Smash Champion
Hi there folks. Miss me?
I'll update my stage and runnerup lists later today. For now, I have to get one obscenely long post out of my system.
In other news, Brawl has cusomizable buttom configurations! Power to the people!
Personally, I always thought is was odd that BOTH the X and Y buttons on the Cube controller were assigned to jump. I think I'll map the grab button to Y for easy access.
Fortunately, they are changing their review scheme. Hense forth, they are rounding up to the nearest .5, meaning that a 8.8 counts as a 9.0.
I believe that they are throwing a separate event for the public this October. It's called E 4 All.
Black Knight is Ike's main rival, a major character in the teo most recent FE games and a perfect candidate for Ike's clone. And I guarantee he will be extremely popular playable character, given his undeniably awesome appearance.
As for Miciaiah, her role as the main lord in GoD is major factor - plus she brings more originaality to the roster.
I don't mean to knock SMS (I rather liked it) but the idea that it pushed the boundaries of gaming is simply false. With their first GC Zelda game, Nintendo introduced Wind Waker: a game that took risks at every turn (stunning cel shaded graphics, sea exploration, etc). Conversely, their first Mario game was just a sequel to SM64 - with a jetpack.
size: Small (taller and thinner than Pikachu)
Now every game has to inovate, this is true (two of my favorite games are Prime 2 and Tetris DS, after all) but in the case of a new 3-D Mario platformer, I think most people hold it in high regard since we usually only see one per generation.
With their first GC and Metroid titles, Nintendo produced games that were utterly unique and inspired. With their first GC Mario game, they gave us a polished sequel to an N64 game. I'm not saying it's bad, or even not great - but in comparison to other 3-D platformers from last gen (Ratchet and Clank in particular) Sunshine doesn't hold up as well as Prime or Windwaker.
Fortunatly, Galaxy looks like a game that will set a new standard for platformers, since it not only uses the Wii-mote in unique ways, but allows players to launch themselves from planetoid to planetoid in deep space. It also doesn't hurt that it has the best cartoon-esque graphics since Windwaker.
Fair enough. I like some games like that (*cough* Baten Kaitos *cough*)
As for Dx3, I've thought it over and decided that I was right - he COULD be made as a clone, though it is also possible he could be given a unique moveset. Sorry Smash Daddy...
I hope have can get a Wii soon. Twilight Princess is the best Zelda to date.
Kidding. That was a joke.
A repeat of Kirby would be a bit extreme, but I think Fox should be about the same lelve as Mario or Link.
I'm not so sure about Dixie, but it's not impossible.
Besides that, your list is just about perfect! 9.8/10.
Dude, isn't the Minish Cap Link pretty much identical in appearance to WW Link? Except for, you know, the Minish Cap? There's nothing wrong eith WW Link. Of all the Link's he i the one with the most unique personality and he is starring in the highly anticipated Phantom Hourglass to boot.
Three FE characters is probably the maximum, given the series somewhat niche status and the limited number of character slots. 65 characters would be awesome, but creating a game as balanced as Smash is pretty time consuming, so I somehow doubt that we'll see that many.
Twili Midna is a good alternative if they need to include her as a clone due to lack of time. But Midna/Wolf would be simply too unique to overlook, in my view.
Sheik isn't invincible, but she does give equally skilled opponents an unfair advantage against non-high tier characters. She has to go.
Also, if you've forgotten where we left off...
Why do you hate puppies?
Captain Olimar would have an awesome and unique moveset. His inclusion would increase the originality of the Brawl roster 200%.
"Not generic enough"? Since when is being generis a good thing? Sothe's uniqueness is not a negative, though his non-lord status is.
And... since when is Marth balanced?
You are so going down...
I'll update my stage and runnerup lists later today. For now, I have to get one obscenely long post out of my system.
In other news, Brawl has cusomizable buttom configurations! Power to the people!
Personally, I always thought is was odd that BOTH the X and Y buttons on the Cube controller were assigned to jump. I think I'll map the grab button to Y for easy access.
I'm not feeling it man. As SR93 pointed out, you completely skipped the FE series. How ever, you do have a few interesting choices (Slippy & Lanky in particular) who most likely won't make the cut, but would be interesting nevertheless. 5.5/10 for me. I'll hope you'll stick around and make a scend attempt (this time I suggest with Ike and the Black knight).Here's the 40 i wanna see in there, pick it apart if youd like. I'll give explanations for the odd ones
Mario Games:
Bowser Jr.
DK games:
King K. Rool
Lankey Kong: from DK64, he was my favorite in that game i think he would be interesting to play as, and he would have a fairly cool moveset. He's up b could be something like the baloon move from that game, and hes smash b could be the simian sprint from DK64
Zelda games:
Midina and wolf link
Metroid Games:
Samus/ Zero Suit samus
Kirby Games:
Meta Knight
Star Fox:
Slippy: who wouldn't want to beat the crap outta this guy? plus he could be clone.
Other Games:
Captain Falcon
Ice Climbers
G & W: i think he is to innovative to get rid of right away
Captain Olimar & Louie with pikmin
3rd Party:
Tails: another guy i could see people wanting to beat up
Knuckles: i think he would have a good moveset, and i would like to see how they would do his gliding and his ability to climb on walls (would he be able to climb some walls, all walls, or none at all?)
well thats it so have at it!
