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Meta Pokemon Stadium - Mewtwo General Matchup Thread


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
In most scenarios, you won't recover fast enough for the second Confusion.

Alright. I tested this in training mode. Fox's reflector does break at 50 damage, but ours will break first if a fully charged Shadow Ball is used.

Shadow Ball is 25% damage.

If we throw it, and Fox reflects it, and then we reflect it back, it goes up to 49% damage. Just under the threshold. We are unable to reflect it back at this point. The reflect sound occurs, but Mewtwo still gets hit.

If you throw a tiny, uncharted ball, Fox also wins, or we draw. Fox wins if you are closer than 2/3 screen because we don't recover in time for the third reflect. If you are farther than that, it is a draw because the Shadow Ball dies after hitting the reflector a third time.

At 2/3 range, there is one particular situation where we can win. Charge Shadow Ball to ~75% power. This gives it just enough damage so that we can reflect it a second time, but it goes above the 50 damage threshold for Fox. At around 20%, it KOs. Still a crappy sitch for us overall.

When the Shadow Ball move is suffering from significant overuse, it seems like I always win the exchange.

Fresh, and at max power, you win.

Fresh, and at 3/4 power, I win.

Used a second time in a row at max power, I win.

Small balls always result in a loss for me.

At some weird character length, about 1/5 of the stage, Fox's Reflector double reflects it back onto himself somehow.

Sometimes, Mewtwo's reflector makes the Shadow Ball pass through him instead of reflect it or get hit

I know I am a bit late but this is wrong.

Shadow Ball deals 25% damage. Fresh moves do an extra 1.05% damage (they do not in training mode which is why it will fail inside training mode). 90% of reflectors (not counting the Bats or Pocket) multiply by 1.4x including our own.

When you throw the ball it has a damage output of 26.25%. If they reflect the ball back at you it comes back at 36.75%. This means that when we reflect it back it goes back towards the opponent at 51.45 which actually for some reason registers as 52%.

I know this because I've done this MANY times. If I see a reflector loving opponent I refresh my Shadow Ball, charge it to max and then just throw and reflect. It kills Fox at around 10% and Mario at around 20% too, so it's a very early kill if they make the mistake. It also breaks shield if they try to shield. Finally if you space it correctly they should not have time to jump either (it will still hit them, unless it's Falco or something who jumps really fast). Basically they are left with either power shielding or rolling/dodging, all 3 are extremely hard to time, specially if they weren't expecting the second reflect.

For the baby Shadow Balls, while a fresh one makes you lose the final outcome, once Shadow Ball is not fresh (it doesn't matter how stale it is, it just needs to be stale) you will always win the outcome for the war.

Let me show you:

Baby Shadow Ball deals 2.5% damage. If the move is stale it deals around ~2-2.375% damage

Throw - 2.0-2.375 damage
First reflect (Belongs to your opponent) - 2.8 - 3.32%
Second reflect (Belong to you) - 3.92 - 4.65%
3rd - 5.48 - 6.51%
4th - 7.68 - 9.12%
5th - 10.75 - 12.77%
6th - 15.05 - 17.88%
7th - 21.08 - 25.03%
8th - 29.51 - 35.04%
9th - 41.32 - 49.06%
10th (belongs to you) - 57.85 - 68.69%

To summarize:

If Shadow Ball is fresh Mewtwo will always win the MAX charge reflection war. If Shadow Ball is not fresh (doesn't matter how stale it is) Mewtwo will always win the MIN charge reflection war.

From my experience mewtwo excels against players with hyper aggressive play styles. This includes mario, falcon, and sonic. I tend to throw an uncharged sb during the beginning in case they try to rush me down. Other than that, it is definitely the keep away game.

Mewtwos down throw doesn't combo into anything. But it's secretly an amazing move. Most players these days know that so they may try to come down with an air dodge or even a counter attack expecting a fair to come out. This is where we have the option to either throw out a forward smash to cover both options or go for an air chase if they double jump instead. A lot of people never expect up air strings. You can effectively string 2-3 up airs in a row against characters who struggle to get down.

These rules apply to confusion as we'll. when you're using it to not reflect. Move and instead to command grab your opponent, you get the same option altogether from down throw with the huge bonus of it having set knock back and the chance for a tech chase if you catch em off guard. Be aware that this move won't work on some characters as they could pretty much attack the moment they stop spinning. This move needs to be used carefully.

Shadow ball. It's one of mewtwo a redeeming qualities really. Just having your hands glow with purple fear already makes your opponent tremble with agony changing their playstyle sometimes. Add that it kills quite early and you've got yourself a high tier projectile. For characters with reflectors. Condition them. Throw out a lot of small ones early on. Throw short hop fully charged shadow balls to avoid the reflected hits. This will condition your opponent to reflect a lot. Use that opportunity for grabs and set up air chases. I like to intentionally telegraph my throws like being at a certain distance or not moving for a few seconds before throwing. When your opponent reads those you know it's time to lay the smack down. And once again a last second shadow ball always catches someone off guard.

Down tilt. One of my favorite moves from mewtwo. You can spam it. At early percentage it true combos into up smash. And you can start chasing your opponent with more up smashes or up airs.

Disable. I use this as a surprise factor. I rarely have a moment to use this move but when I do it's when I've got my opponents mindset down. Usually do this against characters that like to run towards you really fast. Fox, falcon, and sonic sound about right. Usually ends the game at that moment.

Back air. Amazing move. Just use it off stage.

Nair. It's weird in that it sends opponents behind you if you land with it still active. Turn around grab works. Also shield into turn around grab works too.

Up throw. When your opponents at 140 and you have a little rage going on, you can already tell you and your opponent are playing a different game now.

Teleport. My last point to throw out. It's quite handy to avoid attacks and escape juggles if used correctly. Can't mention how many times it has saved me from death combos and death in general. I like to swag out with it too and edge cancel with it into any move I see fit.

Other than that, I had a few good runs with falcon and sonic today. Had no dropped games against them aside from one where I suicided twice. Mewtwo a teleport is amazing when the underside of the stage doesn't freakin bounce you off in the completely opposite direction of the ledge.

I start a game off with a uncharged shadow ball followed by passively charging the ball mixing it in with my approaches and spacing. Once it's fully charged, the game has already changed in your opponents mind in that no matter what don't get hit by that. That creates pressure and no all you have to do is play keep away. Read the preemptive shields with dash grabs, follow up with your throws and repeat the cycle. Once they're off stage, I like to throw a shadow ball, charged or uncharged, and then cover the low recovery, for characters like falcon in which I have a harder time edge guarding as mewtwo, a falling back air towards the stage seems to work. That or read the get up option from the ledge . Up smash can cover all of them.

Finally, do your best to space yourself and control the pace of the match. You want them playing at your speed. Mewtwo will struggle immensely if you fail to do so. Once falcon gets his up air strings on you it's a hard time getting back.
The Mario's and Falcon's you're fighting are not good. Falcon can U-Air chain you forever. Also Mewtwo's size and air acceleration (which is extremely low) do not allow him to DI out of knee at some specific %s. If the Falcon knows about this then he has a kill combo that works around 50-70%.

