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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
oh...somehow i missed it alex....

whatever. i guess Oklahoma loves drew. not only did he beat us at smash personally, but he like, took your money too.

i guess they go hand in hand, but i wanted to use the "not only...but..."structure and couldn't think of anything.

also i typoed like 15 words in that, but firefox helped me fix them.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I had also voted for Drew when I first saw that thread back when whoever posted it.

Anyway, I doubt I'll be making Smash tonight... but if there's something tomorrow, then I can most likely make it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
Yeah nice foreshadowing* there bryan,
Seriously though if there's something tomorrow everything could work out,
As long as I can finish my homework.

*RASTA this means hold a ****ing smashfest tomorrow plz!!!*

All harshness aside, when I/all edmondites get a job, we should rent out a small house for smashing,
Hell I might just live there someday...


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Alright, well my combo video, "Owned by a Pro", has been finished! It is uploading to YouTube as I type. However, due to the nature of YouTube, it will not be available immediately upon uploading, so tomorrow I will post a link to the finished result.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Man, i just realized little chuckles wasn't paymon......i thought it was all this time. Oh well, that was a great smashfest roster, man Shanxe got alot better like, he can actually combo now, if he would hold back on obvious fsmashing sometimes though, hed be just fine.

Paymon can now combo and pillar as well and is techsill is alot better. Im suprised at how rosters fox was, he shinespiked chris twice one a match i think, man it was funny.

Marks CF almos beat my marth it was scary.....and so did vegaa's it was tooooo close. And Po can use alot of characters effectively now, not just one or two, im impressed.

Little chuckles, your not the only beginner around here so don't sweet the first thing i taught you was chaingrabbing and downsmash edge gaurding and doing the short hop, practice those until you feel comfortable, just put a computer on level 2 and try chase him whith your up throw. Not bad for just beggining, Keep it up!!

As for as otherthings, gt im borrowing your hodee just so you know, its just to awsome, and your not using it so until you want it back i will. lol. Hope you don't mind.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
god**** right. Unfortunately, i came after chris left, so i couldn't play him. But i'm satisfied with how much better i've gotten.

I may be an ******* for complimenting myself. But hey, i'll start with the rest of you after new mexico.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
hah, i talked to chris last night and he said he completely destroyed everyone there, and i believe him.

he also convinced me to make my secondary peach, so yeah....i guess ill make jiggs my third

also i cant figure out what a "hodee" is, but good luck getting it back GT, shade stole my ps2, my shirt, and my soul calibur 2.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Too Good

Nice, everyone is improving so much in such a short amount of time (especially Shanx). I got owned pretty hard by Kosmos, SP, and Shade (even though I mainly played CF, I used my other characters quite a bit). It was cool meeting Little Chuckles, can't wait till she beats the hell outta pay$.

For a new guy, Muca did quite well, he just needs to land his L-cancels and incorporate some wavedashing into his game. As long as he sticks with Scud/Hazy, he should be kicking n00blets around like nothing soon.

1HKO: As always, you guys are slowly returning to the former glory that once made us run the show, lol. Brandon's Luigi is officially a CF killer, and I get beat consistently by Heath and Marc now, makes me want to start hitting the training mode again O_o

Oh, and contrary to popular belief (lol), Rasta is indeed a lot better. I dunno if he'll be able to beat Andy, but we'll see...........


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Kosmos is just talking, we all were so shaky in the beggining, except coty whose techskill never goes down. But after a bit we all got the hang of it again.

OH GUESS WHAT, I GOT A DIGITAL CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im very satisfied with it right now, and as soon as i read the manual and stuff a bit i'll be using it alot!!! man roster, THANKS ALOT MAN!!!! Though i am a bit in debt to my parents now, but i got what i wanted none the less. Ohhh, its such a big relief.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
As for as otherthings, gt im borrowing your hodee just so you know, its just to awsome, and your not using it so until you want it back i will. lol. Hope you don't mind.
Do you mean "hoodie"? And I think the only reason that he wasn't using it was because it was at Babac's house... you can't just borrow things that people forgot at other peoples' houses, especially when you don't even ask them about it first :ohwell:

God ****, I always miss the Smash :( This will cause me to drop to like last place in the power rankings :(

However, in other news... OWNED BY A PRO IS UP! WATCH IT HERE, WATCH IT NOW!


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
i am fully confident in my abilities to beat babac.

speaking of babac, the spelling suggestion for his name is "abacus".

also, ill keep my name gravity, but i need suggestions for an awesome tag. random just doesnt always cut it. : \

also, i still believe chris, shade. that he owned everyone. as far as i can tell he has never lied about anything.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2006
kuni, i cant believe you were actually able to get up at two and go get a digital camera after saving money for the last two years... but anyways, whenever we were training this morning, it was fun, even though aman was making me so mad... sry i couldnt do the easiest things, it was annoying me that i rly suck, im probably not even going to be able to go to any n00b parties... but, yeah, chris is over here right now and occasionaly we might train but it ends up as a regular fight, and for some reason you always get in the conversations and how much you suck but you rank as third.... so i told babac that i was going to ask you to train me, so would you pleeeeeaaaase train me!! i need it so much more than that other chick that likes you


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Its not problem at all to train you chuckles, I just i don't WANT to train that one other chick, thats why i told zinth to. lol. And your no worse than i was when i started, lol so don't sweat it about thinking that your no good, you get there with some practice.

