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Official Pac-Man's Amazing Full Colour Fan Club! - Pac-Man General Thread


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Pac-Man doesn't have to become a 2D circle missing a piece... he could become a 3D sphere with no limbs just like Pac-Mania.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)

Here is my updated moveset. Implementing a 4-directional movement moveset, and various elements from almost all of his games.

Please Enjoy, and Feel free to give me Feedback!

Pac-Man Eats the Competition!
His speed is now around Mario's, but when he dashes, he takes out his roller skates and goes at diddy kong's speed. He has traction that allows him to stop on a dime and turn faster than anyone In smash. His first jump is pretty average matching foxes's, but his second jump is when he uses his magic boots from pac-land and he goes pretty high, surpassing Mario's first jump in height. He can also, cling to the stage and wall jump His aerial speed is above average and can easily connect aerials for great combos. He can glide with his hang glider from pac man 2. His falling speed is at about falco's speed surprisingly knowing that he eats everything. His power in moves is actually surprisingly above-average after a long history of chasing ghosts and duking it out with other spectral creatures and monsters. Can match mr.G&W's power in a fight. He focuses on exploiting weaknesses in the opponent and gimps them. He also keeps the opponent running since most of his attacks pressure shields and have good spacing. The most interesting and unique mechanic is pac-man's emergency slo-mo turning mechanic. Whenever Pac-man is near an opponent when he is at 100% or higher, the game slows down around pac-man, and this gives him time to either turn around or use a bomb. Pac-man gains three bombs to use when he reaches 100% and can be activated while pressing A while in slo-mo mode. The bomb does no damage, but blasts the opponent away with high knockback. This makes pac-man the ultimate hit-and-run character and allows him to survive a very long time.
  • Size: 3/5 (Mario height)
  • Weight: 2.5/5 (average weight)
  • Power: 3.5/5 (Above average, rapid chomps)
  • Ground Speed: 2/5 walk, 4/5 run (dash speed at diddy kong's level)
  • Traction: 5/5 (stops and turns on a dime)
  • Jump Ability: 3.5/5 (first jump is average, second jump is very good)
  • Air Speed: 3/5
  • Fall Speed: 3/5
B: CHOMP!- Pac-Man eats the opponent and gains 5% back to his percentage bar. Pac-Man can still walk around normally and do any attacks that don't involve eating like his forward smash(He doesn't slow down like Kirby) for up to 5 seconds until Pac-Man then has to shoot the opponent out of his mouth in the form of eyeballs that turn back into the foe after knockback is done. This move can be aimed in 4 directions, akin to the vertical/horizontal gameplay of the original. Aiming it downward on the ground lays the opponent down like G&W's down grab. When jumping in the air, the downward aim spikes. This move's knockback can not be DI'd out of, but is affected by percentage making this a great KO move.
Side B: Maze Teleport- Pacman walks into an empty void like he does in the arcade game. After one second, he comes chomping out of the opposite side of the map, in the opposite direction he went in, with 4 ghosts behind him. Pac man and the ghosts do damage to the opponent while pac-man goes chomping in the air for about 1.5 seconds. The ghosts then turn to eyeballs and disappear. does 5% per chomp of pac-man's mouth, ghosts do 3% per hit. A very good vertical recovery move.
Down B: Butt Bounce- Pac-Man jumps up and bounces back down with his...Butt. Can be use 3 times in a row after the first bounce. Meteor smashes in mid-air, 3rd hit pushes opponent away like toon link's d-air. Can be moved side to side across the whole stage. 3rd hit makes a shock wave that does 5% on contact (1st hit does 9%, 2nd does 10%, and 3rd does 13%. ) From Pac-Man world 2
Up B: Pac-Dot Chain- Pac-Man throws out a red pac dot and eats it. He turns back into 8 bit form and a ghost chases him while he is eating. When he does a line of pac-dots form in mid air. You can control where the pac-dots turn. It can also latch onto the stage. Pac-Man eats the dots as fast as a fire fox's speed. The hitboxes in this move are pacman and the ghost. From Pac-Man world 2
Forward smash- Chomp #2:
Pac-Man leans back while charging, and leans forward and chomps when the move is executed. Little to no start-up lag(throwback to the pac-man games where pac-man's chomps are always super quick). Pokes the hell out of shields like Mr.G&W's back aerial when tippered(which is the sourspot) and freezes the opponent like wolf's forward tilt while a gulping noise plays(Throwback to the games when a ghost was eaten, the game would freeze and points would show). Can also slip through shields at times. 19-30% fully charged at sweepspot
17-27% fully charged at sourspot. High knockback. (Being one of the best forward smashes in the game makes pacman's forward smash stand out)

