Hey guys, it's been a while. So listen, I'm thinking of having the Japanese Student Association hold a tournament at OU. This year for Japan night we are trying to actually get some legit performances, dances, music and skits. And it all cost money, so I was thinking about having a tournament to raise money for that stuff. That being said, I know a huge bulk of the competitive players that are in it for the prize money wouldn't bother with it, but I feel like enough people would show up simply for the fun of it.
As a retired competitive smash player, I've had my share of seeing trash organized casual tournaments for smash. Though I've never been the one to run a tournament, I feel like I've been to a lot of them, and experienced enough to know what a good and smooth tournament should be like. In this regard though the prize money wouldn't be there, but it WILL feel like a real tournament. Pools, main bracket, loser's bracket, It will probably be a whole day event on a Saturday or something. Singles, Doubles, (crews?).
My only issue right now is I don't know if I should go for brawl because the bigger crowd it offers, or melee just because I like it more. I could maybe have them both on two separate days, but I dunno. I'd love to do 64, but I just don't think I'd be able to find enough 64's around to hold a tournament for them.