Only characters WORTHY of a character slot should be given one - and a minor, overrated character such as Sheik is most definitely not. The PAL version didn't do nearly enough to nerf Sheik, as the character is fundamentally broken to the core. My hope is that she is gone for good.Ya, but what if Shiek was her own character slot. She could be fairly intresting, and somewhat changed. At least in the PAL version she was nerfed, and I imagine IF she makes it, she'll be nerfed, and SHOULD BE AND WILL BE HER OWN CHARACTER SLOT! The mindgames with that get to me...I have to pull out my secret artillery Peach and Roy to stop that from killing my Fox, Falco, and Link.
You'd most likely win that bet, JK1. WW link is a shoe in, in my view. At the very least, Samusrules93 is guaranteed to have a "WW Link owns" sig.I gotta be honest to you Wiseguy. You're cool and all, but seeing you with a Shiek sig for a month would be the ultimate lol thing on the SWF. I'll be taking bets now that WW Link is in Brawl. If he is, whoever bets against me has to have a WW Link sig saying "WW Link owns" below for a month! If WW Link is not in, then I'll have a sig saying "(insert name here) owned me like a n00b!" for a month.
Any takers=???=PM me if you wish to take up this offer. I'll only take this offer with one person, however...get your chance to enbarass Johnknight1 now, at the risk of only having a WW Link sig for a month, while I get one that embarasses me on all levels. First come, first serve. I might be stealing Wiseguy's idea, but it's a good idea to say the very least of it. And I know how much you all want to embarass me out there!
Yeah, I was pretty annoyed at Gamespot's unfairly low TP review as well (why should sound and gameplay be given equal importance?)GameSpot's ratings are worse than the comments and posts...Twilight Princess is a 9,000 (yell it like Vegeta)/10 game, not a 8.8 game. It is FAR better than Perfect Dark Zero (which got a 9.0), not worse! Not to mention Mario Kart 64 only got a 6.4=deserves at least a 8.5.
Fortunately, they are changing their review scheme. Hense forth, they are rounding up to the nearest .5, meaning that a 8.8 counts as a 9.0.
Yeah, and since Melee had two Marios and two Links, I doubt that it will be a problem.I hate it when people are like "Zomg we'll have 3 Links" arguement=stupid. I'm sorry, but if we get TP Link, Midna w/t Wolf Link on the side, and WW Link then we'll have two Links, and one in both human form, and Wolf form on the side. Proof that saying that is straight up pointless, and by no means a good arguement.
Actually, Link and Zelda's appearances are taken directly from Twilight Princess. It says so on Link's character profile on Dojo.Chances are you'll win, but Shiek's got anywhere from a 30%-40% chance in my book. Zelda keeping her original moveset definitely helps her chances, and she sorta has her universal Zelda look, along with Link.
Except:But we could always use more, lol. If the game was all swordsman it would be good with me, as long as we get diffrent styles, just like diffrent martial arts styles (ie: Judo, karate, sumo wrestling, lol). However, Zelda never used the sword in TP (sorta like Ganondorf in OOT), while that's all Ganondorf used basically.
when when she is being controlled by Ganondorf
I can see how it would be disappointing to someone who lives close to the event.I wanted to go this time. Last time my friend was there the day after Brawl was confirmed...ahh well I still have the internet! The only problem I have is the press has their own area, and there should be a public area, instead of all press. Problem is the press area was like the size of a office space, and that was generally used by the non-gaming press, like the big newspapers, magazines, and stuff like that.
I believe that they are throwing a separate event for the public this October. It's called E 4 All.
Word.Along with Galaxy and of course BRAWWWWWLLLLLL!!! Plus STrikers, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, and many, many, many more. I swear in the first 20 months we'll get more good games that the GCN over a life time. Considering how many good games it had, that is one heck of a achievement.
The multiplayer in Wii Sports is definitely worth the price of a second Wiimote. Even baseball (while imperfect) is pretty fun in short bursts.But I don't have 2 Wiimotes, and I won't unless I get Wii Play, lol. However, the Bowling is spot on, the boxing is good, the golf& tennis are okay, but the Baseball for some reason bugs me. Maybe it's the fact it is nothing like baseball, or if I smack my hand on the Wiimote I'll get a 98 mph fastball, and when I throw my arm like I use to throw 70 mph pitches, I get 40 mph=stupid. Plus if you swing your arm at a 50 mph motion you get in the high 80's and low 90's =cheap.
No, Marth isn't popular. His cheap moveset is.But what justifies Black Knight=??? Clearly Marth is much more popular, and I can guarentee you the new lord Miciaiah is and will not be anywhere as big as Ike or Marth. Those two IMO are in, the 3rd spot is more than debateable (go ROY!).
Black Knight is Ike's main rival, a major character in the teo most recent FE games and a perfect candidate for Ike's clone. And I guarantee he will be extremely popular playable character, given his undeniably awesome appearance.
As for Miciaiah, her role as the main lord in GoD is major factor - plus she brings more originaality to the roster.
You don't remember the invisible wall? When you are out in the main plaza, go out on the shore line, and use your propulsion jetpack-add to try and leave the island, you smack into a giant invisible wall that surronds the island.The game physics are amazing, great jumping, spinning, and attacking. What huge invicible wall=??? The game was the #2 selling GC game, and is a instant classic. I wasn't a disgrace to Mario in anyway, shape, or form, in fact it was almost as good as Super Mario 64. IMO it was just as challenging, but lacked level length like in SM64, but Galaxy definitely looks like the best Mario game since SMB3=best Mario game ever. Honestly, it pushed the boundaries for video gaming, only a few steps below it's predisessor SM64.
