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Official Pac-Man's Amazing Full Colour Fan Club! - Pac-Man General Thread


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
1)Being a typical fighting character is not the issue. You can apply this to any Nintendo character. People are not going to say "Boy howdy, I really like Pac-Man. I want him to be in Smash Brothers, but he can't fight, so why even bother." Not being a fighter is not the reason he is low. He's low because people don't want to play as him. Dude....idk what you're trying to do. A lot of people like Pacman. And know how iconic he is. If you like him and know his history you'll probably like playing as him. There are likely many reasons. Mostly it's probably because people don't care for him. Don't care for him or care for others more, because most core gamers are into other things besides iconicness. Plain and simple. basically, all you're trying to do is rationalize away numbers that kill your argument. Not really because the numbers don't matter for horse d!ick in the first place.

2)Bold proves my argument. If the only reason he's being brought up is because he's a Namco character, then he probably doesn't have a good shot. It's not. He's PACMAN. What are you not understanding? Consider the request. If Namco was the only thing that made him a possibility, then it's likely people aren't interested in him at all. Sounds like a Solid Snake. We're people interested in him and if he were so popular as everyone claims, then he'd be on the radar more. Nobody said he was popular and if they had you'd have proved that wrong multiple times by now. If Namco was the only thing that puts him on the map then he's not a very good character choice. And.....not true again.
3)Underline is what you are missing. Underline is "Characters people want." Request show people really don't want Pac-Man. They show he is not requested often.......not "Not wanted" Big dif. You want to believe that Sakurai will add Pac-Man to force him down people's throats because people who don't play Smash Brothers know Pac-Man. And because people who do know him and respect him as they should, unless they fanboy other characters. In truth, Sakurai will add characters people are actually asking for because he knows those are who everyone wants to play with. See: My other post you ignored. Were we to go by the general populous, we would have far more Mario and Pokemon characters. You missed the point again.

And if he's not?
Then I'll change my username to Smashchu'sHoe for a week

I love this thread


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Double post. Why not.

You missed his entire point with that post.
I think YOU missed the point. He's saying that request don't matter because of Wii Fit Trainer. The difference is Nintendo characters like that will work. Third party characters wont. They play by different rules. We know this because Sakurai said he wont add a character unless it is a special situation. I shouldn't had to explain that to you.

I think people would have been fine without those two because they are....above and beyond other characters....him even putting third parties in the game is fan service, we don't have the place or power to demand **** from him.
You understand we demand stuff from him all the time. We're demanding characters as we speak. Point is that you don't just ignore the most popular characters and Sakurai has open the flood gates.

Also, not sure why you made this point because it detracts from your stance. Sakurai could not add Pac-Man, no problem. People would be fine with it.

Source where Olimar was heavily requested pls. Two of the characters revealed were not due to request. A lot of characters actually get in for reasons other than request. The ONLY thing you have against Pac-Man is that he is not requested, which is a ****ty argument, completely. You say the only reason third parties make it, (or you actually say HAVE to make it) is because they are highly popular and requested. Just take a minute and think about that, abd how stupid it sounds....
Why do you need a source for Olimar's popularity? It was obvious. Ask around if you have to. Feels like your grasping at straws here.

And you're right. Other characters get in for other reasons. But those are all Nintendo characters. Nintendo. Different rules here. This should be clear by the whole "special situation."

I feel like your just ignoring facts out of conveniences. For the record.
1)About 9 out of Brawl's characters were added because of request. Megaman was the most requested character as well.

