Yeah I saw that social.... was a major bummer considering how much I wanted to learn
I believe the Bowser Social ( while still having a few tidbits of Frame/Tech/data ) only has 9 pages which stings as a Bowser lover ><;
Since I don't want to go off-topic of the character this thread was made for, I'll ask a few questions :
1 : are there ANY real differences between Marth/Lucy besides the Tipper Trade-off ?
2 : Was her inclusion as a seperate character another limitation of the 3DS such as the removal of Ice Climbers, characters losing the ability to transform > becoming separated, and lack of space resulting in more clones and removals of past characters?
I don't particularly care for Marth/Lucy , but this particular clone seems like it could have gone Robin's route with different colors = also different genders + voices. Do you think this was them running outta space on the 3DS? Would you have prefered Lucy as a Marth ALT ?
It seems to me ( from an outsider's perspective ) that they should've gone with her being a different " Marth Costume " and that Marth's Tipper mechanic which is based on Spacing to hit at their maximum distance of every Hitbox is something that literally every player should learn no matter what character ( which I believe hinders her as she doesn't get that reward ).
Take in mind that I've not had alot of lab time with this game yet, so I could definitely be mistaken in my assumptions.