I don't mean to knock SMS (I rather liked it) but the idea that it pushed the boundaries of gaming is simply false. With their first GC Zelda game, Nintendo introduced Wind Waker: a game that took risks at every turn (stunning cel shaded graphics, sea exploration, etc). Conversely, their first Mario game was just a sequel to SM64 - with a jetpack.
If anything, I would say the opposite is true. A awesome, but relatively unknown character from a newer, more relivant series deserves a place in Brawl far more than a retro character.G&W is retro, Nook is a newer character. I think generally only minorly popular classic charcters will make it, not minorly popular newer characters, or at least not many=1 or 2 at most, maybe...
AC humans are the eqivilant of trainers in Pokemon game - they are technically playable, but they lack all personality. Just as Pokemon are the true characters in their series, so also are the animals (particularily Nook) the real source of AC's quirky atmosphere.The AC humans are 10 times as important as Nook. Wario's roll is the main character, Nook's is as the 2nd most important character. Plus since Miis=upgraded AC humans, I think we'll be seeing Miis as the Wii, Nintendo, and AC rep.
What originality? With Zamus's sheik-like moveset and Simon's whip, we no longer have any use for the abomination.Let her live! I love the originality, so I don't see why she should go, ever.
Not only would ROB have a far more unique moveset than Balloon Fighter, but he serves as a representative for all retro NES characters. He was Nintendo's original mascot for the NES, and he is easily the most iconic of all characters from that era. If any character deserves to replace G&W, it is he.The udates are good Wiseguy, but why is ROB on it=??? Same thing with Sora...you can take him off, and add Falco back on=at least he doesn't sing "Under the Sea"in full mermaid gear=that was the lamest moment in gaming, ever! Other than that and a few other flaws, Sora's cool, but Falco pwns all=End of Story. Replacing ROB with BalloonFight IMO would be a good move, but there are obviously other GOOD ooptions. And Shiek isn't dead yet, just a heads up.
I'll give it a shot:For Midna (solo):
size: Small (taller and thinner than Pikachu)
.... well it seems I need a little definition and a few examples of extremes on most of them...
if someone would kindly please...
size: Small (taller and thinner than Pikachu)
Well, Kratos might be cooler, but Lloyd is still the main character form Symphonia. I think if any character gets in, it will be him. But really, ANY Symphonia character in Brawl would be sweet.Here is the thing for Lyllod. Unfortunately..there is another who actually more popular than him. It's Kratos, Kratos seems more fit into Brawl. Seeing that he is slower than Llyod gives more of a Mage/Swordsman fits right in for Brawl. In fact I would rather have Kratos than Llyod..Llyod maybe the actual main character but Kratos is just too hard to pass up. He has soo much background in the that it is hard to pass up. I hope you see the other I do, because I see Llyod as just another wannabe teenager who happens to save the world...Kratos well, he is really interesting considering that he doesn't want to betray Mithos..
Just a thought. =P
Well, ya. You can't revolutionize an industry in the transition from 3D to better 3D as you could from 2D to 3D. I mean, SMG probably won't revolutionize much of anything unless every 3D game (or even Mario game) after it is gonna take place in space and involve exploring small floating objects. Ya, it'll probably be tons of fun. Ya, it'll probably be a pretty novel and unique experience. But, chances are, it won't change the 3D platforming genre or the video game industry as a whole much more than SMS did.
Really, though...Just because someone does it once doesn't mean it should be expected and thrust upon them to do it with every new version of a certain game. One person could say, "This game changed the gaming industry forever!"
And another could say, "This game's funner, has a nice difficulty curve that ends up at a healthy master difficulty, tighter controls, better music, an unstereotypical plot that is touched on more than once in the game, more character interaction, more practical objectives, better level design (quality over quantity), and, instead of random dimensions that contain mostly floating islands, the levels actually exist in the game world and can be seen from other levels."
"Ya, but it wasn't as revolutionary!"
"Ya, but this game is better in every aspect of gaming...besides quantity...Should we shun it for not making as impossible of a leap that everyone expected it to solely because of its prequel's despite the fact that it obviously wasn't from everything we knew about it and such a thing was never promised by the creators?"
Now...I dunno the implications of this conversation I had with myself but...ya.
Now every game has to inovate, this is true (two of my favorite games are Prime 2 and Tetris DS, after all) but in the case of a new 3-D Mario platformer, I think most people hold it in high regard since we usually only see one per generation.
With their first GC and Metroid titles, Nintendo produced games that were utterly unique and inspired. With their first GC Mario game, they gave us a polished sequel to an N64 game. I'm not saying it's bad, or even not great - but in comparison to other 3-D platformers from last gen (Ratchet and Clank in particular) Sunshine doesn't hold up as well as Prime or Windwaker.
Fortunatly, Galaxy looks like a game that will set a new standard for platformers, since it not only uses the Wii-mote in unique ways, but allows players to launch themselves from planetoid to planetoid in deep space. It also doesn't hurt that it has the best cartoon-esque graphics since Windwaker.
I just tend to believe that my favourite game is a prime example of a game that's good because it's good but hated because it wasn't as revolutionary or...audience expanding as it's predecessor.