Up Smash- Uppercut:
Pac-man jumps upward and does an uppercut. The hitbox is from the ground to the tip of his fist with the sweetspot and sour spot being like marth's up smash (15% uncharged 22% fully charged.). Start up fast and drags foes inward and upward. average knockback. from world series
Down Smash- Metal Pac: Pac-man jumps upward and slams down on the ground causing a shockwave. Noticable start-up lag. inspired by user bridgeswithturtles. from the world series (14% uncharged 18% fully charged.) average knockback.
Standard Attacks
AAA combo: Punch, Punch, KO- Pac-man throws a left hook, right hook, then a jab that pressures shields and blasts opponents away at semi-high knockback. (2%, 4%, then 6%.)
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UFMBujNRfs 5:12 - 5:15. From Pac-Man world 3
Dash attack: Pellet trail- Pacman flies forward and bites opponent 3 times. Moves pac-man at the speed of captain falcon's run. Pressures shields on all hits like Kirby's dash attack. Comes out fast and doesn't slow down his run. Also, has no visible lag at the cool down. (1st hit 2%, 2nd hit 3%, 3rd hit 5%. 10% in total)
F-tilt: Sonic Wave - pac man sends out a sound wave from pac and pal that does little damage but stabilizes opponents for a quick second. (4%)
U-tilt: Jump Chomp- pac man jumps up and chomps opponents. Very good for juggling and shield poking when right next to opponent. ( 6%)
D-tilt: Cherry Bomb- pacman places a cherry on the ground that blows up after a second. High knockback (7%)
ledge attack: Pac-man comes up with a frontflip and hits opponent with both his fists. average knockback (5%)
100% ledge attack: pac-man comes up slowly and then chomps the opponent. Pokes shields (10%)
Floor attack: Pacman rises up like Dracula out of a coffin and punches both sides of him. short range, but comes out fast. low knockback (5% each side)
100% floor attack: Pac-man comes up and chomps both sides of him. Good and fast surprise attack. average knockback (10%)
U-air: Skate Slice- Pac-Man does a flip kick with skates on and does slicing damage, like a blade. Does upward knockback on starting frames, but ending frames cause sideways knockback. Cuts through air dodges and shields. Very high knockback (does 10%)From Pac-man world 2.
D-air: Galaga - Pac-Man pulls out a galaga ship and shoots downward with it. The ammo goes down really fast and if it lands on the opponent at all, on any part of their body, they are meteor smashed.(does 13%) Meteor smashes. High knockback.
F-air: Pellet blast - Pac-man shoots pellets out of his mouth while moving his head up and down. Barrages foe and hits above, below, and in front of pac-man. Shield pressure. 11% damage. medium knockback
B-air : Ghost - Pac-man turns back and chomps backwards while being chased by a ghost. It turns pac-man around and does multiple hits with shield breaking capabilities. Comes out fast and the hitboxes are the ghost and pac-man. The ghost blocks projectiles. (10% damage) average knockback
N-air : Smiling Spin - pac-man spins around in a circle and hurts opponents while facing the screen. (does 4% on first hit, 1% on any other frame but the first.) average knock back on first frames, but no knockback after that.
Z- air : Grappling Hook - pac man pulls out his grapple from the old pac-in-time game and lunges it forward like link's. The tip can hit multiple times on starting and ending frames but only the tip does damage. The rope will push the character into the tip however. (5%)
Grab: Pac-man sends out a dig-dug pump and catches the opponent. Very fast start-up with no ending lag.
Pummel: Inflation - Pac-man inflates(lol) the opponent (3% each hit) The special aspect of this pummel is that after about 3 pummels the opponent is automatically released with high knockback, but if you don't throw them, or pummel them again after about .5 seconds, the opponent is simply released in front of you and left immobile for 1 second.
F- throw - Pellet shoot : pacman throws opponent up, and blasts them downward with rapid-fire pellets. Can hit nearby opponents. Great for blasting opponents off the stage. Does multiple hits (does 12%) High knockback
D-throw: Ribbon-loop - pacman spits the opponent on the ground and eats a ribbon loop pellet. The opponent stands up while pac-man circles around the opponent. A circle appears around them and then closes in on them, exploding on contact. (does 10%damage) does high knockback and sends them careening upwards.
U-throw - Flip kick: pacman spits out opponents upward and flip kicks them. average vertical knockback(7%)
B-throw- toss: pacman tosses opponent diagonally backwards and chomps opponents as they go upward. Does three hits. (1st hit 2%, second hit 4%, 3rd hit 4% damage) average knockback
Up-taunt - pacman turns back into 8 bit and does his dying animation with the death music.
Down taunt- pac-man turns and gives a thumbs up to the audience
Side-taunt- pacman throws and kicks a pac dot around like a soccer ball then eats it. From pacman world series
Final Smash
Pac-man eats a power pellet and everyone turns blue. Some people even revert to ghost forms (like boo Mario and luigi). if he chomps you then it is an immediate KO while points show up on the screen after every kill. Lasts for about 10 seconds and everyone turns back to normal with pac-man being brought back to his 3d form.
When defeated: Pac-man sits on the ground like this only without armor while scratching his head.
When Pac-man wins: the pac-man opening theme plays while pac-man is chasing a ghost, and he finally eats it and gives a thumbs up.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
You made that? Wow, man, that was awesome! You made some really excellent points without sounding like a fanboy. It was precise and educated. Good job!
really thanks, I appreciate that you had liked ^-^.

