Terios Facts
Terios is very bad at picking characters in games. Bordering on maining everyone in every fighting game.
Terios' favorite colors are red, black, blue and green.
Terios was big into Sonic during Genesis but then ignored his existance til he got SA2B with his cube in 2002/3? He then pretty much exclusively played Final Fantasy, MGS and Pokemon until SA2B. (Notice a correlation with my mains? ^_^)
Terios has mained/seconded Pikachu in every smash.
Terios loves the drums.
Terios loves metal/rock music.
Terios calls himself a gamer but doesn't actually play that many games outside of smash anymore...
Terios recently quit WoW. Didn't seem like a big deal... :/
Terios' favorite food is tacos and drink is Dr Pepper. He considers this the perfect meal combo.
Terios' gave up soda but will still drink Dr Pepper on occassion.
Terios has a cat his friends have force named X'aqiz (Zay-Quiz)
Terios has a lot of black clothes.
Terios has a lot of clothes with skulls.
Despite being mostly metal Terios secretly love Jpop
Terios is annoyed with typing his tag out and finally figured out to CtrlV it.
Terios feels like an idiot
Terios is 21 and lives in the same state as KayLo. <3
Terios' real name is Michael but he hates it.
Terios has no idea if he's using those ' correctly
Terios is more like Stan than bigman
Terios isn't as flirtatious in real life as he is on the internet. Like...not at ALL.
Terios is actually crazy shy
Terios has trouble looking people in the face
Terios hates the way he looks. :/
Terios has done nothing since high school so he's looking into online college for.... probably computer tech. He also is learning Japanese from audio while at work with...rather mediocre results. Mostly due to commitment... :/
Terios plays tennis with his friends sometimes. Even though he sucks.
Terios has 4 sisters and one brother
Terios' keyboard is messed up and he hasn't bought a new one. This makes typing facts annoying. ESPECIALLY since his cat keeps attacking his keyboard.
Terios is surprised at how easy this is
Terios has realized that he's really boring. :/
Terios loves the ^_^ face
Terios used to play YGO competitively but stopped cause he got kicked out of a tourney for arguing with a ref(I was right btw. They errata'd the card later. Jerks T_T)
Terios has a 360, Wii and PS3 but only has MGS4 and uses the PS3 exclusively for movies.
Terios will try to post a picture if he can borrow his sisters camera/gets around to getting a camera phone.
Terios is a big fan of Anthers and him and Stealth were the main reason I came back to Pika.
Terios was sad when Anther dropped Sonic. T_T
Terios loves webcomics and cartoons
Terios is an idiot
Terios can't think of anything else to say....