That was my first tourney since like october or november, good times and I had fun proving that my climbers were already worth something.
Oh yeah, shoutouts.
SDM: next time I see you I want to peach duel you to see what I can learn. coming to the next st. thomas smashfest?
Croudo and momd: delicious pwncakes were had, we're awful at teams, and I didn't get to play you in singles, hope you host something in st cloud soon, i'd love to come
Ulti: we had a few good friendlies, didn't get the MM in, maybe next time.
Zeus: After that I never want to see a forward smash again, next mission: finding a way to make my ICs immune to it, that was something I feel I should have won at least one game of.
D. Disciple: Your pikachu still rocks me, ggs
Sandwraith: we had some great ICs vs doc games, I hope to see you at more smash events.
Bluewolf: I'd like to play against your ICs at the next smashfest and hopefully learn a bit from you, I had a good day with them but i'm still an IC novice.
Seanson: we had some really good games, your captain falcon is about where I want mine to be, that's my next goal once i'm satisfied with ICs
Planning on making it to the next st. thomas smashfest, and anything that goes down in st. cloud in the next few months, see you all around.