Nobody was arguing that L-cancelling was necessary or helpful to balance out the characters. Quit being a j*****s.
You're such a hypocrite,it's not even funny.
Despite your current arguments on advanced techniques,anyone can say that they were intentional,but the fact of that matter is,they are.
Common techniques such as shuffl only derive from common used techniques such as Short Hop,Fast Fall,etc.
Techniques such as the WaveDash are physics exploits rather than a glitch.Since it varies based on your characters traction,you can easilty see that it is an intentional physics exploit,we just deceided to implement it in to our gameplay.
I can't understand why people complain about the game being difficult to play when they don't even attempt to practice a technique.Are noobs so selfish that we cannot have our own way to play? Why not have the options to cooperate and respect the way we play?
The answer is easy,you are an envious person.You can't live with another person having satisfaction because you don't think that you are strong enough to live with another persons ideals,rather you want yours to be known,but put no of the afromentioned effort.
Here is a quote from one of my post:
"No one can live knowing another posses personal satisfaction.By taking it away,you believe that your opinion becomes more important,but you only show that you do not have the strength or knowledge to spread your opinions to others.By limiting your options,you only show weakness and confine to your limitations.By taking away another persons ability to choose,you take away the essential thing that makes an opinion come to reality,the consumer.
Those who cannot appreciate anothers satisfaction can only posses envy."
Basically what i'm saying is you're weak.You think that just because you cannot play on such a high level,other must dwel with you,lacking satisfaction.
You have to way you play,and we have the way we play,so leave us alone and play the game your way.
Us as a community have faced a bunch of BS'ing people like you forcing their opinions on us,and all of them have then been declined.I suggest you quit wasting your time on us,because WE DON'T care about your opinions,and despite how intelligent your presentation is,you're just a scrub.
GG noob.