory [or the end result of the game itself, if Corneria isn't, for provided/known understandable reasons, the main vessel of the story]). I must stress the difference between this idea and the concept in Command. In Command, while you have paths to choose from, its linear. The perfect Star Fox game would be open-exploration, however a sense of urgency needs to still exist. It is possible to work around with the idea of the opposing cause constantly advancing in the game, requiring you to act in defense of your own cause, whatever it shall be, if chosen to do so; however, it shouldn't be real-time. It shouldn't be turn-based either. This, is where the possibilities of Star Fox merely begin!

How should the opposition advance their cause without it being real-time or turn-based? This requires experimentation. Heck, Star Fox could spearhead a new way to treat strategy games, without the strategy element getting in the way of the wonder and immersion. Think of Skyrim (open-exploration feel) mixed with Majora's Mask (feel of urgency and need to act, except without the constant time countdown and the fact that you could reset the three days whenever you wished). Then brew in the additional idea of an opposition that is advancing their cause while you advance yours, and you could have one interesting stew.

As for the controls? Options, options, options. Of course, options without them becoming convoluted. For a specific example, an option (in a menu, as to set a default, whichever is most comfortable to the gamer) to switch between first-person or third-person while being on-foot (IMPORTANT: and not having it where the game would require you to switch between both to accomplish certain feats, as that would be stupid. Instead, allow the game to be completed with both perspectives, as that will grant more options to the player). How should the controls feel? Sexy. That's how they should feel (or at least strive to be). For a specific example, have you ever played Borderlands? This would be a good example of the first-person controls. As for third-person controls, have you ever played a game called Loadout? It has impressive third-person controls (the feel of the character's movement, not necessarily referring to the actual keyboard inputs, because a physical hand-held controller is a must). Mix these two together, and you have an idea of what on-foot could be like. As for spacial/aerial/vehicular controls, think of the best controls you've experienced in each of these venues, but strive to make improvements in each, and aim to give the player more feel and control.

When it comes to on-foot innovation, there is one more thing I have to talk about: Interaction with your surroundings. The last thing Star Fox should be is an all-out Parkour game. However, I believe a Parkour element (without the interactions feeling like frustrating obstacles), could be used to give the player advantage in the battlefield. It could be fresh to come across an experience that allows you to interact with your surrounding, whether (as examples) in an athletic fashion to gain higher ground or to simply confuse enemies. The point is, the player needs to feel like they can control the battlefield, whatever medium it may be (ground/air/space/etc.). This could also be used to feature the athleticism of particular Star Fox characters (which would vary, of course, just juxtapose Slippy's athletic potential vs. Fox's, etc.). Heck, you could add certain abilities from the Smash Brothers series, to divvy up the on-foot experience, on top of all the weaponry and athleticism (without it becoming complicated or gimmicky).

And finally, comes the psychological aspect of the game: the player's perspective. The paragraph above stated that the player should feel like they have the ability to control the battlefield. Yes, however you need to strike them with an omnipotent dichotomy: where you can have control, you can lose it. In other words, there needs to be a common sense of danger, provocative to the player(s) alone, and mostly affecting the player's psychological interpretation of the experience. This could be provided through various means, including (but not limited to): character liveliness and development (in terms of you wanting to invest in the characters more, so you feel like they are a part of you, or a part of your friendship, ergo, your responsibility), general difficulty (which could pertain to the ability of enemy A.I. [which is a topic for a later date, as I have crazy ideas for A.I. similar to cleverbot, but on a more human-esque level of adaption]), certain decisions needed to be made (whenever they appear), and even the general atmosphere (more subjective than objective, but that's the point: psychological effects on the player).

For the multiplayer aspect, there's simply so much you could do... I just want to briefly mention one thing I have been thinking about. Beyond the needed aerial/spacial dogfights (which could be unbelievably fun [there's that word again, Mr. Miyamoto, hint hint], there's something else: Clan Wars. This could be revolutionary for Nintendo. Two whole groups could simulate a Lylat war, for example Venom vs. Corneria, online. What could you do with this? I'll let your imagination run wild...