Mario has a hard time getting the kill on us, but that's something Mario has against everyone. In reality with us it's easier for him to get the KO than it is with most of the other chars so Mario should be used to that little bit. Aside from that he can combo you forever too and he has a "combo breaker" N-Air and Mewtwo has no real true combos aside from 2 hit wonders which means you will never get more than 2 hits in a row on him.

If a Falcon or Mario can't get a single grab on you in a match then you're severely outplaying them, which is why I am saying that they must be bad.

This is not how it works in practice. I probably have more experience with this matchup than anyone else (my brother mains Mario and we're both top 10 in WI).

The Cape thing is correct, but you have the emphasis reversed. It's not that we just have to find the range and we're golden; it's that as long as the Mario knows the range, he's golden. It's much easier for him to slip in and out of that range to bait or predict a Shadow Ball than it is for us to line it up perfectly with where he'll be. The risk is way too great to make charged SB relevant in the matchup, and Cape is so lagless and noncommittal (he can even keep momentum while approaching) that uncharged SB, the foundation of our neutral, is also rendered useless.

Cape is also great against followups, and in customs Gust Cape is often thrown out in neutral, so it doesn't require a hard read to counter Disable.

As for Mario in the air, he's not just going to jump from the other side of the stage and land on you. A good Mario will mostly use air approaches but will mix up when he enters the air. He might rush in and feign a grab and jump at the last second. As for Bair being predictable, RAR Bair exists, and predictability doesn't really matter if we have no counter for it to begin with.

Fireballs combined with Cape force us to approach. Both characters have a projectile and a reflector, but Mario's are faster and Mario is faster, meaning he can position himself to punish reflection or charged SB much easier. I would argue only Wario (half the game anyway) and Sheik force approaches better than the Marios, and Mewtwo is 5th or maybe 7th behind the Links.

Mario does not lose to spacing because his top tier mobility gives him more effective range, and any spacing that would keep him out pales in comparison to his reward on getting in. This is even true for Mewtwo, who has pretty good reward.

I mained Link before Mewtwo, and this kind of sounds like my general theory of that matchup for a long time. I thought Link won the matchup due to his sizable range advantage. It wasn't the case because I would do 35% stuffing his approach for a full minute, and then he would get in and do 70%.

Fox is cancer, but he's not as bad as Mario. He's way, way less safe.

All Mewtwo really cares about is hurtbox size. He can do some really mean things to tall characters, and that makes those matchups a lot better. Mario, meanwhile is just short enough to be...short enough.

Usmash is much less commitment, and much less counterplay, and similar reward to all the other top tier anti-airs.

Due to it's trajectory, Fireball actually covers more vertical space than Charged Shadow Ball. Its slow speed is a benefit, because Mario can follow it and punish any reaction. It also is a nearly foolproof way to reset from high offstage. And it gimps.

And I don't know that I've ever been hit by a Bouncing Fish ever, aside from the combo out of Fthrow. Move is massively telegraphed and overrated.

But anyway, I think it's just a matter of experience. There are not too many high-level Marios for how many people main Mario. He doesn't get a lot of stream time, and even his top players are sometimes dubious (Ally dropped a game to Villager ledgestall when Mario beats it for free). Maybe when Sheik gets nerfed again we'll welcome our Mario overlords.

You do realize the "perfect range" is a minimum range, right? It's not that he can "weave in and out" it's whether you (Mewtwo) are far away enough to reflect it again or not. You have COMPLETE control over when to throw the Shadow Ball. Obviously Mario can remain in your face the whole game, you just don't throw it. Once he's out of that range you throw it. A good Mario won't even cape it if they have the matchup knowledge to understand that another reflect means instant death for him.

While Mario's fireball are a great tool AND Mario can follow up on it, they do not force you to approach mandatorily. If Mario is throwing them from really far away perfect shielding them isn't hard. You can even reflect them if Mario isn't full hoping it might hit him. If on the other hand Mario is close by then you can watch him closely and punish his pattern. You might think this is "approaching" but it shouldn't be considered the same as Mario has already initiated a laggy move (fireball) so as long as you can tell when he's going to throw it then you're good. If on the other hand he is mixing movement with Fireballs then technically he's the one approaching you. Even if we have no counter against his approach (which I believe we do to be honest, even if it's really hard) it's still him approaching you, not the other way around,

I still think the Mario matchup is incredibly hard, but I do not think Mario forces us to approach. In fact it's in Mario's benefit to be up close with us technically.

Bouncing Fish also combos out of half-charged Needles and out of F-Air. In neutral it's supposed to be a mix up tool. The move is excesively strong and it's Sheik's most reliable KO move to be honest (maybe 2nd most reliable after U-Air).

As I said again, you do realize you have completely control on when to release shadow ball right? And there are certain ranges where Mario cannot cape it back otherwise he's dead, it's just that. Will he allow you to put him at that range? Maybe not, but you can have the Shadow Ball just in case. You can also release the Shadow Ball as a punish too like you can in any matchup. Having it will always put your opponent on the edge.

Almost all good players place Mario around 7-10th, behind a lot of chars (Rosalina, Luigi, Fox, Yoshi etc), not only Sheik. And Mario does struggle to get the kill most of the time. Normally Mario's try fishing for U-Smashes since F-Smash and D-Smash are way too unsafe. It's almost all they can do.

Mario is a solid char though, very strong, but you're making him out to be god tier, which he isn't close to. Although he might as well be god tier when fighting against Mewtwo. If I were to rate how the matchup "feels" without doing any labbing or research I'd say Mario vs Mewtwo is like 30-70 in Mario's favor just because everytime I fight a decent Mario I just can't do almost anything.

So I actually came into the thread to ask:

What moves/tools do you guys use to punish Pikachu/Kirby when they approach with aerials? Both Pikachu and Kirby have multi-hit aerials which last until they land, so you cannot drop shield until after they land (or at least I think I can't, correct me if I am wrong) and when they do land their body crouches into the ground allowing them to dodge grabs or jabs. I've also tried OoS U-Smash and OoS N-Air, nothing hits them.

Is there something I am not doing? Maybe an option I am not thinking about? Maybe an specific hit in their moves I can drop shield at to grab before the next hit (and before they land) or something similar? I was thinking of maybe going for D-Tilt but I am almost 100% sure that there won't be enough lag to actually do it (since I would have to go into shield stun, shield drop and then finally the D-Tilt frames).

I honestly need help figuring out how to punish an aerial from Pikachu or Kirby it's extremely annoying that they seem like they can just get away with it and I just have to respect it and run away...
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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I know I am a bit late but this is wrong.

Shadow Ball deals 25% damage. Fresh moves do an extra 1.05% damage (they do not in training mode which is why it will fail inside training mode). 90% of reflectors (not counting the Bats or Pocket) multiply by 1.4x including our own.

When you throw the ball it has a damage output of 26.25%. If they reflect the ball back at you it comes back at 36.75%. This means that when we reflect it back it goes back towards the opponent at 51.45 which actually for some reason registers as 52%.

I know this because I've done this MANY times. If I see a reflector loving opponent I refresh my Shadow Ball, charge it to max and then just throw and reflect. It kills Fox at around 10% and Mario at around 20% too, so it's a very early kill if they make the mistake. It also breaks shield if they try to shield. Finally if you space it correctly they should not have time to jump either (it will still hit them, unless it's Falco or something who jumps really fast). Basically they are left with either power shielding or rolling/dodging, all 3 are extremely hard to time, specially if they weren't expecting the second reflect.

