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Official Pac-Man's Amazing Full Colour Fan Club! - Pac-Man General Thread


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
After Mac's reveal today, I'm extremely excited to see what Pac-Man's trailer will be like if he's in the game. Do you guys think they'll do something unique, like how Mac's trailer had the comic art style?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2010
Detroit, Michigan
Let's see: MegaMan, WiiFitTrainer, Villager, Little Mac, Pacman, and Mii. Four down, two to go! I'd say things are definitely looking better for Pacman.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
After Mac's reveal today, I'm extremely excited to see what Pac-Man's trailer will be like if he's in the game. Do you guys think they'll do something unique, like how Mac's trailer had the comic art style?
Kinda expect it to be underwelming, honestly. I mean, I wouldn't care because it's freaking Pac-Man, but I bet it won't be as good as the other ones we've seen so far. I mean, I just don't see how it would stand out without resorting to terrible Ghostly Adventures jokes and whatnot. Maybe they'll surprise me, but I'm not expecting that.
Let's see: MegaMan, WiiFitTrainer, Villager, Little Mac, Pacman, and Mii. Four down, two to go! I'd say things are definitely looking better for Pacman.
I'm honestly going to be very surprised and hurt if Pac-Man doesn't make it.
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Deleted member

The stars are finally aligning for Pac-Man!

I'd be surprised if he wasn't in now. The only problem is that Sakurai may not see past the outer shell of what Pac-Man can do, but after Rosalina and WFT it seems as though he is prepared to make a moveset out of anything. I would not be that shocked if he did implement the ghosts in some way to keep things fresh, that was crazy before, yet I can definitely see it happening now.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
The stars are finally aligning for Pac-Man!

I'd be surprised if he wasn't in now. The only problem is that Sakurai may not see past the outer shell of what Pac-Man can do, but after Rosalina and WFT it seems as though he is prepared to make a moveset out of anything. I would not be that shocked if he did implement the ghosts in some way to keep things fresh, that was crazy before, yet I can definitely see it happening now.
I can safely say that Pac-Man will be an appealing character moveset-mise. How Sakurai goes about it is completely up to him, but I know it'll be good. Especially with the Tekken team helping.

If I had to bet on the most likely playstyle of his, it would be this: he could make use of ghosts (and other things) in a way that traps opponents and really turns the area into a maze (pun intended) of hazards. Essentially, make the character based around controlling your opponent's movements and memorizing their behaviors in order to get into a position which is beneficial to you. It would be both a playstyle that we haven't quite seen in Smash and a great representation of Pac-Man's arcade roots, being symbolic of the tactics used in the original Pac-Man arcade game (memorizing patterns of ghosts and predicting how they'll respond to take control of the situation).

Deleted member

I can safely say that Pac-Man will be an appealing character moveset-mise. How Sakurai goes about it is completely up to him, but I know it'll be good. Especially with the Tekken team helping.

If I had to bet on the most likely playstyle of his, it would be this: he could make use of ghosts (and other things) in a way that traps opponents and really turns the area into a maze (pun intended) of hazards. Essentially, make the character based around controlling your opponent's movements and memorizing their behaviors in order to get into a position which is beneficial to you. It would be both a playstyle that we haven't quite seen in Smash and a great representation of Pac-Man's arcade roots, being symbolic of the tactics used in the original Pac-Man arcade game (memorizing patterns of ghosts and predicting how they'll respond to take control of the situation).
Oh I totally agree Pac-Man can have a great set made out of chasing or retreating and using all of the things featured in his many games over the years. In fact I've been working on a project relevant to this for a while now, I should get back on that soon. Suffice to say Pac-Man can easily have a good moveset.

The strongest case for him is Rosalina. She had almost nothing she could do based on her in-game appearances. And yet Sakurai managed to create one of the most original movesets in Smash Bros, ever. Pac-Man has far more going for him than she did.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Oh I totally agree Pac-Man can have a great set made out of chasing or retreating and using all of the things featured in his many games over the years. In fact I've been working on a project relevant to this for a while now, I should get back on that soon. Suffice to say Pac-Man can easily have a good moveset.