Apologies for the wall of text, but I find Star Fox to be the only Nintendo game that causes me to get lost within its possibilities. That alone should be a testament to how I feel about Star Fox. Heck, we didn't even get to discuss the possible stories that the franchise could tell! With a cast of characters and a universe like that, many things are possible...

This was just a taste of what I meant by saying in the previous page's post, that "Star Fox could become Nintendo's magnum opus."

And that's what is exciting.


It just doesn't seem like Nintendo sees the same way (or, perhaps, even similarly)...

We may never see Star Fox rise to its full potential...

I'm not even sure of Star Fox's full potential myself, to be honest. It seems like it could even do more than I have ever contemplated.

So yeah. Feel free to share these ideas, if you find them interesting of course.

And as always, Krystal for SSB4!
And those were mainly just basic mechanic-related ideas I came up with in roughly a few hours.

6 Years?! Jeez, Miyamoto...


It's incredibly frustrating. Sometimes I need to vent.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
At this point, I'm not sure. They could probably do a really good job with it. Miyamoto is apparently looking for studios to help him finish the game within the year 2015.

Then again, Miyamoto is heavily overseeing the production. I'm going to be completely honest: that alone has me worried. The guy can't leave Star Fox alone. He doesn't really oversee Mario or Zelda these days... Why can't he let someone else come in and bring fresh ideas to Star Fox?

Oh yeah, I forgot, this is the real motto of Miyamoto, as quoted by Dylan Cuthbert: "No idea must go into a game, even if it is a good one."

Yep. He said that.

It must be stressful to work with Miyamoto. He seems to be extremely selfish and strangely limiting himself. In that sense, I fear for the fate of the company that has to work with him. I also inadvertently fear for the Wii U Star Fox game. The kind of innovation Miyamoto might bring to the series will probably not be the kind of innovation the series needs...
Well that's Ol' Shiggy for ya, Miyamoto needs to retire, he's stuck in the past, Miyamoto needs to step back and let Retro do what they do best.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
At this point, I'm not sure. They could probably do a really good job with it. Miyamoto is apparently looking for studios to help him finish the game within the year 2015.

Then again, Miyamoto is heavily overseeing the production. I'm going to be completely honest: that alone has me worried. The guy can't leave Star Fox alone. He doesn't really oversee Mario or Zelda these days... Why can't he let someone else come in and bring fresh ideas to Star Fox?

Oh yeah, I forgot, this is the real motto of Miyamoto, as quoted by Dylan Cuthbert: "No idea must go into a game, even if it is a good one."

Yep. He said that.

It must be stressful to work with Miyamoto. He seems to be extremely selfish and strangely limiting himself. In that sense, I fear for the fate of the company that has to work with him. I also inadvertently fear for the Wii U Star Fox game. The kind of innovation Miyamoto might bring to the series will probably not be the kind of innovation the series needs...

That is, in this day and age.

Oh, I should mention. Miyamoto has been playing around with that demo for around 6 years. I would say he's having a tough time figuring out just what to do with Star Fox. Why should it take 6 years just to figure out what to do with the series that, arguably, has the most potential out of every Nintendo franchise?!

I made a post a while back. Allow me to quote it:

And those were mainly just basic mechanic-related ideas I came up with in roughly a few hours.

6 Years?! Jeez, Miyamoto...


It's incredibly frustrating. Sometimes I need to vent.
Exactly, Nintendo needs that, if Miyamoto would let Star Fox go and loosen the restrictions on Retro, Star Fox could be the epic space opera that it always should have been

Joe D.

Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2014
New York
Shiggy is the reason why we haven't seen certain franchises for years. As much as I welcome innovation and change, it isn't always needed. Sometimes it's fine with the formula it's been using as long as it's still welcomed amongst the consumers. My go to for this is always F-Zero. Miyamoto always says that he hears the fans with their demands on a new installment, but he doesn't know how the franchise could evolve. It really doesn't have to, because it's formula works. Just give me a new game with better graphics and sound, and some more customization and I'll be good to go.
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
What star fox games has miyamoto work on? didn't he make the decision on star fox adventures!


