Hey guys. First time posting in a Olimar thread. There are several changes I'd like to see with Olimar. One that I really liked that you guys have pointed out is his Whistle allowing him to float up a bit when in the air. I think that would really help with his recovery game. Allowing him to get his Pikmin back to him without losing altitude is great. Also it would help him out a lot if all of his Pikmin died while he is getting back to the stage.
Being able to keep using the same Pikmin until you use your Whistle to change the order would be really great, as that takes out a little bit of the distraction of you wondering what Pikmin you're going to be using next after you are about to make an attack with your current Pikmin.
Being able to use your Whistle to call your Pikmin back to you after you do any kind of move would help out so much. I hate constantly losing my Pikmin from accidently throwing them off the edge with F-Smash and not being able to call them back.
If there is anyway that you could spawn with Pikmin, that'd be amazing. I absolutely hate wasting my invincibility on plucking all of my Pikmin. That isn't much of a problem when you are spawning on a stage with a high platform like on Battlefield, because you spawn pretty much on the platform so you are able to start plucking right away. But spawing on a stage like Final Destination, you waste a bit of time falling all the way down to the stage, then you gotta pluck all your Pikmin which gives your opponent a better chance to beat the poopy out of you.
One of my most major problems that I'd like to see fixed with Olimar is that i'd like that the Pikmin he plucks to be already flowered. Why shorten the time it takes Pikmin to flowere, when we can just have them right away. I just do not understand why we must wait for our Pikmin to get stronger. There is already so much stuff that we have to worry about with Olimar that adding this feature would help us relax a bit while playing Olimar. One of my most frustrating things with Olimar, is when I finally get all the Pikmin that I want and they have all flowered, but then they just easily die from any hit, or the Pikmin just fall to their deaths or even straight up disappear at times. I honestly don't think that plucking already flowered Pikmin would make Olimar too good or anything like that.