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Official Pac-Man's Amazing Full Colour Fan Club! - Pac-Man General Thread


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I'm already working on the montage for my moveset to Pacster, while hearing the beautiful Pac-Man World 2's soundtrack. :3... however, I think that just at Sunday it will be done.. I'm putting a lot of details, and make something aesthetically pleasing and understandable for all.

and nice acquisition, @ Pacack Pacack ! 0/...
I wish I could buy those things... but for me, with no stores with Pac-Man things around, just Ebay is an option. :T.. anyway, Minky it's a nice name! XD.. but you could break the standard, just like Clyde, to give a name your plush ghost. =)


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I'm already working on the montage for my moveset to Pacster, while hearing the beautiful Pac-Man World 2's soundtrack. :3... however, I think that just at Sunday it will be done.. I'm putting a lot of details, and make something aesthetically pleasing and understandable for all.
World 2's soundtrack is a masterpiece.

and nice acquisition, @ Pacack Pacack ! 0/...
I wish I could buy those things... but for me, with no stores with Pac-Man things around, just Ebay is an option. :T.. anyway, Minky it's a nice name! XD.. but you could break the standard, just like Clyde, to give a name your plush ghost. =)
I used ebay to get those, actually. And nah, I like Minky. I might get something else later and name it.

Yeah, it really was an accident. Blame the autoformatting on my phone. I didn't even realize the mistake until you pointed it out.
Fine, I'll believe that :p
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
If there was a Wreck It Ralph sequel that focuses on console/online gaming, I wonder if they would use their Pac-Man Party designs. I wouldn't take a fatass Clyde serious when he's doing a speech. :troll:

Deleted member

Ms. Pac-Man could easily be a costume, though I think it's most likely he'd get an alternate color with a bow.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2010
Detroit, Michigan
There's been alot of talk on Pacman's new look, but what do you guys think of the ghosts new look? I really like Blinky's design in Pacman Party and Ghostly Adventures. Inky and Pinky's Pacman Party designs were weird to me at first but in time they grew on me. Both of their Ghostly Adventure designs are great though. For Clyde.. I'm sorry but I'm not very fond of his look in Pacman Party or Ghostly Adventures.

I wonder which design they'll choose for the their trophies if Pacman gets in Smash 4? Hopefully, they'll choose their Pacman World designs.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
There's been alot of talk on Pacman's new look, but what do you guys think of the ghosts new look? I really like Blinky's design in Pacman Party and Ghostly Adventures. Inky and Pinky's Pacman Party designs were weird to me at first but in time they grew on me. Both of their Ghostly Adventure designs are great though. For Clyde.. I'm sorry but I'm not very fond of his look in Pacman Party or Ghostly Adventures.

I wonder which design they'll choose for the their trophies if Pacman gets in Smash 4? Hopefully, they'll choose their Pacman World designs.
I like Blinky and Inky's Party designs, but I'm not fond of Pinky's or Clyde's.
I like Blinky, Inky, and Pinky's GA designs, but I'm not fond of Clyde's.

So...wow, same opinions, basically.

All I hope for is that there are at least stickers of their World designs (I also hope that Orson, Toc-Man, Spooky, and Erwin are referenced in some way). Unfortunately, I'd be surprised to see any World content, if I'm honest. Would make my day, but it's probably not happening.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
I like Pinky's new design, but none of the other ghosts'. That hairline is so classic.

On a tangent, I also like Betrayus' design. He doesn't look like he belongs in the Pac-Man world at all (his palette is too muted and lacks the necessary bright colors), but removed from that fact, I think it's a good villain design.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
On a tangent, I also like Betrayus' design. He doesn't look like he belongs in the Pac-Man world at all (his palette is too muted and lacks the necessary bright colors), but removed from that fact, I think it's a good villain design.
Agreed. But the best part about him is definitely his character. Honestly, Betrayus was actually a really cool and funny character in the episodes that I've seen. If the rest of the characters were as good as he is, then the show would actually be a blast.


Feb 13, 2014
I like Blinky and Inky's Party designs, but I'm not fond of Pinky's or Clyde's.
I like Blinky, Inky, and Pinky's GA designs, but I'm not fond of Clyde's.

So...wow, same opinions, basically.