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
What star fox games has miyamoto work on? didn't he make the decision on star fox adventures!
He has overseen the development of all of them.

Shiggy is the reason why we haven't seen certain franchises for years. As much as I welcome innovation and change, it isn't always needed. Sometimes it's fine with the formula it's been using as long as it's still welcomed amongst the consumers. My go to for this is always F-Zero. Miyamoto always says that he hears the fans with their demands on a new installment, but he doesn't know how the franchise could evolve. It really doesn't have to, because it's formula works. Just give me a new game with better graphics and sound, and some more customization and I'll be good to go.
I agree. My ideas of "innovation" for Star Fox are to merely deepen the wonder of the gamer, not to provide some peripherals that "simulate" in-game immersion or virtual reality, or strange gimmicky controls that supposedly "immerse" the player into the feel of, say, an Arwing. *cough Miyamoto cough*

He also said that it would take the average gamer roughly 30 minutes to an hour just to figure out the new controls! I would like a game that I could just pick up, play, enjoy, and experience wonder from.

And no, I don't want a game that I pick up and get bored from in roughly 15 minutes. That's why I was extremely disappointed with Nintendo's E3 press this year. Most games they showed are face-value entertaining, with little to offer outside of their short replay value. But that's another topic.
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2013
Shiggy is the reason why we haven't seen certain franchises for years. As much as I welcome innovation and change, it isn't always needed. Sometimes it's fine with the formula it's been using as long as it's still welcomed amongst the consumers. My go to for this is always F-Zero. Miyamoto always says that he hears the fans with their demands on a new installment, but he doesn't know how the franchise could evolve. It really doesn't have to, because it's formula works. Just give me a new game with better graphics and sound, and some more customization and I'll be good to go.
I dont feel like SF is the game for that though.
The formula simply doesnt works, that why the games are so different, is good the first time but nothing else.

The real potential is in the multiplayer, and i have a good feeling about this one :p


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
He has overseen the development of all of them.

I agree. My ideas of "innovation" for Star Fox are to merely deepen the wonder of the gamer, not to provide some peripherals that "simulate" in-game immersion or virtual reality, or strange gimmicky controls that supposedly "immerse" the player into the feel of, say, an Arwing. *cough Miyamoto cough*

He also said that it would take the average gamer roughly 30 minutes to an hour just to figure out the new controls! I would like a game that I could just pick up, play, enjoy, and experience wonder from.

And no, I don't want a game that I pick up and get bored from in roughly 15 minutes. That's why I was extremely disappointed with Nintendo's E3 press this year. Most games they showed are face-value entertaining, with little to offer outside of their short replay value. But that's another topic.
Ehhh, I don't know. I mean I bet miyamoto has his own dreams and ideals too, showing how much he wants to wow people with new mechanics sounds like he really wants to leave his mark on gaming in more ways then one, instead of just making the same thing over and over again.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Ehhh, I don't know. I mean I bet miyamoto has his own dreams and ideals too, showing how much he wants to wow people with new mechanics sounds like he really wants to leave his mark on gaming in more ways then one, instead of just making the same thing over and over again.
Yes, but that's not what I was getting at.

I was getting at the fact that he restricts others from promoting their ideas into Star Fox. It comes of, at least to me, as a bit selfish.

He apparently doesn't care that Zelda is being worked on by the Dynasty Warriors team into Hyrule Warriors (I don't have a problem with this, by the way). That's another franchise he had a heavy hand in on creating. Why can't he allow other studios to work on various Star Fox games to see which one works the best, simultaneously?
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Yes, but that's not what I was getting at.

I was getting at the fact that he restricts others from promoting their ideas into Star Fox. It comes of, at least to me, as a bit selfish.