And if that wasn't enough take Solid Snake. He was in for reasons other than that no? It doesn't matter specifically what his reason for inclusion was, because the fact that he made it with no support at all, with them having no clue how the fanbase would react, stands on your argument's ****. He just threw that guy in there because he personally wanted to, basically.
Now. With that said so far there are two things we could go by that Sakurai meant by 'Special Situation'
1. Extremely Popular and requested character.
2. Because Sakurai wants to.
And you can't really counter that. He had no other reason to put in Snake, other than he wanted to. For a friends sure, but he wanted to.
I'm sure Sakurai knows Pacman as an extremely iconic character. If you work for Nintendo/are keen on video games, you respect Pacman's place in history. And we've seen in previous games where Namco Bandai helped with development of a Nintendo project, they got guest characters. (Who do you think it was, Smashchu?) It's pretty safe to say that Nintendo respects Pacman and his place. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai asked them, or Miyamoto told him to. I know for a fact that Miyamoto loves Pacman, read it in an interview a while ago.
Yes, Snake got in due to Kojima. But remember that no one else asked him for characters. Even Namco developers are leaving Sakurai alone for characters request. So it is ruled out.
What your basically saying is "Pac-Man might happen if Sakurai want's to." ignoring the fact that Sakurai isn't keen on third party characters to begin with. You're making up all these scenarios where "Pac-man could happen. Miyamoto could have asked for it." with no backing. Your basically making crazy theories. As someone else mentioned, 2/3 third party characters were included because of fan demand. One was from a friend begging for a character and Sakurai has said no one else has asked. So what do you think is the most important criteria. \

Basically, you ignore the obvious.

I responded to your points because I can and it was pretty simple.
You won absolutely nothing
It easy to respond with poorly thought out points. Again, I declare my victory.

#PacDefense #RealTalk
So Pac-Man is a cult now?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
1)Being a typical fighting character is not the issue. You can apply this to any Nintendo character. People are not going to say "Boy howdy, I really like Pac-Man. I want him to be in Smash Brothers, but he can't fight, so why even bother."
You're assuming that people would be discouraged from asking for him because he can't fight. What you're missing is this is who you want in the game. it's who you like. If people like Pac-Man, they'd ask for him. Assume makes an ass out of you and me.

Not being a fighter is not the reason he is low. He's low because people don't want to play as him. Dude....idk what you're trying to do. A lot of people like Pacman. And know how iconic he is. If you like him and know his history you'll probably like playing as him.
Then why are people not requesting him? If they like to play as him, then why are they not requesting him. If they can play with him, then he could fight in their minds. See how we keep going in a circle. It's because you're missing the big picture and getting tangled in the small stuff.

There are likely many reasons. Mostly it's probably because people don't care for him. Don't care for him or care for others more, because most core gamers are into other things besides iconicness.
Most people don't care about "iconicness." It isn't even a real world.

Plain and simple. basically, all you're trying to do is rationalize away numbers that kill your argument. Not really because the numbers don't matter for horse d!ick in the first place.
Ignore the facts because it's convient.
1)9 characters in Brawl were added because of popularity.
2)Megaman, the last third party character added, was added because of popularity.
It matters.

2)Bold proves my argument. If the only reason he's being brought up is because he's a Namco character, then he probably doesn't have a good shot. It's not. He's PACMAN. What are you not understanding?
So he should be in because he is Pac-Man? Why don't we have Froggy G because he is FROGGY G. The character being themselves means nothing for an inclusion.

Consider the request. If Namco was the only thing that made him a possibility, then it's likely people aren't interested in him at all. Sounds like a Solid Snake.
First people liked Solid Snake. Second, pay attention for once. I'vre said this at least 4 times.
We're people interested in him and if he were so popular as everyone claims, then he'd be on the radar more. Nobody said he was popular and if they had you'd have proved that wrong multiple times by now.
Wait, did people say he was popular or not? Pick one.
If Namco was the only thing that puts him on the map then he's not a very good character choice. And.....not true again.
3)Underline is what you are missing. Underline is "Characters people want." Request show people really don't want Pac-Man. They show he is not requested often.......not "Not wanted" Big dif.
Request - To express a desire for; ask for.
You want to believe that Sakurai will add Pac-Man to force him down people's throats because people who don't play Smash Brothers know Pac-Man. And because people who do know him and respect him as they should, unless they fanboy other characters.
So if I don't like Pac-Man, I'm a fanboy? So I have to respect Pac-Man. Sounds like forcing it to me.
In truth, Sakurai will add characters people are actually asking for because he knows those are who everyone wants to play with. See: My other post you ignored. Were we to go by the general populous, we would have far more Mario and Pokemon characters. You missed the point again.
I think you just use "Miss the point." as code for you don't have an argument. When I say it, it's because you fail to see the obvious.

