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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
People don't vote for Krystal because of Wolf and people don't vote for Smart Bomb because of Krystal. It's a never ending cycle.
And nobody votes for Slippy :secretkpop:
Tbh, that should change. The more star fox reps we have, the more recognition and chances to reel in new fans there are. I'm all for Krystal, Wolf, Slippy and Smart Bomb joining the roster if it means our fanbase is stronger for it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
And nobody votes for Slippy :secretkpop:

Tbh, that should change. The more star fox reps we have, the more recognition and chances to reel in new fans there are. I'm all for Krystal, Wolf, Slippy and Smart Bomb joining the roster if it means our fanbase is stronger for it.
If only everyone in the Star Fox fandom could think in that mindset. Alas, it's about as likely as world peace. or should I say Lylat peace


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
H-h-he can be scaled down... ;_; LOL. We should probably get back to topic before the five-o gets here.
Most people on this thread probably don't even know what's going on. lol
Well should anyone have any sudden urge to talk Smart Bomb, we have our own PM party going on now, so we can give the Spotlight back to poor Krystal~


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2015
So we're supporting smart bomb nowadays :D, I'm only a week away and this happens.
Anyways, I have a small question that I'd like to ask. After SF Zero, what do you think will happen with the series? I mean do you think nintendo will make a new sequel to the existing timeline, or just "re-create" the timeline with new games that would continue after Zero? Do you think there could be some kind of a spinoff like SF Adventures or maybe something different? Are you expecting more Star Fox games soon after Zero or that it will be put to sleep again for awhile? Plus do you believe that Zero could get DLC?
I'd like to know what you guys think. No need to directly answer to these specific questions, just tell what you think will happen with Star Fox series after Zero.

Also do you think that the possible inclusion of Krystal in smash would kinda make nintendo think that she should definitely stay as a permanent member of Star Fox in the future games?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
So we're supporting smart bomb nowadays :D, I'm only a week away and this happens.
Anyways, I have a small question that I'd like to ask. After SF Zero, what do you think will happen with the series? I mean do you think nintendo will make a new sequel to the existing timeline, or just "re-create" the timeline with new games that would continue after Zero? Do you think there could be some kind of a spinoff like SF Adventures or maybe something different? Are you expecting more Star Fox games soon after Zero or that it will be put to sleep again for awhile? Plus do you believe that Zero could get DLC?
I'd like to know what you guys think. No need to directly answer to these specific questions, just tell what you think will happen with Star Fox series after Zero.

Also do you think that the possible inclusion of Krystal in smash would kinda make nintendo think that she should definitely stay as a permanent member of Star Fox in the future games?
Well a lot of my answers would be what I want to see rather than what I think. Star Fox is in a pretty unpredictable position right now. As people have said in the past, it hasn't been entirely uncommon for Nintendo to "reimagine" a franchise only to go back to its original timeline again with the likes of Metroid and Donky Kong and whatnot. A spin off to Adventures is something I personally wouldn't expect to see, but something I'd accept with open arms. I've always wanted to see a prequel about Krystal that'd go into her backstory and pretty much everything she was up to before she got that distress signal in the actually game. It'd also be cool to see a game like this because it'd be a real opportunity to show off her character and if they'd pulled it off right, not only would it gain a lot more fans for her, but probably convert a few skeptical haters too. Unfortunately though, I don't expect a game like that to ever happen and if it did, it wouldn't really be a direct Star Fox game anyways.

I think how soon we get another Star Fox game will depend on Zero's success, but I'm hoping they'll get back into the mindset where we'll be seeing a Star Fox game every 2 - 4 years. Having to wait another 10 odd years would probably finish me off. D; DLC for Zero I'm not really expecting, but if Nintendo brought out new missions via DLC, (assuming it's OFF disc DLC) then that'd be pretty awesome.

I think it's a given that Krystal making an appearance in Smash 4 would drastically improve our chances of seeing her again sooner rather than later, but if she doesn't make it in, I still don't think that's her "nail in the coffin" by any means. We as her fans will just have to work harder to convince Nintendo how much she's wanted. :p though for all we know, she might appear in the game after Zero anyway. Zero might just be Fox dreaming about his past, then when you beat the game, he wakes back up in present day (aka after the events of Assault) aha.

