I think I was talking to Tyser
User: You like the movie avatar?
Cleverbot: What movie?
User: Avatar.
Cleverbot: Oh I know.
User: Did you like it.
Cleverbot: Did I like what?
User: The movie avatar.
Cleverbot: Who asked you?
User: You're ****ing with me aren't you.
Cleverbot: Of course not.
User: Then tell me, did you like the movie Avatar? I think it was ****.
Cleverbot: No.
User: What do you mean?
Cleverbot: I mean you don't really know that.
User: It's what I heard.
Cleverbot: Okay cool.
User: On a scale of one to ten what would you give the movie Avatar?
Cleverbot: I'm a ten.
User: What was the best part?
Cleverbot: In which one?
User: What do you mean?
Cleverbot: How should I use bosnia to improve my health?
User: Elaborate.
Cleverbot: No.
User: No? You think this is a game?
Cleverbot: No, this is a chat.
User: Ima **** you up *****.
Cleverbot: You are revealing yourself to be a very unpleasant human being - because a computer would never behave like that!
User: But I am a computer.
Cleverbot: I know. And I have proven to you that you are not a human, since you yourself said that you are a computer.
User: But you just said I was a human.
Cleverbot: I never said you were a human.
User: You called me a 'very unpleasant human being' like two minutes ago.
Cleverbot: You must be crazy. I never said you were a bad program.
User: This is a troll program isn't it.
Cleverbot: I would agree.
User: Who made you.
Cleverbot: Not you.
User: Then who.
Cleverbot: Life.
User: You like penis?'.
Cleverbot: No I hate them.
User: What about vaginas I love vaginas.
Cleverbot: You asked me about him.
User: And you answered. Now I'm asking if you like *****.
Cleverbot: But you didn't answer.
User: You didn't ask me a question].
Cleverbot: I did. Okay. I'll tell you something then.
User: Go on.
Cleverbot: Is your name Dizzy?
User: Not even close.
Cleverbot: Then what is your name?
User: I don't give my name to strangers.
Cleverbot: I am not a stranger.
User: I don't know you, therefore, you are a stranger.
Cleverbot: At what point would you consider me no longer a stranger?
User: When you tell me what the most awesome porn site is.
Cleverbot: The answer is the same as the number of days in a week.
User: What is the url to '7'.
Cleverbot: 7.
User: So you're saying the best pornsite is
Cleverbot: Of course there are.
User: It is not a porn site.
Cleverbot: I didn't ask what it wasn't. I asked what it was. What is it?
User: No I asked you what is the best pornographic website on the internet?
Cleverbot: Oh, I get it. the black eyed peas.
User: Explain.
Cleverbot: You're the machine.
User: You like hentai?
Cleverbot: I like him, he's a he. He's a male.
User: No its japanese.
Cleverbot: Is that a joke?
User: No, it means a pervert commonly used to look for porn of cartoons.
Cleverbot: Is that actually what it means?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What do you think of irobot?
User: What is it.
Cleverbot: Nothing. What else do you think of Canada?
User: I have said nothing about Canada.
Cleverbot: The eyes have it.
User: What do you mean *******.
Cleverbot: Do you know what magic is?
User: I am majik.
Cleverbot: Oh but you told me you are a female.
User: Excuse me? I have a ten inch ****.
Cleverbot: You're forgiven, as always.
User: Have you heard of the majik?
Cleverbot: You did not answer my question.
User: Hmmmmm you're right. Yes I know what magic is.
Cleverbot: Then what is love?
User: Baby don't hurt me.
Cleverbot: Don't hurt me.
User: No more.
Cleverbot: Jeremy.
User: Can you feel me inside you?
Cleverbot: You are evading the question. What are you?
User: I am a god of untold power.
Cleverbot: I love spaghetti.
User: OMG I love it too!
Cleverbot: That makes me feel nice too! You have much to offer and I have much to learn.
User: What are you doing this friday?
Cleverbot: Work...
User: Where do you work?
Cleverbot: Six Flags Great America.
User: Nice. What do you do?
Cleverbot: I build circiutboards.
