Twitch will be glad to hear that lol. Anyways, going to eat dinner soon, but I may have time tonight to critique your Marth. I'll see what happens and edit this post if I do.
You seem to be accepted well enough by the Marths around here Stingers. You should stick around and check out EL's threads and other items of interest(matchup discussion, etc).
As for the Twitch thing, yes he dislikes it with great intensity, but doesn't hate it. I just need to have another talk with him, similar to the one where I ranted about Brawl being horrible when his Mk ***** me after he practiced for two matches lol.
I'm doing the Diddy one cuz I reallyy don't like Twitch's diddy and want him to lose. That, and you gimped his Wario twice, no fun to critique lol.
Firstly, personal matchup experience: Diddy is pretty gay. Those bananas come out and he'll be all over you. Your best shot is to apprach at the very beginning as he's taking out bananas to hopefully take control of the match. you can take control by either using his bananas against him or by using a more aggro pressure game. I find that using his bananas is generally better, but whatever.
If he has control with two bananas, then it's time to be defensive. I personally FJ more often here to draw him off of the ground and away from his naners(I'm abbreviating that stupid word lol). Marth's glide toss is sexy, so abuse that, but don't make yourself predictable, or Diddy can just shield to naner throw or grab or attack. Zoning with Fairs is helpful, but be very cautios when doing so because he can just slip a naner under you or hit you in the air while Fairing.
Even without his naners, Diddy is still pretty good. His Fair has too much priority, but it lags badly when used close to the ground, so you'll probably want to bait that or something. His dash attack is a great combo move with little lag, so if he runs at you with a banana nearby, you can guess what he'll do. Just Fair/Dtilt/Ftilt/whatever him until he becomes more cautious, then proceed to punish him with your usual zoning game.
Countering his recovery doesn't do me much good because the explosion still hurts Marth. Oh! Just had an idea! DS may work....I'll test later lol.
Real critique time!
A good bit of stuff is what I talked about, so I'll go into other things you might've messed up on now:
1:06-1:09- You had some good opportunities that you wasted by rolling away. The second roll would've helped you trememdously to reverse the pressure by pushing him towards the edge and away from his naners. Sheild drop is really fast in this game, so just shield drop to Ftilt/Fair aight?
1:11- Unnecessary spotdodge. Don't sit still! You need to make Diddy have a difficult time hitting you, and Marth's unhelpful spotdodge leaves you wide open.
After that- soooo much SHDF!!! Mix things up! SHF to DB/SB or SHFF Fair or just tilt or grab. He noticed what you were doing and started to shield sooo much. Adapt!
1:40- Don't FF Dair onto the ground.
2:02- Why the Fsmash? Try to get there before him, or at least get close to edge to get him stuck.
3:08- Always remember that Marth has some serious landing lag after doing his Up-B even if the move was interrupted. Just do an aerial right before you hit the ground to get the aerial's lag instead.
After you came back- too much Fsmash. Everyone else seemed to think so too lol.
Finally, the major problem I see is that you don't follow up on your hits. Following up is usually key in keeping Marth's pressure on and not giving his opponent much room to breathe. Make sure to be ready to respond to a hit as well as a block/miss.
That should do it I hope lol.