All I hope for is that there are at least stickers of their World designs (I also hope that Orson, Toc-Man, Spooky, and Erwin are referenced in some way). Unfortunately, I'd be surprised to see any World content, if I'm honest. Would make my day, but it's probably not happening.
Man, I really love all the ghost designs in GA, especially Blinky. He's so adorable with giant eyes and mouth on a tiny body. In fact, I think he's the smallest of all of them. Pinky looks pretty cool too, and Inky looks okay. Clyde I actually really like, although I'm indifferent on his size. I think he could be the same size as the rest and he'd still be cool, but I'm not sure why they made him so big.

As for characters, yeah, I like Betrayus, but I really like Buttler and his brother. They're very much pigeonholed characters that don't really seem to have much dimension, but I get a kick out of their bickering every time. And Sir. Cumference usually makes me laugh too.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
As for characters, yeah, I like Betrayus, but I really like Buttler and his brother. They're very much pigeonholed characters that don't really seem to have much dimension, but I get a kick out of their bickering every time. And Sir. Cumference usually makes me laugh too.
I kinda liked the Butts, but they were a little forgettable to me. I did enjoy Sir Cumference, though. Oh, and Fuzbitz. Can't forget Fuzbitz.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Warning Received
Some good points, and I won't fight with you too much here, but I do have a couple things I want to go over. You say that Namco hasn't tried to create a unique universe for Pac-Man. Therein lies the problem. They HAVE tried. They're trying right now. The Ghostly Adventures television show is unique, fun, and pretty inventive in its own right. The characters are new and differently designed with personality and backstory. Is it 100% original? No. Is it something new? Yes.

But here's where we get to the problem. People consider Pac-Man to be so iconic, even if they don't consciously know this, that they are actually against the idea of change. Namco is trying to rebrand the character with a new universe, one that has few ties to the maze games of old, but people still stick to the classic. You don't know how many people I've seen watch the new show or see the new games in action and go "why does Pac-Man have legs? Why is there a city? He's just a ball that eats dots in a maze! This is stupid!"

Ignorance and refusing to accept change are, unfortunately, a running theme with Pac-Man because of how incredibly iconic he is. He is the grandfather of video games, the game that spiced up the arcade scene far before Mario ever did, and it wasn't just because it appealed to women. That helped, but that's not the main reason. It was a fun, unique, amazing game that no one had ever seen before. Everything up to that point was alien shooters or tank shooters or plane games. It was all stuff we see in every day life or on television, but Pac-Man was something completely new and inventive. That stuck with people, which is why it's considered the most popular arcade game of all time, grossing $3.5 billion during its time. If you look a little further down, you'll see Pac-Man is rated the most popular arcade game of all time, easily beating out Street Fighter, Mario, and Mortal Kombat by itself, not including spinoffs. People loved it so much that Pac-Man has been around for more than 30 years and people STILL play the original game. Hell, I'm willing to bet you people still play the original Pac-Man far more than anyone plays the original Mario Bros. or even Super Mario Bros. nowadays. Combined.

I unfortunately can't find sales numbers to do it justice like you did for the Wii U and 3DS sales of the new Ghostly Adventures game, but looking at the iOS app store reviews for Pac-Man, it has over 17,500 reviews. That's a lot, and that's not including the amount of people who simply downloaded it and never reviewed it. Considering each of those people who reviewed it bought the game at it's current price of $2.99, that's over $50,000 in sales from a small app, and again is not including the amount of sales of people who never even reviewed the game, which, when it comes to app store stuff, is the greater majority of people.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Pac-Man may not be as popular now as he was then, but he still holds an incredibly important part of history and a special place in people's hearts. Pac-Man fans may not be as numerous as Mario or Sonic fans, but we're still here, and we still enjoy this character we've cared about for years because we recognize the importance of him to gaming culture rather than just looking at sales figures and numbers. You're looking at current Pac-Man. We, the fans, are looking at him as a whole, his history, his importance to gaming, and his legacy, be that what it will. Fanboyism speaks for a lot of things, as does antifanboyism. I personally don't understand why people like Gears of War, and I could go on and on about how I find it boring and dull, but I don't because I understand how its unique take on arena shooters paved the way for many solid games that followed it. It's not my favorite title, but I don't deny its impact. Iconic doesn't mean sales. It means memorable or remarkable, and Pac-Man has been that.
I have a rare opprotunity so I'll make a response. Note that what I'm talking about in Pac-Man being in Smash Brothers.