The strongest case for him is Rosalina. She had almost nothing she could do based on her in-game appearances. And yet Sakurai managed to create one of the most original movesets in Smash Bros, ever. Pac-Man has far more going for him than she did.
Actually, regarding that, I have a theory about Rosalina. It might be possible that it wasn't a case of "I want this character, let me make a moveset" as much as "I want to try this playstyle, let me look for a character". The reason I think it's possible is because "puppeteer" is a common fighting game archetype, and Sakurai's recently been working with some people who are more than familiar with fighting game that use the archetype. It's entirely possible that the puppeteer archetype was introduced to Sakurai by Bandai-Namco and he got intrigued enough to look for a character that fit (who just happened to be Rosalina).

If that is the case, we need to treat Rosalina entirely differently than Pac-Man, as he would be "I want this character, let me make a moveset" rather than "I want to try this playstyle, let me look for a character", as Rosalina is.

I mean, it still does work slightly in his favor, but I'm hesitant about drawing too many more parallels with Pac-Man and Rosalina. Pac-Man and Little Mac is a much better parallel, since Mac was also one of the "I want this character, let me make a moveset" ones, and he ended up incredibly interesting despite his detractors saying "he could only punch".
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Deleted member

Actually, regarding that, I have a theory about Rosalina. It might be possible that it wasn't a case of "I want this character, let me make a moveset" as much as "I want to try this playstyle, let me look for a character". The reason I think it's possible is because "puppeteer" is a common fighting game archetype, and Sakurai's recently been working with some people who are more than familiar with fighting game that use the archetype. It's entirely possible that the puppeteer archetype was introduced to Sakurai by Bandai-Namco and he got intrigued enough to look for a character that fit (who just happened to be Rosalina).

If that is the case, we need to treat Rosalina entirely differently than Pac-Man, as he would be "I want this character, let me make a moveset" rather than "I want to try this playstyle, let me look for a character", as Rosalina is.

I mean, it still does work slightly in his favor, but I'm hesitant about drawing too many more parallels with Pac-Man and Rosalina. Pac-Man and Little Mac is a much better parallel, since Mac was also one of the "I want this character, let me make a moveset" ones, and he ended up incredibly interesting despite his detractors saying "he could only punch".
You may have a point there, but it's all speculation until someone close to Sakurai or the man himself states how he came up with the characters and their sets. Judging by how Sakurai does much of the work himself, like hitboxes and designing the sets, I don't know that he'd listen to the Namco guys all that much about what archetypes to include. And I'm also sure he doesn't need to be introduced to the puppeteer archetype, he may have always had it in mind.

It had to be at least a little of the character. There are other characters who do the same thing but actually in their game.

Although the comparison to Little Mac is just as good. Any way you cut it, the argument that "so and so can't have a moveset" gets more and more debunked every time we get a newcomer. Pretty much every single one has broken some rules that used to exist for Smash Bros characters.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
After Mac's reveal today, I'm extremely excited to see what Pac-Man's trailer will be like if he's in the game. Do you guys think they'll do something unique, like how Mac's trailer had the comic art style?
I dunno exactly how his trailer would be, but I'd love a "troll trailer" that they did before with Villager and Rosalina (with Animal Crossing and Mario Kart at the begin, respectively); as I said here:

--Oh, about his reveal trailer, I thought something like the Rosalina's trailer... a thing that would let people a bit confused in the begin.. using Luigi walking in a dark corridor, with his Poltergust 5000, with the Luigi's Mansion theme in the background... but then, in a curve a Ghost appears (not entirely showing to the expector what is, exactly),... and Mario, Sonic and Mega Man fighting, far from this, hears Luigi's scream, and quick goes to there.. when, the three heroes arrive, a standard generic ghost (with the Ghostly Adventures design) goes to attack Luigi, but a yellow blur goes through them and the 8-Bit "Waka" sound is listened... Pac-Man falls in the ground with his back for the camera, after a second, he turns to the front and smile for the camera, appearing his title (like every others newcomers) with the "Game Start" tune... now, starts the gameplay scenes with the Pac-Park remix that I mentioned, and you realized that the dark corridor that people were on the CG part of the trailer is his stage, a Retro Maze, with Ghosts as hazards and all! 8D.. at the end of the trailer, Mario, Sonic, Mega Man and Pac-Man fraternise one with the other, like "the team of mascots are all here now"!. ... Would be the most awesome thing in the world! XD.
but, independent of this, I'd get hyped in a crazy level! Little Mac yesterday did this hype on me, .. just K. Rool and Pac would (and hopefully will) make something equal/close!


