[this one girl, shes kind of cute so,
4 teh ladiez, biologically or mentally/trans sexually not un like lokii's friend drew
serious now, note lol variants = lqtms]
POKEMON + stuff POEM for the ladies
complete with music links for a better reading experience.
:[press the] START here [button on the waist of your jeans]:
[at the peak, apex of a mountain]
used to be that i could always find her
now i can never
her soft features, the kind you could find fans beholding from bleachers and bellaviews como un bella view [spanish for "like a pretty" view]
you're fine
[verde [green] bella grass type bulbasaur beaming like solar]
2 < 3
i wish i knew you so i could wish you happy birthdays
and wish upon the stars that the sun's rays bless you. that the rains of promise pour on you
like the pretty flower you are, lawl.
and in in morning. we'd rise. always happy never mourning.
early bird but you're fine. refined, yet subtle like a light morning due. a sun framed with light clouds, a perfect view
so fine, so fortunate to find
i picture us resting, watching that giant red thing in the sky set
with a glean in your eyes from the sun king's rays[el rey is spanish for king?]. while lying [lion] in grassy hays, while fireflies float above our heads
our heads free of malaise [or free of two weeks of junk MAEL, poisoned poke-mail carrying traces of koffing's HAZE] [two weeks by grizzlybear/ a routine malaise:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjecYugTbIQ ]
the only message recieved, a .png file extension type of a perfect picture delivered.
view that assumed purity of soul when i see than glean [in your clear eyes]
I'll be your mr clean, be my green pine sol queeen [LOL]
the only thing better would be two or more of you. like u times 2 or w, x to the nth infinity, already a beauty that travels the cosmos, that lasts forever
than any airbrushed faced on a cover of a cosmo. wish came true like fairly odd's green cosmo
much greater than this set of lines [5]
these words have a green theme yet your beauty's translucent [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLAShTWhujE by nomak], your beauty is clear
refreshing valley wind like nomak's diaphonous air [
ladies, when i say your qualities are translucent
not saying that its not there
like i can feel your breath though i can only see the undulations of your chest [+ bewbs]
but you yourselves are breath defying
anything else is like what scar did simba: at our mountain side lying
but all of the above is green, unripe unfruitful
because im bull**** as usual.
/END. a coyote falling off a cliff side, into a stampede with acme mechanical bulls trampling up the hillside