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Oregon Smash Community [OSC] - Oregon's official Smash Community est. 2005


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Do you think Smash Bros melee is better than 007 golden eye? Smash at the time of this post is losing by only 2 votes in an incredibly bias (towards FPS) best game ever contest 57 to 59. Smash needs your support, please spread the word, MLG is incredibly easy to sign up for, lets push this to first place http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=105506

Happy smashing!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2006
Beaverton, Or
I wouldn't normally list you as a competitive player until you've played in an actually tournement; we just had a weekly. But considering you're most likely going to be at SF:E then I might as well add you now.
And it was great having you, the more the merrier. Try setting something up with Exodia/Zapdos in Salem.

Binx: I'll add you too. Usually I only add people who attend SF:E or TANG, OSU is a rare event, but it doesn't matter, as long as I see you around enough I'll add you.
I've asked to be listed under a competitve smasher, for the longest time. I also went to OSU (placed 7th) and went to Empire Games tourney a couple weeks back. I said, I'll probaly go to SF:E, and definetly Empire Games again on the 23rd..

T0mmy PLEASE! add me as well. (Beaverton Player) B-Town Halla!


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Thanks Tommy I'm trying to get to more and more tournaments, where are SFE and Tang going to be held?

EDIT: I am sure I could find the threads but I feel like being lazy


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Guys. What's in a title? Who cares if you're not listed as competitive smasher?

Also John, I'm the other Josh. I wrote my alias "mwerp" as a joke because I hate aliases being used as primary recognition.


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
It's not that I "sandbag" in tournements, but that's the generic term for not trying in the Smash community.
Just yesterday I think I might have figured something out. I get really nervous or something during a tournement and I combat it by not caring about it. That and I don't like how competitive feelings get in the way of people actually having fun. If someone gets upset at losing to me, more than likely they will win. Duke nearly won against me at Salem, some new player who couldn't short-hop nearly beat me at OSU, etc. Combined with all my personal problems that usually fluctuate during a tournement, I'm not all that concerned about playing my best.
Anyone can just say all those are johns, but sometimes proclaiming a john is the worst john. I'm actually recognizing why I don't do well in tournements and doing something about it.

But lately I have been sandbagging less and currently ranked 1st in Eugene's Smash league.

I singled you out, Bart, because you're the only one who cares when someone questions your abilities. I really don't think you're a bad player at all, remember, I voted you breakout player in OR, but consider it payback for all your comments posted about me X^D
Well dude, I'm not one to feel any sort of resentment or anything when I lose. I accept my loss. I feel that my sportsmanship has always been great, and to just "not try" imo is unsportsmanlike. Any comments I've made regarding your playing have always been in good fun, as I don't really care if anyone is or is not good at the game. It just bugs me that somebody wouldn't try their best at something. There's a quote from the movie Little Miss Sunshine that I love. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but it goes like this: "A loser is somebody who is so afraid of not winning that they don't even try." Try your best from now on.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2006
Lake Oswego, OR
"A loser is somebody who is so afraid of not winning that they don't even try." Try your bestfrom now on.
Agreed. Back when I played halo all the time, I would beat people and their excuse was "Well I wasn't trying". Now, first off thats a lame excuse for I kicked your ***, but even if you wern't, why did you not?

I take friendly matches like serious matches. I think of every match like it has $100 on it, or one that gives me a winning title. This is why I get pissed when I lose. Now, that is a bad thing, however, it strives me to persevere and get better, so I CAN win. I'd be one crappy smash player had I not have such determination in all that I do, and full power in every match. Yeah, I'm not amazing yet, but that takes time, I've been playing competatively for not even a year now. But I'm getting better, very quickly.

Sorry to interupt the debate, but I had to input.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I think you should try your hardest every game, this is not to be taken as try your hardest with your best character every game, sometimes it is just more fun to bust out my Pikachu or Kirby, but I still try to win every match.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Do you really think you have a chance against Snoodude at a game of snood?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
I only care about winning if a) it means I'll be playing again in a large friendly rotation(like with 4 or more people in a 1v1 rotation) (and even then I don't really care too much) or b) if I payed money to play. I find it kind of silly to pretend there's something huge at stake in losing a friendly. Takes the fun out of the game in my opinion. I still learn and become better at the game. There are no negative effects.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
[Double posting for emphasis on the matter]

Azen: People come to tournaments to have a chance at playing the best and those sandbaggers are basically spitting in their faces… so don't bother playing them.