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'll admit; one of the things that hyped me most about Little Mac's reveal was that it continues to prove the Little Pac Mii rumour. I don't much care for the Miis, but seeing the video game mascot that paved the way for ALL video game mascots? Pretty hype.

The problem is getting overly excited about rumours, but at this point is there anything actually standing in his way? He's a legendary third party, the mascot character from the company who is aiding with the game and he's already fought before with Megaman(sort of!) and you can't tell me he doesn't have unique potential...

...getting too excited. Better prepare for disappointment just in case...;;


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Mario & Pac-Man = Mario Kart Arcade GP series, and kinda Pac-Man Vs.

Mario & Mega Man = Super Mario german comics and NES era

Mario & Sonic = Console Wars and Olympic series

Sonic & Mega Man = Worlds Collide Comics

Mega Man & Pac-Man = Street Fighter X Tekken

indirect relations:
Project X Zone =
NAMCO Bandai (Pac-Man), SEGA (Sonic) and Capcom (Mega Man)

Wreck-it Ralph = NAMCO Bandai (Clyde and Pac-Man), Nintendo (Bowser), SEGA (Eggman and Sonic) and Capcom (Zangief and other SF characters)

-- Smash4 is the place of the reunion, no doubt!

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'll admit; one of the things that hyped me most about Little Mac's reveal was that it continues to prove the Little Pac Mii rumour. I don't much care for the Miis, but seeing the video game mascot that paved the way for ALL video game mascots? Pretty hype.

The problem is getting overly excited about rumours, but at this point is there anything actually standing in his way? He's a legendary third party, the mascot character from the company who is aiding with the game and he's already fought before with Megaman(sort of!) and you can't tell me he doesn't have unique potential...

...getting too excited. Better prepare for disappointment just in case...;;
I would say that the major obstacles in Pac-Man's way are...

1.) He's Third Party. There has to be some kind of limit on those. However, as far as Third Party characters go, I don't think there are any left that give him legitimate competition. As you said, he's legendary. Everyone knows Pac-Man.

2.) But while everyone knows him, not everyone likes him. He's not really as "cool" as characters like Snake, Sonic, or Mega Man, and has less of a following. So his inclusion in the game would not be quite as well received as some of the other third parties. But if they just want to add a video game icon everyone knows, Pac-Man is perfect for the role. And I'm sure Sakurai will put an interesting spin on him that people like, like what he did with all the other characters revealed.

3.) Lack of moveset...? Eh, not really a big point, but most people just know Pac-Man as the guy who eats everything. Sakurai can surely come up with something, though. There's a lot of potential there.

Those are the big three points I can think of, or at least the points I'm sure people will argue. But really, if we do get another third party character, I think Pac-Man is the perfect choice. As a legendary all-star of video games themselves, he'd fit right in to Smash with absolutely no difficulty. Contrary to people who say he'd be stupid and wouldn't fit...


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I can't believe I'm saying this, but for some reason, I'm starting to like the idea of Pac-Man being in Smash 4. There was a time when I thought the idea was pretty absurd but apparently I get used to ideas quickly (and begin to like them). Him being in the game could get a bit tricky though, being 3rd party and not highly supported as well, but I personally wouldn't mind him getting in. He is extremely iconic in the gaming world and having him fight alongside the likes of Mario, Sonic and Mega Man would be pretty cool. When I think about it, Pac-Man doesn't strike me as "unfitting" as I thought he would, and some casual players (like myself to some extent) find him pretty close to the definition of a "Nintendo-character", especially since most (if not all) of his games are on Nintendo-consoles (or arcades)... among maybe a few others. Actually, for a long time I thought of Mega Man as a "Nintendo-character", until I knew better. He suits in Smash Bros. perfectly, and I think Pac-Man is sort of in the same league. The Pac-Man games don't seem to be very popular though, especially the new ones, but I think the nostalgia, history and legacy of the character will make up for it really.

