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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep
For one, I hope anyone of you can forget about these "rule", "pattern" terms. Not everything have patterns. It's not like Sakurai will be like "oh I broke the pattern a bit let me put in a few more characters to fix it". That means even if a 3rd party got 2 reps, it doesn't mean that other companies will.

Same for the "rule" thing. Remember most said "no 2 character from same company (except Nintendo lol)"? Ryu happened. Also for all the things Sakurai said. That means "No 2 reps from the same 3rd party series" is also not a thing.... though of course, if this happened customers will be unhappy. Same applies for "2 reps from the same series for DLC", ofc.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
The PS4 has been out for nearly 2 years so it ****ing better or I'm not bothering
Nintendo doesn't need that kind of specs for their own titles (HD development is still fairly new to them & there's lots left for them to do before making another tech jump) & the ship has sailed on 3rd parties long, it would a waste of resources to design their system around something ultimately futile. The common speculation is NX will be a shared software platform between their net-gen handheld, console, & possible other devices (mobile, QoL) & will essentially make Nintendo's future games cross-platform between these systems.

To make that work however, the handheld & console would have to be relatively close in power: if the console was PS4-5 level then the handheld would have to be fairly close to that, which isn't practical. The way I see it, the NX console will be 2 Wii Us duct taped together while the handheld is Wii U lite.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Apparently it's not a contest, per se. They're just having a little fun to see who gets more support.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if both are already planned...
It can still hold merit later in the series when they think of new characters to do.

Ridley is not going to be Smash DLC
All of the character they have done can not be as DLC.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
It can still hold merit later in the series when they think of new characters to do.
That's why I've said all the votes for Ridley in the Smash Ballot aren't really wasted. They won't get him in for Smash 4, but they might help change Sakurai's mind for Smash 5, whenever that is.

All of the character they have done can not be as DLC.
Yeah, we've seen a lot of characters with low chances get Smashified already. More of them than frontrunners, even!
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Captain Hazama

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2014
13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi
Well I can tell you the characters that I think we won't get in the ballot:
Shantae: Capcom already has Mega Man and Ryu, Smash is supposed to be mainly about Nintendo characters, (no more than 5 3rd parties)
Actually Shantae is owned by Wayforward. There was even a big court battle between Capcom and Wayforward about that game.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
I wouldn't be surprised, they've streamlined the process by now, and they've probably had others in the starting phases when the others started, and they are definitely working on more now. I think part of the reason they've been silent about what's coming next is because they aren't rushing it, which means they can get it down quickly with less pressure. I expect we will get the next announcement before the end of the ballot, and possibly one being inspired by the ballot, now I'm putting my odds on K.Rool, however I could see Wolf and Krystal as a one-two punch in time for Star Fox Zero's release, perhaps as a freebee for buying it like Mewtwo was for both versions of Smash, but that's my conjecture
True. Besides, it would be a good way to promote Starfox Zero as a SF DLC pack for Smash. From the looks of it, things are looking good for us SF fans for this year. But we'll pretty much hear more on this for both SF Zero and the rest of Smash 4's DLC between now to the end of this year.


Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I dunno if any of you know who Josh Jepson is, but he just posted a video of himself playing the StarFox Zero demo at E3. He thinks it's pretty all right.

I actually met him in person twice. Once at pax one year, the other time at E3 recently. I dunno his exact opinion about Krystal, but at the very least he likes where StarFox Zero is going.


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
True but Shantae is the only Nindie character I can see getting in Smash
Her inclusion wouldnt be good though, and I mean this in that every Indie dev would want in afterwards. I dont hate Shantae, just her inclusion or anyone else would result in disaster in the future. At least have Wayforward or someone else do an Indie smash clone, you got the number of others that were made, and the recent Rivals of Aether. In fact, Wayforward almost did release a Smash of their own featuring Shantae and crew, but it didnt happen.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Her inclusion wouldnt be good though, and I mean this in that every Indie dev would want in afterwards. I dont hate Shantae, just her inclusion or anyone else would result in disaster in the future. At least have Wayforward or someone else do an Indie smash clone, you got the number of others that were made, and the recent Rivals of Aether. In fact, Wayforward almost did release a Smash of their own featuring Shantae and crew, but it didnt happen.
True, there are still Nintendo franchises that aren't repped enough (Metroid, Zelda, Star Fox and Donkey Kong,) or aren't repped at all (Golden Sun and Eternal Darkness)