I bold-ed the paragraph to point out the reason why Pac-Man isn't liked today and the idea of him being in Smash makes people cringe. What if I tried to make Mario more edgy. Why if he wore his cap backwards. What is his jears were a little ripped. What if, instead of having overalls, he had a t-shirt. And his shoes weren't just brown boots. Would this be Mario? And the answer is no. This would not be the same character people grew up with and loved. Now consider Pac-Man. He went from a circle to a shinny sphere with arms and over designed boots. The issue with the character is Namco keeps trying to put Pac-Man where he shouldn't be. Pac-Mans place is in a maze, but since Mrs. Pac-Man, they put the character in the most inappropriate games. Pac-Land, Pac-Man 2, the Wolrd series, and the Ghostly Adventures aren't really Pac-Man games. Again, it would be like putting Mario in an FPS. That's not Mario. Mari is about jumping on goombas and grabbing mushrooms. The reason the New Super Mario Bros games did so well was because they were a return to form. This is also why the Pac-Man games I listed did so poorly. They were so far out in left field that no one liked them. This is why when people think of Pac-Man, they think of the game made in the 80s and not any of the others. Mario fans have tons of memorable games. Pac-Man has 1 (2 if you include his wife).

The thing you miss is you assume that because Pac-Man was popular in the 80s means that he should be added in Smash Bros in 2014. It doesn't work like that. Megaman and Sonic relied on old titles, but these characters still had new games and were at least in the players minds when it came time for Smash Brothers. Pac-Man is not in the same place. Again, it should be noted that Pac-Man is NOT a Nintendo character. Perhaps if he was, it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but Sakurai still considers this game one of Nintendo All-Stars.
Smash Bros. can still be considered as an all-star collection of Nintendo characters. Just like with Mega Man or any other third-party character, it would have to be a very special situation.
Just because Pac-Man is iconic doesn't means he gets to be in Smash. Megaman and Sonic were specifically added due to fan request. Pac-Man is disliked by a lot of people and it is, in part, to what I've mentioned before. The Pac-Man people are suggesting is not the Pac-Man people like nor is it the one people want in Smash. The problem with the brand is that Namco is using Pac-Man as a cheap mascot. So that's what he's become.

As a final note, I do find it slightly insulting that you'd consider Pac-Man fans to be children. I'm 33 and have been a fan of Pac-Man since I was a child, and have grown up enjoying his continued presence in gaming. I imagine Pac-Man fans to be a wide range of ages, from those who grew up with the original games to those who are just now being introduced to him, and the fact that newer kids are finding him entertaining enough on TV or in video games to go online to a forum and put in their support to get him into Smash Bros. speaks loudly about how he can still appeal to all ages.

And hey, I found my old account here on Smash Boards. Made back in 2002. Was a Pac-Man fan back then (obviously by the username) and still am today. :D
What the heck are you doing on Smashboards then? There are far more important things to do that sit on a Smash Brothers message board. At 33, you should be doing far more interesting things in your life.

If you are ever curious on why I haven't been very active, it's because I'm busy with Real Estate. I plan to be a millionaire when I'm 33. You should consider doing something else because being on a message board.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
I'm alright with Pac-man's latest design, it's his voice I can't stand.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
If you are ever curious on why I haven't been very active, it's because I'm busy with Real Estate. I plan to be a millionaire when I'm 33. You should consider doing something else because being on a message board.
If this is what you are planning, then why do you care so much if some people want Pac-Man in Smash and also see reason for him being in the game? Why not just continue in your journey of becoming a millionaire? If all you do is come and give reasons as to why a character should NOT be in the game when you log in here, then maybe it's you who should consider something. And also, hanging around on a message board doesn't mean you don't have a life.

I didn't feel the need to response to all the other stuff, since it's the same arguments as before, and not anything valid enough to really solidify any facts as to why Pac-Man should NOT be in Smash. The last part just went a bit personal I think.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
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Deleted member

Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
Incredible work! The images are all full of character and a testament to Pac-Man and his long history of games. The "origin" of each move as well as the way it's all presented is really intuitive and easy to understand. Impeccable job, CyberWolf. This is a great showcase of what Pac-Man can do.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Incredible work! The images are all full of character and a testament to Pac-Man and his long history of games. The "origin" of each move as well as the way it's all presented is really intuitive and easy to understand. Impeccable job, CyberWolf. This is a great showcase of what Pac-Man can do.
Really really thanks! ^^... I tried to make everything easy to understand, and I'm glad that I reached a good result, really thanks for the feedback. =).... I'm sure if not something just equal of it, Sakurai will create a very creative moveset for Pac, just with the huge amount of references though the years. =)