That said, when thinking of Pac-Man's design, I don't really like the new one (Ghostly Adventures), and would rather it be something more iconic and original for Smash. Maybe not an 8-bit style either, but perhaps something more along the lines of the ones in the SNES-games or Pac-Man World. I guess the newest style is the go-to one, but I'd like something... "modern old", as in the old iconic look modernized to be up-to-date. But, we'll see about that.

Anyway, I guess I'm a supporter now!


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I like that the Little Mac reveal trailer showed the Punch-Out!! arcade machine... it would be awesome to see a Pac-Man arcade machine in Pac-Man's reveal trailer. :awesome:

Deleted member

Pac-Man's reveal could be in some sort of maze or where the other characters are being chased by enemies, until Pac-Man comes to the rescue! Although considering how every reveal so far has been so varied it may literally be an 8-bit trailer where Pac-Man chases 8-bit versions of Mario/Sonic. He could show off most of his chomping that way too.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
Pac-Man's reveal could be in some sort of maze or where the other characters are being chased by enemies, until Pac-Man comes to the rescue! Although considering how every reveal so far has been so varied it may literally be an 8-bit trailer where Pac-Man chases 8-bit versions of Mario/Sonic. He could show off most of his chomping that way too.
Yeah, I like this idea. Here's an idea for his trailer, working off of this:

We see 8-bit versions of Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic fighting one another (using their normal movesets, but retro-fied) in a black void with a few vague blue platforms. There's no music, and after a few seconds, Mega Man uses his Mega Buster jab attack to shoot some bullets toward the edge of the screen. Immediately, the classic "dot eaten" sound effect is heard, and Pac-Man, in his original pie-shaped form, comes chomping in from off-screen, biting along the trail of Buster shots (to demonstrate that he's able to eat projectiles in battle). He comes to a stop in the middle of the screen, and the other three mascots become puzzled and question marks appear over their heads (unfortunately, Snake would be revealed later). The camera dynamically zooms out, to show that the fighters are all located in a maze from the original Pac-Man game. The camera then switches to show modern Pac-Man smiling and peering into the screen of an original Pac-Man arcade cabinet. He presses a button on the machine, and begins playing. Panning back to the maze, the graphics shift into the standard Wii U HD style, revealing that the maze itself is an actual stage in the game. Pac-Man leaps into the air with his iconic "uppercut" pose, and his "character joins the battle" screen forms around him. Commence the gameplay clips showing off his moveset while remixed music plays.
Cool things that could be shown off:
Pac-Man eating Mega Buster shots.
Mega Man attempting to spike Pac with the knuckle attack, only for Pac to use an upward chomping move to eat them.
Pac-Man gobbling through a string of Mario's fireballs.
Summoning ghosts to scare away an approaching Luigi.
Catching a thrown Pikmin in his mouth.
Rev Roll colliding with Sonic's Spin Dash.
Using Butt Bounce to continually bounce off of Sonic's spring.
A cute clip of a ghost standing next to Rosalina's Luma.
(If Ridley has been revealed) Pac-Man chomping a smaller character while being chomped by Ridley (chompception?).
Doing a taunt/victory pose alongside Mario and/or Sonic and Mega Man.

The trailer would end with the four mascots (the other three looking on in complete awe) huddled around the arcade machine, while Pac-Man grins smugly. Then the typical "SSB for Wii U/3DS logo and release date" screen would come up.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Yeah, I like this idea. Here's an idea for his trailer, working off of this:
Pac-Man eating Mega Buster shots.
Rev Roll colliding with Sonic's Spin Dash.
The trailer would end with the four mascots (the other three looking on in complete awe) huddled around the arcade machine, while Pac-Man grins smugly. Then the typical "SSB for Wii U/3DS logo and release date" screen would come up.
OKAY! Now I want to see this! =P

Deleted member

That was an awesome post Turtles. I'd love to see all those things.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
guys... I just realized... what if they put Pac-Man World 1 and 2, + Pac-Man Collection on Virtual Console U? Since we're getting GBA games now.. is a possibility for his reveal, maybe? .. Ghostly Adventures could be used if it was an exclusive title... but isn't the case.. and anyway, even the 3DS version that's exclusive in fact, was already released in all countries, I guess =\ (the home console version was not released on Europe yet, right?).