Anyways, those are my opinions. As I've said in the past, it's all up in the air right now. Some franchises you can predict exactly what's going to happen next coughCoDcough but Star Fox ain't one of them and heck, I like surprises, so I wouldn't have it any other way~


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I think I figured out why Nintendo went back to SF64 with Zero, to test the waters to see if Star Fox still sells. If Zero sells, I have no doubt we will see Krystal again, and the SF64 purists who hate Krystal just because she wasn't in SF64, can go **** themselves with a rusty spork for all I care
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Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
So we're supporting smart bomb nowadays :D, I'm only a week away and this happens.
Anyways, I have a small question that I'd like to ask. After SF Zero, what do you think will happen with the series? I mean do you think nintendo will make a new sequel to the existing timeline, or just "re-create" the timeline with new games that would continue after Zero? Do you think there could be some kind of a spinoff like SF Adventures or maybe something different? Are you expecting more Star Fox games soon after Zero or that it will be put to sleep again for awhile? Plus do you believe that Zero could get DLC?
I'd like to know what you guys think. No need to directly answer to these specific questions, just tell what you think will happen with Star Fox series after Zero.

Also do you think that the possible inclusion of Krystal in smash would kinda make nintendo think that she should definitely stay as a permanent member of Star Fox in the future games?
I see three possible outcomes, Zero is a complete success and EAD continues to develop Star Fox games every few years. It does average and the series slows down again while being handed off to other developers again or the series completely dies once again. I have a feeling history will repeat itself and they'll hand it off to someone else.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I see three possible outcomes, Zero is a complete success and EAD continues to develop Star Fox games every few years. It does average and the series slows down again while being handed off to other developers again or the series completely dies once again. I have a feeling history will repeat itself and they'll hand it off to someone else.
Who were you thinking, Retro or Platinum?


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I don't think it'd be retro since they've kinda hinted that metroid prime would be the project after the one they're currently working on (Wasn't that supposed to be revealed at E3? What happened?). It could be platinum though
Though for the record, Miyamoto should be in a supervisory role, or just have him develop Mario games,


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
Platinum - maybe, but I think they're just being used
Retro - unlikely and you probably wouldnt want em to after how they're treating King K Rool in the DKCR series, they'd probably bash on all post 64 characters

In my view;
Sakurai - If he decides to hopefully, he did almost make one before it became Kid Icarus and you know how that turned out
Cyberconnect2 - Not a full on developer, but as a means of doing the writing, character design and personalities, and lore, while one of the others deals with the gameplay and all that. They did make 100 commercials explaining a ton about their game, is part of Namco Bandai. Just going by that old image I saw months ago. These are the guys that made the Dot Hack series.
Namco Bandai - Most likely to be honest, they did do Assault
Playtonic - A pipe dream, but if say they ever wanted Adventures remastered, the same as it was but extended so it was they way they originally hoped to finish it without the anticlimatic Scales fight and all that. Playtonic's the former Rare staff, and word is they want to partner with Nintendo as they used to be when they were Rare.
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Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
Platinum - maybe, but I think they're just being used
Retro - unlikely and you probably wouldnt want em to after how they're treating King K Rool in the DKCR series, they'd probably bash on all post 64 characters

In my view;
Sakurai - If he decides to hopefully, he did almost make one before it became Kid Icarus and you know how that turned out
Cyberconnect2 - Not a full on developer, but as a means of doing the writing, character design and personalities, and lore, while one of the others deals with the gameplay and all that. They did make 100 commercials explaining a ton about their game, is part of Namco Bandai. Just going by that old image I saw months ago.
Namco Bandai - Most likely to be honest, they did do Assault
Playtonic - A pipe dream, but if say they ever wanted Adventures remastered, the same as it was but extended so it was they way they originally hoped to finish it without the anticlimatic Scales fight and all that. Playtonic's the former Rare staff, and word is they want to partner with Nintendo as they used to be when they were Rare.
Well they brought back Dixie, Cranky and Rambi so they aren't completely against classic DK, plus I like the penguin enemies (They're so cute) and I don't think it's wrong to want to set themselves apart from the other games and unique enemies and villains would do that.

However, Sakurai and his team would be the best possible scenario assuming it'd be like KI:U was


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
BTW, new poll to fill out.

List the character you voted for (or if multiple, the first). I'm spreading it around the other threads so everyone's aware. Feel free to spread it yourselves.


