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PM Arts and Alts Thread

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Pwnz0rz Man

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
Nowhere, Kansas
The limit (at least with cBliss, I can't speak for ACE though I imagine it's similar) comes from the way the cosmetics are named, specifically, the battle portraits. Mario's first portrait is numbered 000, his next one is 001, all the way up to 009 (or, like, 005 or 006 in vBrawl). Donkey Kong's starts at 010, so if they gave Mario an eleventh costume, it would overlap with Donkey Kong's battle portrait. If you gave Donkey Kong another costume, it would intersect with the next character, who starts at 020 (Link, I think.)

Wario is special, because he had more allotted battle portraits from the beginning since he had 12 costumes anyway, but every other character follows the naming pattern above. PMBR could, theoretically, change it, but I doubt they would bother renaming and writing code to repoint at 460+ files.
Mario's first portrait is named 001 in the common5.pac of 3.0. I think if they wanted to give certain characters more costumes than others, they could cut into the previous evens. I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think it would work like this.

For instance. MenSelchrFaceB.000-010 could be designated for Mario while DK could keep his current range of 011-017.
Yoshi in theory could start at 040 instead of 041 in order to obtain a Brown costume, but it would theoretically mean Samus couldn't have 10 outfits/colors.

Generically Epic

Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2013
Galveston, Texas
I think zero suit needs this outfit

a serious zero suit for all your ass kicking needs.

Kirby fans like Grape and Carbon for some reason :p

I'd personally want the Green Kirby costume in Project M to get his dark green feet and White Kirby to get his black feet from Melee.
I love it. I'm all for grape and carbon to make an appearance; hell I'd like a meta knight flavored one too. :3 Kirby could sure use more colors like epic yarn.

The arm cannon isn't an integral part of the costume. :/ There's no reason to not just take the arm cannon off. That's like saying we can't have a particular Link costume because he has an item or hat or something that the other doesn't use.
like the giant sword for fierce deity? >< raaaawrrrr! you don't you the giant sword. It can be normal sized! and they can make a new shield... ugh my head!

Why do people tend to mention only half of the Pika-clones? It's a pretty bad idea to begin with, compare their palettes:

Pikachu (yellow)
Pichu (light yellow and black)
Marill (blue and white)
Plusle (light yellow and red)
Minun (light yellow and blue)
Pachirisu (white and blue)
Emolga (white, yellow and black)
Dedenne (orange and light yellow)

Eight Pokémon, all of them mention either a shade of yellow or blue.
Shiny minum has green that I'm fine with. Really, I'd choose shiny for an alt costume with a hat (pirate or party hat, either way shiny). Marill for googles. Raichu for Red's hat. Shiny minum for green bandanna. Then one of the others like pachirisu,emolga, or dedenne could go for the final alt hat.


Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2013
So is there any chance we can ever see this as an alt costume for Fox? I know he already has an alt costume, but I think this would be great:

Credit to Taiko for the image

...I'm sorry guys
How about no tired memes? Memes don't work when put into games because they date it almost immediately, as memes come and go fast due to their overuse. When you see a meme in a game all you can think of is, "Oh, this dev thought it was a good idea to put a random picture from the internet into a game", and it really only appeals to people who have the thoughts of "I recognize it, so it's funny."

I know you were joking, but it still needed to be said.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
LeeYawshee, surprisingly its not a joke Metal Sonic was designed by Robotnik after studying Sonic thoroughly and creating an evil robot version. Yes he has a shield and is evil but his core is an exact replica of Sonic, The only difference is that he is a robot and he is evil.

I guess it depends where you read or find out about his personality as there are multiple versions.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
LeeYawshee, surprisingly its not a joke Metal Sonic was designed by Robotnik after studying Sonic thoroughly and creating an evil robot version. Yes he has a shield and is evil but his core is an exact replica of Sonic, The only difference is that he is a robot and he is evil.