Fair enough. I like some games like that (*cough* Baten Kaitos *cough*)
I/m not a programer, but it seems to me that if a character is at least comparable in body type they could make them a clone. Bowser and K.Rool are both bulky, heavy characters with claws and teeth so I think it would be possible to make K. Rool a luigified clone at least. IThen again, it's possible that I'm wrong.
No no no...they just shrunk Link and proportionately enlarged his head (which didn't interfere with any animations except his taunt) (this could apply to Pichu as well) just like they enlarged Capt. Falcon and elongated his neck to make Ganondorf. Or streched Fox to make Falco.
His body being different would require him to have a different idle, walking, running (due to Bowser's being hunched over), double jumping, air dodge, low percentage ledge attack, and dodge rolls animations (since Bowser goes inside his shell for these) alongside the attacks where he thrusts his shell and the rest where he goes inside of his shell. Actually...he's built a bit closer to Donkey Kong. Aside from DK's dashing animation, most of his animations would fit on K. Rool.
Also, I was planning on righting a sort of introspective on King Dedede as a Kirby clone (going move by move on how all of Kirby's moves would fit/clash with King Dedede) but now that you're being moved to change your mind on it I probably won't.
As for Dx3, I've thought it over and decided that I was right - he COULD be made as a clone, though it is also possible he could be given a unique moveset. Sorry Smash Daddy...
Fair enough. I could see him either remaining similr, or getting a bit of an overhaul. But I agree: the vaccume should be his final smash.Luigi: I don't agree that Luigi's current specials should change, although rediculous vacume cleaner style final smash would be amusing. I'm very much a fan of Mario and Luigi style cloning. Look similiar, huge difference in playstyle.
I dunno. After playing Sunshine and Super paper Mario, I would really like to see Boswer with more presonality, and a voice would be a great way to do it. Can't be at least have his signature laugh as a taunt?Bowser: I like the look of the current bowser and can't imagine him with a voice. His look and normal work reminds me of his original Super Mario Bros incarnation. A final smash using something like his giant propellor vehicle in SMW would be trippy. No one can argue that he needs to be more effective, though trading speed for weight may not be the best way to do it. I'm sure they will come up with something.
Fair enough.Link: I haven't played Twilight Princess, as I don't yet have a wii, but TP Link being used is more of an indicator to me that they wanted the most detailed model of link to date, which seems logical. I think you might be reading into it a little too much, though I'm not bothered either way with what they end up using for all three token Zelda characters.
I hope have can get a Wii soon. Twilight Princess is the best Zelda to date.
Maybe as a tag team?Bowser Jr: I haven't seen him with the paint-brush, but the idea sounds nice. Baby Mario/Luigi might be worth a mention. If not playable characters then atleast some form of token appearance.
I couldn't agree more.WW Link: Hopefully the graphical difference will make the feel of the two links a lot more different than Link/Y.Link. Exchanging hookshot for the ninja rope thingy with differing properties also seems logical.
WHAT YOU DON'T HATE SHIEK?!?!?!?! YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE!!!Zelda: I love the new design, I'm even considering maining her when the game comes out, depending on how much shes changed. I hope she is her own character also, though I don't hate Shiek as much as some people do on this board. Important thing is that Zelda felt/look bland in Melee and could use a makeover.
Kidding. That was a joke.
After seeig a swordless Zelda, I'm inclined to think that they might do just that...Gannondorf: I like the Melee version of Gannondorf, it's nice to have a heavy character that doesn't seem to lumber around with a giant hitbox. That said, adding the sword and changing his b moves to using it would be great. Moving Gannondorf away from being a falcon clone in more subtle ways would be better than changing him into an all new character in my opinion.
Meh. To each their own I guess. If you like the character, that's all that matters.Jigglypuff: I love Jigglypuff. It/he/she brings fun times to FFA games and is overall an amusing character. Peoples loathing for Jiggly only makes the character more appealing to use.
Double agreed. Sakurai usually saves a big update for friday, so maybe we'll see this how this transformation works tomorrow?Samus/Zamus: I'm worried about the transformation part too. I don't mind if it is irreversible (unless it's easy to do by accident), but I'm not fond of the idea of losing something the current Samus has. Samus doesn't need to change in playstyle at all, etc for balance issues of course (lol roll).
Absolutly. It's the revenge of the low tiers!Kirby: Bring back that SSB Kirby glory. :D
kirby clone? *runs away*King Dedede: I am absolutely puzzled at how this guy will play. Then again I haven't played a Kirby game since Dreamland 2.
The PAL version helps, but not nearly enough.Fox: I play PAL version, where some of Fox's moves were weakened a lot. I definately hope to see him more balanced (weaken silly shine combos perhaps?), but I'll cry if they do what they did to him like what happened to Kirby.
A repeat of Kirby would be a bit extreme, but I think Fox should be about the same lelve as Mario or Link.
I like them both (Falco and Wolf) but I suspect only one will make it. I chose Wolf, since he deserves a turn in the spot light.Wolf: Completely biased here, but I think Wolf should outright replace Falco. No more annoying squarks. Falco is almost as annoying as Slippy in SF64, and should die in righteous fire.
Diddy absolutely HAS to make it. There is no character more worthy than he.Diddy Kong: I hope he appears, either solo or as an Ice-climbers style duo with Dixie. Diddy being deserving is obvious. Dixie missing out on being in all DK games on 64/Cube boggles my mind. She was a cool design and her not showing up for DK64 atleast was a sure sign that Rare needed its head kicked in at some point near the end of the 64s life.