Pac-Man doesn't have to become a 2D circle missing a piece...
I really agree with this,.. you know, I'm in favor of Pac-Man be most based in the World series and his original arcade appearance; but when we talk about Final Smashes in general in SmashBros., I think we have already a lot of characters with transformations (principally changing drastically of appearence).. and giving him a touch of modernization in just this detail, wouldn't hurt... besides I consider Pac-Man World series still part of his "classic" incarnation, since his debut occurred only afater Pac-Man Party.
:\/ ... look, this is my FS idea (I dunno if you guys already saw):

Well, I was thinking in Pac's Final Smash.. I see a lot of people saying that he could turn in a giant 8-bit verion of himself, and walk around the stage biting the opponents.. while I think that would be cool throwback of Arcades, I think that wouldn't fit too much with his recents incarnations (and I'm not talking just about GA, but in general, Pac never did something before.. in Pac-Man World series, Pac-in-Time, Pac-Land, etc)...

So, for keep his main characteristic (eating) as his Final Smash, I thought that would be cool something like in Pac-Man World series fashion,.. he eats a Power Palette (that would appear from nowhere), the Power Pallet 8-Bit sound would be heard while he's by the effect, and with Pac-Man World 3 as reference, he would shine this way (always found this a nice effect)

the opponents at the stage would get a blue mask in all the body (while we don't know if the Power Pallet effect works in other people, not just ghosts.. it's a crossover, anything can happen. :\/), just like this:

the opponents would stay working normally with their A.I. (or the player commands), you can even stay fighting and hit Pac,... but, if Pac-Man can be able to perform his chomp attack (which obvisously would be part of his moveset, no doubts here, lol), the opponent would be eaten instantly (with the classic 8-Bit SFX, and with a pause in a second, just like in his game), ... the eyes of the character that was eaten, would fly around, and then be out of the stage (when the eyes touches a critical part of the limit of the stage, the standard K.O. effect of SmashBros would occur normally, together with the character scream).... everytime when Pac-Man could bite the characters, everytime they would be instantly KOned.. but as a disadvantage of this "OP" Final Smash, Pac would stay vulnerable to attacks and such..

of course, when the Final Smash/Power Pallet effect finishes, everybody would back to their normal colors.

I thought that would be cool... it's similar of Chaos Dimension of Shuma-Gorath in MvC series (in terms of opportunity to attack the opponent and timer).

what you think? =)


Feb 13, 2014
That was awesome, SuperLittleTY! You did a great job on it! I'm so hyped for him being in the game, I really really hope he makes it.

I was watching this today. It's footage from the new Mario Kart Arcade GP DX that's out in Japan and features the newer Pac-Man model. Something about having Pac-Man interacting with and just being in the Mario universe makes me so very happy. He just fits there perfectly, even if he is just a ball with a mouth. Still, I had a smile on my face the whole time watching it.

EDIT: Whoops! Linked the wrong video. That was a lower quality one. The correct one is there now.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I agree with this, although Pac-Man having his own universe (that, aesthetically, doesn't seem nothing alike Mario's universe.. be classic or modern), he fits very very well with Mario and friends together in the same place.. seems like a compatible universe, concept of characters and all, like Banjo and Conker were once with Donkey Kong (and DK, is related with Mario, so.. =P)..
Pac in Smash will fit like a glove, and he'll feel in home. :'D .

Oh, btw, Mario Kart Arcade GP DX is already in western countries... or at least in USA; check it out:

(PS: I'm jealous of you American guys,... we on Brazil have very few MKAGP machines, and it's very hard to find. :\/)
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Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
I agree with this, although Pac-Man having his own universe (that, aesthetically, doesn't seem nothing alike Mario's universe.. be classic or modern), he fits very very well with Mario and friends together in the same place.. seems like a compatible universe, concept of characters and all, like Banjo and Conker were once with Donkey Kong (and DK, is related with Mario, so.. =P)..
Pac in Smash will fit like a glove, and he'll feel in home. :'D .

Oh, btw, Mario Kart Arcade GP DX is already in western countries... or at least in USA; check it out:

(PS: I'm jealous of you American guys,... we on Brazil have very few MKAGP machines, and it's very hard to find. :\/)
If it makes you feel better, we Americans have very few arcades these days.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
yeah, I know... at this point Arcades machines in general don't exists anymore.. We have some at Shopping Malls... but are most fake cabinets emuling MAME and others games.. but at least you guys recieve true machine with games like Arcade GP, and early than us. =P (I know few places with true machines, like Virtua Fighter and such).


Feb 13, 2014
I agree with this, although Pac-Man having his own universe (that, aesthetically, doesn't seem nothing alike Mario's universe.. be classic or modern), he fits very very well with Mario and friends together in the same place.. seems like a compatible universe, concept of characters and all, like Banjo and Conker were once with Donkey Kong (and DK, is related with Mario, so.. =P)..
Pac in Smash will fit like a glove, and he'll feel in home. :'D .

Oh, btw, Mario Kart Arcade GP DX is already in western countries... or at least in USA; check it out:

(PS: I'm jealous of you American guys,... we on Brazil have very few MKAGP machines, and it's very hard to find. :\/)
Aaaah! And we have a Dave & Buster's in town! Now I wanna go and see if they have it! D:

Also, I just watched this video, and one of the main three girls at the beginning has a shirt that says "Pac-man Smash." PAC-MAN CONFIRMED.