And if he's not?
Then I'll change my username to Smashchu'sHoe for a week
Sounds like a plan.

Also, how about this. Can you post like a normal person. I'm tired or going sentence by sentence. By doing so, you miss the point. I mean, look how much of a mess this post is by replying to you.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Double post. Why not.

I think YOU missed the point. He's saying that request don't matter because of Wii Fit Trainer. The difference is Nintendo characters like that will work. Third party characters wont. They play by different rules. We know this because Sakurai said he wont add a character unless it is a special situation. I shouldn't had to explain that to you.
Sigh.....No man. He is saying the reason Wii Fit Trainer didn't get any requests, is not because people didn't particularly want to play as her. It's because she doesn't fight, and not many think of that idea in the first place. I shouldn't have to explain this to you.

You understand we demand stuff from him all the time. We're demanding characters as we speak. Point is that you don't just ignore the most popular characters and Sakurai has open the flood gates.
No you don't but popularity is far from the only determining factor.

Also, not sure why you made this point because it detracts from your stance. Sakurai could not add Pac-Man, no problem. People would be fine with it.
No **** Sherlock. It means he doesn't HAVE to add anybody, no matter what's popular, showing how much that really matters.

Why do you need a source for Olimar's popularity? It was obvious. Ask around if you have to. Feels like your grasping at straws here.

It obviously....was not obvious. And I don't think Olimar was requested a lot at all. Grasping at straws is what you're doing by saying nobody wants Pacman so he won't show up over and over again.

And you're right. Other characters get in for other reasons. But those are all Nintendo characters. Nintendo. Different rules here. This should be clear by the whole "special situation."
Solid Snake

I feel like your just ignoring facts out of conveniences. For the record.
1)About 9 out of Brawl's characters were added because of request. Megaman was the most requested character as well.

You're still missing the point entirely man. Pacman won't be in because he's popular or requested. He'll be in because, for lack of wanting to explain everything again, he's Pacman.

Yes, Snake got in due to Kojima. But remember that no one else asked him for characters. Even Namco developers are leaving Sakurai alone for characters request. So it is ruled out.
What your basically saying is "Pac-Man might happen if Sakurai want's to." ignoring the fact that Sakurai isn't keen on third party characters to begin with. You're making up all these scenarios where "Pac-man could happen. Miyamoto could have asked for it." with no backing. Your basically making crazy theories. As someone else mentioned, 2/3 third party characters were included because of fan demand. One was from a friend begging for a character and Sakurai has said no one else has asked. So what do you think is the most important criteria. \

Basically, you ignore the obvious.
That's exactly what YOU'RE doing....
Ok. First of all, Namco developers leaving Sakurai alone? That interview says one man. Not developer's', that guy is leaving him alone. Good thing because he'd probably ask for a Tales of series character. That seemed pretty obvious, that the guy taking that interview is only a single man. And yeah, I ignored the fact that Sakurai isn't keen on third parties when I said that in not so much detail by saying third party characters are fan service. Miyamoto himself maybe asking for Pacman is indeed far fetched. It wasn't supposed to be a prediction. It's an idea. And it could happen. Not saying it will, or I think it will, just saying in hindsight you really don't know **** about what you're saying if you disconfirm a character for the reason that "they aren't popular or wanted" If they are the biggest and most iconic video game character in the world. Whenever in all honesty we could look at every official, non official, gamefaqs, smashboards, any and every poll on the planet, and still not know if the general consensus of people on planet earth want Pacman anyways. So knowing that you have no idea what the stats are, and that you can't disconfirm a character on stats anyway, you continue to do it. Who's ignoring the obvious? Snake was from Sakurai doing a favor for a friend, and while I can't confirm he didn't beg at all being that he was thought about for melee, you can't confirm he was so I call BS. Then comes that you once again missed the point.....whatever criteria is more important doesn't matter at all in this case....because you admit that Snake made it in for a reason other than popularity. Meaning it can happen. Meaning that he doesn't have to be requested or popular to make it. Meaning I'm right.

