Fire Emblemier
The Crests are to Blame
I don't think the master ball was used on shiny, Shiny fled. A pokemon fleeing in this setup looks to be the flavor for lynching.Sorry Shiny, I'm sure it must suck to get lynched day 1 while being townie. At least you confirmed to the rest the townie win con, that's something.
And using the masterball willingly on day 1 and against a player who had no skills whatsoever would be stupid IMO, so I'm betting on it just being for flavor. And since we got the role info I don't think it's a cult leader, or at least he didn't use that skill during day 1.
We don't know who the masterball was used on, or if there was a masterball even used. Though like I said if there is a masterball it was used on someone still alive.