I guess it depends where you read or find out about his personality as there are multiple versions.
Is he Sonic wearing a costume? I thought so.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
I already covered that in my original post he quoted.

Either way how are we sure that Concept Meta Knight is even really Metaknight also.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
It's obvious Galacta Knight is Meta Knight in different armor but there not the same character at all.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
It's obvious Galacta Knight is Meta Knight in different armor but there not the same character at all.
obviously Metaknight cloned himself and that`s why they`re both in the same screen shot (this is an official pic in-game)

And as to your "Metal Sonic reasoning":
-A Animal
-Not a robot
-Has a "doornail to your ears" voice

Metal Sonic:
-A Robot
-Not a animal
-Personality-less due to the above
-Has a robotic voice

-Are not the same person
-Have sonic in their name


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
Galacta Knight was sealed away from being to strong and Meta Knight wanted to defeat him to be the greatest in the galaxy. Meaning they are not at all even clones maybe the same race, but my point is that Concept Meta Knight was never officially used so he could have been exactly the same. Just a third Knight in the series.

I am already aware of the differences between Sonic and Metal Sonic that's why I said I doubt he would be an alternate. Even though they are similar in the same way that Dark Link and Link are the similar.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Galacta Knight was sealed away from being to strong and Meta Knight wanted to defeat him to be the greatest in the galaxy. Meaning they are not at all even clones maybe the same race, but my point is that Concept Meta Knight was never officially used so he could have been exactly the same. Just a third Knight in the series.

I am already aware of the differences between Sonic and Metal Sonic that's why I said I doubt he would be an alternate. Even though they are similar in the same way that Dark Link and Link are the similar.
And by similar you mean complete opposites?

Let`s make another list:
-Fights for good
-Takes up a space of matter different from that that the entity Dark Link takes up
-Is a person

Dark Link:
-Fights for darkness
-Takes up a space of matter different from that that the entity Link takes up
-Is a heartless (If you don`t get this then go play Kingdom Hearts)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
Dark Link never talks when Link at least hiyas and stuff. Dark link is magic and Link is an elf. Either way Sonic is cocky, but also Metal Sonic is cocky he thinks he's better than Sonic.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Dark Link never talks when Link at least hiyas and stuff. Dark link is magic and Link is an elf. Either way Sonic is cocky, but also Metal Sonic is cocky he thinks he's better than Sonic.
He`s a ****ing robot. He doesn`t have feelings.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
He's a magical reflection he doesn't have feelings nor is he even an actual thing.

He is made to be Sonic then programmed evil. There for he will know every thing Sonic can and will do, but also feel the certain ways Sonic would cause that is how he is programmed to have feelings.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
He's a magical reflection he doesn't have feelings nor is he even an actual thing.

He is made to be Sonic then programmed evil. There for he will know every thing Sonic can and will do, but also feel the certain ways Sonic would cause that is how he is programmed to have feelings.
If he was programmed to have feelings then he still doesn`t have feelings because he was just programmed to act out a particular feeling in a given event without actually feeling those feelings. He can cry when he dies but he doesn`t feel sad. He can laugh at a joke but he doesn`t think it`s funny. He can scream when he loses but he`s not really angry.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
The same goes with Dark Link. Metal sonic doesn't even need a voice either way and its a common theory that robots advance themselves into higher beings with emotions and they don't even know that they are not real in many cases.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
The same goes with Dark Link. Metal sonic doesn't even need a voice either way and its a common theory that robots advance themselves into higher beings with emotions and they don't even know that they are not real in many cases.
key word: Theory

There is no possible way to replicate human emotion into a robot with no soul, brain, or a metaphorical heart. The human brain is much deeper and more complex then any circuit board.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
A circuit board is as advanced as a human makes it and a robots learning speed is what you program it to be, so it can be more than double a humans and if it learns to advance itself it will be and that is its brain. Its heart is more than likely its power supply and in this case could be a Chaos Emerald as that is a common power supply in Sonic which can be used to do just about any thing. Are we even sure humans have souls?

