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Poll: Best double partner for Sheik


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Whenever I watch team tourneys, I always watch for moments when the fighters chain moves together into an effective offense. But when watching some other tourneys, certain teams will look more or less cohesive. That got me wondering. Who is the best partner for each character? Well, since I’m a casual Brawler, and I don’t have the expertise to judge, so why not ask the experts? I originally tried this on GameFAQs, but the users in general were immature, or not qualified to give the information. Then I remembered the specific boards on Smashboards, so I brought the poll here. So who do you think the best partner is for Sheik?


- The poll will last for a week. If it becomes popular, it may last longer.
- You may only vote for one character.
- Assume friendly fire is on.
- Assume there are no items.
- After posting your answer, give a detailed reason why you choose that character. If you don’t give viable information, your vote will not be added.
- You may ask to change your vote if you have a viable reason.
- Discussion on your choices is allowed. NO FLAMES!!!
- If you vote Pokemon Trainer, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you vote on the Pokemon Trainer poll, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you want to use videos to explain your reasoning, feel free to post them, but remember. I play this game casually, so you have to explain what parts of the video are important and why they are important.
- You may vote on multiple polls.
- If issues occur, I may add or remove rules, so be sure to review the list.

Bowser – 0
Captain Falcon – 0
Diddy King – 0
Donkey Kong – 0
Falco – 1
Fox – 0
Game & Watch – 1
Ganondorf – 1
Ice Climbers – 0
Ike – 0
Jigglypuff – 0
King Dedede – 1
Kirby – 0
Link – 0
Lucario – 0
Lucas – 0
Luigi – 0
Mario – 0
Marth – 0
Meta Knight – 0
Ness – 0
Olimar – 0
Peach – 0
Pikachu – 0
Pit – 0
Pokemon Trainer – 0
R.O.B. – 1
Samus – 0
Sheik – 0
Snake – 2
Sonic – 0
Toon Link – 0
Wario – 0
Wolf – 0
Yoshi – 0
Zelda – 0
Zero Suit Samus – 0


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Jesus! Spam much?

You could have just made ONE topic in the Tactical Forums.

I would have to say Sheik, a locking, damage racking character, would need someone strong to make up for her obvious lacking areas, ASSUMING she never changes to Zelda.

In such a case, my choices are pretty much Zelda, Ike, Ganondorf, G&W.

Ike and Ganon are powerful, but so is G&W, who is much faster and less of a liability.

Now, it's between G&W and Zelda.

Obviously, most players would change to Zelda at some point. Only under the circumstance that this Sheik is horribly repulsive as a Zelda, I would have to recommend G&W who is equally well matched as a Zelda dub.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
BAY AREA, California
I vote SNAKE!

He covers up a lot of Sheik's weaknesses and has an amazing near-the-edge game which complements Sheik quite well:

- Sheik can rack up damage amazingly well, Snake can KO very well.
- Snake has great stage control, while Sheik has a very comprehensive edge-game.
- Grenades, Nikita, and C4 can be used as surprise tactics using Sheik's Vanish and Transform. Also, with good coordination, can be used as a way for Sheik to recover.
- Sheik F-Tilt lock > Snake F-Smash? :D

The main focus would be their complementary edge-game. Sheik can work with the ledge and above the edge well using her Chain, tether, and aerials. Snake can work from on the stage using mortars, U-tilt, and possibly Nikitas.

Kyzon Xin

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
i vote my other char... Ganondorf...
sheik can rack up the damage and Ganon can finish it offf. also ganon can save sheik alot with flamechoke


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
kirbizzle ftw

awesome gimping abilities > sheik's awesome gimping abilities
ftilt -> kirby hammer = epic kill
if things look rough, kirby can suicide both of you to save face (lawls)
kirby -> swallow sheik = uber needles that are closer to the floor
kirby = cute and tasty looking


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
all i know is me as Sheik and another guy as Snake made a pretty awesome team the other night...

i would say anyone w/ more power but less speed would complement her well but i can't say specifically yet until i've played more 2v2


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I'm going to vote on my own thread.

I say dedede for a number of reasons.

His multi jumps keeps him out of your way.

His utilt is a ridiculously good KO move.

He is amazing at offstage gimping, while its hard ot gimp his recovery in singles, its even harder to gimp his recovery in doubles.

He's a fing tank, meaning he can stay on stage longer, and get a single opponent offstage meaning double teaming on one guy is a bit easier.

He's a penguin, ninjas + penguins are so broken.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Sheik doesn't do well in team games themselves. I think she needs a partner that will make the match a little bit more like a 1v1 and a little bit less like a 2v2.

Some characters can pull attention towards themselves, by chargin important projectiles, spamming higly damaging projectiles, or just by their very nature.

At the same time, the kill game is also, very important. Transforming doesn't work incredibly well in team games with twice the available punishers.

Falco. His lasers demand attention from someone, and can split the match into a 1v1. By default, it think double teaming Sheik is a scary good strategy. If Falco will win any projectile war and force approach, and even if he couldn't do that he could use his in your face game to relieve pressure off of Sheik. While Falco isn't famous for his kill power, his kill power is good fine and dandy, just a tad outshined by his general awesomeness. His Fsmash will connect much more in team games, his upsmash is good. And his bair kills, i think. Both characters can gimp/spike kill as well.

Also, Sheik complements Falco in return. Falco's downthrow chaingrab can get broken by helpful teammates. Sheik can stop the helper with her fast running speed, in your face approach game, and 18% damage needle storm (if it was charged when the CG started)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Snake is good doubles partner for anyone, just make sure that the two of your are the last two controller ports/last two people to join the game. Pick out one of the weaker opponents first, then get Sheik to grab the remaining one and F smash.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Im going to have to say snake. He hitboxes and ko abilities go too well with sheik ability to rack up damage.
After a ftilt lock snake does a utilt and thats the game
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