I just came home, want to share my story with you all. First Brawl tournament by the way.
So, first me and Nerdfunky end up in freaking snowy weather, driving with 50 km/u on a highway. Great. Anyway, we arrive around half past 11 and we enter the building. We watch a few matches and decide after a while to quickly get a tv and play some ourselves.
Tournament starts an hour late or so, but we don't mind, we've already had some great fun doing ridiculous things. First: doubles. Our names are called and we are choosing characters. Right now I realise how extremely nervous I actually am. I picked Meta Knight, Nerdfunky picks Lucas. Our opponents were a team of Wario & Pit. (I forgot your tags. :x) We already knew that that Wario was a freaking beast so we decided to let me take the Wario. Shaking hands, heart up in my throat, we start playing on FD. Nerd gets off a nice combo and almost kills the Pit in an instant, while I'm being utterly ***** by the Wario. (seriously, I never knew Wario players could be so annoying. In a good way, that is.) You could see that we lacked good practice, since we were seperated almost the whole time. Definitely something to work on. Anyway, we didn't lose that big, our opponents both had 1 stock left iirc. Not bad for a first. Next match we got *****. I don't want to talk about it. Seriously.
Our next set was against Ajoub and someone else, I forgot. >_> Anyway, we got ***** first match and decided to just have some fun the next match. Needless to say, we lost again, sadly. Brawl singles wouldn't start in 2 hours, so we decided to go to the McDonalds and get some food. Normally I like McDonalds, but this time..bleh. My coke was bleh, my burger was extremely bleh, and my fries were meh. Yeah.
When we returned I played some more friendlies with Nerd. I knew I should've played friendlies against people I didn't know, but I'm shy like that. :x Woo, singles time! My first match was against Yaaay, who actually impressed me with his Peach. I had a hard time finding my way around his spacing, while I was playing Snake, and I lost the match quite easily, a 2 stock iirc. Next match I decided to go with G&W, which went way more fluently. One thing I learned, is that I should play G&W from now on. I lost, but felt more comfortable playing and less stressed, so that's good I guess.
My next set was against a guy named JellSprout, he played Captain Falcon, and I picked G&W. I knew I was at an extremely big advantage so that calmed my nerves and I actually played a great match. I watched the replay later that day, and I was impressed by my spacing and mindgames. At least I know that I should calm down when playing a match, it improves my game greatly. Anyway, first match was a 3 stock, and second match a 2 stock. It felt great to win my first tournament match ever.
My next and final set was against a (Green) ROB player, forgot his name. Before the match, I mentioned how awesome ROB players are. I love ROB. <33333 I picked G&W and the match went okay, quite evenly, although I ruined my second stock. I was happy that I played this match well, even though I made some errors but that's okay. Second match I decided to go Meta Knight. Yeah, I went there. And I got *****. My spacing as Meta Knight sucks, I realised after the tournament.
All in all, I had some great fun. I watched Armada MM some guy (:X sorry about me not knowing all these names) in Melee, and I played some Melee friendlies as well, this time against a guy I didn't even know. =o Armada is ****ing sick, but I already knew that. However, seeing him play live is better than on youtube. Seeing him play made me want to pick up Melee once again, and I'm definitely gonna do that. Thanks for the tournament, I loved it! <3
EDIT: By the way, is my name really that hard to say? xD Every round I heard complaints about how they didn't know how to say it. Heh.