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*P*L*U*R* presents: You still a *****! A Melee/Brawl LOW TIER tourney! 8/15!!!

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Jul 5, 2007
Time for shouts!!

RTF - Good lord, good job with Foxy in Melee teams. Wish more people would have come to that. You did good all around today, and thanks for believing in me even when I stopped. Also, sucks we had to face each other in Brawl Loser's bracket, but those matches were killer. Good job, li'l lady.

D-Zo - That drive sucks, man. Nice job ownin' up on a variety of fighters, and sorry the cats got to ya and got ya sick. Get well soon brah.

Plur - Thanks for hosting, and I love the layout of the loft. Hot stuff. Still leading Hugs Power Rankings, and always fun to talk to you. That Lucas ditto was ****ing awesome! Also it may have inconvenienced a lot of other people, but I appreciate the change in date - I wouldn't have been able to go last weekend, because I was too busy enjoying epic Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard goodness. Fun time, can't wait to see you again!

DShep and Dama - You guys are two of my favorite Smashers in this state. Totally chill as hell. Thanks for the food run, and telling stories there and back was the shiz. DShep, your Lucas is amazing! I'm glad I could teach you zap jumping, and even more glad I learned a lot from you as well - RTF said she can already see where I'm utilizing it. Dama, your Ness is slick, and you have the only Ganny that I've ever seen that I like; you've turned him into a beast! Great teams finish, keep up the great work!

Foxy - Congrats throughout your day, sir! You're very enjoyable to be around, very laid back and cool. Nice job on teams, I feel like I'm learning when I play people that aren't other Roytards. Perhaps I can get in a few friendlies sometime.

Haggs and Kaarl - Nice job in teams, and I honestly don't think I've ever met either of you before today, but you guys are chill and good sports. Keep up the good work!

KSK - Good to see you again, man! Congrats on your Melee placings, and I hope to see you again soon!

Karn - You're always so calm and easy to get along with. Congrats on Brawl Singles, your PT is ****, and I hope to get in some friendlies with you next time.

To Those I May Have Forgotten To Mention - It was good meeting (or maybe seeing again) all of you, and hope to see you more often! Good ****!
you should never stop believin in yourself nick your gettin better man just remember Pokemon Trainer is Michael Vick ROFLMAO


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I would host MP Jubilee VII, but I don't think my dad wants me to have another one at his house. :(

Good matches everyone.

Melee Doubles

1.Foxy and RTF (pika and zelda)
2. Lucas and KSK (pika and zelda)
3. Karn and PLUR (m2 and sopo/g&w)
4. Dama and Josh (ylinkand g&w)

Melee Singles

1. Foxy (Zelda)
2. Karn (m2)
3. Lucas (zelda)
4. Josh (g&w)
don't know after that
That's legit.

Oh man me and Shaeman would have ***** this tourney.... :(

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I also played ylink twice against lucas and once against foxy. I only won once against lucas with him so I didn't bother putting him in my characters used.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2008
Southern Pines
haggs and karl are some guys from massachusetts i think...they are from where ever fatal is from. somewhere up north.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Foxy - Congrats throughout your day, sir! You're very enjoyable to be around, very laid back and cool. Nice job on teams, I feel like I'm learning when I play people that aren't other Roytards. Perhaps I can get in a few friendlies sometime.
Thanks bro!

You're pretty cool, too, I had fun playing the matches I got to do with you.

You and your tasty DS.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Concord, NC
So, this tourney was awesome fun, even though I got railed like, a lot. LOL

And ****, you guys, I almost DIED on the way back home! D:


Pluuur- thanks for hosting! This was my first low tier, and it was mad fun! Your cats are too good. And super lazy! I had so many cat johns, haha!

Foxy- sorry you got stuck with me for teams, haha! No, but seriously, thanks a ton for teaming with me, I really appreciate it. 0-2, 9-0 teams, WTF. It was like, 90% your Pika, haha. Congrats in Melee, Zelda is awesome! And thanks for the friendlies!

