I believe this is a place to put moveset. Here is mine for Ridley.
Ridley is the leader of the space pirates that Samus encounters in the Metroid series. He was the person who killed her parents and is the second most reoccurring character in the franchise. Ridley has made many different transformations, but was ultimately killed by samus in super metroid. His remains were modified in fusion by parasite X and he had his final fight with samus then, where his remains were potentially destroyed.
Possible Story scenarios.
-If he was playable in Brawl
If Ridley was in brawl, the way to make him playable would have been after the meta-ridley fight. We all saw how the shadow bugs created Giant Diddy and evil peach. Ridley’s statue should have been in those bugs the whole time and when Meta-ridley was defeated, Samus should have seen his statue fly away toward the ground. The statue should have been blown away into a swap where Wolf could have found it and resurrected Ridley. Wolf could use Ridleys hatred of Samus to go to the great maze and upon arriving get into a fight with her. The fight will get cut short by Dedede, who has a Cosgrove like power to get people to “cut it out”. He will then grudgingly join the cast to defeat Tabuu, but has complete intentions to kill samus the minute Tabuu falls.
-My own Story
Ridley would be in charge of the space pirate faction in the Great War between good and evil. He would go up against Fox and Captain Falcon as they tried to keep his army at bay while everyone was searching for a way to fix Samus’ suit and cure her from her wounds she obtained when fighting Ganondorf.
Ridley should be the fastest large character in the game (Large characters include DK, Bowser, etc.)
He should be difficult to put into stun, giving him a slight advantage for attacks.
Ridley should have combo potential, but only to the point of 4 or 5 hits. Nothing more.
He should have weak power in his attacks (do little damage.)
Ridley should be easy to send flying, but not to the point of Mewtwo. Give him to about 90%.
His combos should be difficult to set up if possible.
Alternate costumes / Model swap / Mesh swap / Etc.
Meta-Ridley should be his alt costume, but with smaller wings.
Select image
His Brawl image would work for now.
Life Icon
A little 2D sprite version of his Super Metroid head.
Normal Purple Ridley
Dark Purple Ridley (almost blue) from Brawl – Team Blue
Red Ridley from Super Metroid cover. – Team Red
Green Ridley from Zero Mission – Team Green
Yellow Ridley when he is partially wounded in the 2D metroids – Team Yellow
Black Ridley like Omega Ridley color
Alternate Colors
Grey like purple Ridley from Brawl Meta-ridley
Grey parts with Dark blue skin Ridley – Team blue
Grey parts with Red skin Ridley – Team Red
Grey parts with Green skin Ridley – Team Green
Grey parts with Yellow skin Ridley – Team Yellow
Black parts with a grey shine with Black Skin Ridley
Norfair from Brawl would work.
Theme song
Boss Battle – Ridley would work.
FS – Dragon Rush
Omega Ridley
Ridley X
Mecha Ridley
Basic Animations
Entrance animation:
The area where he would appear will be shrouded in a blanket of shadow (not THICK, but just to make that particular area dark and lacking light). From there you would see Ridley's eyes fade in, followed soon by the rest of Ridley as he roars out and enters his battle stance. (Thank you GigaRaver.)
Idle animation:
Like most characters, his feet will be planted on the ground when in his idle stance. Ridley will be hunched over and his limbs will be close to his body. This will minimize surface area. While his normal Super metroid stance would be nice, the fact that this game needs a more natural feel prevents it from being the primary target. Think of this animation, but slightly modified to have a more natural feel (His body closer to the ground and not straight up as well as his feet being in a movable position and not like he is sitting on them.) His head will bob up and down, but only due to his breathing. His wings will be stretched behind him, and out of the way for when he is attacking. He will have a somewhat jagged appearance to him in this stance in an attempt to make him appear like a threat. His position and look should maximize his ferocity and he should look like a treat (or as much as a threat as possible given the bright backgrounds and jigglypuff.)
Getting bored Idle animation
Ridley will stand there for a short time and start getting bored. He will just look down at the ground and stair for a short time. He will then stretch slightly (with not real distance for the stretching) look at his hand and then go back into idle again.
Walking animation:
Ridley walks just like he does in the beginning of the omega Ridley fight in Metroid Prime 3. He Should be slightly lower to the ground though, and his wings will be closer to his body.
jogging animation
Think of the way he ran in Metroid Prime. This would be his jogging animation, but slightly slower.
Running animation:
He should look like he is dashing/flying. He would be at full speed here for a fighting game and he should be flying. His wings will be extended, but back and going almost straight up with a slight curvature to them.