Deleted member

You paid so much respect in that set I don't know if even Sakurai could do so well. I think Pac-Man can have a very fun moveset for sure given the things you put in there, although I'd say the best part is still the expressive nature of Pac-Man in all those great images you created. Again, good job.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Thanks again! ^^... Hope this can illustrate better, for anyone who doubts of Pac's potential, both for moves and uniqueness. =)
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
That's amazing @ CyberWolfBia CyberWolfBia ! So much effort put into it, with example pictures and origins described and wow, I'd be ecstatic to see a Pac-Man like this in-game! Great job overall:)

Ohh, and this should be shown to all those who doubt Pac-Man's moveset potential.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
You've beaten me to the punch on making a drawn moveset, and I really like this one! My ideas for smash attacks and a few specials are a bit different than yours, though I've been stuck on thinking of tilts. Would you mind if I borrowed a few of your ideas and tweaked them a bit for my moveset? I really love how much effort you put into this as well.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
You've beaten me to the punch on making a drawn moveset, and I really like this one! My ideas for smash attacks and a few specials are a bit different than yours, though I've been stuck on thinking of tilts. Would you mind if I borrowed a few of your ideas and tweaked them a bit for my moveset? I really love how much effort you put into this as well.
Oh, no problem, of course you can borrow some ideas ^^... after all, we're all here to share ideas!... Thanks for the compliment, and can't wait for see yours!.. =)


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So this is what I have so far.
[collapse=Moveset Details]Combo- Three punches in quick succession, moves forward slightly.
FTilt- Walks forward while continuously chomping, functions like Mega Man's tilt.
UTilt- Kicks upwards quickly.
DTilt- Performs a low spin kick.
Dash- Throws himself forward while chomping and spinning.

FSmash- Chomp: Pac-Man's signature move, functions like Wario's bite but with a single powerful strike.
USmash- Galaxia: Pac-Man pulls out the ship from Galaxia and it shoots upwards, the shot will explode at a set distance or when it hits something.
DSmash- Dig Dug: Pac-Man pulls out a modified pump with two Pookas on each end, the more the move is charged, the larger they will get and the bigger the explosion. Occasionally, Fygars will be on the end instead, and will cause more damage with a fiery explosion.

NAir- Does a flip kick, hits all around him.
FAir- Chomps forward midair.
UAir- An upward headbutt.
DAir- Punches downward, can spike.
BAir- Flips backwards and kicks before righting himself.

Neutral Special- Pellet Shot: Pac-Man pulls out a slingshot and fires a pellet. This move can be charged like Link's arrows and can fire in as many angles as Mega Man's metal blades, but Pac-Man is fully mobile while charging his shot.
Side Special- Rev Roll: Pac-Man spins in place before firing himself in one direction, he can't change direction mid-roll.
Up Special- Dot Chain: A chain of five dots appear before Pac-Man depending on directional input, Pac-Man follows the chain while chomping, which causes damage on contact.
Down Special- Butt Bounce: Pac-Man flings himself downward for a ground pound, but bounces back into the air allowing a chain of bounces.

Final Smash- Power Pellet: Pac-Man eats a power pellet and grows in size, resembling his original arcade form. Enemies will appear the same shade as the ghosts would and Pac-Man will be able to chomp opponents for an instant KO.
[collapse=Moveset Visuals]
Just the basic attacks and specials, no pummel or throws yet. I know Pac has a lot to pull from, but I couldn't resist throwing in a Dig Dug and Galaxia reference.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
really nice! ^^... Well, Galaga, Dig-Dug and others NAMCO classic games, always are together with Pac-Man in his games, ... even in G.A. show. lolz... I don't think that's impossible to see in-game, after all. I liked, though, I'd prefer Pac having attacks only based in his own abilities, .. I just used the Cherry Bomb from World Rally for the throwback, but as I said, I approved. =)...

oh, btw.. you said you played few Pac-Man post-Arcade games, huh?... I recommend you play all the others featuring Pac =P, seriously; principally the World series for obvious reasons. XD..


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Yeah, I've only played the original, Pac-Man 2, and the first Pac-Man World. I'd certainly try out anything else if given the opportunity.


Feb 13, 2014
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
Wow! I came here to post some pixel art, but I'll wait a bit because I in no way want to steal your thunder! This is incredible. You really put a lot of time, effort, and thought into this and I applaud every bit of it. I absolutely love all the little drawings and pictures you did for everything. Very cute.

And honestly, I'd be okay with that entire moveset, too. It all looks great and could work extremely well. Again, fantastic job!

