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Pretty in pink or true in blue, Krystal for Sm4sh!


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
The leak thread found data hinting at 5 extra DLC characters. Along with Roy, Ryu and Lucas this means there's two unknown DLC characters. Now here's the interesting part, though I must inform you that from this point on it's all speculation.

Sakurai once said it takes a character about a year to complete. Even if they've got a lot of different teams working on it I don't think we'll see any poll chosen characters for a while especially since the poll ends in October. The speculation is that the 6 characters set up for DLC are chosen before hand and that there's a second wave on the way with poll chosen characters.

This could bode well for Krystal is Wolf is part of the first wave but the sooner he's revealed the better.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
The leak thread found data hinting at 5 extra DLC characters. Along with Roy, Ryu and Lucas this means there's two unknown DLC characters. Now here's the interesting part, though I must inform you that from this point on it's all speculation.

Sakurai once said it takes a character about a year to complete. Even if they've got a lot of different teams working on it I don't think we'll see any poll chosen characters for a while especially since the poll ends in October. The speculation is that the 6 characters set up for DLC are chosen before hand and that there's a second wave on the way with poll chosen characters.

This could bode well for Krystal is Wolf is part of the first wave but the sooner he's revealed the better.
Agreed more or less.

StarWarrior brought this up yesterday and I shared my thoughts succinctly. Here's the gist of it...
The dataminer dipped into the stage/character files, in the original he looked into the music files.

Yes, the 7 stages is new. And correct. Its being assumed that 2 more characters are being added to the roy/ryu/lucas mix. (There are 5 placeholder "marios" after mewtwo) Which was unknown in the original sound file leak. But it is not known whether its just gonna be wolf + ballot winner or two more characters, THEN they dip into the ballot.

If you dont quite understand, there's a wordpress linked in the reddit link that explains better, as i cant explain well haha.

With this data i can see the assurance of wolf and another vet (snake?) being planned pre ballot. If this data is pre ballot, which most assume it is.

Just wanted to know if you guys' thoughts on this to see if she has a shot, knowing this data
Well, it's info that only really raises more questions than it gives answers. I can't really feel anything about it other than to hope for the best. Personally, I'd rather this not mean much because we're not seeing everything.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
The leak thread found data hinting at 5 extra DLC characters. Along with Roy, Ryu and Lucas this means there's two unknown DLC characters. Now here's the interesting part, though I must inform you that from this point on it's all speculation.

Sakurai once said it takes a character about a year to complete. Even if they've got a lot of different teams working on it I don't think we'll see any poll chosen characters for a while especially since the poll ends in October. The speculation is that the 6 characters set up for DLC are chosen before hand and that there's a second wave on the way with poll chosen characters.

This could bode well for Krystal is Wolf is part of the first wave but the sooner he's revealed the better.
I honestly believe they have a line-up already in place or else why have the ballot last for six months if you already know what DLC characters they were going to make. I take it after those slots are filled we will have to wait until after October for them to show (one at a time maybe?) who makes the cut.

With the Pre-Ballot and Post-Ballot DLC Krystal's chances are pretty solid that way. If its not and those are the only slots left...Then there isn't much hope. Still, I highly doubt the former would be the case.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
I honestly believe they have a line-up already in place or else why have the ballot last for six months if you already know what DLC characters they were going to make. I take it after those slots are filled we will have to wait until after October for them to show (one at a time maybe?) who makes the cut.

With the Pre-Ballot and Post-Ballot DLC Krystal's chances are pretty solid that way. If its not and those are the only slots left...Then there isn't much hope. Still, I highly doubt the former would be the case.
Yeah. Because otherwise, that ballot would have been a waste of time and we voted for nothing. But because of this, I have a feeling that Sakurai is going to consider it based on our votes for Krystal and the same goes for K. Rool and Isaac since we know those are 2 of the highly requested characters that we are aware of and most likely Sakurai knows this. Let's hope for the best here.



