Haha, Rasta, you haven't heard o' me yet. I'll go DarkRain on you, and beatcha with every character you pull out (except for Fox or IC dittos I'm not very good at those). I'd say your ICs would be your best bet period, except my Fox, Y Link, and Peach <3 fighting ICs. ICs vs Fox is even when you know how to fight them, Y Link's projectiles make for an even playing field, and Peach just ***** them. Sure, you ~could~ infinite me, but you'd hafta grab me first. XD
Nah, but seriously, you IC infinite me, and I'm going to IC ditto you, **** your Nana, and come after your Popo for the infinites every stock, ending it at 999%. Or I'll just play Peach. Grabbing her is next to impossible, due to FCing, Turnips, and Dsmash. Either way, I'm tottall excited to play you.
Anyway, I just watched G@be vs TGM. It was decent, but there's a few things I have to say about it. First off, I was just watching it casually, and I noticed that both of you dash attack a lot more than you need to, and don't edgehog nearly enough. Yeah, pulse-dashing's great, but not when it leads into the 4th dash attack. TGM, you spam Fsmash waaaaaaaaaay too much, and if you keep it up, everyone's going to start 4 stocking you. Start shuffling fairs more, the disjointed hitbox is great for keeping others back, at least temporarily. Both of you could use more shuffling, as well as cg'ing or fthrowing into tippers/Ken Combo, based on DI at lower percents. Erm... if you feel like you NEED to Fsmash, but aren't more than 75% sure it's going to kill, ftilt instead. There's very little lag. Also, Dtilt isn't a move reserved just for edgeguarding. Use it to poke under the shield, or as a replacement for a jab, if you know they're going to grab. Umm... There were a few other inconsistencies, but I can't remember them right now. If you want more critiques, lemme know, and I'll watch it and actually analyze your playing styles.
TGM, start thinking more. G@be has pretty decent mindgames (guessed from seeing some of the stuff he pulled in the vid... mindgames don't translate too well via video, unfortunately), and predicted you a few times. If he knew how to punish, you could have been in a lot of trouble. Still, I'm glad to see you guys have the basics down... I was worried for a little bit that we wouldn't even have fun, but now, even if we beat you, we can at least teach you, so you can take it back to OK and improve the community. G@be, you have some pretty neat tricks that I either haven't seen, or haven't seen for awhile. I <3'ed the counter prediction, and, even moreso, that reverse upb. Don't abuse it just because I said that though, because that was totally unpredictable.
If anyone else wants me to analyze and give you a few things to work on before CSS, don't hesitate to ask me. I can only catch so much by watching a video, but I can keep you from having our top punishers (BlueMycon, El_LoVo) taking advantage of the worst things.