He apparently doesn't care that Zelda is being worked on by the Dynasty Warriors team into Hyrule Warriors (I don't have a problem with this, by the way). That's another franchise he had a heavy hand in on creating. Why can't he allow other studios to work on various Star Fox games to see which one works the best, simultaneously?

Maybe It would work the best in profits, but would it be new and interesting? I have very mixed thoughts on this and it reminds me of capcom who doesn't innovate at all and just keeps making the same crap over and over again to insure profits and escape the premise of a big failure for doing something new. He sounds like he doesn't want to become that.

I'm actually kind of glad he is not afraid to take so many risks, it tells me he's not in it solely for the money like EA or capcom.
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Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Maybe It would work the best in profits, but would it be new and interesting? I have very mixed thoughts on this and it reminds me of capcom who doesn't innovate at all and just keeps making the same crap over and over again to insure profits anf escape the premise of a big failure for doing something new. He sounds like he doesn't want to become that.
Too bad, because the game sounds like it's just going to be on-rails in the Arwing (plus all-range probably for dogfights, which isn't anything we haven't seen) and on-ground with a robot (as well as the addition of a helicopter, which I'm skeptical about).

This is mostly the same game-play that the franchise has given for a while (or at least in specific past iterations).

He's not innovating within the game, but without it. For now, it seems that Miyamoto's innovating only with the controls, and frankly I'm worried.

EDIT: If this is the case, he doesn't have to use Star Fox to introduce these control innovations.
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Too bad, because the game sounds like it's just going to be on-rails in the Arwing (plus all-range probably for dogfights, which isn't anything we haven't seen) and on-ground with a robot (as well as the addition of a helicopter, which I'm skeptical about).

This is mostly the same game-play that the franchise has given for a while (or at least in specific past iterations).

He's not innovating within the game, but without it. For now, it seems that Miyamoto's innovating only with the controls, and frankly I'm worried.

EDIT: If this is the case, he doesn't have to use Star Fox to introduce these control innovations.
I've been listening in for this game and I think its way to soon to judge it when we haven't even see a stage demo. I've heard about the helicopter thing and how the arwing could turn into a tank, but we don't know for sure how its going to play and we shouldn't fear this to much. Its WAY to early in development to possible make judgements when he hasn't even shown any gameplay.

On my phone again btw, hard to talk properly.
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Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014

I've been listening in for this game and I think its way to soon to judge it when we haven't even see a stage demo. I've heard about the helicopter thing and how the arwing could turn into a tank but we don't know how sure how its going to play and we shouldn't fear this to much. Its WAY to early in developments to possible make judgements when he hasn't even shown any gameplay.

On my phone again btw, hard to talk properly.
I agree. I should warn/remind you though:

Miyamoto is the one who decided to integrate Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures (a word of advice to JonTron, you don't simply say "no" to Miyamoto, otherwise Rare would have said "no"). Miyamoto decided to cancel Star Fox 2 and make Star Fox 64 (even though Star Fox 2 was finished, as they were probably afraid they would lose money due to it being out-shined by the 64 [so yes, even the great Miyamoto is concerned about money and sales]). Miyamoto decided to treat all of the characters like puppets, because that's what he was inspired from in his past (ThunderBirds).

The fact is that Miyamoto is calling all of the shots for Star Fox. No one else has a true say in the matter, at least history hasn't proven otherwise. Star Fox can't receive a game without his green light, at least it hasn't yet.

Taking all of this into consideration, I will probably worry until we know more information.

It's obvious he wants to take the series in a different direction. As he stated before about when Star Fox was treated like a movie franchise, he wants to treat it like an episodic franchise now. It could be good, it could be bad. I mean, he tried to do the same thing with Star Fox Adventures, and just look how that game left the franchise. The man has faults, and that's all I'm pointing out.

Miyamoto has an excellent mind for establishing the base of games, but when he takes control of the entirety, he doesn't have the best track record of execution.

One thing's for certain, and that is he said that the "story will be taking a backseat". This could mean anything, though..