Aug 12, 2015
New Jersey
"Don't vote for some character shoe horned into a Nintendo franchise by Rare. Vote Krystal"

The irony is strong with this one.
but I still love you Krystal

"Don't be listal, vote 4 Krystal"

...I don't get it...


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Eh, well I'm not complaining. It's still Krystal support. even if the grammar nazi inside is dying right now...
I'm kinda suspicious of it to be honest. Sometimes, you get false flaggers posing as Krystal fans to make the most off-putting remarks and images possible. I don't wanna say what's up there is one of those, but Rosalina, Peach and Fox ain't looking too pleased.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
I'm kinda suspicious of it to be honest. Sometimes, you get false flaggers posing as Krystal fans to make the most offsetting remarks and images possible. I don't wanna say what's up there is one of those, but Rosalina, Peach and Fox ain't looking too pleased.
That actually happens? Well I hope that's not the case here. You'd have to have ALOT of time on your hands to draw all those pictures for the sake of trolling. I'm hoping the peeved off characters in the corners is just a little tongue in cheek joke towards the fact people get butthurt over these "vote for..." Posts on the support communities.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
That actually happens? Well I hope that's not the case here. You'd have to have ALOT of time on your hands to draw all those pictures for the sake of trolling. I'm hoping the peeved off characters in the corners is just a little tongue in cheek joke towards the fact people get butthurt over these "vote for..." Posts on the support communities.
I see it this way, extremes exist on both ends of a spectrum. You can have someone like Alfore turning up an insane amount of Krystal support because she(?) loves the character that much. On the other hand, you could have a hater cranking out as many thinly veiled hate posts as they can because they can't stand Krystal and would equate a confirmation to the end of the world. I hope it's not serious either. I haven't made up my mind entirely, but the tone has been less than positive I guess you could say.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I see it this way, extremes exist on both ends of a spectrum. You can have someone like Alfore turning up an insane amount of Krystal support because she(?) loves the character that much. On the other hand, you could have a hater cranking out as many thinly veiled hate posts as they can because they can't stand Krystal and would equate a confirmation to the end of the world.
And then there is me, who loves to own haters


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
And then there is me, who loves to own haters
The best way to own them is to succeed in getting Krystal in. That's going to do long term damage and will give headaches for years to come. Debates are fun and everything, but of course it's the end result that matters most for both sides.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The best way to own them is to succeed in getting Krystal in. That's going to do long term damage and will give headaches for years to come. Debates are fun and everything, but of course it's the end result that matters most for both sides.
Yeah, besides we can finally rub it in the face of all of the haters


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I'm kinda suspicious of it to be honest. Sometimes, you get false flaggers posing as Krystal fans to make the most off-putting remarks and images possible. I don't wanna say what's up there is one of those, but Rosalina, Peach and Fox ain't looking too pleased.
Wait, people are actually running false flag operations to sabotage support bases? That's...low. Who is so obsessed with this that they resort to that?

"Don't vote for some character shoe horned into a Nintendo franchise by Rare. Vote Krystal"

The irony is strong with this one.
Although I'm pretty sure that one was a tongue in cheek joke.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2015
I see it this way, extremes exist on both ends of a spectrum. You can have someone like Alfore turning up an insane amount of Krystal support because she(?) loves the character that much. On the other hand, you could have a hater cranking out as many thinly veiled hate posts as they can because they can't stand Krystal and would equate a confirmation to the end of the world. I hope it's not serious either. I haven't made up my mind entirely, but the tone has been less than positive I guess you could say.
I see what you mean. Of course if these haters had any sense, they'd take that hate and turn it into something positive by spending that time supporting the characters they actually DO like. In the end they're hurting their own "side" just as much.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I see what you mean. Of course if these haters had any sense, they'd take that hate and turn it into something positive by spending that time supporting the characters they actually DO like. In the end they're hurting their own "side" just as much.
I suppose they think it's easier to smear their "opponents" rather than convince people why they're the better choice.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Wait, people are actually running false flag operations to sabotage support bases? That's...low. Who is so obsessed with this that they resort to that?
Who exactly I don't know, but it's been going on for a while. It's not as common on Smashboards where things are actually controlled and the supporters are keeping an eye out for suspicious activity.
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