In the Sonic world chaos energy gives life to everything.


Banned via Warnings
Dec 15, 2013
Well people seemed to like the Conductor Link I posted earlier so I decided try finishing it.
Think with a new texture this could be ProjectM quality?
I'm currently using an edited version of KTH's Conductor link texture.


Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Mario's first portrait is named 001 in the common5.pac of 3.0. I think if they wanted to give certain characters more costumes than others, they could cut into the previous evens. I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think it would work like this.

For instance. MenSelchrFaceB.000-010 could be designated for Mario while DK could keep his current range of 011-017.
Yoshi in theory could start at 040 instead of 041 in order to obtain a Brown costume, but it would theoretically mean Samus couldn't have 10 outfits/colors.
You're looking at the wrong portraits. They aren't the issue. It's the battle portraits (infFace###.brres) that are. Unlike the CSS ones you were looking at, the battle portraits are all individual files in the same folder as opposed to how the CSS portraits are collected in a .pac file. That's a file for every costume in the game. They're in info/portrite. If they wanted to redesignate the portraits, they would probably have to write code for every single costume to make sure it gets the right battle portrait. There could be up to 460+ of them.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2013
And Sakurai 2.0 will survey the world to figure out what needs to be done to Smash to make it the greatest and it would take a matter of moments.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2013
Go watch Astro Boy, robot racist.

Is it allowable for characters to have costumes based on other characters outfits? like with X character wearing Y character's clothes while still being X character.


Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2013
Well people seemed to like the Conductor Link I posted earlier so I decided try finishing it.
Think with a new texture this could be ProjectM quality?
I'm currently using an edited version of KTH's Conductor link texture.

I like it!


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Dark Link never talks when Link at least hiyas and stuff. Dark link is magic and Link is an elf. Either way Sonic is cocky, but also Metal Sonic is cocky he thinks he's better than Sonic.
Dark Link does talk in a few games, he chuckles actually in Four Swords Adventure. Dark Link is essentially a clone created by magic that looks, acts, and IS Link. Dark Link is a reflection of Link and is not evil. The reason Link fights him is to test Link, to see if he can overcome every challenge including himself. In Four Swords Adventure Dark Link is occasionally seen testing the 4 Links and was even the one who made Link get the sword so he could save Hyrule. Because it's what Link wanted to do. Dark Link is not an antagonist, he's the main protagonist, but we don't know that because Dark Link is constantly "antagonizing" him.

If you played later games, Metal Sonic makes up his own personality and he becomes an incredible badass in his own right, no longer a clone of Sonic. However Sonic is still Sonic and he is Metal Sonic so he wants to get rid of him and become Sonic.

Well people seemed to like the Conductor Link I posted earlier so I decided try finishing it.
Think with a new texture this could be ProjectM quality?
I'm currently using an edited version of KTH's Conductor link texture.

If it's not Project M quality, it's really damn close. I want this, I really do. I'll even replace Dark Toon Link for it. But I want it.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
Dark Link does talk in a few games, he chuckles actually in Four Swords Adventure. Dark Link is essentially a clone created by magic that looks, acts, and IS Link. Dark Link is a reflection of Link and is not evil. The reason Link fights him is to test Link, to see if he can overcome every challenge including himself. In Four Swords Adventure Dark Link is occasionally seen testing the 4 Links and was even the one who made Link get the sword so he could save Hyrule. Because it's what Link wanted to do. Dark Link is not an antagonist, he's the main protagonist, but we don't know that because Dark Link is constantly "antagonizing" him.

If you played later games, Metal Sonic makes up his own personality and he becomes an incredible badass in his own right, no longer a clone of Sonic. However Sonic is still Sonic and he is Metal Sonic so he wants to get rid of him and become Sonic.