Turning while walking animation:
He will pear around slightly and just turn his body. It should look like he did it quickly and with ease. Even though he is crouching and keeping himself small, his animation should look like he basically just flipped around. He has to look like he had no opening when he turned (no moment of weakness)
Ducking animation:
He will drop himself down like he released the wind out from under him and knell.
Sustained ducking animation:
You know the move in brawl where he comes down from the sky and smashes the ground. Dust goes everywhere and such. If you freeze frame it when he is on all fours, he is ducking. That will be his sustained ducking animation. Just give it some movement and make it a little lower to the ground.
Ridley will jump aside very quickly (like he does in Metroid Prime 3 in the omega Ridley fight.) If anything, it should look like that animation, but be closer to a lean to the side animation.
Roll Turn
Ridley will dash forward and turn around very quickly (the turn should look like the Meta-Ridley turns in Metroid Prime.) He sill never leave the ground, and it should be seemless and very fast. I think his rear and tail should be more elevated than his head, giving him a pounce like look.
Roll Forward
Ridley will dash forward close to the ground. (Like his small dashes in Omega Ridley)
Roll Backward
He will throw himself backwards very quickly (like a reverse dash.) He will push himself backwards, crunching his body together. When he comes close to ending, he will skid along the ground for a short time before stepping back up to his idle stance.
Jumping animation:
You have two choices here; you can go with the classic ridley hop or a newer animation. I vote newer honestly. When he jumps, he will put his legs into it slightly, but very little. He will take his wings and use the. It should look like he entered the air with no problem and with little use of anything but his wings. This is there his normal super metroid animation will fit, bit but it needs to be slightly modified to look slightly less goofy. He will be tilted over more slightly (not so vertical) and his limbs should have the appearance that they are hanging under him (like he does not care they are there. You know when winged animals have all four limbs going straight down) but he has them close to his body like in super metroid.
Double Jump animation forward – and more jumps:
He should just give a huge push with his wings to downward. In Brawl he has shown how strong his wings can be when he moves, use that in a downward motion to give him great lift.
Double Jump animation backward:
Ridley will fly slightly upside down and turn right side up in the air in the new direction. I am thinking like the Star fox maneuver in N64 where the arwing does a 180 and turns right side up. Ridley will do this turn, with whole body almost appearing to go into the background and be upside down for a short time. He will then right himself and enter his falling animation.
Falling animation:
It looks like his jumping animation, but modified for falling. Wings are being pulled into the air instead of down because of gravity.
Wall cling animation:
This is a tough one. (but bowser was probably tough also.) He should show his length here, being larger than other characters but holding himself tight. He should hold the ledge like everyone else, but you will see how long he really is (if size is right, his tail should look like it is going of the screen.)
Standing on Ledge:
He should look like he has shifted all his weight away from the ledge with his head staring down into the abyss.
When he trips, he will look like his exploding animation from brawl (but going forward instead of backward), but with no explosion and he will hit the ground on his belly. He will look disoriented, but in a way that he could easily recover from the mistake. If things go right, the only way you know he tripped should be the flashing animation and the fact that you saw him trip. (with maybe a little more to really add emphasis.)
Foot Stool animation:
It should look like his double jump animation, but he uses the mighty power of his wings to push the enemy into the ground instead of his feet.
Being weak Hit animation:
He should flinch, but look not overly effected.
Being strong Hit animation:
He should real back, with his body getting a slight curvature to it (making a c like image), but he should look like he can easily recover from it. Looks like his damaged pose in Metroid Prime 3 when fighting Omega Ridley (before the grapple attack is used.)
Being sent flying:
Think Ridley’s explosion animation in brawl again, but this time definitely going back.
Being down attacked:
His being sent flying animation should be modified so his wings are flying up because of the force hitting him down and he should hit the ground and bounce on his back. When he rolls up to normal, he should quickly roll over to the right direction he should be facing and enter the idle stance.
Being grabbed:
Most characters are usually never grabbed. I think should be a little humorous. The foe will grab Ridley’s head, immobilizing him. When they let go, the being weak hit animation should be used. Being hit in this animation will be the same as the weak hit animation.
Star animation:
He should spin in a circle (a loop – de –loop) like animation with his head following his tail in an almost complete circle.
Hitting the screen animation:
He should hit the screen upside down like every other character. He should look really mad though instead of shocked or surprised.
Being electrocuted:
He will stand in place, his standing animation stopped to one frame. It will jitter around the screen slightly, but with the same animation as the lightning effects move through the body.
Being set on fire:
He has blown up plenty of times. Use one of his many death animations. If it is just fire hitting him, use the proper weak/strong animations in their place.