Kidding. ;p Turns out Pac-Man Smash is a Pac-Man themed air hockey table. But it is interesting to see all these neat Pac-Man games at the convention. Also, I want to take that statue they show at the beginning home with me and keep it forever. *grabby hands*
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
changing a bit the subject.. seeing how "loved" Pac is, at least here on Smashboards; After the imminent Pac reveal, how many people you think that will come here and say "Hey, Pac-Man supporters! Congratulations! Glad Pac entered in Smash!"??... After seeing people on Little Mac thread, I wonder about that.. principally if Pac recieve a cool trailer, showing a lot of potential of unique gameplay; a instant Pac-Love would appear in their dark hearts. =P...

heh, in fact, wouldn't care too much of the ammount of people saying that, since we, Pac-Supporters stay together until we get our objective. =)


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
changing a bit the subject.. seeing how "loved" Pac is, at least here on Smashboards; After the imminent Pac reveal, how many people you think that will come here and say "Hey, Pac-Man supporters! Congratulations! Glad Pac entered in Smash!"??... After seeing people on Little Mac thread, I wonder about that.. principally if Pac recieve a cool trailer, showing a lot of potential of unique gameplay; a instant Pac-Love would appear in their dark hearts. =P...

heh, in fact, wouldn't care too much of the ammount of people saying that, since we, Pac-Supporters stay together until we get our objective. =)
I would laugh, cry, and rejoice.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
And I'll probably just have an unbelievable feeling that 3 of the most popular 3rd parties are in the same game with Mario. It's a real good, strong feeling for me.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
And I'll probably just have an unbelievable feeling that 3 of the most popular 3rd parties are in the same game with Mario. It's a real good, strong feeling for me.
of course this would be (and hopefully will be!) awesome.. but you know, Pac-Man in Smash is a thing that I always wanted, be or not in the current circumstances (with Sonic, and Mega Man in the game too),.. but sure this point make the things still more memorable, not only for us, but for the gaming story... "the only game that reunited the four main mascots from gaming industry"... NAMCO and Nintendo hopefully know that, and won't waste the chance. =;D


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Mario, Sonic, Megaman, and Pac-Man, now that would be an incredible marketing campaign Sakurai and Nintendo could offer. :cyclops: Nintendo, please attempt, this could mean alot of sales.
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Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I venture to say that if Pac-Man join the game to complete this epic team of mascots, even the Wii U sales can increase... thing that, Smash alone (with the game appeal itself) couldn't do.. you know, everyone (I mean, literally everyone) would like to play the game that made this epic encounter! I know that I would. =P


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I venture to say that if Pac-Man join the game to complete this epic team of mascots, even the Wii U sales can increase... thing that, Smash alone (with the game appeal itself) couldn't do.. you know, everyone (I mean, literally everyone) would like to play the game that made this epic encounter! I know that I would. =P
Well, that alone can't possibly make the Wii U a success, but it would certainly help a lot.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I said increase.. not a "success Wii alike" =P.. well, it's an OFFtopic subject, but I do believe in the recover of Wii U.. but, Nintendo (and NAMCO) needs to do something, and when I say something, is "PUT PAC-MAN IN DIS GAME, NAO!" XD

Deleted member

I went and watched some of the new Pac-Man cartoon recently in a MST3000 sort of way with some friends, that show is remarkably bad. To the point I get why you'd enjoy it, the creators just didn't care at all about criticism, they went full cheeseball 90's style with the ridiculous world-building. And that theme song... that theme song...



Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
well, I don't like of most of the cartoons nowadays,... those recents in CN and/or Nick; .. but I'm not the target, so, Pac-Man at least is doing anything wrong, just following as current trends. =P... and here's a trivia; here on Brazil he's voiced by the same voice actor of Bart Simpson. lolz... sounds like okay for him, at least.. and helps a bit in the charisma of the show. =P

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I'll just laugh real hard if people like Xenoblaze love Pac-Man's playstyle. :troll:
I would be shocked if people like him admit they were wrong if it comes to that. Maybe we need a "I was wrong" thread in Pac-Man's board if he is confirmed.

Deleted member

well, I don't like of most of the cartoons nowadays,... those recents in CN and/or Nick; .. but I'm not the target, so, Pac-Man at least is doing anything wrong, just following as current trends. =P... and here's a trivia; here on Brazil he's voiced by the same voice actor of Bart Simpson. lolz... sounds like okay for him, at least.. and helps a bit in the charisma of the show. =P
Actually I think Pac-Man is going off in a very particular direction trying to create an almost science-fiction background to the world. It's so unnecessary, but very funny at the same time. I can totally see Nancy Cartwright voice act him in this show. And I can't exactly bad mouth it that much, because how do you make Pac-Man into a cartoon? It's worth watching for laughs, anyway, at least the first couple episodes.

I would be shocked if people like him admit they were wrong if it comes to that. Maybe we need a "I was wrong" thread in Pac-Man's board if he is confirmed.
If Little Mac deserves one, Pac-Man definitely does. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Actually I think Pac-Man is going off in a very particular direction trying to create an almost science-fiction background to the world. It's so unnecessary, but very funny at the same time. I can totally see Nancy Cartwright voice act him in this show. And I can't exactly bad mouth it that much, because how do you make Pac-Man into a cartoon? It's worth watching for laughs, anyway, at least the first couple episodes.
the cartoon is not for me *(my age), probably not for you too.. but I watch sometimes, casually, without compromise; it's my favorite character, and I do like to see the references of NAMCO games in the scenarios.. but I wouldn't never say that it's my favorite cartoon just 'cause is Pac-Man. =P.. it's just nice for a free time;

my sister, though, loves in passion, she likes Cylindria a lot, principally.