For the baby Shadow Balls, while a fresh one makes you lose the final outcome, once Shadow Ball is not fresh (it doesn't matter how stale it is, it just needs to be stale) you will always win the outcome for the war.

Let me show you:

Baby Shadow Ball deals 2.5% damage. If the move is stale it deals around ~2-2.375% damage

Throw - 2.0-2.375 damage
First reflect (Belongs to your opponent) - 2.8 - 3.32%
Second reflect (Belong to you) - 3.92 - 4.65%
3rd - 5.48 - 6.51%
4th - 7.68 - 9.12%
5th - 10.75 - 12.77%
6th - 15.05 - 17.88%
7th - 21.08 - 25.03%
8th - 29.51 - 35.04%
9th - 41.32 - 49.06%
10th (belongs to you) - 57.85 - 68.69%

To summarize:

If Shadow Ball is fresh Mewtwo will always win the MAX charge reflection war. If Shadow Ball is not fresh (doesn't matter how stale it is) Mewtwo will always win the MIN charge reflection war.

The Mario's and Falcon's you're fighting are not good. Falcon can U-Air chain you forever. Also Mewtwo's size and air acceleration (which is extremely low) do not allow him to DI out of knee at some specific %s. If the Falcon knows about this then he has a kill combo that works around 50-70%.

Mario has a hard time getting the kill on us, but that's something Mario has against everyone. In reality with us it's easier for him to get the KO than it is with most of the other chars so Mario should be used to that little bit. Aside from that he can combo you forever too and he has a "combo breaker" N-Air and Mewtwo has no real true combos aside from 2 hit wonders which means you will never get more than 2 hits in a row on him.

If a Falcon or Mario can't get a single grab on you in a match then you're severely outplaying them, which is why I am saying that they must be bad.

You do realize the "perfect range" is a minimum range, right? It's not that he can "weave in and out" it's whether you (Mewtwo) are far away enough to reflect it again or not. You have COMPLETE control over when to throw the Shadow Ball. Obviously Mario can remain in your face the whole game, you just don't throw it. Once he's out of that range you throw it. A good Mario won't even cape it if they have the matchup knowledge to understand that another reflect means instant death for him.

While Mario's fireball are a great tool AND Mario can follow up on it, they do not force you to approach mandatorily. If Mario is throwing them from really far away perfect shielding them isn't hard. You can even reflect them if Mario isn't full hoping it might hit him. If on the other hand Mario is close by then you can watch him closely and punish his pattern. You might think this is "approaching" but it shouldn't be considered the same as Mario has already initiated a laggy move (fireball) so as long as you can tell when he's going to throw it then you're good. If on the other hand he is mixing movement with Fireballs then technically he's the one approaching you. Even if we have no counter against his approach (which I believe we do to be honest, even if it's really hard) it's still him approaching you, not the other way around,

I still think the Mario matchup is incredibly hard, but I do not think Mario forces us to approach. In fact it's in Mario's benefit to be up close with us technically.

Bouncing Fish also combos out of half-charged Needles and out of F-Air. In neutral it's supposed to be a mix up tool. The move is excesively strong and it's Sheik's most reliable KO move to be honest (maybe 2nd most reliable after U-Air).

As I said again, you do realize you have completely control on when to release shadow ball right? And there are certain ranges where Mario cannot cape it back otherwise he's dead, it's just that. Will he allow you to put him at that range? Maybe not, but you can have the Shadow Ball just in case. You can also release the Shadow Ball as a punish too like you can in any matchup. Having it will always put your opponent on the edge.

Almost all good players place Mario around 7-10th, behind a lot of chars (Rosalina, Luigi, Fox, Yoshi etc), not only Sheik. And Mario does struggle to get the kill most of the time. Normally Mario's try fishing for U-Smashes since F-Smash and D-Smash are way too unsafe. It's almost all they can do.

Mario is a solid char though, very strong, but you're making him out to be god tier, which he isn't close to. Although he might as well be god tier when fighting against Mewtwo. If I were to rate how the matchup "feels" without doing any labbing or research I'd say Mario vs Mewtwo is like 30-70 in Mario's favor just because everytime I fight a decent Mario I just can't do almost anything.

So I actually came into the thread to ask:

What moves/tools do you guys use to punish Pikachu/Kirby when they approach with aerials? Both Pikachu and Kirby have multi-hit aerials which last until they land, so you cannot drop shield until after they land (or at least I think I can't, correct me if I am wrong) and when they do land their body crouches into the ground allowing them to dodge grabs or jabs. I've also tried OoS U-Smash and OoS N-Air, nothing hits them.

Is there something I am not doing? Maybe an option I am not thinking about? Maybe an specific hit in their moves I can drop shield at to grab before the next hit (and before they land) or something similar? I was thinking of maybe going for D-Tilt but I am almost 100% sure that there won't be enough lag to actually do it (since I would have to go into shield stun, shield drop and then finally the D-Tilt frames).

I honestly need help figuring out how to punish an aerial from Pikachu or Kirby it's extremely annoying that they seem like they can just get away with it and I just have to respect it and run away...
For Pikachu you can punish his fair with dtilt once you've completely shielded the move, same with dair (you can grab that one) and bair. Kirby you simply can't punish the landing lag on his air moves, period, no matter who you use unless you've got an insanely fast invincible OOS move like Doc's Super Jump Punch or Mac's Rising Uppercut. Instead you need to abuse his terrible air speed and never let him get in a position to use those aerials on you in the first place, not to mention challenging
him in the air is easy since you outrange him handily. Just watch for stone and don't let him bait you with multiple jumps.

Against Pikachu I would be more worried about Quick Attack than his aerials. And for Kirby just get in the habit of counting his


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
For Pikachu you can punish his fair with dtilt once you've completely shielded the move, same with dair (you can grab that one) and bair. Kirby you simply can't punish the landing lag on his air moves, period, no matter who you use unless you've got an insanely fast invincible OOS move like Doc's Super Jump Punch or Mac's Rising Uppercut. Instead you need to abuse his terrible air speed and never let him get in a position to use those aerials on you in the first place, not to mention challenging
him in the air is easy since you outrange him handily. Just watch for stone and don't let him bait you with multiple jumps.

Against Pikachu I would be more worried about Quick Attack than his aerials. And for Kirby just get in the habit of counting his

I cannot grab Pikachu's D-Air, I tried many times. I might just have to drop shield early in order to grab him before he touches the ground, but this Pikachu specifically normally starts the aerial when Pikachu is slightly inside my shield, so it feels like if I drop it I will be instantly hit.

For Kirby, both his N-Air and D-Air are pretty easy to grab when I am playing a diff char (In fact I can grab him out of D-Air with Mewtwo sometimes). F-Air and B-Air I can also punish if my opponent doesn't space then when playing Roy. Basically I grab as soon as the last hitbox touches the shield.

With Mewtwo though he just whiffs, really hoping they fix that ****.

I know Quick Attack must be ****ing impossible to deal with but first I need to learn the basics of fighting Pikachu before moving into more complicated stuff.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
I know I am a bit late but this is wrong.

