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Olimar Support [Pikmen]

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Smash Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2007
Peacehaven, East Sussex, Good ol' England
Hmm...I leaning toward picking Olimar, but I'm not exactly sure.....
Dude, I am joint-maining Mario, Kirby AND Olimar... with Sonic, PT AND IC's in very close secondary-mains postition.

Go for both. There's no problem with that. Its always good to be awesome with more than one character, for backup purposes. Say your in a tourney, and youre going in for best-out-of-3 against some guy. In the first match, he pwns you, even though your using your main. But whats this? You have ANOTHER main, that he may not be good against, and YOU are the one doing the pwning this time...

Joint-main them both, for they are both good. They use different stratergies, different playstyles and they give a better overall ability, as it makes you more adaptable, and makes your play more varied.



Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
For Pikmin stage, I could see a Yoshi Story-esque stage, with large humps and dips and such in the ground. Nothing steep or quick-edged. This is due to the land all being extremely big, as it is in the Pikmin game. (the game is set on Earth, where Olimar and Pikmin are so small, that bushes seem like trees).


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I will be maining Olimar no matter how he turns out! I'm kind of hoping for him to be middle tier-ish.

Exactly what Im thinking. Mid-Tier, but I dont care about tiers. Ive seen fantastic bowsers, and terrible Foxes, its all relative. I also saw level 9 bowser own Level 9 fox 1v1, so I dont care what tiers say.

I'll main him no matter what. I love his playstyle, Pikmin is an incredible series. Olimar is pure awesome, and he has 6 minions with which he can smash with varying effects. Whats NOT awesome about that?

I still have to second PT though (mostly Squirtle) because of my longstanding Pokemon fanboyism, and I think PT will be the first one I try out, even if Olimar is a starter, dont hate me Pikmen.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
Funny Pic that I wanted to share

Tee hee. I always new the white and purple Pikmin were gansta.

*Blows Conchshell*

Pikmen!!! Asseeeeeeeeemmmmbbblllllleeeeee!

Olimar is once again pitted in the character battles under the games forums. Four survive now but in the end only two will stand. Let us make sure that it is our hero. He must advance!

To the voting polls!
*Blows liquer jug of replying* (Sea shell of replying broken in major pants dillema)



Jul 1, 2007
Now that we have an entire room for Captain Olimar, this topic is no longer necessary. Soon, it was be transformed into the home of the Pikmen, specifically.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2007
Dude, I am joint-maining Mario, Kirby AND Olimar... with Sonic, PT AND IC's in very close secondary-mains postition.

Go for both. There's no problem with that. Its always good to be awesome with more than one character, for backup purposes. Say your in a tourney, and youre going in for best-out-of-3 against some guy. In the first match, he pwns you, even though your using your main. But whats this? You have ANOTHER main, that he may not be good against, and YOU are the one doing the pwning this time...

Joint-main them both, for they are both good. They use different stratergies, different playstyles and they give a better overall ability, as it makes you more adaptable, and makes your play more varied.

Alright, thanks man. ^-^


Jul 1, 2007

How far are you planning to go with Olimar? Do you want to be simply an Olimar player, or an Olimar specialist? When having multiple mains, you even out the skill you contain for each character evenly, and can't go far with one specific character. If this is what you want, then choose both Meta Knight and Olimar. Though, if you're looking forward to being an Olimar specialist, then you should definitely stick with him solely. Of course, Olimar is just my example. What I said goes for all characters.


I updated the first post, go check it out. Although, not much has changed, besides a few cuts here and there.


Jul 1, 2007
Why Am I number 38 and 58 for the members list?

And did you want to use the banner I sent you in a PM egruntz?
Thank you for pointing that out; I took care of it. To be honest, seeing that all of the 11 PMs I've received were about joining the Pikmin, I didn't want to open and read every single one. So I just took the names of the people who've sent a PM, and added them to the list. Also, when I was done with that, I deleted all of my PMs.

Sorry, but you'll have to send it again.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Thank you for pointing that out; I took care of it. To be honest, seeing that all of the 11 PMs I've received were about joining the Pikmin, I didn't want to open and read every single one. So I just took the names of the people who've sent a PM, and added them to the list. Also, when I was done with that, I deleted all of my PMs.

Sorry, but you'll have to send it again.

Egruntz, I know this has been brought up multiple times, but with all of the people constantly PM'ing and wanting to become a Pikmin member, how many will actually contribute to the thread, and participate at all in the matters of the Pikmen?

I mean, this was fine pre-Olimar confirming, but now, as weve said, it seems like everyone past #40 is just jumping on the bandwagon, and as soon as another character is confirmed, ZOOM, off they go to support Ridley, etc. etc.