I'm not so sure about Dixie, but it's not impossible.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=FFtw7qW7VcwCaptain Falcon: Correction, is clearly the gay Chuck Norris of Smash Bros. We wouldn't have him any other way.
Why not indeed.Goroh: Hey, he was in the starting fmv for melee. Why not.
Don't be decieved. Pikmin are deadly, bloodthirsty warriors. Soon, all will kneal before the awesomness that is Olimar and his minions!Captain Olimar: Hope he gets in, if only because he and his pikmin look too cute to fight.
You laugh now, but just wait until Nook is high tier...Tom Nook: Maybe my girlfriend will play him.
100% agreed! Miis rock!Mii: I seriously hope mii makes it in, again as a single moveset. It's a fantastic idea.
Even if he doesn't get in, you could have them compete in a cayaking competition in that Olympics game. Yeah...Sonic: This would complete my 9 year old fantasy of having a game where Mario and Sonic fight. Any gamer that grew up through the 8-16 bit era should understand.
Yeah, possibly, but i'm not holding my breath.Dr. Mario: If they were prepared to take the coat and brush it up a bit, it would make a great colour swap.
I'll be sad to see him go, as well but it seems inevitable. What would the reaction be if Falco were cut and G&W remained?Mr. Game & Watch: I really hope they don't abandon him. He is both a fun and unique character and that should be enough to keep him in the next one. I mean, no one really cares if he is high tier and he clearly doesn't need much in the way of art time to throw in.
The way I see it, either Mewtwo or Deoxys will make it. It matters not to me which, though I suspect Deoxys would be an eve more unique addition.Mewtwo: Mewtwo I feel had the most unique feel in Melee, and most of his moves were unique in some way. It would be a pity to abandon such a fantastic character design, and I hope he not only makes it back, but gets more attention in the balance department.
True enough.Ice Climbers: Same as the above too really. Very interesting play style, I'd understand if they left them out due to silly things like wobbling for example.
Yep, no arguments here.Shiek: I like the look, but the character style is quite boring so I guess I don't mind seeing it gone. Hope Zamus has enough simularities for the Shiek fans to latch on (minus tier representation of course).
I can see your point, tough I would personally take three Luigis over one mewtwo any day. However, we;ll just have to wait for more character updates before we know for sure...Anything I didn't respond too, I probably don't know the characters games very well, or simply didn't feel the need to comment. While your preference is wanting to see a buttload of new characters Wiseguy, my philosophy is that the bigger the range in style of fighters without breaking the game is key. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against clones, I'll just be disappointed if they lose G&W, IC and especially Mewtwo being the great characters that they are. Whether they are new or old doesn't bother me, because at the end of the day it won't matter after 50+ hours of gametime.
If it comes down to a choice, cut Machrider. An appearance in Brawl is Olimar's birthright!Oh . . . my . . . god. I can't believe I did that! *Squeal*
It's most definately the result of the fact that I'll probably never play as him, but then again, I could say the same about the majority of the newcomers.
Looks like Mach Rider or Olimar are going to have to take the back seat.
Yep, I could possibly see that working (though I see Midna having excellent jumping capablilities). We could always use a few more characters as balanced as Mario...Hmm i'd say
size: Small (taller and thinner than Pikachu) <--like you said
range: low/mid some melee attacks but also some mid attacks with her hair
strength: mid
speed: high
jump: low
reaction: mid
damage: mid
Yeah if she would appear solo i'd suppose her to be a really balanced char,smiliar to mario =/
Actually her jump would be quite high,
considering how she jumps...
oh yeah I left that out!
Jumps: in TP when leaving the castle as wolf link for the first time, she jumps and hops in midair. Her jumps in Brawl, considering her personality and abilities, should be quite good too.
If reaction is how far she is thrown by attacks, she would be thrown quite far because of her size. so thats either high or low...
thats the only hting id change on your list
I could stand having another floaty character - as long as Midna's attacks aren't as unbalanced as Peach's (I don't consider her as broken as Sheik or Fox/Falco, but Peach is still in need of a nerf).Yeah but in TP she's also flying and i really wouldnt like to have another peach :/
Flaming is frowned upon in this thread, dude.Zant3Tsuken is going to die. Soon. Look at my avvy. Look it in the face. You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?
Thanks. I'll fix the error.yeah, fix that up by taking out some of those stupid characters (lanky kong)
and wiseguy, in your first post, under grey fox, you put sajurai instead of sakurai.
Wish lists are welcome too. But some grounding in reality is always welcome.remember we're making a probable list not a want list
(i also like lanky but not gonna happen)
Trode, Skull Kid and Revolver Ocelt would be on mine.if it was a wanted list, charizard, bass, and bomberman would've been in mine
You are correct. It's all just speculation at this point.There's nothing wrong with adding in a little personal taste, providing that there's a good reason for it. You could say the same thing about omitting others, like Olimar or Mach Rider. Nobody knows who is getting in, so who's to say that character A is in and character B isn't (unless your talking about confirmed characters)?
Well, the only thing I really have a major problem with is your decision to omitt WW Young Link. C'mon man, some form of "Young Link" has starred in more Zelda games than other character in the series - and WW Link is the star of the exceptional Windwaker and the highly anticipated Phantom Hourglass. He wouldn't be a useless clone, he would be a fun and popular clone! Besides, he's a completely unique individual from TP Link, so we can still have Midna/Wolf.I'm just jumping right in again for a different character list. Yes I've made one before, this is an 'improved' version, looking more at who might've been included earlier (I've heard of Pit and Sigurd in SSB64). Reasons are also added.