Karn- Your PT is stupid fun to play against! Thanks for not death grabbing my Ness, haha! Congrats in Brawl, dude. Nice seeing you again!

D_Shep- Your Lucas is sick nasty, man. ROAD TRIPPIN TO BK WAS TOO ****ING GOOD! Thanks for driving us, I had serious blood sugar johns, haha. Arizona tea is top tier! You play piano, too? +10 awesome points! Good seeing you again at this! Hope to see you again soon, and maybe we can get together and practice sometime or something. <3 you too, bro!

Dama- Your Ganondorf is rawesome. I wish we had gotten to play a Ness ditto or something. I only got teams practice with you! Road trip was too awesome, you're super chill, and I guess I can forgive you for hating bugs :p

Uncle- ARGH BRINSTAR counterpick! FML, haha. Your Bowser was awesome to play against! Melee friendlies was fun, too. Loved playing against your DK, my Roy needs lots of practice for that match-up... among several others LOL Nice meeting you!

Lucas- WTF is your tag? Dark Hart? lol. I'm dumb. Anyway, had fun playing you in teams and Melee friendlies! Legit [floating] controller johns.

Mitsu- Thanks for offering drinks, dude. That's mad chill of you! Roy dittos was too awesome, I wish I didn't play like a ****** LOL. Congrats in Brawl teams!

Duo- Mario is too good! Had lots of fun playing you in Brawl singles. Smoke johns 4 lyfe.

Josh- ****, Roy, get ***** by G&W, haha! I think I played you two Jubilees ago, in the garage lol. You're beast. Good shiz in singles.

KAARL- beastly Ike! Be safe on your way back to the North. Teams was fun!

Haggs- Yay, Lucas! Also take care on the way back to Mass. Teams was too good!

Nick O. Teen- Good stuff all around. You're getting better, seriously. Don't give up, you gotta persevere and practice. We gotta play more. Keep at it with Lucas! Thanks for teaming with me. We'll **** next time.

D-Zo- **** man, didn't know you were allergic to cats WTF. Sorry about that! Good all around job, you're getting better too. Thanks for driving, see you at your house LOL

Am I forgetting anyone? Sorry if I did. It was fun meeting you all and playing friendlies and stuff, and see you again soon at future tournies! Too fun!


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Foxy- sorry you got stuck with me for teams, haha! No, but seriously, thanks a ton for teaming with me, I really appreciate it. 0-2, 9-0 teams, WTF. It was like, 90% your Pika, haha. Congrats in Melee, Zelda is awesome! And thanks for the friendlies!
No probs!

It was really fun. I admit I was a bit scared after the 0-2 but we got it back together.

I definitely didn't do all of the work, you got tons of kills. It was some goooooood ****! No way that I carried you.

And now, we can say that a girl has won a tournament in NC! WOOT!

We were ALMOST a 2-girl team but I'm not quite there yet. =(

But thaaaanks. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Concord, NC
Haha! I was super scared about the 0-2. But we stepped our shizz up, yeyuhzzz. I felt pretty good after the first win and got a good handle of how we played together. I only got a ton of kills because Zelda's fairs/bairs are ******** and go through so much stuff :laugh:

Thanks again!


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yeah, it was a successful character pick for our team. You probably finished most of the kills, I never looked at the KO counts or damage, though. >_>

We'll just assume you got most of 'em.

We even got some team combos. }=D


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC
Team combos are top tier. =D

Me and RTF work very well together in teams... in friendlies. Then we suck it up at tournies. What's good is she normally sees one's play style and adapts to it if she can (granted it's not "I'M IKE FORWARD SMASHES EVERYWEARZ!!"), and always fails to give herself enough credit.

If I didn't team with her, I'd say practically anyone should try teaming with her. Except PLUR in Melee teams. She'll just try to kill him. LOL


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Thanks all for making our first NC tourney experience a good one!

Kaarl and I reppin' New England low tiers yo!
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