Smash Ace
Kirby can't really approach so peach can weave in an out of his range. In fact peach can force him to approach with a turnip Bair is an annoying tool against peach but she can also wall with her own bair. Kirby can also use fair to drag her down out of the air to catch poor spacing on peach's part. On shield kirby doesn't have a punish on shield his oos options are pretty poor. Off stage we can edge guard with turnips, dair him to get a stage spike, or even bair him during his up b to spike him. We do need to be careful with misplaced.
-Kirby cannot approach peach very well as she can force him to approach and force a mistake.
-We can use our bair to wall kirby.
-Shield hurts kirby as he cannot do much to it except grab, dair, or bair. (when peach spaces poorly that is.)
-She can stop kirby's aerial approach or stop him momentarily with turnips.
- All though he is light he is still fairly easy to combo.
-He dies rather early to many of peach's set up.
-Bair is a good poking tool.
-Kirby can combo fairly well.
-He is also decent off stage edge guarding as well, his bair can net some early kills.
I believe this match is more so in peach's favor as kirby has to approach, his bair is a good poking tool but it does not body peach. Kirby can definitely he just has to work ALOT harder to do so.
-Kirby cannot approach peach very well as she can force him to approach and force a mistake.
-We can use our bair to wall kirby.
-Shield hurts kirby as he cannot do much to it except grab, dair, or bair. (when peach spaces poorly that is.)
-She can stop kirby's aerial approach or stop him momentarily with turnips.
- All though he is light he is still fairly easy to combo.
-He dies rather early to many of peach's set up.
-Bair is a good poking tool.
-Kirby can combo fairly well.
-He is also decent off stage edge guarding as well, his bair can net some early kills.
I believe this match is more so in peach's favor as kirby has to approach, his bair is a good poking tool but it does not body peach. Kirby can definitely he just has to work ALOT harder to do so.