Crazy...plausible theories.

It easy to respond with poorly thought out points. Again, I declare my victory.

I realize that, I was wondering how you responded so fast.

So Pac-Man is a cult now?
This is getting tiresome.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
You're assuming that people would be discouraged from asking for him because he can't fight. What you're missing is this is who you want in the game. it's who you like. If people like Pac-Man, they'd ask for him. Assume makes an *** out of you and me.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm stating that this is of course a factor in his requests, because it is. Not that it matters. But in the big picture, people don't vote for Pacman because they prefer other characters.

Then why are people not requesting him? If they like to play as him, then why are they not requesting him. If they can play with him, then he could fight in their minds. See how we keep going in a circle. It's because you're missing the big picture and getting tangled in the small stuff.

Because Banjo Kazooie. And because Lloyd Irving. People are going to want these characters over an old relic like Pacman. But when it comes down to who deserves this spot the most, it's obviously Pacman. Doesn't mean people are going to want him. That's what you keep missing.

Most people don't care about "iconicness." It isn't even a real world.

I know I couldn't figure out what else to say though, and you got my point.
And see above, it doesn't matter for **** if people don't care about (iconicness), It's still there.

Ignore the facts because it's convient. I knew you thought so
1)9 characters in Brawl were added because of popularity.
2)Megaman, the last third party character added, was added because of popularity.
It matters.
Come on Smashchu, are we having some trouble understanding here? Creator never said it didn't matter. He said it's not ALL that matters, and not why Pacman is likely.

So he should be in because he is Pac-Man? Why don't we have Froggy G because he is FROGGY G. The character being themselves means nothing for an inclusion.

It's like I'm talking to a fence.

First people liked Solid Snake. Second, pay attention for once. (...) I'vre said this at least 4 times.

People like Pacman, dude. lol

Wait, did people say he was popular or not? Pick one.

Nobody said Pacman was popular.


Request - To express a desire for; ask for.

So if I don't like Pac-Man, I'm a fanboy? So I have to respect Pac-Man. Sounds like forcing it to me.

Nah you don't, if you really respect video games though you respect Pacman.

I think you just use "Miss the point." as code for you don't have an argument. When I say it, it's because you fail to see the obvious.

Fence post. Stump. Hammer. Horse.

Sounds like a plan.

Also, how about this. Can you post like a normal person. I'm tired or going sentence by sentence. By doing so, you miss the point. I mean, look how much of a mess this post is by replying to you.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Smashchu, you're really not convincing anyone and you're annoying most of us here. Why do you still bother?

Also, Creator, what did we talk about putting your response in the quote. AND in Blue. I don't want to have to highlight something to read it. As a result, I claim victory again.

Deleted member

Yes, annoying all three users, and said users not knowing what the hell they're talking about. Such a travesty.
It's less that he's annoying, more that he's actually quite insulting towards the Pac-Man supporters because "clearly Pac-Man is not popular." And this is the only point he can stand on as every other one has been disproven. I'm pretty sure you'd be insulted if I came to your Fire Emblem thread saying how Ike will be cut because he's irrelevant, not been in a game [besides DLC] since Radiant Dawn and no one likes him anymore (while citing no source, just saying I know and that I've won the argument because I am right).

It just seems that one, maybe two heavily anti-Pac haters dropped in on this thread seeing it was doing well and thought they'd rain on our parade. If any respect was shown or ground given, I wouldn't call it out as such, but it's very obvious bait.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
It's less that he's annoying, more that he's actually quite insulting towards the Pac-Man supporters because "clearly Pac-Man is not popular." And this is the only point he can stand on as every other one has been disproven. I'm pretty sure you'd be insulted if I came to your Fire Emblem thread saying how Ike will be cut because he's irrelevant, not been in a game [besides DLC] since Radiant Dawn and no one likes him anymore (while citing no source, just saying I know and that I've won the argument because I am right).

