Smash Lord
I plan to be on at some point later today.Hey, darknes. I'd be interested in playing you! FC is on the left. AIM name is in profile. If you're interested. :D
Welcome to input lag. No matter who you play you will deal with this. I believe the degree of input lag depends on the connection speed, but everyone must face it with wifi. All it means is that you have to do everything slightly faster than you want to.I would love to play anyone of you guys online, now that I finally have my router. The only problem is, my gameplay is off by literally a second. Meaning, during a match i'll press A and jump a second later instead of jumping instantly. Idk if anyone has encountered the same problem or know how to fix this.
Anyway, my FC is up. Anyone nearby want to try me, go right ahead.
I will add your friend codes next time I'm on.