I hate being the "doom and gloom" guy, but I just really care for the series is all...

EDIT: All of the bashing on the different games that have been produced in the franchise has created big divisions in the fans; the bashing going on about how the Star Fox characters in Smash Brothers have semi-clone or quasi-clone specials, and that they have the same copy-pasted and slightly-edited final smashes is everywhere too. Also, I see people everywhere correlating how the Star Fox characters were treated in Smash with the franchises' inability to produce unique fighters. It's tragic. I'm not saying everyone is like this, though. It's just proliferated everywhere.

All of what has happened to the franchise, with and without Smash Brothers, has become disheartening, at least to me.
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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
It's nice to know Miyamoto has seen development over all of them. He's more than aware of Krystal then.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well, Miyamoto isn't Sakurai. I'm not sure where Sakurai stands, though.
I'm talking about SFWii U

Also, Miyamoto has said if he wanted a character (In Brawl) he would have just had one added. So, Miyamoto pretty much is Sakurai
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Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
I'm talking about SFWii U

Also, Miyamoto has said if he wanted a character (In Brawl) he would have just had one added. So, Miyamoto pretty much is Sakurai
Ah, very true, that.

Actaully, Pac-Man is a testament to this. Miyamoto is the one who wanted him, since Brawl, apparently.

EDIT: Miyamoto was probably more than aware of Miyu and Fay in SF2, and look what happened to them...
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I agree. I should warn/remind you though:

Miyamoto is the one who decided to integrate Dinosaur Planet into Star Fox Adventures (a word of advice to JonTron, you don't simply say "no" to Miyamoto, otherwise Rare would have said "no"). Miyamoto decided to cancel Star Fox 2 and make Star Fox 64 (even though Star Fox 2 was finished, as they were probably afraid they would lose money due to it being out-shined by the 64 [so yes, even the great Miyamoto is concerned about money and sales]). Miyamoto decided to treat all of the characters like puppets, because that's what he was inspired from in his past (ThunderBirds).

The fact is that Miyamoto is calling all of the shots for Star Fox. No one else has a true say in the matter, at least history hasn't proven otherwise. Star Fox can't receive a game without his green light, at least it hasn't yet.

Taking all of this into consideration, I will probably worry until we know more information.

It's obvious he wants to take the series in a different direction. As he stated before about when Star Fox was treated like a movie franchise, he wants to treat it like an episodic franchise now. It could be good, it could be bad. I mean, he tried to do the same thing with Star Fox Adventures, and just look how that game left the franchise. The man has faults, and that's all I'm pointing out.

Miyamoto has an excellent mind for establishing the base of games, but when he takes control of the entirety, he doesn't have the best track record of execution.

One thing's for certain, and that is he said that the "story will be taking a backseat". This could mean anything, though..

I hate being the "doom and gloom" guy, but I just really care for the series is all...

EDIT: All of the bashing on the different games that have been produced in the franchise has created big divisions in the fans; the bashing going on about how the Star Fox characters in Smash Brothers have semi-clone or quasi-clone specials, and that they have the same copy-pasted and slightly-edited final smashes is everywhere too. Also, I see people everywhere correlating how the Star Fox characters were treated in Smash with the franchises' inability to produce unique fighters. It's tragic. I'm not saying everyone is like this, though. It's just proliferated everywhere.

