Wow, another new person from not oklahoma.
Yah, i'll try my best to make it. I like traveling, but mom is like. blah blah, youll crash, blah. I'll see if i can change her mind by next week. Its a fifty fifty thing.
Man guys, im hungry, and there is no milk, so i can't have froot loops........I hate it when im out of milk but not cerial......*sigh. Oh well i guess i can always make my, "Kuni specail combo meal"!! Which is something I made up, but i don't think most of you would like. Which consists of. Hot white sushi rice with out viniger, with soysauce on the top, then some seaweed and seasoning, with scrambled eggs ontop of that with soysauce on top of that, with some more seeweed seasoning, and then some bowls of cerial on the side......l guess i can do with out the cerial this time though.