Deleted member

the cartoon is not for me *(my age), probably not for you too.. but I watch sometimes, casually, without compromise; it's my favorite character, and I do like to see the references of NAMCO games in the scenarios.. but I wouldn't never say that it's my favorite cartoon just 'cause is Pac-Man. =P.. it's just nice for a free time;

my sister, though, loves in passion, she likes Cylindria a lot, principally.
I can imagine it appeals to very young children, it's basically just an advertisement for Pac-Man's games. Does it stay as cheesy past the opening two epsiodes? I kind of want to watch to see where they go with the stupid storyline. Mostly the part where the villain Betrayus, based on David Petraeus' etymologically for some reason, and his entire army is turned into indestructible ghosts then locked away, but they don't guard the prison or note down where it is. If it stays that level of goofy and silly I may revisit it for more funnies.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
Smashy Daddy, it pretty much stays that bad. Trust me. I watched through most of Season 1 because I was just as curious as you are. In its defense, though, it'd probably make an excellent abridged series for this reason, and something like that really should exist if it doesn't already. I personally sort of enjoy it when there's nothing on late at night and I'm falling asleep anyway. It's just flashy enough to keep my attention while retaining enough terribly nonsensical writing that I can stimulate myself by picking out everything wrong with it. Yeah, I'm that kind of person. Honestly, as someone who doesn't really enjoy much of anything in the way of cartoons these days, GA could be worse than it is. It's not entertaining on its own merits, but it's not offensive, like most of the drivel on CN, Disney, and Nick. Force me to choose between 10 straight hours of GA and 10 hours of post-movie Spongebob episodes, and I'l easily pick the former.

On the subject for "retribution" for Pac-Man haters, I personally don't care. I'm happy for them if whoever they want gets into the game. Chances are the majority of sensible people will, in the case of Pac-Man being revealed, simply shrug it off and come to accept it, the same way most of us do when a character we don't want becomes playable. Besides, I'm not willing to laugh at others' expense, especially since Pac-Man still isn't guaranteed. If he's not in the game, anyone pointing fingers like now will look ever worse than those that they're pointing at. Just something to consider, for any supporter of any character.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
I can imagine it appeals to very young children, it's basically just an advertisement for Pac-Man's games. Does it stay as cheesy past the opening two epsiodes? I kind of want to watch to see where they go with the stupid storyline. Mostly the part where the villain Betrayus, based on David Petraeus' etymologically for some reason, and his entire army is turned into indestructible ghosts then locked away, but they don't guard the prison or note down where it is. If it stays that level of goofy and silly I may revisit it for more funnies.
if you continue with such high demand and requirement for history and things like that, for sure you won't enjoy the episodes, not even casually. I don't believe that Ghostly Adventures is to be taken seriously .. as I didn't take with Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic SatAM and such ... it's just simple entertainment and focused in small children who are just waiting for colorful characters on the screen. In one way or another is great for the younger generations know the figure of Pac-Man, a character 30 years old, and still manages to captivate children in other ways.

but if you want a laugh from simple jokes, I recommend seeing once in a while. =)
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Deleted member

Smashy Daddy, it pretty much stays that bad. Trust me. I watched through most of Season 1 because I was just as curious as you are. In its defense, though, it'd probably make an excellent abridged series for this reason, and something like that really should exist if it doesn't already. I personally sort of enjoy it when there's nothing on late at night and I'm falling asleep anyway. It's just flashy enough to keep my attention while retaining enough terribly nonsensical writing that I can stimulate myself by picking out everything wrong with it. Yeah, I'm that kind of person. Honestly, as someone who doesn't really enjoy much of anything in the way of cartoons these days, GA could be worse than it is. It's not entertaining on its own merits, but it's not offensive, like most of the drivel on CN, Disney, and Nick. Force me to choose between 10 straight hours of GA and 10 hours of post-movie Spongebob episodes, and I'l easily pick the former.

On the subject for "retribution" for Pac-Man haters, I personally don't care. I'm happy for them if whoever they want gets into the game. Chances are the majority of sensible people will, in the case of Pac-Man being revealed, simply shrug it off and come to accept it, the same way most of us do when a character we don't want becomes playable. Besides, I'm not willing to laugh at others' expense, especially since Pac-Man still isn't guaranteed. If he's not in the game, anyone pointing fingers like now will look ever worse than those that they're pointing at. Just something to consider, for any supporter of any character.
I agree completely and get where you're coming from in all respects, BridgesWithTurtles. :cool:

Pac-Man haters are of little consequence and I have nothing untoward to say about them, if anyone in this thread does take the criticism to heart (which I don't think they do) then I advise you simply ignore it. I'd love for Pac-Man to get in, but what is one man's treasure is another man's trash. No character will be liked by everyone. To be honest I was only joking in my support for the "I was wrong thread," I don't think anyone likes those sorts of threads, just as much as the idiotic "x will be broken" or "will x be banned" threads that inevitably pop up.