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
No Banjo and Kazooie have no chance. Or at least about 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% chance. Nintendo won't endorse Microsoft, THEIR ****ING RIVAL, for free.
I doubt they'd do it for free, Microsoft would need to give Nintendo tons of money. Microsoft probably wouldn't pay that money though. The only way I see it as possible is if Nintendo bought back rare/the banjo ip


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
What you guys think about the (possible) absence of Krystal in Star Fox Zero?? (since they're going AGAIN to re-imagine the original game).. Think that the possibility hurts her a bit? --I got the fear that Nintendo is trying to discard the character from the series... I'm attached with all the Rare leftovers that are still on Nintendo franchises; :(


Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
What you guys think about the (possible) absence of Krystal in Star Fox Zero?? (since they're going AGAIN to re-imagine the original game).. Think that the possibility hurts her a bit? --I got the fear that Nintendo is trying to discard the character from the series... I'm attached with all the Rare leftovers that are still on Nintendo franchises; :(
It's been confirmed Zero isnt a full on reboot but instead an alternate timeline, this could effect Krystal, Panther, and the others in how they are in there, but it isnt retconning the original timeline.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
It's been confirmed Zero isnt a full on reboot but instead an alternate timeline, this could effect Krystal, Panther, and the others in how they are in there, but it isnt retconning the original timeline.
If that's the case... I hope that they put her at least with the excuse of genre diversity of a playable cast; :\/ .. However, by natural promotion of Star Fox Zero, I expect Wolf to be announced for Smash4; and then, Krystal can get some help from the Ballot.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
What I minute, what if the Star Fox series is divided up into three timelines:
The SNES timeline (SF and SF2)
The 64 timeline (64/Lylat Wars, Adventures, Assault, and Command)
and the Zero timeline,


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
What I minute, what if the Star Fox series is divided up into three timelines:
The SNES timeline (SF and SF2)
The 64 timeline (64/Lylat Wars, Adventures, Assault, and Command)
and the Zero timeline,
StarFox is Zelda comfirmed.

But seriously, that's a very interesting theory. I just wonder if they'll bring back the cut squad members from SF2 (Fey and ... Miku?) for Zero


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
True. Besides, it would be a good way to promote Starfox Zero as a SF DLC pack for Smash.
Careful. That isn't how they handle new characters in Smash.

True, there are still Nintendo franchises that aren't repped enough (Metroid, Zelda, Star Fox and Donkey Kong,) or aren't repped at all (Golden Sun and Eternal Darkness)
Careful. It isn't about "reps".

What you guys think about the (possible) absence of Krystal in Star Fox Zero?? (since they're going AGAIN to re-imagine the original game).. Think that the possibility hurts her a bit? --I got the fear that Nintendo is trying to discard the character from the series... I'm attached with all the Rare leftovers that are still on Nintendo franchises; :(
From what they've said, it's not a retcon; it just happens before Krystal entered the picture. In regards to Smash, it essentially puts her in the same situation as King K. Rool: not gone from the series, but absent from its most recent game.

As we've seen, that hasn't stopped K. Rool's support in the slightest.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What you guys think about the (possible) absence of Krystal in Star Fox Zero?? (since they're going AGAIN to re-imagine the original game).. Think that the possibility hurts her a bit? --I got the fear that Nintendo is trying to discard the character from the series... I'm attached with all the Rare leftovers that are still on Nintendo franchises; :(
Assuming from what the developers said, it's safe to assume that Star Fox Zero is to Star Fox 64 what Metroid Zero Mission is for the original Metroid on NES, a revamped version with some story differences that doesn't have impact on the series' canon. Personally, I wanted an entirely new story, but since what happened after the Lylat Wars remains unchanged I'm okay with that, i just hope next time they decide to finally give us an answer to what actually happened after Assault. Like people already said, she is in the same situation as K.Rool, but the recent re-release of Command might help her chances.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2014
I went on to a recent Krystal thread on GameFaqs today for the Lolz and actually found this post by a user named xaine866 which pretty much accurately describes exactly why people think Krystal is a bad character compared to the rest of the Star Fox cast. Here it is:
Xcalibur02 posted...
Still waiting for someone to explain what makes Krystal so bad compared to the other Star Fox characters.

Think of it this way:

In a franchise where 95% of the characters are male, the series inevitably attracts gays and yaoi fans because it's much easier to ship them if bromance is the theme of the gang, especially with the gay undertones said between the original cast and with Star Wolf. Now, when you throw in an attractive looking woman in the cast that becomes romantically involved with one of the men that yaoi shippers are popular with, it's greatly angers them because their homoerotic fantasies are destroyed, thus they begin to hate that female for 'getting in the way.' Another good example of this character type is Kairi and Namine from KH. They each receive a lot of hatred because they think both girls 'get in the way' between Sora and Riku's/Roxas's and Axel's yaoi fantasies, even though neither of them, or Star Fox's cast are romantically involved with each other.

