Drewthedragon, you really didnt see any of us? Well I was playing snap_pop, man her DK is amazing, and Shade was playing King. If you saw a black kid with dreads there, that was me, and I was getting my *** handed to me by snap_pop, I seriously underestimated her! Wont happen again, come OC2.
Also, Ill try and get a smash fest going NEXT week, mainly because Im going to Houston on the 8th, and I probably wont be playing smash for 5 or so days.
I actually think we all need work, if I could record myself, I would and watch what I did to make sure I would steer clear of it. We had some awesome matches over at Zinths house, I just wish I wasnt so sleepy during the first 1/2 of it, maybe I would have played better. I have actually heard good things about Seth and Sidefx, but thats about it. You can ask South Paw about Kosmos, I think he played him before MLG, but you should know, after every tourny skills seem to skyrocket, I didnt have the fortune of playing him, I had other things to do.
Hopefully you guys can come over when we have the tourny on the 22nd, that would be pretty awesome.
Also, guys, when I get my car, South Paw promised us a tourny if we can get to Arizona, Im letting you guys know right now, once I get my car, plans are going to be made!