Smash Cadet
May 18, 2006
East Orange, NJ
I've been sitting here for quite a while since this hacking happened wondering why people kept thinking that this information was going to be the end-all-be-all to this whole DLC thing. It wouldn't be a stretch for Nintendo to have some plans laid out before deciding to actually open up the roster possibilities to the fanbase, which most likely was a decision done quite a whiles ago either before or early in Mewtwo's development. Also, people keep thinking that even if this info is true (most likely it is) that there isn't another way to add more characters on top of the current 5 being planned. Super Street Fighter IV (released in 2010) was updated quite a few times with additional DLC characters over the course of a few years (Evil Ryu, Oni, Yun, Yang for Arcade Edition in 2012, then Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and Decapre for Ultra last year). Point that I'm trying to make here is that it's way too early to be thinking that there's only 2 more slots to fill (like nearly everyone else on the internet apparently has been doing without thinking). If the need be, a company can just alter the coding in order to support a further amount. Some posts before me mention that there will be a 'two-layered wave of releases' which I rather agree with. The first is getting old vets out of the way (atm 5 chars in line with the current data setup: Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Wolf & the Ryu deal with Capcom) and then there could be another update some time after October going into 2016 that'll get out the groundwork for characters chosen from the ballot. Keep in mind again that this isn't only a popularity contest, but the fact that Sakurai likes to try to make characters he feel may be a surprise and unique enough to put into the series as playable, and he and his team can fully see candidates once the easy veteran picks are out of the way. Also, as with the whole Robin/Lucina thing, there's no real thing about 'just one rep per series' either. As much as it's a possibility that we'd get BOTH Dixie and Rool from DK, we could get a pack for Wolf/Krystal... OR they could come at separate times. Again, right now worrying about 'slots' really shouldn't be an issue this early into things.

Now, I'm going with this with the belief that, similar to the whole Street Fighter IV thing [because people who were paying attention should remember that Capcom did a character poll just before revealing Ultra for who fans wanted to put into a future SF game (which people believed to be the last character from Ultra for nearly a year)] that Nintendo won't be stupid as hell like Capcom did and just double back after the poll and add Decapre out of thin air, totally ignoring the poll. I feel Nintendo actually gives a few craps more about what their fanbase would like unlike Capcom, so I'm still waiting and seeing this one through. Krystal's chances haven't lowered at all yet, just like any other hopeful like Issac, K. Rool, Dixie and whomever else. In fact her chances keep improving little by little. If all the vets get in first, I take it Nintendo would go for the easy access (aka first-party) character picks first before doing anything out of company from the ballot. Now, realistically, how many other characters who come from another Nintendo's franchises outside of DK, Zelda and Splatoon (because by that time the game would be released) can be an easy choice to add over finally noticing Krystal as a newcomer that isn't already in the game as an assist trophy or boss if we hypothetically get another 5 slots on-top of the ones I listed? Yeah, I'm still betting on Krystal for now.

Sorry, didn't intend for this post to be so long, but I figure I'd weigh in pretty heavy with this one.
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Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
After enjoying mewto a bit i have returned. So well star fox news has been dry but anyways time to speculate a bit. So E3 is soon and we all know DLC and Star Fox are the biggest factors now because of the delay of LOZ 2015. However unlike most people i don't believe smash announcements will happen (unless a veteran pack happens...) so honestly nothing much. (Been in massive speculation lately with other games and series)


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
If Sakurai reveals Wolf as a character, within the next month,Krystal's chances are increased, and Krystal could potentially jump into the top 5
True, can't ever have enough Star Fox.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I know the feeling. There's still this part of me that knows there's a slight chance he could ditch her. I've gone over it many times in my head though, and I feel the chances really are slight, but they're there all the same.
If there are any characters that should be retconned , one of them should be Amanda, she's useless, at least Krystal and Katt are useful, Amanda is a useless love interest, and believe me there are differences between a love interest like Krystal, who has proven to be important to the main plot, and useless love interests like Amanda, who's only purpose for existing is giving Slippy a love interest


