What if we just ban Pocketing or Bucketing your teammates thunder. That's more reasonable because it still leaves Bucket to be used and it's something you can see happening because he's going to be at the receiving point of the thunder.
"oops i accidentally pocketed his thunder"
Basically at that point you might as well just ban the team, because anyone running it is either gambling that when they screw up, they won't be DQ'd(which means some people will "Screw up" on purpose), or they will eventually screw up, and lose for it.
It's basically waaay too hard to enforce. Again, the whole upside of banning bucket 1 is that this stops the extreme exploit that it gives, and as for waiting, sure I suppose, but this really does seem to be the dominant strat right now. There's the obvious 17 second mirror which is pretty stupid, but even that aside it's typing as an attack, and not a projectile, severely limits the counters.
if it's kept for now, it should be with a very heavy eye on it. I've yet to see anything as stupid as the 17 second match out of pocket villager, but it should be watched as well(although i'm less for banning it at this point, as the setups and moves are a little more predictable, and can be handled better).