if you continue with such high demand and requirement for history and things like that, for sure you won't enjoy the episodes, not even casually. I don't believe that Ghostly Adventures is to be taken seriously .. as I didn't take with Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic SatAM and such ... it's just simple entertainment and focused in small children who are just waiting for colorful characters on the screen. In one way or another is great for the younger generations know the figure of Pac-Man, a character 30 years old, and still manages to captivate children in other ways.

but if you want a laugh from simple jokes, I recommend seeing once in a while. =)
As far as this cartoon goes I kinda want to watch on because it didn't feel completely devoid of soul like many modern cartoons do, and Turtles pointed out. Not to say it's a good cartoon, but it's accidentally funny at times. It tries to build a world, which shocked me, and that it does it badly makes it fascinating. I can appreciate the effort they put in and analyse the show to get some enjoyment out of the experience. However that kind of entertainment would probably get old pretty quickly, but eh, if I have time to burn I may watch it to get more of that bizarre Pac-Man meets Ghostbusters cheesefest.


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
The show basically fails to break out of the mold that other video game cartoons have fought with in the past. How do you build a world that makes sense but also revolves around a *insert ridiculous premise for a video game character here* while not being completely cheesy? It's something that I imagine is very hard to do, not that I'm apologizing for the show's faults. I'm just saying that I know why the writers probably aren't successfully releasing a work of art here. The show is just mediocre and bland as par for the course. It's not really any worse (or better) than other similar cartoons, like the Hanna-Barbera Pac-Man series, the trashheap of attempts made by Sonic, or the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. Pac-Man's "teenage" voice is grating as hell, but when you get right down to it, it's the same sort of material we've seen before.



Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2014
Brazil, São Paulo
Switch FC
Well, well... Ghostly Adventures TV Show aside, ... I liked the game, ...as I said here before, I do hope that NAMCO put their best efforts to develop best what they have today with Pac-Man.. I don't want another reboot, this "structured" world have a potential to explore, if done right... we're just dealing with the content the wrong way (NAMCO and us), but, once again, I like their attention with the children.. as an adult, I don't need anything more to love Pac-Man by he is and was already, .. the kids that needs to discover him. =)


Feb 13, 2014
I went and watched some of the new Pac-Man cartoon recently in a MST3000 sort of way with some friends, that show is remarkably bad. To the point I get why you'd enjoy it, the creators just didn't care at all about criticism, they went full cheeseball 90's style with the ridiculous world-building. And that theme song... that theme song...

The worldbuilding is actually really cool, in my opinion. They took a game that featured nothing but a maze, dots, and a couple characters, no background story, and they created a unique, interesting world that feels like somewhere Pac could live, plus gave a backstory as to why ghosts exist and why they don't like the citizens of Pac-World, rather than "they bad, we good, fight."

But yes, beyond the first few episodes that build the world, most of the episodes are just focused on a random plot that doesn't advance the main story anywhere. It's just a fun show for kids to watch with humor, sight gags, and sometimes gassy humor. :p I still enjoy it. It's far and above better than the 80s Pac-Man cartoon. Good lord, that was a train wreck.

The new theme song is totally awful though, I'll agree.

I can imagine it appeals to very young children, it's basically just an advertisement for Pac-Man's games. Does it stay as cheesy past the opening two epsiodes? I kind of want to watch to see where they go with the stupid storyline. Mostly the part where the villain Betrayus, based on David Petraeus' etymologically for some reason, and his entire army is turned into indestructible ghosts then locked away, but they don't guard the prison or note down where it is. If it stays that level of goofy and silly I may revisit it for more funnies.
There are a few episodes here and there that explain a bit more. One where Betrayus actually gets his hands on the repository and all four main ghosts, Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde, get shoved into one single body in an attempt to recover their own. That was entertaining. Then another episode where Pac-Man goes back in time and actually meets his parents, and you get to see the war in action, including a non-ghost-form Betrayus.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Relevant to this thread.
On the topic of What's with all the hate on Pacman!?
Or old enough to realize his modern 3D form is nothing but an obvious Capitalization on an iconic character's success, despite his iconic status being tied to his retro appeal and original game and not to him as a unique character.

TC, people don't hate PacMan. They hate the idea of him in Smash Bros.

It'd be as if Nintendo tried to Capitalize on Mr. G&W in modern games. His moves taken not from his old games, but simply random abilities that don't make much sense that just happen to be very similar to other popular games at the time. So, if such games were made and he were somehow stylized to be more modern and trendy, with 3D affects.... Then him and his games would be abominations. They would not be true to his original form, as is the Smash Bros version which takes his imagery and moves directly from his original games.
And while Mr. G&W is really cool in Smash Bros, as one of those interesting gimmicky characters... His appeal outside of Smash and his own retro games is non-existent. It would never work.

Now working in the other direction, let's say these Mr. G&W games came before Melee, and his inclusion in Melee was instead based on these abominable, horrible games and his trendy, cliche, and disfigured modern 3D incarnation.... Not just that, but let's say Nintendo never even owned this character, but instead a third-party owned him.

Would anyone EVER want him in Smash like that? The answer is an obvious 'No'.

This is the reason no one wants Pac-Man in Smash Bros.
1. His 3D form is a "trendy" abomination on the original character.
2. He has completely lost his iconic status.
3. He is not well designed in 3D form.
4. His games generally sucked horribly, and we also designed mostly for children, with basically no real backstory or anything at all.
5. He has no real moveset potential besides moves stolen from other platform game characters which never really even seemed to fit him in the first place.

