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Olimar Support [Pikmen]

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Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
Vali's about as psychic as the main character from Psyche---and if you watch that show, you'll know that he's far from clairvoyant and has the stupidest luck in all of the world. :laugh:
I watch that show........

But yeah Vali made a GREAT MOVESET and the real one is very coincidental.......... OMG Vali is Sakurai!!!!!!


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2008
i had a wonderful idea at work today!

Sinced pikmin are included in brawl, they should create an item/assist trophy that releases honey... causing the pikmin to become more powerful or healing a pikmin-less character.

what do you think?


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2008
Are there any Captain Olimar Brawl wallpapers? 100 odd pages is a bit much to look through. Featuring this screen in particular...



Jul 1, 2007
What's do disagree about? You can't move when using your standard special, and you can move while performing a down special. Pluck is a move that doesn't require moving, whistle is one that might. There's nothing to discuss or agree/disagree on...
You said that having Olimar's moves the way they are now would be better than having the standard and whistle swap commands. Sure you can slightly move by tilting the analog stick to the left or right a little, while performing your down special. But if the whistle were to be the standard special, you'd have more freedom when moving around. As I've said, the only reason they had it this way, is most likely because of Kirby.

It is because the pluck special doesn't require movement, that it's best off being the down special. And that's what there's to disagree with.

Just realized who you are =P. Welcome back.

Aww man Evan, did you ever call the moveset on this one.
;o Vali was closer.

Is it time to call in the lawsuit for Sakurai stealing my moveset or what? :grin:

Appreciate the mention on the first post too ^^. Really happy for all us Pikmin fans that he's in and faith in a non-botched moveset seems to have paid off.

Also cheers Wiseguy for remembering me ;D Sorry haven't really visited in a while.
Speaking of Vali, welcome back.

I dont know if this was mentioned but, when kirby swallos olimar, he gets his B move which is pluc... what good will that do if he cant throw them or anything...
I'm pretty sure that the Pikmin will act as items, when it comes to this. After Kirby is finished plucking the turnips Pikmin, all that's left to do is simply chuck 'em at your enemies.

By the way, which is everyone's favorite alt costume? I think the red & black looks pretty awesome, myself.
The red & black costume is definitely the best one shown. Though we only see three alternate colors in that screen, so there's bound to be more (and hopefully better).

I wonder if the pikmin can do a bubble shield?
Not likely.

Well new Pikmin stage idea.
(Plugging crap is fun!)
Nice one.

Are there any Captain Olimar Brawl wallpapers? 100 odd pages is a bit much to look through. Featuring this screen in particular...

Actually, Captain Brawlimar made a pretty sweet wallpaper-- and it even includes that screen shot. For anyone who wants it, go here.
The only thing wrong with this wallpaper, is Olimar's rendering job. It's sort of choppy, and the helmet wasn't cut out; but besides that, it's pretty neat.

In one day's time, this thread has jumped about 12 pages, I've received 11 new messages; all about joining the Pikmen, and thealmightygoat was proven false. What a day! For new Pikmen members, you'll all be added to the first post very shortly. Though, keep in mind that you aren't an "official" member yet; no sir, things are getting a little more tougher, now that Olimar has been confirmed. For more information about that, check up the first post-- which will be updated shortly.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2007
People, we should do a list with reasons of why he deserves his spot as PC, cause I'm seeing a lot of Olimar hate lately from people who don't have the slightest idea of who Olimar really is.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
People, we should do a list with reasons of why he deserves his spot as PC, cause I'm seeing a lot of Olimar hate lately from people who don't have the slightest idea of who Olimar really is.
It boils down to 3 simple reasons:

1) Pikmin is an incredible series that demands representation

2) Olimar is a much loved Nintendo icon.

3) Olimar's moveset is incredibly unique will definitely be fun to play as.

But really, who cares what the haters think? He's in, that's what matters. The nay-sayers will get theirs when they face the wrath of my Pikmin over wi-fi!
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