Mario Series: (5)
- Mario: Confirmed character.
- Luigi: He was one of the original 12. No way he's out. (Luigified Mario Clone)
- Peach: Did enough for the series, own game, was in Melee.. Yeah.
- Bowser: See above.
- Bowser Jr.: I had a hard time kicking out Shadow Mario. But, after much consideration, Shadow Mario would just be a Mario clone, and a useless transformation. Bowser Jr. did enough on his own.
Zelda Series: (4)
- Link: Confirmed character.
- Zelda: Confirmed character.
- Ganondorf: Everybody loves villains! I'm excited to see a real slow swordsman, would be a nice change from all the Marth/Roy stuff (I don't count Link as a swordsman, actually).
-Wolf Link/Midna: Midna on her own wouldn't work. She'd be a Zelda clone, while Midna and Wolf Link have enough. Midna also had a huge impact on the Zelda games, finally a good alternative from the annoying fairies. Not to mention 90% of the story resolved around her.
'What lo?! Just four characters for Zelda?!' I can hear you say. Yeah. We really don't need WW Link guys. Pokémon is more popular than Zelda, which has 4 characters as well. The only one that deserves the 5 is the Mario series. WW Link would be a useless clone who'd kick out Wolf Link/Midna for no reason.
Pokémon Series: (4)
- Pikachu: Confirmed character.
- Jigglypuff: I actually wasn't sure about this one. I heard stories about lack of time to produce SSB64, and that they dumped the making of a complicated moveset for Pit for Jiggly. And then she got into Melee for... Popularity? Huh? Now that America actually counts for these games, I figured she might get kicked out... But then again, I've seen people use her in a very good way. So we're stuck with her.
- Lucario: Must I really explain? A good movie, nice popularity, good possible moveset.
- Sudowoodo: Seriously, who wouldn't want to kick *** with this guy? =P
Metroid Series: (4)
- Samus Aran: Confirmed character.
- Zero Suit Samus: Confirmed character.
- Ridley: Must I really explain?
- Dark Samus: Just think about it. A dark, destructive Samus, bent on pure power and mass killing. One so evil that even the hair on the back of your neck wants to run for it's life. How awesome would that be? Besides, it's either Darky or a Hunter. (Luigified Samus Clone)
Star Fox Series: (3)
- Fox McCloud: Confirmed character.
- Wolf O' Donnell: More importance, more so than Falco, anyway. He'll replace Falco as the Fox clone, which I would be quite happy with. I play Falco myself, but I think Wolf deserves it more. And like I said, everybody loves villains! (Luigified Fox Clone)
- Krystal: Popularity? Check! Original possible moveset? Check! Importance? Check!
Fire Emblem Series: (3)
- Marth: First Fire Emblem lord. Popular in Japan, often used in Melee... Yep.
- Ike: Another popular FE lord. Both in America and Japan, often wanted... Sure, why not? (Marth Clone?! Sad but true.)
- Black Knight: Alright! Who likes villains? Slow swordsmen = good.
Kirby Series: (3)
- Kirby: Confirmed character.
- Metaknight: Confirmed character.
- King DeDeDe: Must I really explain?
Donkey Kong Series: (3)
- Donkey Kong: One of the original 12.
- Diddy Kong: Wario, Metaknight and Diddy were (most?) wanted for Melee, the first two got their conformation...
- King K.Rool: WHUT FD IT'S K.ROOL. Everybody loves villains, we need more slow characters. (Luigified Bowser Clone)
F-Zero Series: (2)
- Captain Falcon: One of the original 12.
- Samurai Goroh: I changed my mind?! WOW. Yeah, Goroh will replace the Black Shadow as Falcon's clone. Somebody in this thread told me about the fact that Goroh was in more games than Falcon was, which was enough to take me over to the Goroh side. I wouldn't be suprised if Black Shadow got in there after all though.(Captain Falcon clone)
Other Series: (8)
- Wario: Confirmed character.
- Pit: Confirmed character.
- Yoshi: Semi-confirmed.
- Ness: The last of the original 12.
- Balloon Fighter: Pit is retro. Balloon Fighter is too.
- Captain Olimar: And those who disagree must die. =P
- Mii: Because Wii connects people. The Mii is the Way.
- Isaac: Even if it's another swordie, Isaac's psynergy will put some changes into the fight! Zing!
Third Party: (3)
- Solid Snake: Confirmed character.
- Sonic: Obvious.
- Mega Man: Because another Konami character (Belmont) would be weird. Plus Capcom+Nintendo = good match.
36 Characters + 6 Clones = 38 characters, 42 in total.
Besides that, your list is just about perfect! 9.8/10.
Welcome to my thread! I'm glad you enjoyed my comments. I'll never know what people see in Pokemon...wiseguy i agree with a lot of your points, especially with the pokeman comments. I have tried my hardest to get into that series, watching or playing, and i cant see why anyone over the age of 12 would like it. Its so childish. And jiggly has to go. I'd like to know why and how he makes it to EVERY smash game.
But some things i dont see with you are about young link and th emblem cats. Why would they use the windwaker young link? The animation was horrible for his body. It was like a bad joke. They should use minish cap link if any young link.