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
If there are any characters that should be retconned , one of them should be Amanda, she's useless, at least Krystal and Katt are useful, Amanda is a useless love interest, and believe me there are differences between a love interest like Krystal, who has proven to be important to the main plot, and useless love interests like Amanda, who's only purpose for existing is giving Slippy a love interest
I'm not too quick to pass judgement on these things since I see people do it all the time with Krystal. I don't really know or care about Amanda's character, but I'm not asking for her to be retconned out. They could figure out something for her potentially. Unless you're playing with multiple universes like Zelda, it kind of just feels sloppy to force a retcon. Command does open up the door to being fairly disposable with the way it told it's story though. Admittedly, if Amanda didn't show up in the new Star Fox, I wouldn't bat an eye.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2014
Miami, Florida
I know the feeling. There's still this part of me that knows there's a slight chance he could ditch her. I've gone over it many times in my head though, and I feel the chances really are slight, but they're there all the same.
I doubt it'll happen of Miyamoto removing Krystal from the series. Even he is aware of the fanbase around her which the majority do like her. After all, she's officially part of the series and will stay. If he wanted to get rid of her, he would have done that right after Adventures. But he hasn't and she's been appearing ever since. Despite the endings that Command has, she's still a popular character in the series. Why do you think the Japanese audience have been requesting for Krystal to be a playable character in the Smash series since Brawl. It's not just because she's the most requested character, but also because of Starfox Wii U? Miyamoto, Imamura and everyone at Nintendo knows that. She's pretty much the Starfox version of Peach and Zelda for instance. I have faith she'll be back in SF Wii U for sure. Also I have a feeling that Miyamoto knows what he's doing. This new entry in the Starfox series is something that Miyamoto has been wanting to do since the Wii generation. Once a character like Krystal has established themselves in a franchise, they are there to stay. That is why I believe her chances to be in Smash 4 and in SF Wii U are really good.

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Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
I doubt it'll happen of Miyamoto removing Krystal from the series. Even he is aware of the fanbase around her which the majority do like her. After all, she's officially part of the series and will stay. If he wanted to get rid of her, he would have done that right after Adventures. But he hasn't and she's been appearing ever since. Despite the endings that Command has, she's still a popular character in the series. Why do you think the Japanese audience have been requesting for Krystal to be a playable character in the Smash series since Brawl. It's not just because she's the most requested character, but also because of Starfox Wii U? Miyamoto, Imamura and everyone at Nintendo knows that. She's pretty much the Starfox version of Peach and Zelda for instance. I have faith she'll be back in SF Wii U for sure. Also I have a feeling that Miyamoto knows what he's doing. This new entry in the Starfox series is something that Miyamoto has been wanting to do since the Wii generation. Once a character like Krystal has established themselves in a franchise, they are there to stay. That is why I believe her chances to be in Smash 4 and in SF Wii U are really good.

Yeah, I totally get it. Like I said, I've gone over the facts in my head many times and know the chances of Krystal returning are really great. But for all the logic and sense you can make of it, it's still not a certainty. There's that slight chance. I'd say I'm 95% sure she's coming back.

I think the weight you put on her fanbase as a deciding factor for Miyamoto is a tad high too. This is the same guy that doesn't see a future for F-Zero despite it's fanbase, and that's an entire franchise and not just a character.

Actually, I should clarify, he doesn't know what to do with F-Zero... it's not that he doesn't think something could be done at a later date. I think part of the hang up is that he feels he has to do something innovative when most F-Zero fans would be happy with GX in HD basically. I think he also thinks Mario Kart does everything F-Zero could but sells better.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The problem with Miyamoto is quite simple, he focuses on "innovation" just for the sake of innovation, like the rest of Nintendo, Miyamoto seems to think every game needs a gimmick, some games aren't groundbreaking, but it doesn't matter if the game isn't innovative as long as the game is enjoyable and fun, just look at GTA V, Need for Speed, Last of Us, Skyrim, Fallout 3, or Fallout New Vegas, none of those games were the most innovative, but what they did, they did well. Innovation can be nice, but if innovation is the main focus, other areas lag behind, Nintendo should know that by now, considering how many times they have tried and failed.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
The problem with Miyamoto is quite simple, he focuses on "innovation" just for the sake of innovation, like the rest of Nintendo, Miyamoto seems to think every game needs a gimmick, some games aren't groundbreaking, but it doesn't matter if the game isn't innovative as long as the game is enjoyable and fun, just look at GTA V, Need for Speed, Last of Us, Skyrim, Fallout 3, or Fallout New Vegas, none of those games were the most innovative, but what they did, they did well. Innovation can be nice, but if innovation is the main focus, other areas lag behind, Nintendo should know that by now, considering how many times they have tried and failed.
Innovation is what separates Nintendo from the other gaming companies, and I think they understand that. All the other games you mentioned are games that sell on the consoles that care most about pushing processing power and visuals. For Nintendo to be competitive they have to do something different because they can't play the same game of "who's more powerful" that Microsoft and Sony are playing.

