Well, heck, let me make another
B moveset.
This one will be based off of Crystal Energy, the power left in her staff. All of her special moves draw from this energy, and when it is completely empty she can no longer do moves. The staff's power supply recharges by either dealing damage with her A moves or receiving damage. The percent recovered is twice the damage dealt/received, so a 3% attack against her would recover 6% of the staff's total energy.
Takes half a second to charge up and then goes rocketing in the direction indicated. Different from Fox/Falco's move because it charges up faster and knocks enemies in the direction of the rocket blast, making it an effective killing move during aerial combat at high percentages.
Takes 10% of the total Crystal Energy. If there isn't enough, then Krystal pops forward just a little bit with a puff of smoke. Since she recovers energy from being damaged, the attack that knocked her off the stage should give her enough energy to recover though.
B Side, Ice Blaster:
After being activated, you can control its direction 360 degrees with the control stick. Also, you retain much of your mobility while spraying, except that you can't run. So, you could jump above someone and spray downward.
No knockback, damage is similar to Bowser's breath. Has a chance of freezing enemies as well that increases with higher percentages.
Each second of use 10% of the staff's total energy. Deactivates when Energy is exhausted.
B Neutral, Fire Blaster:
Krystal will automatically aim it at whatever enemy is closest and fires that semi-homing shot at them. Can be launched off about the same speed as Falco's shots in Melee.
No knockback until higher percentages, then it stuns like Falco's. Damages 2-3%. Very good and unique, as it can be fired upwards as well as it automatically aims at the opponent.
Uses 4% of the total Crystal Energy per shot.
B Down, Groundquake:
I personally think that Groundquake and Super Groundquake should be the same move, just charging it would make it more super. Uncharged, she slams the ground and it stuns and damages those who are standing near her, opening them up for another quick attack.
Charged, after 2 seconds or so, she jumps into the air and comes crashing down. Upon impact, debris is shot into the air, damaging those that are slightly over the ground. Instead of stunning, the stronger quakes will launch enemies into the air, and can easily KO. Of course, most enemies theoretically won't be stupid enough to be hit by the fully charged one.
IN THE AIR: She comes shooting downward until she hits the ground, where she completes her quake move upon impact. However, while charging, she will float in place until the button is released.
Uses 15% of your total Crystal Energy, regardless of how much you charge it. If the move is tried when there isn't enough energy, she won't be able to produce the quake (but she could still shoot downward in the air and damage those in her path)