Shadow Ball deals 25% damage. Fresh moves do an extra 1.05% damage (they do not in training mode which is why it will fail inside training mode). 90% of reflectors (not counting the Bats or Pocket) multiply by 1.4x including our own.

When you throw the ball it has a damage output of 26.25%. If they reflect the ball back at you it comes back at 36.75%. This means that when we reflect it back it goes back towards the opponent at 51.45 which actually for some reason registers as 52%.

I know this because I've done this MANY times. If I see a reflector loving opponent I refresh my Shadow Ball, charge it to max and then just throw and reflect. It kills Fox at around 10% and Mario at around 20% too, so it's a very early kill if they make the mistake. It also breaks shield if they try to shield. Finally if you space it correctly they should not have time to jump either (it will still hit them, unless it's Falco or something who jumps really fast). Basically they are left with either power shielding or rolling/dodging, all 3 are extremely hard to time, specially if they weren't expecting the second reflect.

For the baby Shadow Balls, while a fresh one makes you lose the final outcome, once Shadow Ball is not fresh (it doesn't matter how stale it is, it just needs to be stale) you will always win the outcome for the war.

Let me show you:

Baby Shadow Ball deals 2.5% damage. If the move is stale it deals around ~2-2.375% damage

Throw - 2.0-2.375 damage
First reflect (Belongs to your opponent) - 2.8 - 3.32%
Second reflect (Belong to you) - 3.92 - 4.65%
3rd - 5.48 - 6.51%
4th - 7.68 - 9.12%
5th - 10.75 - 12.77%
6th - 15.05 - 17.88%
7th - 21.08 - 25.03%
8th - 29.51 - 35.04%
9th - 41.32 - 49.06%
10th (belongs to you) - 57.85 - 68.69%

To summarize:

If Shadow Ball is fresh Mewtwo will always win the MAX charge reflection war. If Shadow Ball is not fresh (doesn't matter how stale it is) Mewtwo will always win the MIN charge reflection war.

The Mario's and Falcon's you're fighting are not good. Falcon can U-Air chain you forever. Also Mewtwo's size and air acceleration (which is extremely low) do not allow him to DI out of knee at some specific %s. If the Falcon knows about this then he has a kill combo that works around 50-70%.

Mario has a hard time getting the kill on us, but that's something Mario has against everyone. In reality with us it's easier for him to get the KO than it is with most of the other chars so Mario should be used to that little bit. Aside from that he can combo you forever too and he has a "combo breaker" N-Air and Mewtwo has no real true combos aside from 2 hit wonders which means you will never get more than 2 hits in a row on him.

If a Falcon or Mario can't get a single grab on you in a match then you're severely outplaying them, which is why I am saying that they must be bad.

You do realize the "perfect range" is a minimum range, right? It's not that he can "weave in and out" it's whether you (Mewtwo) are far away enough to reflect it again or not. You have COMPLETE control over when to throw the Shadow Ball. Obviously Mario can remain in your face the whole game, you just don't throw it. Once he's out of that range you throw it. A good Mario won't even cape it if they have the matchup knowledge to understand that another reflect means instant death for him.

While Mario's fireball are a great tool AND Mario can follow up on it, they do not force you to approach mandatorily. If Mario is throwing them from really far away perfect shielding them isn't hard. You can even reflect them if Mario isn't full hoping it might hit him. If on the other hand Mario is close by then you can watch him closely and punish his pattern. You might think this is "approaching" but it shouldn't be considered the same as Mario has already initiated a laggy move (fireball) so as long as you can tell when he's going to throw it then you're good. If on the other hand he is mixing movement with Fireballs then technically he's the one approaching you. Even if we have no counter against his approach (which I believe we do to be honest, even if it's really hard) it's still him approaching you, not the other way around,

I still think the Mario matchup is incredibly hard, but I do not think Mario forces us to approach. In fact it's in Mario's benefit to be up close with us technically.

Bouncing Fish also combos out of half-charged Needles and out of F-Air. In neutral it's supposed to be a mix up tool. The move is excesively strong and it's Sheik's most reliable KO move to be honest (maybe 2nd most reliable after U-Air).

As I said again, you do realize you have completely control on when to release shadow ball right? And there are certain ranges where Mario cannot cape it back otherwise he's dead, it's just that. Will he allow you to put him at that range? Maybe not, but you can have the Shadow Ball just in case. You can also release the Shadow Ball as a punish too like you can in any matchup. Having it will always put your opponent on the edge.

Almost all good players place Mario around 7-10th, behind a lot of chars (Rosalina, Luigi, Fox, Yoshi etc), not only Sheik. And Mario does struggle to get the kill most of the time. Normally Mario's try fishing for U-Smashes since F-Smash and D-Smash are way too unsafe. It's almost all they can do.

Mario is a solid char though, very strong, but you're making him out to be god tier, which he isn't close to. Although he might as well be god tier when fighting against Mewtwo. If I were to rate how the matchup "feels" without doing any labbing or research I'd say Mario vs Mewtwo is like 30-70 in Mario's favor just because everytime I fight a decent Mario I just can't do almost anything.

So I actually came into the thread to ask:

What moves/tools do you guys use to punish Pikachu/Kirby when they approach with aerials? Both Pikachu and Kirby have multi-hit aerials which last until they land, so you cannot drop shield until after they land (or at least I think I can't, correct me if I am wrong) and when they do land their body crouches into the ground allowing them to dodge grabs or jabs. I've also tried OoS U-Smash and OoS N-Air, nothing hits them.

Is there something I am not doing? Maybe an option I am not thinking about? Maybe an specific hit in their moves I can drop shield at to grab before the next hit (and before they land) or something similar? I was thinking of maybe going for D-Tilt but I am almost 100% sure that there won't be enough lag to actually do it (since I would have to go into shield stun, shield drop and then finally the D-Tilt frames).

I honestly need help figuring out how to punish an aerial from Pikachu or Kirby it's extremely annoying that they seem like they can just get away with it and I just have to respect it and run away...
There must be a missing component, because with full freshness, Fox was always able to reflect it back to me a second time at full charge. Not in training mode.

We dont have any ability to punish small characters. Best is to preemptively Nair through them once they jump or to run away.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
There must be a missing component, because with full freshness, Fox was always able to reflect it back to me a second time at full charge. Not in training mode.

We dont have any ability to punish small characters. Best is to preemptively Nair through them once they jump or to run away.
Fox can't reflect it back as long as it's fresh, as I said have done this many times I am sure of it. As soon as Shadow Ball is stale though, no matter how stale it is, the opponent will always win the reflection war.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Fox can't reflect it back as long as it's fresh, as I said have done this many times I am sure of it. As soon as Shadow Ball is stale though, no matter how stale it is, the opponent will always win the reflection war.
I had the exact opposite experience. Fresh, Fox wins. After one usage, Mewtwo wins.

I generally charge Shadow Ball to 3/4 power because we always win, then.

Baby Shadow Ball fizzles before it becomes unreflectable, by the way. The scenario you described in your post never happens.
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I had the exact opposite experience. Fresh, Fox wins. After one usage, Mewtwo wins.

I generally charge Shadow Ball to 3/4 power because we always win, then.

