Exclusive sports games: The majority of Mario spin-offs
Racing Sims: Ya got me there.
FPS: Metroid Prime is the best FPS series I've ever played. Nintendo doesn't have much else, though.
RPGs: You seriously question that? Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario? Where you during sixth gen?
Metroid isnt even a FPS, its a first person adventure game. You cannot compare Metroid to Halo because those are two totally different games and genres. Said sport games are not even a serious attempt as competition to the other games on the market; 100% arcade.
Does any of these RPGs compare to the FF series, depth-wise?
Take a look at the other consoles and make a comparison then. Fact is, N did not have much to offer compared to other consoles. GC extremely lacked 3rd party support, thats no opinion, its a fact. And hey, as I've said, most, if not all of the musts featured the same old mascots. I dont see how ppl can keep blaming sony and xbox for lack of innovation when the only successful new series N came out with in these last few years is Pikmin? (my memory may be playing games on me tho; I don't remember much ever catching my attention)
If you think halo3 is the only game worth buying on the 360, that's you. There are plenty of games I'd like to play. Halo is not the only game being bought by hardore gamers.What I'm saying is most people who buy Halo 3 won't touch another game, so why would there be CoD4 or Mass Effect?
Skate =[.