For my first tournament I think I did pretty well. I got 9th in singles out of 19, losing to KC 24 (sonic, power ranked 8th in region) and Fatal (Snake). Games against KC 24 were both 3rd stock high percent, and I got Fatal to his last stock but I would not call it "close".
In doubles my partner and I went dubz G dubz. It was splendid. We went 1-2, but had a good time. Gardex, someone said you were watching the stream in the very beginning when we were playing friendlies?
I saved some of the matches that I played on my wii. I have a lot of MikeRay destroying me that I'll use to study. The good news is that I went GW the entire tourney. The bad news is that everyone in New England plays MK, Snake, or Falco. Time to step it up.