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Yeah, I like this idea. Here's an idea for his trailer, working off of this:

We see 8-bit versions of Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic fighting one another (using their normal movesets, but retro-fied) in a black void with a few vague blue platforms. There's no music, and after a few seconds, Mega Man uses his Mega Buster jab attack to shoot some bullets toward the edge of the screen. Immediately, the classic "dot eaten" sound effect is heard, and Pac-Man, in his original pie-shaped form, comes chomping in from off-screen, biting along the trail of Buster shots (to demonstrate that he's able to eat projectiles in battle). He comes to a stop in the middle of the screen, and the other three mascots become puzzled and question marks appear over their heads (unfortunately, Snake would be revealed later). The camera dynamically zooms out, to show that the fighters are all located in a maze from the original Pac-Man game. The camera then switches to show modern Pac-Man smiling and peering into the screen of an original Pac-Man arcade cabinet. He presses a button on the machine, and begins playing. Panning back to the maze, the graphics shift into the standard Wii U HD style, revealing that the maze itself is an actual stage in the game. Pac-Man leaps into the air with his iconic "uppercut" pose, and his "character joins the battle" screen forms around him. Commence the gameplay clips showing off his moveset while remixed music plays.
Cool things that could be shown off:
Pac-Man eating Mega Buster shots.
Mega Man attempting to spike Pac with the knuckle attack, only for Pac to use an upward chomping move to eat them.
Pac-Man gobbling through a string of Mario's fireballs.
Summoning ghosts to scare away an approaching Luigi.
Catching a thrown Pikmin in his mouth.
Rev Roll colliding with Sonic's Spin Dash.
Using Butt Bounce to continually bounce off of Sonic's spring.
A cute clip of a ghost standing next to Rosalina's Luma.
(If Ridley has been revealed) Pac-Man chomping a smaller character while being chomped by Ridley (chompception?).
Doing a taunt/victory pose alongside Mario and/or Sonic and Mega Man.

The trailer would end with the four mascots (the other three looking on in complete awe) huddled around the arcade machine, while Pac-Man grins smugly. Then the typical "SSB for Wii U/3DS logo and release date" screen would come up.
Stop! You're getting me excited :p!


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Yeah, I like this idea. Here's an idea for his trailer, working off of this:

We see 8-bit versions of Mario, Mega Man, and Sonic fighting one another (using their normal movesets, but retro-fied) in a black void with a few vague blue platforms. There's no music, and after a few seconds, Mega Man uses his Mega Buster jab attack to shoot some bullets toward the edge of the screen. Immediately, the classic "dot eaten" sound effect is heard, and Pac-Man, in his original pie-shaped form, comes chomping in from off-screen, biting along the trail of Buster shots (to demonstrate that he's able to eat projectiles in battle). He comes to a stop in the middle of the screen, and the other three mascots become puzzled and question marks appear over their heads (unfortunately, Snake would be revealed later). The camera dynamically zooms out, to show that the fighters are all located in a maze from the original Pac-Man game. The camera then switches to show modern Pac-Man smiling and peering into the screen of an original Pac-Man arcade cabinet. He presses a button on the machine, and begins playing. Panning back to the maze, the graphics shift into the standard Wii U HD style, revealing that the maze itself is an actual stage in the game. Pac-Man leaps into the air with his iconic "uppercut" pose, and his "character joins the battle" screen forms around him. Commence the gameplay clips showing off his moveset while remixed music plays.
Cool things that could be shown off:
Pac-Man eating Mega Buster shots.
Mega Man attempting to spike Pac with the knuckle attack, only for Pac to use an upward chomping move to eat them.
Pac-Man gobbling through a string of Mario's fireballs.
Summoning ghosts to scare away an approaching Luigi.
Catching a thrown Pikmin in his mouth.
Rev Roll colliding with Sonic's Spin Dash.
Using Butt Bounce to continually bounce off of Sonic's spring.
A cute clip of a ghost standing next to Rosalina's Luma.
(If Ridley has been revealed) Pac-Man chomping a smaller character while being chomped by Ridley (chompception?).
Doing a taunt/victory pose alongside Mario and/or Sonic and Mega Man.

