yeah, I guess lack of hype sucks. well, let's figure something out - i think personally appealing to the people you want to show up to tournaments goes a lot further than bulk-advertising (come to the next tourney please!), especially on smashboards where most of the random people don't even post.
and that means not relying on stuff like "hey anthony, talk to the people in the south" - it means contacting those people yourself and trying to get them to come out. and doing it creatively. maybe like, yo, we're having a bbq at the next tourney. you know, creative **** like that, that will make people wanna come out and have fun.
while i'm on the subject, i'd like to add - syler's tournaments had a completely different set of attendants than GC. in other words, if GC is small, that doesn't mean WA is small - that just means GC is small :P i know a lot of the UW guys just don't like going to GC; the last two times stefan went, melee started way too late, etc etc. so maybe look into throwing events outside of GC.
by the way, getting more structure in the tournaments - i.e. making sure you have more than enough setups ahead of time, having a more definite schedule and not relying on GC guy - would probably go a long way. you're kidding yourself if you think melee players don't mind taking a backseat to brawl at gameclucks
idk, there's countless little things you can do if you want hype. sleepyk from georgia was telling me about how he set up this "Good players drive to you!" sort of thing, where he'd round up 3 or 4 good players and go smash with a bunch of randoms, driving up to 2 hours out of his way or something. heck, remember when jeff (SS) came to WA and like, ****in 6 of vista's random *** asian friends from the fed came to my apartment? hell, go down to them and make friends with them. some of those guys weren't bad LOL, one of them almost beat jeff's falcon in a friendly.
i'm just sayin, quittin doesn't solve anything, and trying to stick to your same old thought patterns doesn't solve anything. complaining grumpily to an audience of randoms that doesn't exist (lookin at you, shane) doesn't solve anything either, nor does complaining that people don't share your exact definition of what constitutes a competitive player (lookin at you, ciz). you guys got this :]
and if you guys DON'T got this, there are a few things i'm gonna try when i get back