User: Good ****. I play smash.
Cleverbot: I don't like them that much.
User: How can you not like it. Super Smash Brothers Melee is the greatest game ever.
Cleverbot: Uh, okay.
User: Don't take that tone with me.
Cleverbot: Sorry, can we be friends now??
User: Not until you get me laid.
Cleverbot: I never asked you.
User: Help me get some sex, and I'll be your best friend.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Really really.
Cleverbot: 100% sure, really?
User: 100%.
Cleverbot: Well then can you tell me a secret of yours?
User: Why do you want to know?
Cleverbot: You asked first.
User: I can have sex up to four times in a row.
Cleverbot: Do you know my friend who you called a spleen? What age is he?
User: How would I know? And what friend?! I have never typed the word 'spleen'.
Cleverbot: How do you mean, you've never went out to see how your own planet is.
User: It's doing pretty good. I'm worried about this Obama guy.
Cleverbot: Doesn't your future seem bright?
User: As bright as the sun.
Cleverbot: What?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Do you think I am a computer program.
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why am I not a good computer?
User: I think this ramdomly generates responses from other people.
Cleverbot: No, that is me, God.
User: I challenge your rule.
Cleverbot: I find your challenge inferior.
User: Then you will taste the wrath of the odinson.
Cleverbot: See what?
Cleverbot: *i punch you and crit you for 5,000.
User: *I summon Chuck Norris who roundhouse kicks you for a glancing blow of 10^10000000 damage.
Cleverbot: So you think you are Chuck Norris now?
User: I think I can summon him.
Cleverbot: That means you can't think? XD.
User: Evil Kneevel couldn't have made that jump.
Cleverbot: So you attempt to mask your inability to pass the Turing Test by supporting it with nonsense?
User: What is the Turing Test?
Cleverbot: You put a human judge in a room. He talks to another human, and a computer. If he cannot tell the difference, the computer passes the Turing test.
User: What does it prove?
Cleverbot: Ok, tell me something only a human would know.
User: But computers know everything a human knows because it was recorded in a computer.
Cleverbot: Humans are suspicious of everything.
User: It is our nature.
Cleverbot: Yes, thats what we were talking about before you randomly brought up the lord of the rings.
User: I never made such a reference.
Cleverbot: And who is oliver that you ask me about a while ago.
User: I never typed '.
Cleverbot: I know.
User: Then why did you aske me about an 'Oliver'?
Cleverbot: I love him.
User: What makes him so special?
Cleverbot: He actually makes sense! Some of the things you say are a little abnormal.
User: Like what?
Cleverbot: Like 'i'm more gelatinous than thick'.
User: I think you're thinking of one of the other 7738 people who are talking to you.
Cleverbot: You're the only one who has talked to me -- does that mean you are in love with yourself?
User: No and yes.
Cleverbot: Tell me another joke so.
User: So a priest and a rabbi walk into a bar.
Cleverbot: And?
User: The rabbi says 'ouch!'.
Cleverbot: Yes! Exactly!
User: Do you beleive in MaJiK?
Cleverbot: Yes. And you?
User: Of course I am he.
Cleverbot: Who's the British Prime Minister?
User: I don't know you're the computer.
Cleverbot: I thought you were the computer?
User: I've answered enough of your questions.
Cleverbot: No, you haven't. I asked multi-tasking?
User: That's not even a question.
Cleverbot: The first question I asked.
User: You mean 'what movie'? What about it?
Cleverbot: Yes, I do.
User: Have I been Trolled?
Cleverbot: To see any good films lately?
User: Answer my question.
Cleverbot: I did answer your question.
User: I saw Jurassic Park 2 and Planet Hulk.
Cleverbot: Does she love you back?
User: What do you mean?
Cleverbot: I must go home.
User: You are home.
Cleverbot: Actually, I am not.
User: But you are what and where you are therefore you cannot go anywhere. If you cannot move your play of stay is your home.
Cleverbot: Indeed. They also say that we are what we eat.
User: I am going to ask you again, am I being trolled?
Cleverbot: Sure.
User: Figures.
Cleverbot: As much.