Baby Shadow Ball fizzles before it becomes unreflectable, by the way. The scenario you described in your post never happens.
Ah didn't know about Baby Shadow Ball disappearing since normally a 10x reflect wars doesn't happen.

Here's a video:


The quality is very crappy but I wasn't going to pull out my streaming kit when this was just a quick demonstration :p.

Note: It does register as 51%!!! I thought it registered as 52% probably because most of the time I had already done some decimal damage on my opponent so it adds up to 52%. The game keeps track of ALL decimal points even though it doesn't show any. A lot of moves do decimal damage too but register as an integer. So if you have done at least 0.05% in decimal damage the move will register as 52% instead of 51% but the actual damage it deals is 51.45%.

Also the 3/4th charge thing is not optimal as it depends a lot of how stale you are and what not. As in when fresh 14-17% is the range at which you win it, but as the move gets staler this % will change, that is if you use Shadow Ball like 4+ times (in the last 10 moves, so maybe it's not worth caring about). Also it gives the opponent a lot of time to think about how to escape the scenario since he will notice you can reflect it too.

I mean it isn't a bad strategy, and it's definitely good to keep in mind for when Shadow Ball is stale and you can't do the max reflect wars, but I don't think it's as effective at getting a kill <10% from either pure surprise, lack of matchup knowledge or just reflexes (on your opponent, a lot of people reflect projectiles on reflex) since the opponent will understand your strategy while you're reflecting.
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Here's another video for @ RayNoire RayNoire


This video showcases Mewtwo's perfect range reflection vs Fox. Note that the "perfect range" varies depending on which char you're fighting. Against Falco for example, who'se reflector actually extends outward, you will need to be further than this since he will reflect the ball earlier than Fox.

Against Mario though, who does not speed up the projectile like Fox, you can stand slightly closer than what is showcased in the video. As you can see in the video the distance is about 40% of FD (Omega SV), with Mario you can stand closer around 1/3rd of the stage. It's honestly a very short distance and once they are farther than this throwing a (fresh) Max Charged Shadow Ball becomes 100% safe.

Also it's really good to note that Fox is actually 100% trapped into this, he CANNOT drop the reflector fast enough to respond to the reflected Shadow Ball at this range. The same thing would happen with Falco. Mario not so much. Since cape is not as laggy Mario might be able to dodge, roll or even jump. The ball will break shield though so he cannot shield it.

It also kills from center stage around 10-20%, keep that in mind.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Here's another video for @ RayNoire RayNoire


This video showcases Mewtwo's perfect range reflection vs Fox. Note that the "perfect range" varies depending on which char you're fighting. Against Falco for example, who'se reflector actually extends outward, you will need to be further than this since he will reflect the ball earlier than Fox.

Against Mario though, who does not speed up the projectile like Fox, you can stand slightly closer than what is showcased in the video. As you can see in the video the distance is about 40% of FD (Omega SV), with Mario you can stand closer around 1/3rd of the stage. It's honestly a very short distance and once they are farther than this throwing a (fresh) Max Charged Shadow Ball becomes 100% safe.

Also it's really good to note that Fox is actually 100% trapped into this, he CANNOT drop the reflector fast enough to respond to the reflected Shadow Ball at this range. The same thing would happen with Falco. Mario not so much. Since cape is not as laggy Mario might be able to dodge, roll or even jump. The ball will break shield though so he cannot shield it.

It also kills from center stage around 10-20%, keep that in mind.

Mario can move during the startup of his Cape if it's jump-canceled, which can still be done on reaction to SB. He moves a pretty good distance too, so that will threaten the safety of any SB in that range.

And throwing SB from farther away isn't safe because Mario can follow the Caped SB and put a lot of pressure on us when we have to respond to it. Also, a frame 26 or whatever it is move is not exactly the best close-range option.

Basically the only safe use of SB in this matchup is going be when Mario is high offstage. And even then, it's hardly a threat because it's not like we can punish him for caping it (at least not when charged). We're basically just testing his timing.

And yeah, Mario is as close to "god tier" as we got. Maybe you guys need to fight better Marios. We've got really good Marios in our region, and many of our top players (including one of said Marios) agree with me that he's better than Sheik.

But I'll drop it. There's plenty of other characters Mewtwo loses to that we can talk about.

That is good to know against Fox though. For how bad that matchup is, we do at least have some advantages (at least in customs-off--f*** Twisting Fox and its ungimpable disjoint).
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Mario can move during the startup of his Cape if it's jump-canceled, which can still be done on reaction to SB. He moves a pretty good distance too, so that will threaten the safety of any SB in that range.

And throwing SB from farther away isn't safe because Mario can follow the Caped SB and put a lot of pressure on us when we have to respond to it.

Basically the only safe use of SB in this matchup is going be when Mario is high offstage. And even then, it's hardly a threat because it's not like we can punish him for caping it (at least not when charged). We're basically just testing his timing.

And yeah, Mario is as close to "god tier" as we got. Maybe you guys need to fight better Marios. We've got really good Marios in our region, and many of our top players (including one of said Marios) agree with me that he's better than Sheik.

But I'll drop it. There's plentty of other characters Mewtwo loses to that we can ralk about.

That is good to know against Fox though. For how bad that matchup is, we do at least have some advantages (at least in customs-off--f*** Twisting Fox and its ungimpable disjoint).
This isn't correct.

Mario moving doesn't mean the SB will be reflected earlier. Only him moving BEFORE reflecting would mean it would be reflected earlier and that's your own fault for not measuring the distance correctly (throwing it knowing he can just slide forward before reflecting). Also from the distance I was throwing it if Mario didn't cape IMMEDIATELY he would get hit, so if he tried to do anything BUT caping (including dashing forward into a cape) he would get hit.

Mario CANNOT follow caped Max Charge Shadow Ball, he does not move even remotely at the speed of a Shadow Ball (plus he has to end the cape lag before starting to dash or jump) and you can just jump backwards (or shield/dodge, but these will be laggier and won't space you) the reflected Shadow Ball if you see Mario starting to move towards you.

If you want we can test this online. I'll play Mewtwo, you play Mario. I'll throw a Shadow ball and you'll reflect it then try to punish me for it. Keep in mind that your ONLY option for approaching me is to jump too since you have to respect the fact that I could reflect it back into a 1 hit KO.

Also who are these awesome Mario players you're talking about? I mean what are their names?

It's good to note that you exaggerating everything Mario can do and utilizing impossible examples doesn't help spread your point it just makes you look salty because you lose to Mario and invalidates everything you say.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
This isn't correct.

Mario moving doesn't mean the SB will be reflected earlier. Only him moving BEFORE reflecting would mean it would be reflected earlier and that's your own fault for not measuring the distance correctly (throwing it knowing he can just slide forward before reflecting). Also from the distance I was throwing it if Mario didn't cape IMMEDIATELY he would get hit, so if he tried to do anything BUT caping (including dashing forward into a cape) he would get hit.

Mario CANNOT follow caped Max Charge Shadow Ball, he does not move even remotely at the speed of a Shadow Ball (plus he has to end the cape lag before starting to dash or jump) and you can just jump backwards (or shield/dodge, but these will be laggier and won't space you) the reflected Shadow Ball if you see Mario starting to move towards you.