Then there's also the 'furry' stigma Krystal has, but this too is redundant because of my first point. People are quick to jump on the furry hate train while being oblivious to how much furries draw porn and sexualize the guys just as much as furries do to Krystal.

There's also people saying she's useless and has no personality, but this too is subjective because one can say the same things about the other members too. Nobody really has a fleshed out past or personality, except maybe Peppy because his past is more known, but even with that, he's only known for the barrel roll meme, that even Nintendo is beating into the ground.

Finally, the whole 'she killed Star Fox' is also a thing. But what's ironic is Krystal didn't stop Nintendo from making 643D or Zero. And to add to this, Zero's biggest flaws regarding the graphics, controls, no online, and some of the gameplay mechanics have absolutely nothing to do with her, and yet people will STILL blame her if this game sells bad because of what I listed.

In short, a lot of her hatred is just irrational hate from nostalgic brats who have to play the blame game on someone and believe everything will automatically get better is she's gone. Now I understand not all Krystal naysayers are like this, but they are very small compared to the vocal hate she receives. It's fine if you like or don't like her, but don't go around shoving your love or hate down people's throats
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2015
I went on to a recent Krystal thread on GameFaqs today for the Lolz and actually found this post by a user named xaine866 which pretty much accurately describes exactly why people think Krystal is bad character compared to the rest of the Star Fox cast. Here it is:
This is pretty much what I said awhile ago


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I went on to a recent Krystal thread on GameFaqs today for the Lolz and actually found this post by a user named xaine866 which pretty much accurately describes exactly why people think Krystal is bad character compared to the rest of the Star Fox cast. Here it is:
Finally someone on the SF section of that site who knows what he's talking about, you know what that means!
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Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
What I minute, what if the Star Fox series is divided up into three timelines:
The SNES timeline (SF and SF2)
The 64 timeline (64/Lylat Wars, Adventures, Assault, and Command)
and the Zero timeline,
A few days ago I actually read a news article or saw a video, can't remember which, that theorized the same thing. Was a while ago and I can't recall where I saw this.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I went on to a recent Krystal thread on GameFaqs today for the Lolz and actually found this post by a user named xaine866 which pretty much accurately describes exactly why people think Krystal is bad character compared to the rest of the Star Fox cast. Here it is:
Hey, I was on that topic. I remember that post.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
What you guys think about the (possible) absence of Krystal in Star Fox Zero?? (since they're going AGAIN to re-imagine the original game).. Think that the possibility hurts her a bit? --I got the fear that Nintendo is trying to discard the character from the series... I'm attached with all the Rare leftovers that are still on Nintendo franchises; :(
If we're lucky there may be a level on Sauria or Cerinia & she gets a cameo appearance.

As for Shantae, I think indie devs should all collaborate on their own crossover fighter.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
If we're lucky there may be a level on Sauria or Cerinia & she gets a cameo appearance.

As for Shantae, I think indie devs should all collaborate on their own crossover fighter.
Sauria should totally be a stage ( I KNOW ITS ONE PLANET suggesting a traveling stage). Or that one place with the T Rexes. KRAZOA Palace doesn't really do it for me.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2013
It's a Cloudrunner, any how I hahave an idea if Krystal's Kursed outfit is in the game, her voice, stance, taunts, and victory animations change, to something darker and more threatening
That sounds like a good idea, but I have a feeling that is exactly what happened with Dr Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina during development, I think. I could be wrong. The voice can happen in costume alt. The stance, victory, and taunts however forces the developer to make a clone character. I could also be wrong on that.


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
That sounds like a good idea, but I have a feeling that is exactly what happened with Dr Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina during development, I think. I could be wrong. The voice can happen in costume alt. The stance, victory, and taunts however forces the developer to make a clone character. I could also be wrong on that.
Dr. Mario doesn't have a different voice...

He's literally Mario in a doctor outfit...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
That sounds like a good idea, but I have a feeling that is exactly what happened with Dr Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina during development, I think. I could be wrong. The voice can happen in costume alt. The stance, victory, and taunts however forces the developer to make a clone character. I could also be wrong on that.
The Koopalings had different stances, victory poses, and taunts, plus they had a different announcer call
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