It just seems that one, maybe two heavily anti-Pac haters dropped in on this thread seeing it was doing well and thought they'd rain on our parade. If any respect was shown or ground given, I wouldn't call it out as such, but it's very obvious bait.
Thank you for this.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Just ignore Smashchu... it's obvious he is wrong per usual... he even said SSB4 isn't going to have any new third-party characters before E3 2013... he always sounds like popularity is the only factor that gets characters in... and when I brought up Wii Fit Trainer, he said the rules doesn't apply because she is a Nintendo character so she could get in Smash without any requests. According to that logic, Duck Hunt Dog can still get in whether people want him or not because he is a Nintendo character!


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I'm pretty sure you'd be insulted if I came to your Fire Emblem thread saying how Ike will be cut because he's irrelevant, not been in a game [besides DLC] since Radiant Dawn and no one likes him anymore (while citing no source, just saying I know and that I've won the argument because I am right).
You'd actually be doing a solid. People in that thread (WHICH DOESN'T BELONG TO ME FYI) needs something to make them anal mangled, it's getting too quiet in there. Having a good laugh is always entertaining, so feel free to cause the biggest **** storm in there.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
You'd actually be doing a solid. People in that thread (WHICH DOESN'T BELONG TO ME FYI) needs something to make them anal mangled, it's getting too quiet in there. Having a good laugh is always entertaining, so feel free to cause the biggest **** storm in there.
I hope you realize that being rude is not the goal of certain people...including most people active in this thread.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
At first I enjoyed the argument. Winning would help people see more clearly that Pacman was pretty damn likely. And that's how it went, but it quickly became
So props to smashchu for ending it because as hard headed as I am I would have never stopped.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
I'm down for Pac-Man. Been wanting him since Brawl and think he would be an awesome fit among all the other gaming icons.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
im baaack...what the hell? What happened when i was gone? Oh just a weakly resolved argument by smashchu the "request popularity is the primary supporting factor!" ***** and... A second pac-hater, vs. the pacman supporters. Well some things never change. But seriously, the arguing in this thread about whether pac will be in or not is getting old so smashchu, stop coming to the thread just to instigate. We already had about 20 pages of excitement without your input. We all know that the true argument settler will be when pac-man is revealed, uh...i mean whether he is revealed or not.
Btw i'd like to post my summarized reasons for pacman to be in smash and they aren't up for debate. (that means u shashchu)

Pac-man was the first video game character i grew up with beside mario, sonic, and crash bandicoot. I always thought he was a fun character from my experience in pacman world 2 anf pacman arrangement. He just seems to be fun and friendly to casual gamers and i think he will entice casual players to play ssb4 without having to add gimmicks such as tripping and easy combos, slow speed, etc. His Icon stature (since iconicness isn't in the dictionary, well excuuuuse me princess) this helps him as much as it did sonic and megaman. Sonic being mario's rival and megaman having history with nintendo were just supporting factors, not why people wanted them. They were wanted because of their fun games (like pacman), their unique ways of fighting (like pacman but i'll get into that later), and how iconic they were (guess what? Like pacman
When people see a character that has grown and become popular in society, they would like to see them size up against other icons and in super smash bros. , that opportunity was given. So now, many people are saying, mario v sonic, v megaman v pacman would be legendary and then want all to be in ssb4. The Hype- train for any character is formulated through more than just fighting capabilities in smash because really, sakurai could give mold a moveset. My final reason for now, is just that i for one will love to see the lloyd die-hards and the pac-haters when pac-man is revealed. It obviously wont be an uproar of anger, but the butt-hurt responses will be priceless.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
See my avatar

"Yo, this is Pac. What up? Mario! Fool how you been? What you wanna go Kart racing or something?"
*blurred unrecognizable Italian accented words faintly heard*
".....You're joking right?...So it's like a mosh pit so-to-speak with all of your friends? **** man idk.....who else gonna be there? Is Luigi goin? I miss that crazy *****."
*more of the same*
"Alright then fool....



Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Oh dear, the arguments stretched on for quite a while I see.

But yeah, this is getting annoying...

This is kind of ironic too, since SmashChu expects Karate Joe to get in. :p


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Oh dear, the arguments stretched on for quite a while I see.

But yeah, this is getting annoying...

This is kind of ironic too, since SmashChu expects Karate Joe to get in. :p
But that's different! Karate Joe is a Nintendo character so he can get in Smash whether people want him or not! :troll:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
It's less that he's annoying, more that he's actually quite insulting towards the Pac-Man supporters because "clearly Pac-Man is not popular." And this is the only point he can stand on as every other one has been disproven. I'm pretty sure you'd be insulted if I came to your Fire Emblem thread saying how Ike will be cut because he's irrelevant, not been in a game [besides DLC] since Radiant Dawn and no one likes him anymore (while citing no source, just saying I know and that I've won the argument because I am right).

It just seems that one, maybe two heavily anti-Pac haters dropped in on this thread seeing it was doing well and thought they'd rain on our parade. If any respect was shown or ground given, I wouldn't call it out as such, but it's very obvious bait.
1)Pac-Man isn't popular. 18th in request is pretty bad.
2)Seeing as how the majority of the third party characters were added due to request, I think that's kind of important.

The arguments were only "debunked" if you lacked critical thinking skills. Basically, no one can connect the dots.

The problem with the argument is everyone got distracted easily missed key information for over exemplifying very irrelevant information. I might try a bigger post..............maybe. Business and general laziness

Rest easy. But remember: Smashchu the Conqueror will return.

Just ignore Smashchu... it's obvious he is wrong per usual... he even said SSB4 isn't going to have any new third-party characters before E3 2013... he always sounds like popularity is the only factor that gets characters in... and when I brought up Wii Fit Trainer, he said the rules doesn't apply because she is a Nintendo character so she could get in Smash without any requests. According to that logic, Duck Hunt Dog can still get in whether people want him or not because he is a Nintendo character!
Says the guy who has been talking about Duck Hunt Dog for the last 10 years.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
1)Pac-Man isn't popular. 18th in request is pretty bad.
2)Seeing as how the majority of the third party characters were added due to request, I think that's kind of important.

The arguments were only "debunked" if you lacked critical thinking skills. Basically, no one can connect the dots.

The problem with the argument is everyone got distracted easily missed key information for over exemplifying very irrelevant information. I might try a bigger post..............maybe. Business and general laziness

Rest easy. But remember: Smashchu the Conqueror will return.

Says the guy who has been talking about Duck Hunt Dog for the last 10 years.

I'm going to reply to this, then I don't care what becomes of this....
I think you need to go to the doctor friend. Not a surgeon or anything, moreso a psycologist. If you keep reading "Pacman is popular"
Or have read it once at all, you're seeing things.

They were debunked and you are the only person here that lacks the critical thinking skills to see that, obviously.

And tbh, by what you said, you just described exactly what you are doing.
You're 100% sure about Pacman not appearing because of a statement Sakurai made that we aren't sure what the exact meaning of was, a statement the director of the tales series made which is really not relavent here in the least, and unofficial poll results that don't mean anything in the first place.
The Conqueror is grasping at straws and claiming us all to be idiots for not seeing your points, when we do. We just know they're wrong.

Also, he said that because by your logic that a Nintendo character can make it with no requests at all, Duck Hunt Dog is just as plausible as a certain....Martial artist from rythm heaven? I'd say moreso actually.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I'm going to reply to this, then I don't care what becomes of this....
I think you need to go to the doctor friend. Not a surgeon or anything, moreso a psycologist. If you keep reading "Pacman is popular"
Or have read it once at all, you're seeing things.