Shield Animation:
His wings will stretch around his body and cover his upper half. The shield ball will also appear. –OR-
He raises his front arm, with his hand in front of his face and that is what he uses to clock. The shield will still appear.
Broken Shield Animation / death animation:
He will lurch back in the c like shape and then collapse to the ground.
Being stuck in the ground – via Pitfall or a special move:
It will look like his dying animation, but stuck in the ground. Use all appropriate animations for the rest like the other characters.
Item animations / Looks
Holding an item
Ridley will be in his idle animation, but one of his hands will be on the ground to hold him up and the other hand will hold the weapon close to his body.
Throwing an item forward
He will drop the item and while it is still in the air, he will flap his wings sending it flying forward.
Throwing an item up
He will wrap his tale around the item and throw it into the air.
Throwing an item Down
Ridley will drop the item and stamp on it.
Throw away an item
He will toss it back over his shoulder like everyone else. The way this will look is he will hold his hand palm up with the item in it. He will then flick his wrist and throw it over his body.
Swinging an item
Ridley will thrust it forward with the arm on the ground moving slightly back, his body moving slightly forward and the bat being horizontal.
Power Swinging the Baseball Bat
Ridley will slowly lean back using his body to lift his front half up. He will then put both hands on the bat and thrust it forward with massive force. It should look like he is using his giant hands to thrust a spear into someone.
Swing an Item in the air
He lifts his hand slightly over his head and swings it downward in a bludgeoning motion.
Wearing the bunny hood
The bunny hood will go on his head like every other character. The ears will be slicked back though to look like it is on crocked.
Wearing any badge
Any badge should go right in the middle of his forehead.
Carrying a crate
He will grab hold of the crate and hold the edge of it with his arm lying on the top. When he moves back, he drags the crate back with him. When he moves forward, he will grip the crate and drag it forward from the front (showing off his strength)
Throwing a crate
To throw the crate in any direction, Ridley will stab his tail through the box and throw it in any direction. This will damage the crate slightly, but will never make it break / explode.
Using the Fire Flower
Ridley will bite down on the flower and hold it in his mouth. When he wants to shot fire, he will open his mouth and fire the flames. It should almost look like he is shooting the flames himself and not the fire flower.
Holding the Hammer/Golden Hammer
While holding the hammer in one of his hands, he will put one hand on the ground and his other hand will move in the way the Hammers are always used. His walk looks normal, except for his motions being in more tune with the hammer than normal.
Ridding the dragoon parts
Ridley will grab the top of the dragoon parts and hold tight. He will then ride them like he would if he was holding on Samus ship and trying to puncture it. He will rush and fall like all other characters after the parts have been used.
Being frozen by a freeze
Ridley is in his strong damaged pose while encased in a block of ice. The ice should make it look like he was frozen to death on a barren planet.
Riding the Warpstar
He will then ride them like he would if he was holding on Samus ship and trying to puncture it. He will grip for life all the way until it hits the ground, where he will push off backwards before it hits the ground and land in the normal places where everyone else lands.
Eating the super spicy curry
Ridley will flap his wings violently, keep his mouth open and shot fire out of it. It should look like the fire is really coming from him normally. He should also appear to have more control over the heat even though he will move and act like all the other characters.
Using the RayGun
He will hold the gun under his arm like he would when he is holding an item. When he fires the gun, it will light, a his body will leer backward slightly and the blast will come out from under his arm so to speak.
Using the super Scope
He will fire this in a similar fashion to how he uses the Raygun. He never twirls the Super Scope, he just fires it.
Using the cracker Launcher
He will wrap his tail around the launcher and use it to fire the weapon. The tail will give the ability to raise and lower it naturally.
Moving while Shooting
He will walk using one hand and his two feet, with the gun tucked under him with the other hand.
Throw Trophy Base
He will wind his arm around the stand, lift his body slightly so it look like he is knelling, but his body is in a vertical position, he will then snap his arm and wrist, throwing the stand in any direction needed.
Attack animations – A Button
Normal A
He will jump forward and bite with his laws like he does in Metroid Prime 3 when fighting Omega ridley.
Combo A
He repeats the Biting motions from above but it a fluid manor. This move will be repeated two more times giving him no continuous combo and just a three hit combo. Done like omega Ridley does in Metroid Prime 3.
Running A
He will skid on the ground with his jaws open and dash to a halt. It looks similar to his smash Forward A attack, but there should be speed and running tendencies to the move. This move is done like Meta-Ridley in Metroid Prime 1.
Tilt Forward A
Ridley will Thrust his head forward, hitting with his sharp teeth. This move is similar to his neutral A, but should have more reach and should flow with the movement of walking.
