Hey PP!
Small rant and some questions about Puff. Feel free to skip to the questions tho maybe rant will give context.
I'm trying to learn the Puff matchup by studying it. It's not a matchup I get to play often, even on netplay, but there are some good PR players who play Puff where I am. I kind of get by against Puff by trying to space around her, poke occasionally, laser her down, pressure when she's in shield and get dair tech-chases.
However, I don't really have a solid gameplan. I'm kind of just guessing and mixing up, but I would really like to develop a solid idea for where I can get my openings in neutral.
Puff seems weird as hell to me because the character dashdances in the air, rarely has any landing lag, and isn't afraid to doublejump.
My gameplan against other characters is to get frame advantage (by lasering or watching them whiff something), and observing their habits, then punishing next time I get advantage. I assume they'll stay grounded, but if they go to the air, I either read fullhop, doublejump, or waveland to platform. It feels like I can cover these with relative success and low risk. There's a bit of ambiguity with drift and empty land vs aerial sometimes, but overall I'm comfortable with the risks. The longest they can stall out for is doing a doublejump, and if I read something else and, say, a fox whiffpunishes me with a doublejump, at least he's risking a lot. Next time I can hit him after his doublejump and that's super scary for fox. So I'm comfortable making these callouts.
Puff is different though. I can't get a solid visual cue on when to make a read, and I don't know what the right callouts are. Puff can decide to poke seemingly whenever, and drift far out seemingly whenever, and escape to platform and shield seemingly whenever. When there are so many more potential times when Puff can retreat, how am I supposed to guess the right one? And even if I do, what do I gain from calling out an airborne Puff? It's not like hitting a fox whose doublejump I read and send him offstage without a jump. I give up all my stage to try and hit Puff, either to gain a few percent or fail and lose that stage for good.
I ended up ranting for longer than I expected so to summarise, I can't find visual cues on Puff and the risk/reward vs airborne Puff rarely seems worth it.
- How often should I be looking to approach Puff in the air?
- Are there any important visual cues or moments I should look out for to engage in mixups?
- Is it even worth approaching Puff in the air at low%?
- Should I be reading when Puff wants to touch the ground again, or reacting to the landing?
- What are the important options I should try to incorporate when Puff wants to land?
- I take space from Puff but I don't feel like I can convert this space into a positive situation. Am I wrong to think of the matchup in this way?
Sorry for the long post, and the unclear thoughts presented in it. It's sort of scatterbrained because I don't have a grasp on how to analyse Puff yet. Like I said, I do OK vs puffs, but I'm not really thinking when I play them. Not in the same way I do about other matchups.
Any advice would help, even if you tell me I'm looking at the MU in totally the wrong way ^^ thx for reading in advance
EDIT: My overall question might be: When I have stage control, how do I force situations vs Puff? What am I waiting for and how should I react?