The trailer would end with the four mascots (the other three looking on in complete awe) huddled around the arcade machine, while Pac-Man grins smugly. Then the typical "SSB for Wii U/3DS logo and release date" screen would come up.
thank you for that imagery! I would love to see this!


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
guys... I just realized... what if they put Pac-Man World 1 and 2, + Pac-Man Collection on Virtual Console U? Since we're getting GBA games now.. is a possibility for his reveal, maybe? .. Ghostly Adventures could be used if it was an exclusive title... but isn't the case.. and anyway, even the 3DS version that's exclusive in fact, was already released in all countries, I guess =\ (the home console version was not released on Europe yet, right?).
I doubt this will happen (Virtual Consoles and their variants have been sadly underutilized since their inception), but I'd definitely be purchasing a lot of games if this were the case. Not a fan of GBA and DS games coming to the Wii U VC, for the record. Those games belong on the 3DS. I'd much rather play Pac-Pix on the go with my 3DS than sitting in front of my TV.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I doubt this will happen (Virtual Consoles and their variants have been sadly underutilized since their inception), but I'd definitely be purchasing a lot of games if this were the case. Not a fan of GBA and DS games coming to the Wii U VC, for the record. Those games belong on the 3DS. I'd much rather play Pac-Pix on the go with my 3DS than sitting in front of my TV.
You know... what's the point of having DS games available on the 3DS Virtual Console? The 3DS already can play DS games. It has backward compatibility. So, in that case, it makes sense for them to be available on the Wii U Virtual Console... since the Game Pad would utilize the touch screen controls.


Feb 13, 2014
Cool things that could be shown off:
Pac-Man eating Mega Buster shots.
Mega Man attempting to spike Pac with the knuckle attack, only for Pac to use an upward chomping move to eat them.
Pac-Man gobbling through a string of Mario's fireballs.
Summoning ghosts to scare away an approaching Luigi.
Catching a thrown Pikmin in his mouth.
Rev Roll colliding with Sonic's Spin Dash.
Using Butt Bounce to continually bounce off of Sonic's spring.
A cute clip of a ghost standing next to Rosalina's Luma.
(If Ridley has been revealed) Pac-Man chomping a smaller character while being chomped by Ridley (chompception?).
Doing a taunt/victory pose alongside Mario and/or Sonic and Mega Man.
Holy crap, that would be amazingly epic! I would love to see it!

Also, new here, but totally throwing in my hype and support for Pac. He's been my favorite video game character of all time ever since I began playing video games. If he is in Smash, he will not only be my main, but I'll probably have to reluctantly make myself play other characters just to unlock everything.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Holy crap, that would be amazingly epic! I would love to see it!

Also, new here, but totally throwing in my hype and support for Pac. He's been my favorite video game character of all time ever since I began playing video games. If he is in Smash, he will not only be my main, but I'll probably have to reluctantly make myself play other characters just to unlock everything.
Glad to have you! Got a favorite Pac-Man game?


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
You know... what's the point of having DS games available on the 3DS Virtual Console? The 3DS already can play DS games. It has backward compatibility. So, in that case, it makes sense for them to be available on the Wii U Virtual Console... since the Game Pad would utilize the touch screen controls.
I'd like DS games on the 3DS VC for the same reason I like having PS2 games available for download on the PS3. Just because the system is backwards-compatible, doesn't mean I have or want physical copies of every DS game I want to play.


Feb 13, 2014
Also, just for fun, I created some mock ups of Pac-Man's splash art, should he get in. I'm sure they'd have a better one, since they'd actually have a 3-D model to work with, but for taking a few pics I found on the internet and splicing them into a background, I don't think I did too badly.

(I'm actually a really big fan of his redesign. I feel like it gives him a lot more personality and makes him look, I dunno, much more solid and fully-formed, but I still created a classic one for the peeps who love the classic design)

Also, I found this awesome image while searching for Pac-Man stuff on Google. Not sure the original source, since it was just posted on an IGN article, but I thought it was too cute not to share.



Feb 13, 2014
Pretty good choice, definitely. I, personally, am a huge fan of the World games, particularly World 2.
World 2 was definitely fantastic. They did a lot of good stuff there. World 3.. not so much. Also, aside from it's incredibly short length, I really liked the new Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures game on the 3DS. Was a great platformer with a fun combo system and fun stuff to find.