As for SmashChu:

What the heck are you doing on Smashboards then? There are far more important things to do that sit on a Smash Brothers message board. At 33, you should be doing far more interesting things in your life.
The fact that you say all Pac-Man fans are kids, then when I prove you wrong you use that to insult me leaves me to believe that you're honestly nothing but a troll here. Which is fine! It just means I don't have to waste my time with you any longer. :D I tried being kind and debating with you, but I won't stoop to your level of insults and put downs in order to get ahead. I'm sorry you feel so terribly about Pac-Man being in Smash, and unfortunately now I won't listen to your opinions any longer.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Wow! I came here to post some pixel art, but I'll wait a bit because I in no way want to steal your thunder! This is incredible. You really put a lot of time, effort, and thought into this and I applaud every bit of it. I absolutely love all the little drawings and pictures you did for everything. Very cute.

And honestly, I'd be okay with that entire moveset, too. It all looks great and could work extremely well. Again, fantastic job!
Really thanks, friend... very nice to know you liked ^^... but, don't stop by my fault, post the pixel art you referred!

... btw, I would go to suggest for @Smash Daddy to put the moveset I created in the first page, if that doesn't sound without modesty; just to illustrate the abilities of Pac-Man as a character by his own and his skills ... of course, if it's really necessary and useful for the thread.... so who comes here, can see the various movements of Pac and the respective origins. =).


Smash Rookie
Feb 19, 2014
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/

Wow! That's amazing! Great job illustrating the moves, I could totally imagine all of those moves in smash bros. Pac-Man would be a perfect fit.
You should make something similar for another character, I'd love to see more.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I was thinking that the Pac-Dot Slingshot is a bit too mundane for a special move... maybe it could be one of those A moves...


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
Excellent work my friend, excellent! I love the entire moveset as a whole and you did pacman great justice by showing how fun he could be. You even showcased his great happy-go-lucky attitude and how it will play out in smash. I would like to ask however is what would pac-man's playstyle be like?
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
Wow. You obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this. Great job!
So this is what I have so far.
[collapse=Moveset Details]Combo- Three punches in quick succession, moves forward slightly.
FTilt- Walks forward while continuously chomping, functions like Mega Man's tilt.
UTilt- Kicks upwards quickly.
DTilt- Performs a low spin kick.
Dash- Throws himself forward while chomping and spinning.

FSmash- Chomp: Pac-Man's signature move, functions like Wario's bite but with a single powerful strike.
USmash- Galaxia: Pac-Man pulls out the ship from Galaxia and it shoots upwards, the shot will explode at a set distance or when it hits something.
DSmash- Dig Dug: Pac-Man pulls out a modified pump with two Pookas on each end, the more the move is charged, the larger they will get and the bigger the explosion. Occasionally, Fygars will be on the end instead, and will cause more damage with a fiery explosion.

NAir- Does a flip kick, hits all around him.
FAir- Chomps forward midair.
UAir- An upward headbutt.
DAir- Punches downward, can spike.
BAir- Flips backwards and kicks before righting himself.

Neutral Special- Pellet Shot: Pac-Man pulls out a slingshot and fires a pellet. This move can be charged like Link's arrows and can fire in as many angles as Mega Man's metal blades, but Pac-Man is fully mobile while charging his shot.
Side Special- Rev Roll: Pac-Man spins in place before firing himself in one direction, he can't change direction mid-roll.
Up Special- Dot Chain: A chain of five dots appear before Pac-Man depending on directional input, Pac-Man follows the chain while chomping, which causes damage on contact.
Down Special- Butt Bounce: Pac-Man flings himself downward for a ground pound, but bounces back into the air allowing a chain of bounces.

Final Smash- Power Pellet: Pac-Man eats a power pellet and grows in size, resembling his original arcade form. Enemies will appear the same shade as the ghosts would and Pac-Man will be able to chomp opponents for an instant KO.
[collapse=Moveset Visuals]
Just the basic attacks and specials, no pummel or throws yet. I know Pac has a lot to pull from, but I couldn't resist throwing in a Dig Dug and Galaxia reference.
Can I just say how much I love your design for Pac-Man? It's so simple, but it gives him a ton of character! I would actually be very pleased with Pac-Man using a design similar to this one is later games. Would you actually be willing to color that in? I might use it as my avatar.

(Also, you totally stole my idea for his down smash :p I love it.)


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Wow! That's amazing! Great job illustrating the moves, I could totally imagine all of those moves in smash bros. Pac-Man would be a perfect fit.
You should make something similar for another character, I'd love to see more.
Thanks, friend. =)... maybe I could do for someone else in my wishlist... but I'll need a lot of freetime again. XD.

