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Omaha Weekly Smashfests


Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska
she will be the asian who bears my child.
Umm, FYI, my sister doesnt like faggots and raptor arms. I can get pretty into this and devastate egos with so much personal assults but I wont because even though this is the internet friendships will break real real quick. And here I thought that you didnt wanna bring shit from the outside into threads, looks like the gloves are off. One more word about my sister from JBM and Ill shit all over your heart with so much shit talk you wont even know who the fuck your friend Tyser is. It would be so friggin easy, you dont even know.

Do I sense ***** sex of some kind?
LOL this coming from her own cousin. Damn dude, do you realize how small of a shit stain you are compared to everything around you? Please do not speak, youre embarrassing your kind and Im not talking about asians.

I sense bukkake.
. . . .

JBM + Asian =/= sexy
It's not only =/= sexy, it's also never going to happen. Kid needs to stick to dating his own people.

:D Peoples souls are about to get rocked.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
date my own people?


you've gone too far china man, too far.

btw i am joking fyi, chill or operation raptor arm assault on tyser will begin.

AKA Hammerfist.


Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska
It's not joking when you bring shit from outside conversation into the thread knowing people are going to say shit about my sister that is apparently going to offend me. I thought people had brains and knew what to say and what not so say. I guess I overestimated the brain power of certain people. Im not fucking DeBolt so I wont just take that shit like a slap on the wrist. Seriously, you guys are lucky youre my friends or things wouldnt be as chill as they are. Just remember that.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
tyser you never told me to stop, and quite frankly you put a front of yourself where people can't tell when you are joking or not, so chill out my dude.

sorry didn't realize that it would be taken so seriously.

also, don't bring the brain situation in to this, come on tyser your looking for a crash course of doom in a forum about your past.

btw don't ever threaten me lol, i'll take 3 of you at the same time. Hammer fist is unstoppable.


Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska
Are you dumb? Why would I have to tell you to stop? You think I enjoy you talking about my sister for an hour? I dont think Ive ever joked around about my sister before, youre just saying bullshit right about now. If you werent my friend I woulda shit your heart, thats just how it goes.

Im not DeBolt. He doesnt give a shit if you talk about his sister. Im not like him and you already know this.

I failed college because of a stupid addiction to a video game. There isnt much to say about it. You can call me dumb all you want and it wouldnt matter. I could still shit on your heart ridiculously easily if you did fire this one up. I can go to Ian's level, but I honestly do not want to do it.

If your hammerfists are anything like Brock Lesnar's it wont hurt that much. That dude sucks. You can read hammerfists like rainbow.

EDIT: Damn, I just looked at the results from the UFC92 card and shit went down. Rashad somehow won. Mir won but I dont understand how, Ill have to go read about it. And Rampage beat Silva somehow. Mindboggling. UFC is starting to fix fights, this isnt cool.

EDIT: After reading about the Mir/Nog fight. Why did the ref stop the fight? Nog has the best chin in MMA and stopping a fight because Nog gets knocked down is unexplainable. So next is Lesnar and Mir 2. Honestly, I think it's going to be real close. Lesnar might win. He's not very good, but he might still win.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
tyser, chill dude.

i never said you were dumb, i said just simply don't speak down to me when your the one who bailed out on college for other reasons.

friends tell each other when to stop, well at least the other 50+ friends i've ever had if i've ever bothered them or they bother me i've asked them to stop and they did, rather than jumping out and saying "ill **** on your heart". thats not what friends do, FYI.

also, say this to my face rather than the internet mang, if we are friends we can talk about this face to face rather than being lil *****es about it through the internet, I ****ING HATE when people whom i know try to argue with me through the internet, so i'm done here.

i'll preach every word to you that i've said to your face, you know this.

Sorry dude.


Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska
I didnt really read your post but Im only pissed that you brought this shit back to the boards knowing full well that I would retaliate. You dont disrespect my family, especially my sister, and just be like "Oops, my bad." You dont ever see me saying anything bad about your family so that's kinda why Im lost right now at this disrespect. Shit doesnt fly like that in my neighborhood. And you already know that I would tell you straight up in person. I wont be as harsh about it since Im a pretty nice dude but Ill tell you straight up to shut the fuck up if you fire up a Mike Echo and just keep running your mouth like a fucking stupid ass child. People do idiotic things all the time though so Ill let it slide this once. Shit's whack.

Wtf is my level?
Just how you tell people just how it is a lot. Its not a bad thing though, I think its pretty awesome. Others might feel offended sometimes though but thats why its so funny.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
alright, a lot of hate goin on in this thread. so from what i've read in the last few posts, takin shots at family member is not kool. so i think that takin shots at people and their family isnt kool at all.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
I believe kudo that you have nothing to do with this lol.
pretty much since i dont think that i've ever talked badly about my friends family member before. i dont really think that i talk badly about my friends, even if its a joke. i just dont roll that way. its just my opition about the situation right now and i feel lefted out
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