awww yeaaah, my first shoutouts.
pp- you're **** at that melee game...get top 5 at pound 4 and i might give you a longer shoutout
smith- it was fun getting infinited by you over and over again in DBZ infinite world, i need to camp better is all.
THO- it doesn't make a bit of difference.
malk- it doesn't make a bit of difference.
stingers- the ride back with you and jim was ****. you and pp need to do more rpsgm matches. Also, we need to play more b+ matches, you're so meta at that game.
jim- ARE WE THEEEERE YEEEET?!?!?! yes jim you got there.
fiz/cam- we should've friendlied.
JMH- good shiz for hosting this, you need to do another one, man.
dark hart- i didn't see you very much bro.
BEHR- your pika is the next axe
yay- i should have beaten your falco. nervous johns.
ragnarok- we didn't get to play friendlies.
the cop who pulled us over- get a life NOOB. you're lucky i didn't shine-spike you.
to anyone else i forgot...go to more tournaments and get on smashboards more becuase i'll have a more chance of remembering you next time i do shoutouts.