Since this is the Krystal Thread, why not create an indisputable moveset?
Indisputable as in, she WILL have it if she's in.
If you don't know, you can change how the staff attacks by moving the control stick, so I think that's a good place to base her jab and tilts(possibly smashes) off of.
Obviously the staff powers are going to be her specials, and basically everyone says she should have the boost thing(forgot what it's called) and the Flame blast.
DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF TO ADVENTURES ONLY!!! She is in other games and has been shown in artwork to use weapons I.e. grenades.
Needed-practically everything!
Starting off, I'm going to say a Final Smash idea
Name-Saurian Strike: Krystal Focuses, creating a portal for the Dinosaur Planet inhabitants to go through, first off is Tricky from Command, Krystal jumps on him and yells-"Sauria!!!ATTACK!!!" in her native language. As she says that, many Dinos erupt from the portal, attacking her foes with ferocity. They attack depending on where the enemies are, as well as what dinos are summoned. Lightfoots and Cloudrunners and Hightops attack airborne opponents, while Earthwalkers, thorntails, and Snowhorns charge grounded foes. The dinosaurs are killable, but vary greatly. ~5 Lightfoots(5%?),~3 Cloudrunners(8%?) and 1 Hightop(40%?) ~3 Thorntails(10%), ~2 Earthwalkers(15%(not counting tricky)) and 1 Snowhorn(30%?)
Tricky is also using flame constantly, and you can aim(up to 20 degrees?) Flameblast/Ice thing?
cloudrunner home map view ability Lylat Zone's the limit!
NOTE-I haven't played starfox adventures in quite a while, so I'm a bit rusty, I know what I am talking about however, and do remember enough to help out here. That or I'm crazy and stupidly lucky. You decide.
Also, how cool would it be if Marcus got a mention, and became canon?
If anyone has any skill in making animations, we'd be able to make GIFs of the possible moves, showing exactly what the moves look like!