Likewise, their games have to be different. If they present an experience you can just as easily experience on an Xbox, then they don't have an edge. It's their game design model in general. Even their biggest most popular franchises venture into these realms just to have an edge and be different. I can't blame them for pushing it so much, but I agree that in a lot of cases they should just go with what works. But then they also don't want to be stale either. It can be hard to please fans. Some want the same experience they very first fell in love with while others thirst for something new.

It's funny because getting frustrated that Miyamoto cares too much about innovating isn't that far from being angry he made a Star Fox game like Adventures. People often want different things from their games. I know that some are hoping that Star Fox Wii U is just Star Fox 64 2 and are also frustrated that Miyamoto is working on gimmicks they'll hate, while others are only interested in this new Star Fox game because perhaps this innovation he's working on will finally make Star Fox interesting to them when they've never liked the old ones. And still others might've fallen in love with Star Fox with Adventures and are wondering when that's going to happen again instead of these boring rail shooters. Just so many people to please, heh. I think Miyamoto is trying to keep the stuff people have liked while adding in something new to keep things fresh for existing fans and attract people that aren't fans yet.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Innovation is what separates Nintendo from the other gaming companies, and I think they understand that. All the other games you mentioned are games that sell on the consoles that care most about pushing processing power and visuals. For Nintendo to be competitive they have to do something different because they can't play the same game of "who's more powerful" that Microsoft and Sony are playing.

Likewise, their games have to be different. If they present an experience you can just as easily experience on an Xbox, then they don't have an edge. It's their game design model in general. Even their biggest most popular franchises venture into these realms just to have an edge and be different. I can't blame them for pushing it so much, but I agree that in a lot of cases they should just go with what works. But then they also don't want to be stale either. It can be hard to please fans. Some want the same experience they very first fell in love with while others thirst for something new.

It's funny because getting frustrated that Miyamoto cares too much about innovating isn't that far from being angry he made a Star Fox game like Adventures. People often want different things from their games. I know that some are hoping that Star Fox Wii U is just Star Fox 64 2 and are also frustrated that Miyamoto is working on gimmicks they'll hate, while others are only interested in this new Star Fox game because perhaps this innovation he's working on will finally make Star Fox interesting to them when they've never liked the old ones. And still others might've fallen in love with Star Fox with Adventures and are wondering when that's going to happen again instead of these boring rail shooters. Just so many people to please, heh. I think Miyamoto is trying to keep the stuff people have liked while adding in something new to keep things fresh for existing fans and attract people that aren't fans yet.
The problem with Nintendo is that they try too hard to please everyone, when inevitably some people won't be pleased. I also believe that Nintendo's focus should change from gimmicky hardware, to game innovation, What I mean is focusing on games with fresh innovative concepts, with hardware similar to PS4 and Xbox One for the 3rd Parties. Another problem with Nintendo is that they are out of touch, what worked in the past might not work now, and Nintendo has failed to realize that

Foxy Renegade

Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2015
Don't get me wrong, innovation isn't a bad thing at all. But, the amount of faith Nintendo as a company places on innovation is part of the reason they are where they are. I didn't buy (and neither did a lot of people) the Nintendo Wii U because of it's hugely innovative Wii U Game-Pad with the ability to control your television no less. I bought it because of the exclusives. I bought it entirely to sync up with the release of this iteration of Smash Bros. Before that, I didn't even really know it existed (and surprisingly it was released in 2012).

Innovation has both set Nintendo apart from it's competitors while handicapping it. During the time they spend innovating their systems and games other areas get left behind. Hence, why they were the last system to reach High Definition. The only reason Nintendo has survived are because of it's exclusives (that you'd have to pry away from their cold, dead hands). Nintendo managed to sell numerous consoles of Smash Bros. alone, showing how powerful some of their exclusives actually are.