If you want we can test this online. I'll play Mewtwo, you play Mario. I'll throw a Shadow ball and you'll reflect it then try to punish me for it. Keep in mind that your ONLY option for approaching me is to jump too since you have to respect the fact that I could reflect it back into a 1 hit KO.

Also who are these awesome Mario players you're talking about? I mean what are their names?

It's good to note that you exaggerating everything Mario can do and utilizing impossible examples doesn't help spread your point it just makes you look salty because you lose to Mario and invalidates everything you say.
...Yeah, moving before reflecting is exactly what happens.

I don't really know what to say to the rest. Is this from WiFi? Because I could see how all that could be true on WiFi where people can't react as fast. But in my experience, none of that is true. No matter where you fire SB from, Mario can JC-Cape on reaction and can absolutely follow SB and pressure Mewtwo. I can't really make any argument further than that if we're arguing facts.

And why am I salty and all the people who say Sheik is #1 aren't just salty? Couldn't you accuse any claim like that of just being salty? You might as well change Smashboards to Saltboards. There's no need for that.
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
...Yeah, moving before reflecting is exactly what happens.

I don't really know what to say to the rest. Is this from WiFi? Because I could see how all that could be true on WiFi where people can't react as fast. But in my experience, none of that is true. No matter where you fire SB from, Mario can JC-Cape on reaction and can absolutely follow SB and pressure Mewtwo. I can't really make any argument further than that if we're arguing facts.

And why am I salty and all the people who say Sheik is #1 aren't just salty? Couldn't you accuse any claim like that of just being salty? You might as well change Smashboards to Saltboards. There's no need for that.

I am saying you are salty because everything you write about Mario is extremely over the top and not even remotely accurate. Mario following a SB from half way across the stage and somehow reaching you while you're still in lag or something is just pure nonsense.

Let me throw some frame data your way:

Mario run speed: 1.6
Mario air speed: 1.15
Mario cape reflect frame: 12-14
Mario cape FAF: 36

Mario can act 22-24 frames after caping.

Mewtwo run speed: 1.696
Mewtwo air speed: 1.15
Mewtwo Shadow Ball Release: 23
Mewtwo Shadow Ball FAF: 49

Mewtwo can act 26 frames after releasing Shadow Ball.

I could take into account the knockback Mewtwo suffers but that is suffered WHILE in the 26 frames of lag (you cannot act while being pushed back) so it doesn't really matter.

Mario moves at basically THE SAME speed as Mewtwo in both air and ground (Mewtwo moves slightly faster but he has less acceleration, which equates into less "control" since you already dash at max speed and jump at max air speed bypassing acceleration) but he gets 2-4 extra frames to act after reflecting the Shadow Ball which moves at the same exact speed. If Mario was able to "chase a Max charge Shadow Ball" then Mewtwo would be able to chase it too. See?

Also remember that video where Duck Hunt got chased by a Shadow Ball and still got hit? Well, Duck Hunt runs faster than Mario, he had about 1/4th of the stage as a headstart and he also did not have to suffer 24 frames of lag yet he still only made it about 1/4th of the stage through before getting hit. Yet you expect Mario to catch up to a ball that's faster than him after 24 frames of lag and half a stage of distance.

Also you didn't name any of those top Mario's you were talking about.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I am saying you are salty because everything you write about Mario is extremely over the top and not even remotely accurate. Mario following a SB from half way across the stage and somehow reaching you while you're still in lag or something is just pure nonsense.

Let me throw some frame data your way:

Mario run speed: 1.6
Mario air speed: 1.15
Mario cape reflect frame: 12-14
Mario cape FAF: 36

Mario can act 22-24 frames after caping.

Mewtwo run speed: 1.696
Mewtwo air speed: 1.15
Mewtwo Shadow Ball Release: 23
Mewtwo Shadow Ball FAF: 49

Mewtwo can act 26 frames after releasing Shadow Ball.

I could take into account the knockback Mewtwo suffers but that is suffered WHILE in the 26 frames of lag (you cannot act while being pushed back) so it doesn't really matter.

Mario moves at basically THE SAME speed as Mewtwo in both air and ground (Mewtwo moves slightly faster but he has less acceleration, which equates into less "control" since you already dash at max speed and jump at max air speed bypassing acceleration) but he gets 2-4 extra frames to act after reflecting the Shadow Ball which moves at the same exact speed. If Mario was able to "chase a Max charge Shadow Ball" then Mewtwo would be able to chase it too. See?

Also remember that video where Duck Hunt got chased by a Shadow Ball and still got hit? Well, Duck Hunt runs faster than Mario, he had about 1/4th of the stage as a headstart and he also did not have to suffer 24 frames of lag yet he still only made it about 1/4th of the stage through before getting hit. Yet you expect Mario to catch up to a ball that's faster than him after 24 frames of lag and half a stage of distance.

Also you didn't name any of those top Mario's you were talking about.
I didn't say Mario could punish Confusion. I said Mario can punish whatever you do to avoid the SB. The inverse is not true because Caping is significantly less of a commitment than Confusion, so Mario has much more time to react.

The only reason Mewtwo can't chase his own Shadow Balls is because of the recoil pushing him too far away and killing his momentum. He can chase uncharged SBs.

My region is in the Midwest (WI) so you're not going to recognize any names. But if you're curious, Maverick and Fons are both in our Top 5. Fons is my brother, and he agrees both that Mario is #1 and that Mewtwo v Mario is one of the most lopsided matchups in the game. We've played through the matchup thousands of times.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I didn't say Mario could punish Confusion. I said Mario can punish whatever you do to avoid the SB. The inverse is not true because Caping is significantly less of a commitment than Confusion, so Mario has much more time to react.

The only reason Mewtwo can't chase his own Shadow Balls is because of the recoil pushing him too far away and killing his momentum. He can chase uncharged SBs.

My region is in the Midwest (WI) so you're not going to recognize any names. But if you're curious, Maverick and Fons are both in our Top 5. Fons is my brother, and he agrees both that Mario is #1 and that Mewtwo v Mario is one of the most lopsided matchups in the game. We've played through the matchup thousands of times.
Mewtwo can BARELY follow point blank (less than 1/3rd stage distance which is what we're talking about here) uncharged shadow balls and the opponent STILL gets time to shield it (not even perfect shield), shield drop AND jab before you can reach the opponent with a simple dash grab. That is assuming they know exactly what you're going for and react accordingly.

Max charge Shadow Balls travel about 40% faster than uncharged Shadow Balls and Mewtwo runs faster than Mario too, plus the distance that Mewtwo can follow an uncharged Shadow Ball is less than the "perfect range" to reflect it back. You were saying?

As I said we can go online and test it whenever you want.

I did not find a single video of Fons and I was not able to find his name in any of the recognitions or Power Rankings of Smash 4.

I did find a couple of videos of you and I honestly do not think you're top 10 in your region or even close to it.

Also in the videos there's already a couple of things that can be discredited as lies from what you've "claimed" in this thread. I do not want to "shame" you in front of the forums so I won't write my analysis of said video but you shouldn't start throwing out random claims.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Mewtwo can BARELY follow point blank (less than 1/3rd stage distance which is what we're talking about here) uncharged shadow balls and the opponent STILL gets time to shield it (not even perfect shield), shield drop AND jab before you can reach the opponent with a simple dash grab. That is assuming they know exactly what you're going for and react accordingly.