Regarding marth and roy....why can't they have them AND they new emblem guys? Isnt the wii much more powerful? If mugen can hold a 1000 chars, i think SSBB can hold a like 75. Thas not impossible...its a 2D game as far as fighting and i thought the wii was a lot more powerful than the gamecube?
Dude, isn't the Minish Cap Link pretty much identical in appearance to WW Link? Except for, you know, the Minish Cap? There's nothing wrong eith WW Link. Of all the Link's he i the one with the most unique personality and he is starring in the highly anticipated Phantom Hourglass to boot.
Three FE characters is probably the maximum, given the series somewhat niche status and the limited number of character slots. 65 characters would be awesome, but creating a game as balanced as Smash is pretty time consuming, so I somehow doubt that we'll see that many.
Yeah, I think controversy has a lot to do with it. When you cut as many characters as I did, it was bound to get some responce. But I think a large part of the thread's longevity can be credited to you fine folks who continue posting here! Thanks, by the way.@wiseguy
how come the person with the better list gets a lively thread? mine got like 2 pages. but i guess yours is more controversial.
I could possibly see Twili Midna as Zelda clone. Otherwise, no deal.dutchman, you obviously didnt see my movesetfor solo midna on page 66 or 67. Pf zelda clone
hey how about a solo midna and wolf-link somewhere in her final smash
lol think of bowser swinging a full grown chain chomp for his final smash (he swung a small one in rpg)
heck bowser jr. can draw petey
Great ideas, though I still want Wolf to be part of Midna's moveset.I do predict a lone Midna, a combination with her Super Smash could be cool though. A brief, un-offensive appearance for Wolf Link.
In the recent games (Assault in particular) Wolf plays a greater role than Falco, so it's possible he could be included as Fox' new clone. I just can't see more than three SF characters, but I certianly wouldn't complain if that were the case.Yeah, my opinions about Falco are probably a little biased, but he has been one of the most significant characters in the series, more than Wolf, even slightly more than Krystal. It would be plain unfair to omit him. Not just to fans, but to everyone in general. I'd rather them include Sheik, frankly, than omit Falco.
I don't see Twili Midna as that big of a spoiler. She is depicted on the game manual, after all....I dont think dutchman even read my previous post...
Midna couldn't be a Zelda clone.
ESPECIALLY if shes an imp or with wolf link.
Besides, as her human form, it would be basic spoilers for those who havent beaten twilight princess yet.
whaddoes everyone else think.
No matter what, though, wolf link at least deserves a trophy in the trophy collection area... if they are going to have one this time 'round.
heh, and about including sheik, I think most of the people that:
A: want her in are those that use her 99% of the time
B: want her out are those who get owned by her.
I personally wouldnt mind her being in, as a separate character.
I dont mind falco being in either, i mean, aint no problem, right?
Heh, I laugh that they put link on the "low" tier.
hehehe... thats funny.
Twili Midna is a good alternative if they need to include her as a clone due to lack of time. But Midna/Wolf would be simply too unique to overlook, in my view.
Sheik isn't invincible, but she does give equally skilled opponents an unfair advantage against non-high tier characters. She has to go.
Personally, I found the dorkiness to be part of SF64's charm, but your milage may vary.I had to flame a character to get a response to my post no? I guess I shouldn't complain too much, as with no falco there would've been such a massive player base playing fox. Doesn't change the fact that I find him irritating and dorky, which is more of a critique on Starfox 64 than how he plays in Melee, so no hard feelings.
That's alot of Kirby hats! I can't wait to see Snake Kirby...i just realized that 40 characters mean 40 different b's for kirby
i can't see him doing something like throwing olimar's pikmin though
or better yet farting like wario
I agree with you, to a point. Ike and Marth are different enough (in terms of fighting style)that it would be fairly odd and out of place to have one the clone of the other. However, they would be similar enough (given the reality that they are both guys with large, one handed swords) so I don't think it is worth the effort to spend time on a unique moveset for both of them. Thus, Marth should be cut.I seriously doubt that Ike would be even close to a Marth clone. They'll likely have very different styles and will be a great example of how differently sword wielders can fight.
Also, if you've forgotten where we left off...
Well, the most obvious answer is because Marth's "already made stats" make him a pretty broken character. If he were to be included, he would have to be nerfed drastically, so he may be just as time consuming to include as a completely new character.They could simply use Marth's old moveset. It may not be as fast as the copy and paste method for cloning the Black Knight, but they would also have to give him a specific weight, fallspeed, attack speed, power, ect. Why even bother when they could just take Marth and use his already made stats. They could just tweak a few things and you'd have a great returning character.
Call me crazy, but I don't think being a popular fighter justifies a return appearance. This is because ANY character with a powerful moveset will automatically become very popular. If Marth returns, and is no longer as stupidly overpowered, most of his so called "fans" will simply play as another character.The thing is, they didn't put another graceful swordsman. They put Marth, and by doing so they gave HIM a very large fan base. If they hadn't put Marth, then we wouldn't be talking about this. Taking him out is a much different case than not putting him in. NOW he is an established character. Melee revived a lot of his long forgotten fans and made plenty new ones.
In my view, in order for a character to be worthy of facing off against videogame legends like Mario, Link and Solid Snake they have to be judjed based on their importance in videogames OUTSIDE Smash Bros.