Dropkick JD

Unexpected Smash God
Feb 10, 2014
York City, Pennslyvania
" Hell, I can see the trailer at E-3. Sonic, Mario and Megaman are all gathered around some random arcade cabinet. The camera rises up a bit to show them all watching Mario play Pac-Man. The camera zooms in on the screen, and the game just freezes. Pac-Man then turns to the screen, and his fist comes rising out of the screen, followed with the rest of his body. Mario and the others are sent flying back a bit. The camera cuts back to show Sonic, Megaman and Mario all picking themselves off the ground while now facing a standing up Pac-Man.


That's what I posted in another thread for my idea of the reveal. I'd be happy with anything, as long as he'd be in the game, tbh.

I guess my stage idea would actually be a bit different than just doing the Pac-Man maze. No idea how it would work, but I'd love to see a stage that takes place in an old arcade. Filled of old retro cabinets, stuff like that.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Also, just for fun, I created some mock ups of Pac-Man's splash art, should he get in. I'm sure they'd have a better one, since they'd actually have a 3-D model to work with, but for taking a few pics I found on the internet and splicing them into a background, I don't think I did too badly.

(I'm actually a really big fan of his redesign. I feel like it gives him a lot more personality and makes him look, I dunno, much more solid and fully-formed, but I still created a classic one for the peeps who love the classic design)

Also, I found this awesome image while searching for Pac-Man stuff on Google. Not sure the original source, since it was just posted on an IGN article, but I thought it was too cute not to share.

I like them! Personally, I much prefer the Party design over his Ghostly Adventures design, but I'm not confident that we'll get anything other than that one. Can I actually request something from you? If so, then I need to know, do you have Photoshop?

World 2 was definitely fantastic. They did a lot of good stuff there. World 3.. not so much. Also, aside from it's incredibly short length, I really liked the new Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures game on the 3DS. Was a great platformer with a fun combo system and fun stuff to find.
World 2 > World > World 3.

World 2 is best overall, obviously.

World 1 has the best bosses and is actually pretty difficult, but it's not as good as World 2 because of bad depth perception issues (Pac-Man's only a sprite) and less fleshing out in general (you can tell it's the first one, basically).

World 3 has the best characters, my personal favorite enemy designs, and is great with its humor (I particularly liked Pac-Man's voice actor, but I know some don't agree), but it's pathetically easy and way too short. Not a terrible game by any means, but disappointing to anyone who's played Worlds 2 and 1. I'd use 3 as a way to introduce kids to the series, personally.

And I was under the impression that the Ghostly Adventures game was the definition of mediocrity. Is it better than I've heard?
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Feb 13, 2014
I like them! Personally, I much prefer the Party design over his Ghostly Adventures design, but I'm not confident that we'll get anything other than that one. Can I actually request something from you? If so, then I need to know, do you have Photoshop?
Yes, Yes I do.

Pacack said:
World 2 > World > World 3.

World 2 is best overall, obviously.

World 1 has the best bosses and is actually pretty difficult, but it's not as good as World 2 because of bad depth perception issues (Pac-Man's only a sprite) and less fleshing out in general (you can tell it's the first one, basically).

World 3 has the best characters, my personal favorite enemy designs, and is great with its humor (I particularly liked Pac-Man's voice actor, but I know some don't agree), but it's pathetically easy and way too short. Not a terrible game by any means, but disappointing to anyone who's played Worlds 2 and 1. I'd use 3 as a way to introduce kids to the series, personally.

And I was under the impression that the Ghostly Adventures game was the definition of mediocrity. Is it better than I've heard?
I wouldn't put it above Pac-Man World 2, or maybe even World 1, but I'd put it above Pac-Man World 3. It's not the best game I've ever played, but as a platforming adventure game with powerups, it's pretty entertaining and well made. The animations are spectacular on Pac and the ghosts, the voice acting is good (although not the same voice actors from the cartoon except for Pac), and it has a pretty decent length with some pretty unique stages. The boss battles leave something to be desired, but I honestly enjoyed the game and was pleasantly surprised by its quality.
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