rene, if ur coming to peoria this weekend, how long u gonna be there? I\'m gonna be in Kansas for most of this weekend <.<. FML. I\'m gone all friday to sunday i think.
And, I wouldn\'t mind playing thursday.
oh btw, I\'m working on the combo video trailer right now. Don\'t really got much footage.. they\'re All from last year >.<
EDIT: dont really know what happened with the \'
Ill be there around 8pm friday, and ill leave whenever i get asked to on sunday, or when no1 wants to play anymore (latest ill stay being like 3 or 4 pm)
samurai give me some phone #'s and addresses just incase i have enough time to stop by and melee.
I could play thursday... what time are you guys thinking?
1) if josh has room and wants us, I'd do it, but thats up to josh/whoever is hosting
2) are you still in school, and if so would you be willing to skip monday, cause you could stop by springfield monday as well, either play at oranos's or my house, or take you to our college where the big kids play.
my # = 217-836-4955
Ok, here we go. I can house about 4 people, we have a futon and if my sisters gone theres another if you guys wanna stay ill ask my mom and
you'll need at least sleeping bags. we have top tier amounts of pillows and blankets.
I get off of school at 2:50 and am at home by no later than 3:40, so if people can get here ASAP we can play til about 10/11ish possibly midnight since my mom goes to bed at night.
No screaming, but you can cuss and stuff but just try to be quiet so my mom isn't salty when she wakes up. My cell is 309 696 5934 for those who don't have it by now.
So here's the schedule
Tuesday: anyone down to smashfeast?
Wednesday: ill be prepping the downstairs and possibly the living room for the real deal
Thursday: Ripple Chewyy Anthony Dave and anyone else?
Friday: Renejohns i mean Johnblade is coming so yall come to my house
Saturday: Smashing til we drop
Sunday: I need Reneblade to be outie 5000 by Noon so me and my girl can hangout
Got all that?