People don't hate PacMan..... They hate what he has BECOME.
The guy who made this had a lot more insight to it. He also crushed every other argument.
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Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Relevant to this thread.
On the topic of What's with all the hate on Pacman!?

The guy who made this had a lot more insight to it. He also crushed every other argument.
I agree people hate what he has become, but some of those resons are illogical. Pacman can very well have an arcade based moveset as suggested and made by many of us here. The point that his games suck today and are aimed at children is subjective. I love his world series, and of course its aimed toward kids. Its E for everyone. Most E rated games are aimed at kids. "His 3d form is designed badly" is also subjective and it depends on which 3d form. Ghostly adventures is too trendy and sucks and i'll admit it, but thats only my opinion. I also love his original 3d form that was on his japanese arcade box art, but again, that is also my opinion. He has not lost any iconic status though, he is still PACMAN. With that logic, i guess megaman has too. Capcom has literally abandoned him and tossed him away to focus on their more important series. At least Namco cares enough to try to revive their mascot. I really do appreciate you trying to show us supporters an objective view on why people don't want the pac in smash, but that person seems a bit too subjective in his argument points.
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Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
Relevant to this thread.
This is the reason no one wants Pac-Man in Smash Bros.
1. His 3D form is a "trendy" abomination on the original character.
2. He has completely lost his iconic status.
3. He is not well designed in 3D form.
4. His games generally sucked horribly, and we also designed mostly for children, with basically no real backstory or anything at all.
5. He has no real moveset potential besides moves stolen from other platform game characters which never really even seemed to fit him in the first place.
I don't think this is really relevant to this thread, since I believe everyone here already knows why people who don't want Pac-Man, well, don't want him. We've heard every reason a million times. Furthermore, all of these reasons listed are entirely subjective and based on individual perceptions. There is no truly objective cause for not wanting Pac-Man listed here.

1. Subjective. I think it's a fine adaptation of a circle into 3D. It's hard to mess that up. Also, I want him to be based on the arcade games anyway, so I don't care what he looks like. So what if his 3D form, hypothetically, is an abomination? I want him for what he represents, not what he looks like. I don't give a crap about Sonic Lost World, but I'm fine with Sonic taking his appearance from that because when I play as him, I'll be thinking about the Sonic games I actually like. So yeah. This is an opinion that I understand, but I don't share.
2. This is simply false. No, he hasn't. Pac-Man is an icon. Just because the average "hardcore" gamer isn't out buying his games, doesn't mean 95% of the population at large doesn't recognize him. I seriously can't even believe this is being used as an argument. If Pac-Man, of all video game characters, has lost iconic status, I'd hate to see the reasoning why we should be a-okay with Mega Man's inclusion at this point in time.
3. Subjective. Because a pie chart is more well-designed. And again, it's an opinion I don't share, and even if I did agree that the 3D design were terrible, I wouldn't care anyway. I think Sonic and even King K. Rool have poor character design, but I want them anyway. The last thing I consider when I decide whether I want a character included is if I think they look cool.
4. Subjective. I like Pac-Man World more than a great many Mario and Zelda games. This description also sounds like the majority of Kirby/Sonic games on the market. Do the people with this opinion want Kirby and Sonic gone too? No, because they likely disagree with me. We have different subjective opinions.
5. This is also factually incorrect and is more of a "wrong opinion" than anything. I don't even take "moveset potential" arguments seriously as this point, looking at the newcomers we've seen so far.

"Namco is a company whose business practices have proven to be bad in A, B, and C ways, so I don't want their mascot in the game," is an objective reason to not want Pac-Man. Even "I don't like his 3D games" makes sense, but "his design is bad and he has nothing interesting" is a subjective opinion. And frankly, I don't care about subjective opinions. I understand them. I have my own. One of the reasons I want Pac-Man is because I think he'd have a fun moveset. That's subjective reasoning, and I don't expect others to be swayed by that because it derives from my own personal experiences and beliefs. I think we all understand these listed reasons very well, we all just disagree with them and don't share them, and probably never will, since they're rooted in personal opinions that we can clearly understand, but not truly empathize with, since we see a different side of the coin.

And the "point" made with Mr. G&W, well, yeah, I'd still want him in the game in that scenario. I don't care how atrocious Pac-Man's games may become. I want him in the game solely because of the arcade original. The fact that I enjoy other games in the series is merely a perk. I would appreciate Pac's inclusion based on that one game, and I'd appreciate G&W's inclusion based on his historical significance for the same reasons. I don't care where a character stands in terms of modern significance when Smash is about celebrating history. For every Pac-Man game on the market today that I completely ignore, I have a memory of playing the arcade game with friends and family. That, to me, is more significant than the memories I have of half of the series represented in Smash.

I don't even know why this pro-Pac/anti-Pac debate has gone on this long, considering both sides seem pretty understanding of the other's reasoning. The only explanation I can settle on is that there is a hostility over a video game character that is inordinately massive.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Remember that interview Sakurai had with some guy from IGN? The one where Sakurai seemed intrigued by the idea of Pac-Man with arcade moves... so... the idea is planted in Sakurai's mind... and it is up to him to grow that idea into reality. I do think that if Pac-Man gets in, he would have an unique gameplay based off the arcade games.
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Deleted member

That IGN interview did give me a lot of hope, actually. I'd not seen any other interviews go over in that way where the interviewer was allowed to suggest a newcomer, something I'm sure millions of fans would love to be able to do. Sakurai probably came away from that thinking quite deeply about how it's possible to implement a Pac-Man moveset.

