i havent seen neal online in a while so he either blocked me from aim cause he doesnt like me

or hes been busy lately so im not sure how long it will take for results to come up. I tried to post results last night but for some reason my internet was being ******** and i was dead tired.
2 BoA
3 mango (mango started off in losers bracket because he came late. he took the place of manny)
4 Azeem
5 Blitz (also came late and took the place of "dark" in the bracket after beating him in losers)
Now lets get to the tuant spikes.
The time was about 12:40. the tournament had been over for a while now and Blitz decides to play a few more matches after everyone else had left. blitz had been beating my other characters with sheik so i was like...alright time to put this to an end. im not gonna lose my last match of the night. and then i remember. WTF i didnt even taunt spike anyone at a tourament named tauntsies? WOW GRATS.
So we make it to LAST stock of the LAST game that would be played at tauntsies. and as blitz hits up b. his sheik dissapears with invincibility frames everywhere. like cmon you can even edge gaurd that **** with marth.
But being the amazing luigi i am, i throw my foot out at him in a furious taunting rage. Right as Blitz tries to grab the edge he is spiked to the deep dark depths of final destination. it was a great way to end the last stock of the last game.
this was fun guys. i love when everyone from palmdale gets to make it to the same tournament. i missed Aesis tho. its ok i will see you at UCLA and you had better of aced your finals with that studying time.