T0MMY, spitting in my face... how rude!


Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2006
Do you really think you have a chance against Snoodude at a game of snood?
Heh, chances of that are slim. :chuckle: Melee definitely, but Snood? Uh-uh. Don't worry though; whenever we finally meet to play some smash, I'll be leaving my ego at home. ;)

Doc H, haven't heard from you in a while (like about a week). Are you still interested in hanging out sometime and playing some smash? PM me please, and maybe check my PMs to you.

Also, have any of you heard from Zapdos275 in a while? His last post was like April 9th, almost two months ago. Just trying to figure out what is going on with him.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
I haven't heard from Zapdos since about April either. Maybe try to contact him through AIM?


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Alright-- I'm going to be in Oregon City this weekend. Anything amazing planned?
If your in Oregon city that is close to me you and I could play? Money Match?

And I agree with Ratkings quote he put up that is AZENS

But I also try my best every single game I always pretend there is something on the line and people who have played me know that I get better it helps me focus and know that with hard work I will keep getting better.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Ive been playing is MCS and Cmin a ton lately I am improving alot! Im really happy about smash right now, anyone wanting to get together for friendlies this week?


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Ive been playing is MCS and Cmin a ton lately I am improving alot! Im really happy about smash right now, anyone wanting to get together for friendlies this week?
Yeah I am down to play this week just set up a good date and time I work on Friday then I go to a rave on Friday Maybe Gameclucks before the rave but still the RAVE!!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
Tommy, the only reason why I was mad that I almost won was because I wanted to play against James so that I could do crazy counter stages and play Luigi.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Snood, Binx, Foxisthemaster: well, it used to be only SF:E or TANG that would allow for listing on the competitive smasher list because that's where I'd see everyone. I've never been to an Empire Games event but it seems like all the NOregon players go there, so I'll take players' word on it who was there and if you played Smash instead of Pokemon.

Josh: This list helps get people who play competitively together easier. It's not really a status symbol or ego boost.

There's a quote from the movie Little Miss Sunshine that I love. I'm not sure if you've seen it, but it goes like this: "A loser is somebody who is so afraid of not winning that they don't even try." Try your best from now on.
I've seen Little Miss Sunshine, and the person saying that was kind of a loser... and I think in the end he wants his daughter to quit.
Just so you know, I didn't really feel like playing our low-tier match very much after my girlfriend passed out in the bathroom from her terminal cancer. I'd rather make sure she was ok instead of continuing on to finals. Sometimes "no johns" doesn't quite cut it.

[Double posting for emphasis on the matter]
Azen: People come to tournaments to have a chance at playing the best and those sandbaggers are basically spitting in their faces… so don't bother playing them.
T0MMY, spitting in my face... how rude!
Azen didn't write my bible.
Maybe he doesn't take into consideration those people who quit because they get 4-stocked. Or when someone's been playing without sleep/food for days and can't do their best.
But I'm flattered you think I'm "the best" :chuckle:

Tommy, the only reason why I was mad that I almost won was because I wanted to play against James so that I could do crazy counter stages and play Luigi.
Ever hear of friendlies? :razz:

So Eugene, do you guys think that Snoodude can beat me?
Only OC George can beat you.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
Azen didn't write my bible.
Maybe he doesn't take into consideration those people who quit because they get 4-stocked. Or when someone's been playing without sleep/food for days and can't do their best.
But I'm flattered you think I'm "the best" :chuckle:.
I don't think you are the best at all, I think you are terrible :chuckle: However, there are people who think you are good, or there is this relative impression that you are one of the better players in Oregon because you have been around for awhile. I am glad azen didn't write your bible... I didn't know he even wrote one though. And P.S. the no sleep/food arguement sucks, you guys usually always get more sleep then most people except for a few situations. I know what it feels like to be sleep deprived, but playing like **** because you havent slept or ate, is far different then just telling everyone you are sandbagging them so you look like a *** hat.


Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2006
Azen didn't write my bible.
Maybe he doesn't take into consideration those people who quit because they get 4-stocked.
Amen to that! One of the reasons that so few of my friends want to play me (for more than ~10 games) is that nobody likes getting 4-stocked, especially over and over. Even I would probably lose a little spirit (yes, even me, the unquenchable Snoodude/John) after getting 4-stocked like 10 matches in a row. Not that it would happen necessarily (I'm not that bad), but it can take a toll on a person. Whenever I play someone new or for the first time in awhile, I usually play at about 75% just to gauge where they are, then adjust accordingly.

And tommy, whether you were going easy on me or not, I immensely enjoyed that match on F.D. where I Wall of Pain-ed you to victory. :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Portland Oregon
Off topic to whatever the **** you guys are talking about

when is the next tornement thats near Portland, Oregon City and Beaverton?
I havent been to one in forever.
Eugene has weeklys which is way unfair
North Oregon needs to get more torneys on


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Just because the guy who said that is "kind of a loser" doesn't mean he isn't intelligent in some way. That's a fallacy. The quote is definitely a good one, and was obviously intended to be a message in the movie. Hell, in fact, the guy could easily have been admitting to being a loser himself. Doesn't mean he isn't wise in some way.


So anyway, this summer at SF:E you can eliminate me in the low tier tourney. I'm excited to see what you truly have to offer.

Sorry about your girlfriend, though. It's understandable that you would react how you did in that case. However, you acted that way even before, or at least I thought, you had that girlfriend.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
4Stocking people conescutive times is not only fun, but it shows them how bad they are and how much they have to improve to even be considered on par.

Sooo perma-**** switch ftw.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Off topic to whatever the **** you guys are talking about

when is the next tornement thats near Portland, Oregon City and Beaverton?
I havent been to one in forever.
Eugene has weeklys which is way unfair
North Oregon needs to get more torneys on
Don't worry if it was off topic these guys are all debating and I am about to get my word in after this message.

Anyway RAGE have you ever looked into one of my Empire Games tournaments? go threw the boards and look for it.

Timmy/Tommy - I have to agree with Kyle seems like every tournament I have ever been to with you to you happen to get the most sleep out of anyone there.

Remember that one TANG Sky pal was at Isa was at the King was also there..... Anyway I had like 5 mins. of sleep lol not even kidding I fall a sleep and Bart wakes me up for are match and some how I beat bart and I made my way up the ranks seems the only person to be me and it was by count out was sinma with his little crazy ness and then to ENDER in loser because yeah I had no more fight left in me but I can tell you the sleep after that was like magic.

The point I am trying to make is that if I had as much sleep as you guys get I probley would have either finished off sinma or ender.

This gos to Bart and Tommy - Whatever movie you guys are disagreeing please stop get back to the point and not the point of the movie or this is going to last longer than it should

Don't Forget the Oregon Empire Games tournament 3 ^,^ be there or feel shame or things that are equally as terrible.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
Would you guys quit slandering Tommy, and even Timmy. You guys obviously have no idea what is going on with him.
My statements weren't made in light of recent events, so what is going on now didn't really influence my opinions. Mine are based off a history. I am not slandering Timmy, nor Tommy. Just stating some facts. <3 @ everyone [P.S. not to be ****, but Timmy doesn't really use the sandbag thing ever so it wouldn't apply to him really in the first place... He just plays kirby which is excuse enough :laugh::laugh:]


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2006
Lake Oswego, OR
This goes out to basically anyone in the portland area... going to be smashing at Lake Oswego High School (where I go) on Friday, between 2:40 and 5:30 or so. Did the same thing last week, James and foos came (Hope you both come again), and a few people from my school.. most of which are noobs, but playing with me and Kaze is what it would mostly be about. Binx, would be cool if you could come, I know your close, and anyone else in the area.

BYOC as always. We'll just be doing friendlies, unless anyone from my school feels like MM'ing, in which case would be easy money for you guys haha. I'm broke, so don't even ask me. It will mostly just be practice with me and Kaze, and will give some cool matches for the non competative crowd, and maybe help our Oregon smash community grow.

Be there Portland'ers! PM me or call me at 503-442-5784 if you need directions or any additional information. If you come, please come as close to on time as you can, as the school will probably boot us out at 5:30-6, so its important we maximize our time.
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