MooMinded covered me as far as the Pac-Man "theorists" go. I wouldn't call it hate or hostility, when the post goes on about how the inclusion of a character will "ruin" the game or "sully the reputation of Smash Bros" because the character is so terrible, it's more of a fan theory because the person clearly doesn't want to just admit it's their opinion. Pac-Man had this '3D' design since his inception on the Arcade box. They've slowly edged away from it but Sakurai would obviously draw from that over the cartoon, just as he didn't draw from the Super Mario Bros or Legend of Zelda cartoons that were similarly poorly designed. Anyway, here's what MooMinded had to say:

"He is an abomination"

Many people feel the same way about modern Sonic, especially with his recent face-lift for the Sonic Boom franchise (yes, I'm aware that Sonic Boom is gonna be a western made franchise running on the side while the regular Sonic's franchise from Sonic team continues)

But when it comes to modern Sonic, many people call him a "green eye'd lanky imposter" or a "green eye'd freak" or "Poochie-Sonic" or "Not-Sonic" and yes, I've even heard modern Sonic be called an "abomination" by those who prefer the classic Sonic design and games.

I honestly feel like it's 2007 again, only instead of Sonic, it's Pac-Man considering we had similar arguements:

Isn't what he used to be

his new design looks stupid

Isn't relevant anymore

all games after his classic games suck

no move set potential (with him being called a blue yoshi clone some times, not kidding)

Doesn't belong in/wouldn't fit in smash bros

would take away a spot from a more deserving character.

No one likes his crappy new tv show (Sonic X was the most recent incarnation he had at the time and was currently being shown in re-runs)

He'll ruin the game by being in it


Perhaps there's no convincing other people to like Pac-Man just like how there's no convincing other people to like Sonic, in the very least people should be convinced that if hypothetically if Pac-Man did in fact make it in, they shouldn't allow that to ruin the game for them or let it damage their experience of the game as a whole.

and even if Pac-Man miraculously makes it in, doesn't mean people will accept him. If people are still raging today about Sonic's inclusion in Brawl claiming he took Geno's spot or some how ruined the enjoyment of the game, chances are they'll rage whining that Pac-Man took some one else's spot or ruined the game with his presence until Smash 5 comes out, and then continue raging over it despite it being old news.
I'm not a Sonic fan, nor do I like 99% of his recent games, but that doesn't negate his important history in the video game industry. Pac-Man is an icon. Whether you play the classic Arcade game or spin-offs or watch the cheesy cartoons, you've been a part of that legacy. No one is saying that the classic, original game isn't the most successful or deserving of praise/recognition, but it's not irrelevant either, it was only remade a couple of years ago to overwhelmingly positive reviews on XBLA. Google had it playable from their search engine at one point. It's that ingrained into our culture. I personally see an inclusion as Smash as the best thing the character has done in decades, if anything those who like the Arcade game and nothing else should be happy because he'd obviously take all of his cues from that game. The fact he may take some inspiration from his later games is hardly cause for alarm or revulsion.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I agree people hate what he has become, but some of those resons are illogical. Pacman can very well have an arcade based moveset as suggested and made by many of us here. The point that his games suck today and are aimed at children is subjective. I love his world series, and of course its aimed toward kids. Its E for everyone. Most E rated games are aimed at kids. "His 3d form is designed badly" is also subjective and it depends on which 3d form. Ghostly adventures is too trendy and sucks and i'll admit it, but thats only my opinion. I also love his original 3d form that was on his japanese arcade box art, but again, that is also my opinion. He has not lost any iconic status though, he is still PACMAN. With that logic, i guess megaman has too. Capcom has literally abandoned him and tossed him away to focus on their more important series. At least Namco cares enough to try to revive their mascot. I really do appreciate you trying to show us supporters an objective view on why people don't want the pac in smash, but that person seems a bit too subjective in his argument points.
People's likes and dislikes are generally subjective; however, it's the colmigation of those ideas that can get a characters in or not. Sakurai wants to add characters that will make people want to play the game. Pac-Man wont do that. A lot of people hate what Pac-Man has become and don't care for him as a character. The character only appeals to children who don't know any better. No surprise, most of the people in this thread are very young. The original games attempted to appeal to women. Since Mrs. Pac-Man, the series has gone down hill. Since then, Namco has used him as a cheap mascot and he's basically a weak substitute to Sonic and Mario. I expect Sonic Boom will give Pac-Man a run for it's money as children will find Sonic cooler.

I'll go into iconic later, but consider this: If he was so iconic, why did the most recent video game sell 30K units on the 3DS. Even in bad times. Megaman and Sonic easily beat those numbers.
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Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I went and watched some of the new Pac-Man cartoon recently in a MST3000 sort of way with some friends, that show is remarkably bad. To the point I get why you'd enjoy it, the creators just didn't care at all about criticism, they went full cheeseball 90's style with the ridiculous world-building. And that theme song... that theme song...

I remember Morbid singing that constantly. The Pac is back...
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