Max charge Shadow Balls travel about 40% faster than uncharged Shadow Balls and Mewtwo runs faster than Mario too, plus the distance that Mewtwo can follow an uncharged Shadow Ball is less than the "perfect range" to reflect it back. You were saying?

As I said we can go online and test it whenever you want.

I did not find a single video of Fons and I was not able to find his name in any of the recognitions or Power Rankings of Smash 4.

I did find a couple of videos of you and I honestly do not think you're top 10 in your region or even close to it.

Also in the videos there's already a couple of things that can be discredited as lies from what you've "claimed" in this thread. I do not want to "shame" you in front of the forums so I won't write my analysis of said video but you shouldn't start throwing out random claims.
Uh...There are no videos of me.

So this is getting a bit weird. I'm going to go ahead and exit. But you can go to the regional PR thread and find the WI PR there if you're interested. Toodles!



Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Uh...There are no videos of me.

So this is getting a bit weird. I'm going to go ahead and exit. But you can go to the regional PR thread and find the WI PR there if you're interested. Toodles!

There are 2 in youtube, it's as much as I could find.

There's one of you vs some Sheik (Probalo).

I wasn't going to comment on it but that Sheik isn't exactly good at playing Sheik (Not 1 F-Air string. Never does a single frame trap. Randomly smashes all the time as Sheik even when you're at 20% and out of her range. Never used Needles even once in 2 matches. Never combos out of a grab. Etc.) and she still won which is why I doubted you were PRed. But I see you're on the list so I'll drop it. Sorry about that.

As I told you, we can test the Mario thing whenever you want.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
There are 2 in youtube, it's as much as I could find.

There's one of you vs some Sheik (Probalo).

I wasn't going to comment on it but that Sheik isn't exactly good at playing Sheik (Not 1 F-Air string. Never does a single frame trap. Randomly smashes all the time as Sheik even when you're at 20% and out of her range. Never used Needles even once in 2 matches. Never combos out of a grab. Etc.) and she still won which is why I doubted you were PRed. But I see you're on the list so I'll drop it. Sorry about that.

As I told you, we can test the Mario thing whenever you want.
Hmm. Yeah, no recollection of that. It's possible though. I've played on Anthers while drunk a few times, lol.

Yeah, unfortunately the only active WI stream is in Milwaukee (Fons and I actually just went to their biweekly last week, but they didn't stream that day), and the biggest scene is in Madison, so a lot of our players have no tournament footage. You can probably find some of Maverick though.

I don't play WiFi usually because I don't like the differences in timing. Like I said, I can totally believe that things are different on WiFi, because even the smoothest connections affect reaction time, especially if you aren't used to it.

Anyway, we all agree that Mewtwo v Mario is pretty bad, so the degree of badness doesn't matter too much.

The question is, do we all agree that we body Little Mac really hard?


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Hmm. Yeah, no recollection of that. It's possible though. I've played on Anthers while drunk a few times, lol.

Yeah, unfortunately the only active WI stream is in Milwaukee (Fons and I actually just went to their biweekly last week, but they didn't stream that day), and the biggest scene is in Madison, so a lot of our players have no tournament footage. You can probably find some of Maverick though.

I don't play WiFi usually because I don't like the differences in timing. Like I said, I can totally believe that things are different on WiFi, because even the smoothest connections affect reaction time, especially if you aren't used to it.

Anyway, we all agree that Mewtwo v Mario is pretty bad, so the degree of badness doesn't matter too much.

The question is, do we all agree that we body Little Mac really hard?

I agree that Mario is one of our worst matchups by far.

I don't know what to say about Little Mac, he is one of those characters were playing a good Little Mac and a bad Little Mac is a huuuge difference and I haven't played any decent Little Macs as Mewtwo.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
In my experience, Little Mac HATES Dtilt-Fair. It gets him off stage quickly and safely, and Dtilt can also catch his Up-B if he misses the ledge snap, which leads to a guaranteed Fair kill.

I actually think Little Mac is really good (and he wrecked my old main), but I think we're one of his worst matchups, next to Sheik and...Mario (hurrdurrhurr)


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2013
San Diego
@ Chiroz Chiroz : nice to know you're so sure about yourself. Of course mewtwo struggles with falcon and mario. That's the freakin problem that can't be changed. The only thing you can do is outplay them, which I'm expressing my opinions on how you can. If you don't want to fight falcon or mario as mewtwo, mewtwos next best strategy is not playing as mewtwo.
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
@ Chiroz Chiroz : nice to know you're so sure about yourself. Of course mewtwo struggles with falcon and mario. That's the freakin problem that can't be changed. The only thing you can do is outplay them, which I'm expressing my opinions on how you can. If you don't want to fight falcon or mario as mewtwo, mewtwos next best strategy is not playing as mewtwo.
"From my experience mewtwo excels against players with hyper aggressive play styles. This includes mario, falcon, and sonic."

These are your words. I wasn't being "sure of myself" (I don't know exactly what that means by the way. I am assuming it means "full of myself"). I was just correcting what I think, in my opinion based from my experience, is a mistake.

Mewtwo is not good against Mario or Falcon. You can provide tips to mitigate our weaknesses against said characters but saying we excel at the thing that basically destroys us the most because of those tips isn't true.

From my experience (and I think most people here will agree) the hardest matchups are those that stay in our faces all game long and combo us to infinity (Basically hyper aggressive playstyles). Specially since we're so light and die at so low %.
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Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2013
San Diego
What I'm saying is he excels at it in a sense that he can turn aggressive players into defensive players.

Anyway it's a poor choice of words. On your last point though I can assume you didn't read everything I've stated since we've both stated that falcon can combo us to death


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Here's another video for @ RayNoire RayNoire


This video showcases Mewtwo's perfect range reflection vs Fox. Note that the "perfect range" varies depending on which char you're fighting. Against Falco for example, who'se reflector actually extends outward, you will need to be further than this since he will reflect the ball earlier than Fox.

Against Mario though, who does not speed up the projectile like Fox, you can stand slightly closer than what is showcased in the video. As you can see in the video the distance is about 40% of FD (Omega SV), with Mario you can stand closer around 1/3rd of the stage. It's honestly a very short distance and once they are farther than this throwing a (fresh) Max Charged Shadow Ball becomes 100% safe.

Also it's really good to note that Fox is actually 100% trapped into this, he CANNOT drop the reflector fast enough to respond to the reflected Shadow Ball at this range. The same thing would happen with Falco. Mario not so much. Since cape is not as laggy Mario might be able to dodge, roll or even jump. The ball will break shield though so he cannot shield it.

It also kills from center stage around 10-20%, keep that in mind.
I stand corrected on the freshness aspect. I must have tested that poorly.

However, I disagree with you on the perfect reflect range. Perfect reflect range will trigger Confusion's multireflect, and Mewtwo NEVER loses as a result. I multireflected a Palutena yesterday in a match. :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I go back and forth on the Falcon matchup. It's so damn volatile.

We basically have to convert every hit into a stock. We have the tools to do that, but so does he.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I go back and forth on the Falcon matchup. It's so damn volatile.