Sadly, the time for mass innovation for Nintendo is over. The company needs to prioritize catching up with Microsoft and Sony in terms of graphics and processing power. Nintendo as already succeeded in out-innovating their competitors, but sadly, when they do the other companies just incorporate those ideas into their next generation console. Call of Duty is proof that innovation isn't necessary for success, just have an exclusive that has an overwhelming fan-base...which they have in Super Smash Bros. especially.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
The problem with Nintendo is that they try too hard to please everyone, when inevitably some people won't be pleased. I also believe that Nintendo's focus should change from gimmicky hardware, to game innovation, What I mean is focusing on games with fresh innovative concepts, with hardware similar to PS4 and Xbox One for the 3rd Parties. Another problem with Nintendo is that they are out of touch, what worked in the past might not work now, and Nintendo has failed to realize that
And yet, I'm still a hopelessly dedicated Nintendo fan. I guess that makes me someone that should be easy to please, at least relatively. And I guess that means they're more worried about everyone else.

To speak for Star Fox specifically, I think Nintendo has done a lot of great things with it but I see the wide open potential to do even better. I've already gone into great detail about all the possibilities in a post a while back now. I hope they explore that side of the franchise. I'm fine with them trying out new ways to play, and there's a good chance I'll really like it honestly, but the thing that would really make me happy is if they focused on depth of play. Co-op, multiplayer, alternate routes for different characters, alternate dialogue, playing as any team member, unique abilities for all the characters, etc..

Foxy Renegade

Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2015
To speak for Star Fox specifically, I think Nintendo has done a lot of great things with it but I see the wide open potential to do even better. I've already gone into great detail about all the possibilities in a post a while back now. I hope they explore that side of the franchise. I'm fine with them trying out new ways to play, and there's a good chance I'll really like it honestly, but the thing that would really make me happy is if they focused on depth of play. Co-op, multiplayer, alternate routes for different characters, alternate dialogue, playing as any team member, unique abilities for all the characters, etc..
I agree entirely. At this point, we've done everyone primarily from Fox's point of view, but I would love to view the story from another character's perspective/mission. I believe that they should all end the same way (no alternate endings Command). And I really can't see them excluding Krystal. The new generation views Krystal as a part of the team...probably a bigger part than Peppy, Slippy, and sometimes Falco depending on the person. They definitely need to work on character development for every character so that each one has more of an identity. Something like that would actually probably garner more fans for specific Star Fox characters as well.

I can't see much of a Co-Op sadly because of splitscreening while piloting is never very friendly in my opinion. Also the internet connection for Nintendo wouldn't result in the most fluid play. Though they could probably swing a multiplayer which would be awesome. I would love to play Krystal and pilot and Arwing to victory. I really wish they would stop trying to fight her history in Adventures and let her flourish from that storyline. Have her adopt her staff more readily and play more into her telepathic abilities.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
I agree entirely. At this point, we've done everyone primarily from Fox's point of view, but I would love to view the story from another character's perspective/mission. I believe that they should all end the same way (no alternate endings Command). And I really can't see them excluding Krystal. The new generation views Krystal as a part of the team...probably a bigger part than Peppy, Slippy, and sometimes Falco depending on the person. They definitely need to work on character development for every character so that each one has more of an identity. Something like that would actually probably garner more fans for specific Star Fox characters as well.

I can't see much of a Co-Op sadly because of splitscreening while piloting is never very friendly in my opinion. Also the internet connection for Nintendo wouldn't result in the most fluid play. Though they could probably swing a multiplayer which would be awesome. I would love to play Krystal and pilot and Arwing to victory. I really wish they would stop trying to fight her history in Adventures and let her flourish from that storyline. Have her adopt her staff more readily and play more into her telepathic abilities.
That underlined part... exactly that. The characters of Star Fox could really use more depth and dimension. I'm not asking for some dramatic story to push them around and force character development that way... I just mean just further building their characters period without story stimulus necessarily. Command was too story heavy and the characters were forced into a linear development that one-dimensionalized them. Ironic with the alt ending and all, but really every character followed a predictable path completely determined by the events of the game. True multi-dimensional character development occurs in the trivial moments. Just simple dialogue during "normal" scenes. I went on and on about this a week or two ago, so I'll hold off on getting wordy. You get the gist. Heck you're the one that brought it back up!