We can still have swordfighters with "flowing" movesets (ie: Pit, Metakinght, Simon Belmont etc.) but they should be first and foremost be a worthy representative of their series of origin. And Marth isn't.Yes the huge sword helps, but that's not the reason we like him so much. We like him because his moves are very flowing. Every one of his moves is like a pose with precision and poise. And his range is not something that is impossible to get around. Fox, Falco, Falcon, Shiek, Samus, ect. can easily deal with his range, whether it be with raw speed or a strong projectile.
Yes but, quite frankly, they'll get over it. Marth and Roy aslo started out as unknown characters as well (at least outside Japan) but now they are very well known. ANY Fire Emblem character has the potential to be a fun and popular fighter, so why not choose characters who are unique and currently relevant to the Fire Embelm franchise?At the moment, Marth is still much more popular than the Black Knight and Miciaiah, so taking him out and replacing him with an unknown character would dissapoint a lot of his fans.
It's not Marth that's popular - it's his moveset that everyone loves. So, why not take a similar character like Ike (who IS a worthy representative of his series) and make his moveset similar to Marth's. Just make him a tad slower (to contrast with speedy swordfighters like Meta and Pit) change his vertical slashes to horizontal ones and make his B a ranged energy attack. That way, we'd have a Marth replacement who is popular among Fire Embelm fans around the world and still appealing to Marth players.Though he may be a dead character outside of melee, he is a very popular melee character. He is one of the MOST popular melee characters and, with Melee being such a successful game, already represents FE. Everybody who knows who Marth is knows he's from FE. Everybody who plays melee knows who Marth is. That means Marth is known by an extremely large amount of melee fans and to them, he IS FE.
Also, Marth is no more well known to Melee fans than Roy is. The only reason people assume that Marth stands a better chance of returning is becuase he has a more powerful moveset.
Marth's role was always as a representative of the Fire emblem series - not as a unique character designed specifically for Melee. Therefore, it is soley on his importance to the Fire emblem series that Marth should be judged.Conclusion: Marth IS significant enough to the FE series to represent it again, due to his impact on it by appearing in Melee.
While Sothe is awesome, and an important character in the game, he is not a lord - which some people have a problem with. Personally, I think he would be an awesome and unique addtion that I would easily inlcude over a certain tiarra wearing pansy...you forgot sothe on your fire emblem list he main character in that new fire emblem game too he a thief and owns hard I want him in pic of sothe:
poke mon trainers should be in the custom ones from( battle revolution) they use your pokemon team to do combos and can trap opponents in poke balls I believe trainers have been ignored for far to long deserve the smash spotlight for once!!!!!!
Metal Gear is filled with awesome characters, Psycho Mantis being one of them. Unfortunately, he could be beaten easily whenever his opponent puts their controller in the Player 4 socket...I think the Cyborg Ninja is a good suggestion, but I would also consider Psycho Mantis from MGS1.
Easy: they wouldn't. Each Olimar can simply steal their opponent's idle Pikmin by whistling.by now u know my mind wanders around but wouldn't a four olimar game be very confusing (especially if pikmin is reusable)
i'm not dissing olimar but how will they differentiate pikmin
I guess it would just be like 4 ice climbers in one match -.- However, I am dismissing Olimar, because he is just too gimicky. How could you base a whole, good moveset on Captain Olimar - I would like this to see!
Anyways, in the Fire Emblem debate; I see that Sothe is not a likely choice as a main Fire Emblem character. I think he would be a secondary or tertiary (or... more?) character, with Ike as the main FE character. The reason for this is that Sothe is a thief with two knifes - He's just not generic enough. Ike would be a much better choice, as he is a very well balanced swordsman a la Marth!
Why do you hate puppies?
Captain Olimar would have an awesome and unique moveset. His inclusion would increase the originality of the Brawl roster 200%.
"Not generic enough"? Since when is being generis a good thing? Sothe's uniqueness is not a negative, though his non-lord status is.
And... since when is Marth balanced?
I think sakurai might reveal DK or Yoshi in addition to Zamus and Meta, but otherwise he's probanly saving the big reveals for his E3 trailer.did you see the update? they already made the starting character selection screen. plus, earlier, (not on this thread) i had guessed you would choose controller configuration with your name. but with the starter list already made, and the surprise update of zelda makes me think that if people like olimar and diddy kong are starters, they are already finished, but Sakurai is finishing with meta-knight, zzs, and snake before he puts more on.
sorry for going completly off topic, but i wanted to point that out.
My guess is that he's complete most of the characters, and is just using these last months to add some layers of polish. But that's just a guess...I wouldn't take anything from the "Starting Screen" comment. He's probably bluffing... Even if it is decided, I doubt he has completed all of them. And we don't know who they are anyways.
Question: do you guys think that he'll reveal the entire rsoter before the game's release, or let us find out for ourselves who is unlockable?I wouldn't say that he's bluffing. He just does a darn good job concealing information. It's quite possible that, if the starter screen is comprised of characters already announced, that we may only get to start with 6-8 characters. This could lead to a ton of characters left over to unlock, which, in my eyes, is a very good thing.
I suspect we could see characters like Olimar, Meta, Pit, Diddy, Ridley and Ike as starters as well - though there is no way of knowing for sure..The ones announced will be starters, obviously, so that leaves Ridley, Wolf and Dedede etc. to unlock. He is indeed good at concealing information...
Good enough.@wiseguy, if any update comes when i'm gone concerning our bet, whoever losses starts wearing the sig when i come back.
You are so going down...