I was quite adamantly against customs at first. Mainly because I just wanted to learn my character and the game in it's vanilla form. But now that I feel like I have a good understanding of that I'm quite indifferent about customs now and I don't mind seeing how the meta game turns out. Anyway~
Personally, I like using 1231 in singles and 1131 in teams. However, I completely understand why jumping inhale (3) is better givin' it's risk/reward, viability as a surprise ledge option and recovery tool. I'll probably warm up to it eventually but for now I'm sticking to regular inhale (1) and it's almost non existent windbox.
Hammer Bash (2) is amazing at finishing any jab lock you can catch because it can KO quite early (earlier than Hammer Flip) AND deals more damage. It's pretty good as a recovery tool, too. Thumbs up!
Upper Cutter (3) is literally Kirby's most superior custom by far and it should be highly considered on any custom moveset by default. It's a free trip to the ledge (sweet spots it, too, mind you) and it can grab stage spikes to opponents who don't respect Kirby's recovery with it. Kirby can go REALLY deep/far for a gimp due to Upper Cutter's superior range campared to the other two. It serves as a combo finisher to any u-tilt/u-air hit confirms AND it can KO! Good, good, GREAT!
Stone (1). I feel this is preference or match-up oriented, really. I mean, let's face it, not many players will be getting hit by this move (custom or not) unless they're being really reckless or you got the godliek read. However, if they do happen to get hit by down-b, I like the knockback and damage I get when I do land it. Plus, I can't ignore the option to quick rock--something the other customs can't pull off. Even if I do fail miserably at it at times, haha!
My thoughts on the other customs.
Ice Breath (2)
I'm not sure. It looks cool but I like having a command grab and the ability to gain a copy ability/projectile. This move might be useful as a custom counter-pick option like how IC's used to wall Ganondorf with this move alone (ok there were 2 IC's but you get the point!) but time will tell.
Giant Hammer (3)
I wrote it off as useless at first. I felt like it was giving Kirby a Warlock Punch and I wasn't to fond of that. Slow hard hitting moves was not something I wanted to give to Kirby. However, some of what was said make it sound better such as it's super armor and such but one could just feint or bait out the swing and you get punished or even KO'd for it.
Wave Cutter (2)
You know what would have been cool? If Kirby had his High Jump ability as a custom. Can you imagine?? Unfortunately, that's all we can do.

Anywayy, this custom isn't horrible but it's definitely outclassed by Upper Cutter. Kirby's up-b was always a recovery tool first and an attack second. This custom kind of suggests you use this offensively except the one problem about it is that it still has Final Cutter's beginning animation. It IS faster but as a recovery tool, you can KO'd because of the lack of a hitbox.

However, it might have it's niche in
some match ups. Time will tell here, too.
Grounding Stone (2)
I'll be honest. I haven't really dove into the stone customs much but I do like the follow up potential this move has. You can net some KO's with this if you hit a grounded opponent, especially with your choice of custom hammer. The trade off is that this move deals about 10%. Which is ok if you can get the KO set up. I feel like it's quite viable as a move and it's up to preference.
Meteor Stone (3)
I feel like this one is more match up dependent than the others. And out of the others once you use this, you're committed to it pretty hard. Using this off-stage could cause you to lose a stock given it's large cool down time. However, I feel like this move becomes COMPLETELY viable when stage counter picking to Delfino Plaza. The possibility to spike through the water and canceling it's cool down is extremely tempting~
My top three custom set picks would definitely be
Also, I didn't know about the jumping inhale glitch vs Olimar. So, I'd like to see at least a 1231 on there.
Jeroen Schaafsma
Kirby not being able to use the same custom move as your opponent isn't a nerf necessarily or at all. Look at Olimar vs Kirby or Rosalina Vs Kirby. If Kirby can snatch a projectile (any usable projectile) it makes his life easier regardless if it's the same as his opponent or not. With Kirby's jumping prowess he can really make his own opponent's b-move work wonders against him.