If it's not Project M quality, it's really damn close. I want this, I really do. I'll even replace Dark Toon Link for it. But I want it.
"I AM the real Sonic!"
"Dude, check your hands."
"Sure, why.... MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!"


Smash Cadet
Nov 5, 2013
Here's my ideas for the Links, Toon Link was much more difficult to come up with Beyond the Four Swords, Outset, and Conductor. Hero's Shade Armour goes with OoT Link because, the Hero's Shade IS OoT Link, and Dark Link also goes to OoT Link because TP doesn't have a Dark Link other than the ones used for Representations of the Twili in that one cutscene.

TP Green Tunic
TP Zora Tunic
TP Magic Armour
TP Blue Ring

OoT Green
OoT Red
OoT Blue
OoT Blue Ring
OoT Dark Link
OoT Hero's Shade Armour.

Toon Link:
Dark Link

Option A:
Kafei Colors (Termina's Link)
Ravio (Bunny Hood Up)
NES Link

Option B:
ALttP Green Jerkin (Pink Hair)
ALttP Blue Mail (Yellow Hat, Pink Hair)
ALttP Red Mail (Light Purple hat, Pink Hair)


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2013
Here's my ideas for the Links, Toon Link was much more difficult to come up with Beyond the Four Swords, Outset, and Conductor. Hero's Shade Armour goes with OoT Link because, the Hero's Shade IS OoT Link, and Dark Link also goes to OoT Link because TP doesn't have a Dark Link other than the ones used for Representations of the Twili in that one cutscene.

TP Green Tunic
TP Zora Tunic
TP Magic Armour
TP Blue Ring

OoT Green
OoT Red
OoT Blue
OoT Blue Ring
OoT Dark Link
OoT Hero's Shade Armour.

Toon Link:
Dark Link

Option A:
Kafei Colors (Termina's Link)
Ravio (Bunny Hood Up)
NES Link

Option B:
ALttP Green Jerkin (Pink Hair)
ALttP Blue Mail (Yellow Hat, Pink Hair)
ALttP Red Mail (Light Purple hat, Pink Hair)

Link can only have one more costume and I highly doubt they'd make him have more of his OoT self over his TP self. It would either be 5/5 or 6/4. Right now it's 6/3 so if Link gets another costume I vote it be Hero Shade's armor for OoT Link.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2013
Yep, that's one of the theories out there. Another is that it was pure chance and randomly generated, but somehow I doubt that.
Actually, it's true that it's random. There are other codes that work, too, but Justin Bailey was one of those that happened to be memorable and found early on.

And regarding the Metal Sonic thing, the only time Metal Sonic essentially was Sonic was in the OVA from, like, the 90's. If you've played Sonic Heroes, you know that they're nothing alike.


Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2013
New Jersey
Take a glance at Pentti Haikonen's XCR-1 robot:
It's adorable. I just want to give it a hug and tell it that it's doing a good job. The fact that it's programmed to learn things is impressive. Could you imagine if the AI in Project M were capable of learning how you play then implement ways of countering you? Scary.

As for the discussion about Metal Sonic:
I think the point they made about alternate costumes was that they weren't going to put Shadow as an alt for Sonic, Raichu as an alt costume for Pikachu, or Ridley as an alt of Charizard. I'd imagine a robot version of a character, even if they are a separate entity in the source game, is still pretty close if they wanted to do it.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Well people seemed to like the Conductor Link I posted earlier so I decided try finishing it.
Think with a new texture this could be ProjectM quality?
I'm currently using an edited version of KTH's Conductor link texture.

How do I get this? I NEED THIS!!!


Banned via Warnings
Dec 15, 2013
Happy that everyone likes it so far. I just started finalizing everything.
Made the sword model from scratch with an edited texture from darktailss lokomosword model.
I just wanna work on the shield a little then I think I'll wrap everything up.

BTW, it it okay that I post these here? Should a make a thread somewhere else?
I don't want to be breaking any rules or anything.
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