All of what has happened to the franchise, with and without Smash Brothers, has become disheartening, at least to me.
You did bring up one thing thay shocks my nerves, and it was the comment of the story taking a back seat. So I've become cautious of possible disappointment, but a neat thing is that in a video interview of the tester who played the "game" said there might be on foot content as well, he also wasn't sure peppy was in the game but he did say krystal was not in the demo he played and that nothing is currently final besides the fact it sounds like the game would be made.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
You did bring up one thing thay shocks my nerves, and it was the comment of the story taking a back seat. So I've become cautious of possible disappointment, but a neat thing is that in a video interview of the tester who played the "game" said there might be on foot content as well, he also wasn't sure peppy was in the game but he did say krystal was not in the demo he played and that nothing is currently final besides the fact it sounds like the game would be made.
I agree about Krystal. The fact that she doesn't appear in the demo means nothing.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I have a severe fear that the rest of the announced characters are just returning vets.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2014
In the mountains, training....
That would be ideal for me. I much prefer the shock/thrill of unlocking newcomers. Well, presuming I didn't cave to Japanese spoilers.
I know I'm in the same bout but I'm too much of an internet denizen to not be spoiled by this game. they were every ware when Brawl came out and I know it's gona be worse this time around.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I think the big difference this time is that they're not nearly as far away as they were before. 3 weeks between 3DS releases isn't that bad.

Though at the same time, that's a lot of time to still cling to potentially false hope.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I'm actually hoping the official roaster gets leaked.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I'm actually hoping the official roaster gets leaked.
It happened with brawl but because they didn't have any pics we ignored it. That and it had Wolf instead fo Krystal and ROB instead of... anyone else.

We were all stupid kids.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I still believe that Gameatsu has some credibility, so I personally use all that he's said as an outline to what the roster probably will look like.

The most fun right now is seeing how much he got wrong (which doesnt look like too much) and what the potential DLC choices will be. Krystal would probably fair better as a DLC option.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I still believe that Gameatsu has some credibility, so I personally use all that he's said as an outline to what the roster probably will look like.

The most fun right now is seeing how much he got wrong (which doesnt look like too much) and what the potential DLC choices will be. Krystal would probably fair better as a DLC option.
Let It go man/lady! That leak was false! Don't let it control you! You are allowed to dream and speculate again because of it.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
Well even though Comic-Con was a big let down in terms of surprises concerning SSB4. The month of August is coming up soon, so lets wait & see what surprises Sakurai will throw are way. Speaking of which I foresee a possible Nintendo Direct next month, and perhaps this direct could contain a Krystal reveal for SSB4. Thoughts anyone?
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Well even though Comic-Con was a big let down in terms of surprises concerning SSB4. The month of August is coming up soon, so lets wait & see what surprises Sakurai will throw are way. Speaking of which I foresee a possible Nintendo Direct next month, and perhaps this direct could contain a Krystal reveal for SSB4. Thoughts anyone?
We cant predict sakurai, he is good at keeping his secrets, but I of course hope its a new character and not a returning vet.
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True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Well even though Comic-Con was a big let down in terms of surprises concerning SSB4. The month of August is coming up soon, so lets wait & see what surprises Sakurai will throw are way. Speaking of which I foresee a possible Nintendo Direct next month, and perhaps this direct could contain a Krystal reveal for SSB4. Thoughts anyone?
I think an August direct is inevitable. Still thinking a Star Fox trailer is headed our way, and if that happens, there's a high chance we'll get someone new from the franchise. There are still the contingent of Japanese fans that actually want Leon and Slippy.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Let It go man/lady! That leak was false! Don't let it control you! You are allowed to dream and speculate again because of it.
You would have to be pretty dumb to believe the leak is completely false because it was incorrect on one single occasion, despite being correct on every other.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
You would have to be pretty dumb to believe the leak is completely false because it was incorrect on one single occasion, despite being correct on every other.
It was wrong on more then two characters! It would be dumb to trust it after that. If your reasonable facts change you faith in this, not the other way around.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I think an August direct is inevitable. Still thinking a Star Fox trailer is headed our way, and if that happens, there's a high chance we'll get someone new from the franchise. There are still the contingent of Japanese fans that actually want Leon and Slippy.
Well Krystal has more popularity abroad, and it's about time Sakurai actually listens to The West more, and besides there's really nothing new Leon or Slippy could add to the the table, and besides, popularity alone doesn't always get considered for characters (Wii Fit Trainer, Lucina, and Robin), Krystal has potential for a unique move set that Leon and Slippy really don't have, Slippy could be an assist trophy
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