@ElectroBLade - Just use both, Ill be joint maining Olimar and PT (yes, alot to handle, but Ill do it anyway) If it's such a hard decision, dont waste time thinking about it, use the two characters you so badly want to use! :)

Now Im off to go vote for the good Captain in the character battle, as I havent done it yet thise round :(


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
I just thought of an interesting (if not far fetched) idea for an assist trophy. It could be Louie, and he would just sit and wait in the background until someone else got an assist trophy. At this point he would jump on the thing that came from the assist trophy, and hijack its mind, like he hijacked the Titan Dweevil's mind in Pikmin 2, and turn it against the opponent. It's not likely, but it would be interesting.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
What other enemies do you guys will show up in this stage? I'm guessing that the beetle in the background will (the name escapes me), and probably the Fiery Blowhog (since the bulborb was shown as a trophy, and the Fiery Blowhog is a trophy, I'm thinking there could be a connection).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
Sonoma County, CA
The stage is awesome... I'm just really upset I can't play it as soon as I expected. Olimar shot my hype up through the roof, but now its dwindling down slowly... Does anyone here have any ideas on how to make a month go by quicker? :c


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
Yes, but we have to wait even longer to play it now!
Think of it this way, at least you're not European! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

*Prepares flame retardent undies for massive swarm of Eurogamers*

The stage is awesome... I'm just really upset I can't play it as soon as I expected. Olimar shot my hype up through the roof, but now its dwindling down slowly... Does anyone here have any ideas on how to make a month go by quicker? :c
Crack helps.

Smash Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2007
Peacehaven, East Sussex, Good ol' England
Think of it this way, at least you're not European! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

*Prepares flame retardent undies for massive swarm of Eurogamers*

Crack helps.
I live in England... please ont mock us... its bad enough as it is...:(

NOW WE'RE NEVER GOING TO F*****G GET IT!!!!!! ARE WE?!?!?! :mad:

For gods sake... and to think after E3 last year, I thought I was going to get Brawl for christmas... well at least someone has it worse than us Europeans I guess... the Australians... I really feel sorry for them...

But, I mean, think about, you Americans speak the same language as us in the UK and Australia... yet YOU get in in March, and WE have to wait to after July... un-f*****g-beleivable...

Sorry for the huge rant, im just REALLY p****d right now... things are looking EVEN WORSE for us... ;_:

Draenic gamer

Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2007
Brawl will come out eventually...because Olimar is in it, his pikmin forces will speed localization by 100-fold!

Smash Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2007
Peacehaven, East Sussex, Good ol' England
I was just playing. But yeah poor Aussie and Euro gamers.
Its ok, I forgive you, lol. Its my fault, im just a bit angry...

Its just, I see loads you guys complaining about it being released on March 9th, and thats quite annoying... I'd do a permanent happy-dance if we had the privelege of that release date...

Anyway... back to Pikmin-stuff - im cool with it all now... I made a nice dent in a DVD case to vent my rage XD

I just watched a collection of videos on youtube, where some guy completed Pikmin 2 (bar 1 item that needed 100 purples) with only 45 Pikmin in 8 pikmin-game-days. O. M. G.
It seriously was amazing to watch his tactics...
His username on Youtube is MilesSMB, by the way. The "first day" vids are quite boring, but the rest are insane... it just goes to show how many different ways Pikmin can be played.

Also, does anyone think that it is likely we may get a second Pikmin stage? Cos I actually REALLY like the Distant Planet one, and there are so many original ideas still left that could be used... I was just wondering if we might be treated to another one XD

@Colenstien again: Thanks for linking my stage thread into yours!! Id also like to hear your opinion on it after seeing how popular yours is (seeing your posts and stuff, I can tell that you're a person whose opinion can be valued)!!! Ive linked your thread into mine as well, to return the favour!! Hm, I wonder which out of the two is more likely to get into Brawl now that the Distant Planet has been announced? Actually, I think yours IS in... kinda... its got a lot of similar elements to the Distant Planet... you did make some awesome guesses there! They didnt include the day/night thing and the crashed ship though... :( They were good ideas...


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
@Colenstien again: Thanks for linking my stage thread into yours!! Id also like to hear your opinion on it after seeing how popular yours is (seeing your posts and stuff, I can tell that you're a person whose opinion can be valued)!!! Ive linked your thread into mine as well, to return the favour!! Hm, I wonder which out of the two is more likely to get into Brawl now that the Distant Planet has been announced? Actually, I think yours IS in... kinda... its got a lot of similar elements to the Distant Planet... you did make some awesome guesses there! They didnt include the day/night thing and the crashed ship though... :( They were good ideas...
No Problem man I like the stage of your's. Seeing distant planet kinda lowers mine, alot. I don't think they would have two Pikmin stages with the same Platform formation. Oh well:chuckle:.

ps: My opinion valued? No I don't think so..... not After my Rhydon for Brawl thread.

Olimar is teh SUPER Brawl!
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