Anyway, which match did he own anyone? I don't remember it happening. We did teams for like 80 percent of the time, and then like 10, 1 on one matches going in a rotation. Speaking of which, me and chris discovered, Zelda plus Peach on teams = very awsome team! And if not, Shiek plus Peach on teams is just as good! lol.

Also, paymon, babac, one of you. Teach Auman not to be so rude, i mean seriously i mean i believe his soul purpose for being born after yesterday was to tick people off. Its like id say please be quite or something like you should go to sleep and he we reply basically with, "why don't you go **** yourself in the face." I hate people that irritate you on purpose and then play stupid.

And you two are some incredible people, I don't see how you guys don't loose your cool in that house its so...........loud.......even that one girll in the green pants was so.........loud...... it was so uncool, i don't see how its possible to contineously let your voice out at the volume she was. Oh well, at the very least teach aumon some to not cus out the person asking for a small favor.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2006
so you will train me or no, because i really suck, and guess what!!!! i know what you guys were talking about when we were at the shop now, because you wouldnt tell me i had to ask bryan.... it would have been sooooo much easier if you could have just told me


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Its not problem at all to train you chuckles, I just i don't WANT to train that one other chick, thats why i told zinth to.
Lol, are you stupid? You didn't tell me to do squat, I decided that I would teach her of my own accord, and actually at first you said that she shouldn't learn how to play. You shouldn't have even mentioned her on the boards, it wasn't that big of a deal. Be sure you know what you're talking about before you say it, lol.

And omg I don't get why people care about stuff so much, none of it is important.

What is important is Owned by a Pro.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
lol, well, hmmmm, i could have sworn i told you to, or said it was a good idea for you to teach her which is essentially the same thing.

And yes chuckles i'll train you.

And, when someone says they are going to beat me i guess i take it a little far. I care about lots of stuff. If you don't then whats the point in doing anything.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2006
oh yeah kuni, me babac and chris just watched owned by a pro... that is very funny, you got beat so bad... haha, its cos he was fast like a tree, and yeah, girl in the green pants is mean and loud and ghetto, and aman is sooo bad i was going to hit him when we were training... but what matters is that you got beat by a guy that is fast as a tree


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
we all were so shaky in the beggining, except coty whose techskill never goes down.
I wish it were true : (

anyways... bryan you totally owned FLT... rendering someone speechless is as good as four-stocking them...gg

anyways, it was fun, good stuff everybody, pablo was right, everyody leveled up.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
kuni, to get aman to stop cussing, you could do what i did. Or at least some form of what i did. This will only work if your digital camera can do video too though. With sound. turn it on, hit record, then tell aman to stop cussing, with the camera "not obviously on and recording". He will tell you to "shut the **** up" then tell him that if he cusses again, you're gonna show that to his dad when he gets home.

My form of it was to record him saying that on my phone. He didn't say much else at all after that.

and zinth, the girl you're training was brought up at rasta's, that was a good 15 minutes of laughs. None of which were at your expense.


Smash Cadet
Dec 25, 2006
and so what if i WAS brought up at rastas, whats the problem with that, i could EASILY stop cursing....

and now i would like to especially thank kuni for eating all of the god **** strawberry pop tarts because i am so hungry


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
no, not you. The one that zinth is currently training that shade doesn't like.

what would be really funny, is if that girl (stated above) got an account on here and read all this.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Omg my i sure hope she does not.

Sorry, chocolate and straberry poptarts are too good to resist lol i only had like 5, so don't worry.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Chris is owning the hell outta me. I mean, I can combo his *** down to 3 stock on any of his characters, but when he gets to his last stock its like he turns kaioken or supersayian or something. In like 5 hours, Ive only beaten him like once.

Ive also found out that chris hates my jiggs, because I just rest him every oppertunity I get.

Chris is gay, he is too good.

Oh, Kuni>flips off a storm drain. Im proud of that Japican.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
haha, we should get everyone in ok smash to do stuff like that next time.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
We should, it was fun.

And, dude kyle just calm down, youll get your hoodie back next time we meet. lol. I really like this hoodie to though, its awsome!


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
anyways... bryan you totally owned FLT... rendering someone speechless is as good as four-stocking them...gg
I'm quoting that XD

Well Chris, guess I was able to four-stock FLT afterall :p

]And, dude kyle just calm down, youll get your hoodie back next time we meet. lol. I really like this hoodie to though, its awsome!
Lol, but that still doesn't give you the right to "borrow" something like that... jeeze, Shade, jeeze.

I hope my levelling up has kept me up with everyone else.

Owned by a Pro!
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