They were debunked and you are the only person here that lacks the critical thinking skills to see that, obviously.

And tbh, by what you said, you just described exactly what you are doing.
You're 100% sure about Pacman not appearing because of a statement he made that we aren't sure what the exact meaning of was, a statement the director of the tales series made which is really not relavent here in the least, and unofficial poll results that don't mean anything in the first place.
The Conqueror is grasping at straws and claiming us all to be idiots for not seeing your points, when we do. We just know they're wrong.

Also, he said that because by your logic that a Nintendo character can make it with no requests at all, Duck Hunt Dog is just as plausible as a certain....Martial artist from rythm heaven? I'd say moreso actually.
Just ignore him. This goes for everyone here.

Deleted member

1)Pac-Man isn't popular. 18th in request is pretty bad.
2)Seeing as how the majority of the third party characters were added due to request, I think that's kind of important.

The arguments were only "debunked" if you lacked critical thinking skills. Basically, no one can connect the dots.

The problem with the argument is everyone got distracted easily missed key information for over exemplifying very irrelevant information. I might try a bigger post..............maybe. Business and general laziness

Rest easy. But remember: Smashchu the Conqueror will return.

18th in request is not bad considering only die hard fans or theorists think he has any chance. Snake was not added due to request, was he? Pac-Man is similar to Sonic: sure, Sonic had a lot of requests too, but both characters are icons whose overall popularity outside of Nintendo is unquestionable. Pac-Man is the most recognizable gaming figure period and he is one of the first gaming characters period. In a series that became in Brawl, a video game all-stars fighting game. It's an obvious fit, and one that has any basis. This does not go for literally any other third-party character.

You may argue we'll get no more third-parties, that is valid. But if we do, Pac-Man is top of the list.

What I think may be missed here is that Sakurai thinks roster decisions through, to the point of near-death. Naturally, he considers factors like overall popularity, series recognition, the potential for other additions such as stages and items. If Sakurai wanted to add one more third-party who would have the most impact, it is undeniably Pac-Man he would choose to fill that role. The evidence suggests Sakurai rationalises out the roster to the extreme we do, so I think it's safe to say he'd come to this conclusion.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2007
I actually wanted Pac-Man to be in Melee. I played Ms. Pac-Man's Maze Madness on N64 a lot around that time.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Says the guy who has been talking about Duck Hunt Dog for the last ten years.
Says the guy who wants a generic enemy from the Kirby franchise that has no significance to nintendo or even Kirby for that matter. Let me guess, "he has like soooo much moveset potential and kirby needs another representative" in terms of moveset capability from the kirby franchise, so does ninja, sir kibble, and masked knight but they are all still as generic , improbable, unimportant, irrelevant, and foolhardy as a goomba for smash . And i don't even support duck hunt dog.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
Says the guy who wants a generic enemy from the Kirby franchise that has no significance to nintendo or even Kirby for that matter. Let me guess, "he has like soooo much moveset potential and kirby needs another representative" in terms of moveset capability from the kirby franchise, so does ninja, sir kibble, and masked knight but they are all still as generic , improbable, unimportant, irrelevant, and foolhardy as a goomba for smash . And i don't even support duck hunt dog.
Calm, man. Calm. he was aiming that at Arcadenik anyways.

I mean, a little opposition is good for this thread. We basically confirmed Pac-man among ourselves, if nothing else winning an argument or two would only cause a little controlled turmoil.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2013
It was super serious, but really with all the things going for Pacman nobody can fuel a good counter argument. And that's obvious in Smashchu's attempt:
"Pac-man is not popular he has no chance." Yeah....
The OP reall blasts away any and all counters.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Long before I got the NES with Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet... I had Pac-Man. It was a tabletop and it was shaped like an arcade machine. I used to play that game all the time, especially at night... in my bed, with the lights turned off... and I was no longer afraid of the imaginary monsters in the closet and under the bed... because Pac-Man was eating the Ghosts all night till I fell asleep. I am a lifelong fan of Pac-Man. :)
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