I was thinking that the Pac-Dot Slingshot is a bit too mundane for a special move... maybe it could be one of those A moves...
I thought that Pac having a projectile on his standard moves would make him too "normal", you know.. a lot of neutral characters in fighting games have projectiles on their normal moves, just like Mario, or Ryu in Street Fighter... so I thought that the projectile, in fact, could exist in his moveset, but chargeable, and the most powerful one from Pac-Man World 1, ... this would keep the throwback without waste the potential the character to be more unique.

Excellent work my friend, excellent! I love the entire moveset as a whole and you did pacman great justice by showing how fun he could be. You even showcased his great happy-go-lucky attitude and how it will play out in smash. I would like to ask however is what would pac-man's playstyle be like?
Thanks to you too, friend ^^.. I'm really glad that everyone liked! I put my heart on it, being Pac one of my more beloved characters. =).. well, but,.. I dunno if I'm technical enough to name his playstyle ^^';... but he'd be more a ground fighter, ... with more physical attacks of long and short range, his most powerful and chargeable attacks would easily punishable.

Wow. You obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this. Great job!
yeah, I did! XD... great to have some recognition, is gratifying, thank you! =)
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2010
Detroit, Michigan
Phew, I finished... but I thought that I would come here, and see just the last conversation I've seen about Pacack's new plush =P... seems that some people like to be a blind hater; seems like things we can see on Miiverse very often... well, nevermind. I think that it's a good time to post my moveset, huh?.. since I think that this attempt of discussion won't be extended...

well then, there you go; (PS: sorry If there is some english mistakes, you alll know that I'm a portuguese speaker, and I finished that at 3 AM; XD).

\/ here a concept for his stage, "The Maze" (the red things represents platforms you can stand). \/

\/ and here it's a better look in the Ms. Pac-Man's Alt. Costume I created. \/

please, give opinions, I put a lot of effort on it. XD Thanks, 0/
10/10! This moveset is just too awesome and I really like the drawings that went with it. I can definitely tell you worked hard on this. Great job, man!

Deleted member

So this is what I have so far.
[collapse=Moveset Details]Combo- Three punches in quick succession, moves forward slightly.
FTilt- Walks forward while continuously chomping, functions like Mega Man's tilt.
UTilt- Kicks upwards quickly.
DTilt- Performs a low spin kick.
Dash- Throws himself forward while chomping and spinning.

FSmash- Chomp: Pac-Man's signature move, functions like Wario's bite but with a single powerful strike.
USmash- Galaxia: Pac-Man pulls out the ship from Galaxia and it shoots upwards, the shot will explode at a set distance or when it hits something.
DSmash- Dig Dug: Pac-Man pulls out a modified pump with two Pookas on each end, the more the move is charged, the larger they will get and the bigger the explosion. Occasionally, Fygars will be on the end instead, and will cause more damage with a fiery explosion.

NAir- Does a flip kick, hits all around him.
FAir- Chomps forward midair.
UAir- An upward headbutt.
DAir- Punches downward, can spike.
BAir- Flips backwards and kicks before righting himself.

Neutral Special- Pellet Shot: Pac-Man pulls out a slingshot and fires a pellet. This move can be charged like Link's arrows and can fire in as many angles as Mega Man's metal blades, but Pac-Man is fully mobile while charging his shot.
Side Special- Rev Roll: Pac-Man spins in place before firing himself in one direction, he can't change direction mid-roll.
Up Special- Dot Chain: A chain of five dots appear before Pac-Man depending on directional input, Pac-Man follows the chain while chomping, which causes damage on contact.
Down Special- Butt Bounce: Pac-Man flings himself downward for a ground pound, but bounces back into the air allowing a chain of bounces.

Final Smash- Power Pellet: Pac-Man eats a power pellet and grows in size, resembling his original arcade form. Enemies will appear the same shade as the ghosts would and Pac-Man will be able to chomp opponents for an instant KO.
[collapse=Moveset Visuals]
Just the basic attacks and specials, no pummel or throws yet. I know Pac has a lot to pull from, but I couldn't resist throwing in a Dig Dug and Galaxia reference.
These drawings are basically what I'd imagine Sakurai to actually use, we know he uses mannequins to portray his movesets, this isn't far off from that. Very nice work, captures the simplistic design of Pac-Man at its most basic form very well. I'm proud of both you guys.
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