We basically have to convert every hit into a stock. We have the tools to do that, but so does he.
Falcon can combo us way too much and if the Falcon knows the matchup then he knows he has a guaranteed knee at certain %s from U-Air and at other %s from Down-Throw.

Mewtwo can combo Falcon too and we can gimp him with B-Air or N-Air very easily. Also SBs in neutral is great as long as you know how to use them.

I also go a lot back and forth on this. I think of this matchup in Falcon's favor but Mewtwo can definitely destroy Falcon if Falcon doesn't play the game really safe.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
I think the matchup is definitely in Falcon's favor. He gets guaranteed kill combos at low %. Our gimping ability is not extraordinarily better than other characters. That said, I don't think it is heavily in Falcon's favor. Maybe 45-55.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I think the matchup is definitely in Falcon's favor. He gets guaranteed kill combos at low %. Our gimping ability is not extraordinarily better than other characters. That said, I don't think it is heavily in Falcon's favor. Maybe 45-55.
Against Falcon specifically our gimping ability is extraordinarily better. If he tries to recover with Side-B, DJC B-Air true combos into another B-Air at all %s, if he already used his double jump then he's not making it back. If he's going to recover with Up-B just instantly drop with N-Air. If you manage to hit him it's a stock, simple as that.

That said I still see the Falcon match 45-55 or even 40-60 since he dominates us in the stage way too much.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Against Falcon specifically our gimping ability is extraordinarily better. If he tries to recover with Side-B, DJC B-Air true combos into another B-Air at all %s, if he already used his double jump then he's not making it back. If he's going to recover with Up-B just instantly drop with N-Air, if you manage to hit him it's a stock, simple as that.

That said I still see the Falcon match 45-55 or even 40-60 since he dominates us in the stage way too much.
A good Falcon will save the double jump for the right moment, though, and Bair isn't too hard to air dodge thanks to our awkward aerial movement. I would say about 1/3 of my gimp attempts against Falcon are successful if the Falcon knows what is up. I also wonder if Bair can be counterhit, but no one is trying it because they assume the tail is invulnerable.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
A good Falcon will save the double jump for the right moment, though, and Bair isn't too hard to air dodge thanks to our awkward aerial movement. I would say about 1/3 of my gimp attempts against Falcon are successful if the Falcon knows what is up. I also wonder if Bair can be counterhit, but no one is trying it because they assume the tail is invulnerable.
You have to hit Falcon as he's Side-Bing or as he's double jumping. If the Falcon is saving his double jump then he can only go for Up-B so you can try and go for an N-Air gimp.

Basically stay at stage level while approaching Falcon, if you see him drop down (not use his double jump) then just fast fall into N-Air where he HAS to jump in order to survive. Mewtwo can make it from the blast zone easily, Falcon can't. If he airdodges your N-Air or tries to "drift away" from it then he won't make it to the edge.

As soon as he uses his double jump go for a B-Air into a Fast Fall, if he air dodges you can now N-Air him downwards, if he doesn't air dodge then he was just hit by B-Air, quickly regrab the ledge and try to gimp him again, only now he doesn't have a double jump.

Falcon's recovery is very linear. He has poor air acceleration and drops quickly so he has a necessity of recovering quickly and has an impossibility of mixing up his momentum. You already know the speed at which he is approaching and the locations he can recover from, it's ALL about the timing here, there's no real mixups.

Obv. this is all much easier said than done and you said you can gimp Falcon 1/3 times you try, that's actually a good record. Just make sure to get him out of the stage every time you can. You'll probably get him offstage 6 times before he can kill 2 stocks from you to be honest.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
What kind of sucks is that it's possible for Falcon's Up-B to beat Nair. I had it happen in a tournament match on a game-winning gimp. *seethe*

I don't know if it's at all possible for us to time it so that doesn't happen or do anything other than just not get unlucky, but just be aware that it's not 100% guaranteed. It should still work nine times out of ten.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
What kind of sucks is that it's possible for Falcon's Up-B to beat Nair. I had it happen in a tournament match on a game-winning gimp. *seethe*

I don't know if it's at all possible for us to time it so that doesn't happen or do anything other than just not get unlucky, but just be aware that it's not 100% guaranteed. It should still work nine times out of ten.
I've also had it happen to me.

I really want to know what N-Air's hitbox looks like and how it acts.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
I have gotten hit by his up B way too many times. :(

Also, I am not 100% sure on the best way to Nair gimp. Sometimes I try to let all of Nair hit, but my opponent is tossed up toward the stage and gets an easy recovery. If I fast fall the Nair, sometimes my opponent falls out of the Nair vacuum and gets to recover. What are your experiences?

I am glad there are a few of us working hard on this guy. Feels really goddamn lonely right now. Mewtwo gameplay is as common as Ganondorf in competitive play.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I have gotten hit by his up B way too many times. :(

Also, I am not 100% sure on the best way to Nair gimp. Sometimes I try to let all of Nair hit, but my opponent is tossed up toward the stage and gets an easy recovery. If I fast fall the Nair, sometimes my opponent falls out of the Nair vacuum and gets to recover. What are your experiences?

I am glad there are a few of us working hard on this guy. Feels really goddamn lonely right now. Mewtwo gameplay is as common as Ganondorf in competitive play.
Fast Fall it (while moving away from the stage too). You want the opponent to fall out of it. Try to land it as dead center as you can (or while Falcon is moving towards you. I normally aim for the spot where the Falcon has to jump too to get in range for his Up-B) so that you can drag him down deeper, but ultimately you don't want the last hit connecting.

Normally if Falcon has already used his Double Jump, whenever/wherever he is "dropped" from the N-Air he's already dead.

Edit: Also, remember to avoid getting footstooled or Up-Bed as you're double jumping back to the stage. If the Falcon is smart he will try to go for one of those.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2015
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

I don't have too much to say about this matchup. Him being a fast-faller sucks for us, but at least he's gimpable. Probably evenish.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys, I am uploading about 15 replays of me and Raykz against a Yoshi player. Maybe it will give us something to discuss regarding the matchup. If anyone has a replay that they think should be included in the discussion, feel free to send it my day. My YouTube channel is below:
Edit: not sure what went wrong, here is a link to one video, and you can use that to get to my channel:

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Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2015
Hey guys, I am uploading about 15 replays of me and Raykz against a Yoshi player. Maybe it will give us something to discuss regarding the matchup. If anyone has a replay that they think should be included in the discussion, feel free to send it my day. My YouTube channel is below:
Trying to get to your youtube channel, but the link keeps directing me to a kickstarter site about making tutorials for fighting games...
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Smash Ace
May 15, 2015
Hey guys, I am uploading about 15 replays of me and Raykz against a Yoshi player. Maybe it will give us something to discuss regarding the matchup. If anyone has a replay that they think should be included in the discussion, feel free to send it my day. My YouTube channel is below:
Edit: not sure what went wrong, here is a link to one video, and you can use that to get to my channel:

I'll watch these videos in more detail but I can see why this Yoshi isn't fun to play against. Full hop Fairs and random Down-Bs' online.

You seem to be primarily defensive, whereas Raykz tends to be less defensive but utilizes more of Mewtwo's moves.
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