I think Co-op could work. I seem to remember hearing that using cockpit view in Star Fox Wii U is optional, so there's still a chance one person could play on the gamepad and the other on the TV. And even if that can't happen, online co-op could be a thing you could do with friends. Although, online co-op seems like it might just be too big of a leap for Nintendo to make. Connection might be an issue too yeah, though they could just tone the graphics down a bit like they do for Hyrule Warriors. I don't know. Just a possibility and certainly something for the future if not the near future.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I be!ijeve rhat Star Fox could be Nintendo's answer to Mass Effect or Gears of War
I hope you mean in terms of sci-fi action and not having their backs glued to a chest high wall for the whole game.
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Foxy Renegade

Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2015
I hope you mean in terms of sci-fi action and not having their backs glued to a chest high wall for the whole game.
Whoa man, let's not attack what happens to be my favorite series. lol. Go at Mass Effect, but leave Gears out of this! Also, let's be clear before I jump back to Star Fox...Only noobs spend even a quarter of the game on a wall (unless we're talking story mode).

And no, Nintendo will never have answers to games like those just because those types of games aren't Nintendo at all. Star Fox does stand a legitimate chance at being revived though. They'll need to balance the story, character development, and action with an enticing plot. If they exclude Krystal for some reason though, I'm not buying. lol


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Krystal's one of those characters that I feel is going to get into Smash eventually either way. Characters like her, Bandana Dee, Dixie Kong, Inkling, and Toad seem like slam dunks for the next games as it is and the wait will be even easier if and when she's revealed as part of the supporting cast for the new Star Fox game.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Guys, what I meant by similar to Mass Effect and Gears of War, is that they will play similar to those games
I could get behind a Mass Effect styled RPG Star Fox but instead of the goddamn Mako we get the Land Master.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Guys, what I meant by similar to Mass Effect and Gears of War, is that they will play similar to those games
That'd be a bit of a departure, though, gameplay-wise. Star Fox has always been mainly about the space battles; any on-foot stuff supplements it. I'd be okay with the idea as a side game, as a spinoff or gaiden game of some kind the way Adventures was.

...Although if we're getting another side game I'd rather it be one in the style of Adventures that improves on what it did...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
That'd be a bit of a departure, though, gameplay-wise. Star Fox has always been mainly about the space battles; any on-foot stuff supplements it. I'd be okay with the idea as a side game, as a spinoff or gaiden game of some kind the way Adventures was.

...Although if we're getting another side game I'd rather it be one in the style of Adventures that improves on what it did...
Actyally it could be like Assault

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
There was no exploration in Starfox Assault, though. More like several areas available where you had to complete missions.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I'd be okay with Krystal if Wolf wasn't getting in. But four Star Fox characters seems like too much to me.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
@ IanTheGamer IanTheGamer

Absolutely not! But right now we're not sure how many more DLC characters are going to get in. We might have a very finite amount.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
@ IanTheGamer IanTheGamer

Absolutely not! But right now we're not sure how many more DLC characters are going to get in. We might have a very finite amount.
Hard to say. But it doesn't necessarily mean that Wolf's near-inevitable return automatically rules Krystal out. Especially with how much support she has already, and doubly so if she looks awesome in the Star Fox U trailer at E3.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2009
Northern California
Appears we've finally been caught by the Rayman thread. A few days ago @ Guybrush20X6 Guybrush20X6 mentioned how we were the fourth most active character DLC thread in terms of post count. At that time the Rayman thread was really flying along and I said I wouldn't be surprised if they caught us the next day. Turns out it took a few days because the Rayman thread slowed down it's pace. Literally one day they got 100 posts or so.

With this post i'll give us the lead again at least for a moment, unless they've posted again since my typing of this post, hah.

Edit: Nope, they're too busy. They got two in the time it took me to type mine up.

Btw, don't spam this thread because you think we should have more posts or something silly. It was just an observation.
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Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Well, the Rayman thread does have a bandwagon from when Omni pulled the rug out from under us...

It doesn't affect our characters' chances, though. All it does is let us say how big our thread is compared to other threads.

Besides, things may be a little different after E3...
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