Tilt Up A
Ridley will raise his body slightly in the air using his body as an attack. He should never have his feet leave the ground with this attack.
Tilt Down A
Ridley will raise his claw and throw it forward. The animation and look should be like Mecha Ridley from Zero Mission.
Smash Forward A
Ridley will charge up the attack with his hand raised in the air. When he attacks, he dashes forward with powerful force and uses his massive jaws as a weapon. This move is performed in Metroid Prime when Meta-Ridley is on the ground.
Smash Up A
Ridley will swing his tail in the air, thrashing it violently. This looks similar to what ridley would do in super metroid.
Smash Down A
Ridley will stand with arms slightly in the air and two green orbs will appear in his hands. He will then Smash the ground making electric vertical lines with orbs on either side appear and shoot out from where he hit the ground. The electric attacks do not flow to far away. This move is done exactly like Omega Ridley in Metroid Prime 3 during the second phase of the fight when Omega Ridley makes armor appear to cover his chest.
Duck A
While he is knelling down he should throw his hand forward like his down tilt A move. This move should also have the wings extend back slightly to add motion to the animation and it should slightly different from the Tilt Down A.
Air Neutral A
Ridley will Use his wings to push himself downwards Very fast. It looks just like what Omega Ridley does in Metroid Prime 3 when he takes flight near the end of his life during the battle.
Air Forward A
Spin in a circle with his wings appearing to wrap around him. Ridley performs this move in Metroid Prime.
Air Down A
Ridley will fling his tail under himself and strick anyone there. It should look like how Ridley X throws his tail in Metroid Fusion.
Air Back A
He will throw his tail behind him violently like he does in Zero Mission.
Air Up A
He will dash upwards in the air with great force like he does in the Omega Ridley fight in Metroid Prime 3 when he begins his flying pattern when his health is low.
Ledge Attack
Ridley will pull himself up and dash forward like he does in Metroid Prime 3 when fighting Omega ridley.
Attack animations – B Button / FS
Neutral B
Fire Blast: Ridley will throw back his head and gather a fire ball in his mouth. He will then throw a huge blast forward. If B is held, Ridley will create a larger fireball to launch.
Fire Blast: Ridley will fire a Huge blast if pressed. If held, he will stop in place (even in mid air) and Fire a continuous fire blast. It has large reach, but the farther an enemy is, the weaker the attack. While the move is being used, Moveing the Control stick will control the direction Ridley will move his head. The blast lasts for a short time and takes along time to recharge.
Forward B
Wing Flap: Ridley will flap his wings greatly, causing allot of wind to fly forward. This move does little damage, but it can keep foes away from him.
Down B
Rail Grind: He will fly back a bit and then stab his tail in the ground and drag it forward for a few steps.
Up B
Loop Spin: He will perform a majestic loop like maneuver. He will perform it as a 360, but if B is pushed again, he will level out at the height he was at and go into Glide mode.
Final Smash
Dragon Rush: Ridley will fly off the screen, damaging anyone in his path. He will then appear from behind and launch forward on a random enemy. If it connects, it is an instant KO. (Kind of like the dragoon parts.)
Attack animations – Grabs
Grab Animation
Ridley will lean back slightly moving more of his body off the ground. He will then thrust his arm forward with great speed and power grabbing the foe in front of him. The position of the hand is supposed to be the chest area. It looks like his claws have been impaled into the foes chest.
Running Grab animation
While he is flying forward, he will raise his arm and lunge it forward in a top-to forward roll like motion with it moving in the 3D plane. It will extend down to the strike where it will reach the same place as if he were standing.
Running Grab Missing animation
He will swing his hand and miss. Instead of rolling or looking like he messed up, Ridley will hit the ground and slide slightly. He will then recover back to his normal idle stance.
Pivot Grab
Ridley will stab his tail behind him turn around and pull the foe off his tail, thus entering his normal grabbing animations.
Hold Animation
The position of the hand is supposed to be the chest area. It looks like his claws have been impaled into the foes chest. He will breathe, but that motion is the only thing that will give him motion.
Attack Animation
Ridley will hit the captured enemy with his tail by spinning it like the old Metroid games.
Throw Forward
Ridley will real his arm back, pulling the foe closer to him. He will then bash them with his tail, sending them flying.
Throw Up
Ridley will stab his tail into the foe and start spinning his tail really fast. The speed will throw the enemy up into the air.
Throw Backward
Ridley will stab his tail into the person, pull them behind him and then use the strength of his tail to throw them away behind him.
Throw Down
Ridley will take the person he is holding and smash them into the ground he will then jump in the air and crush them, sending them flying away.
Taunts / Win poses
Up Taunt
Ridley will stand up showing of his entire size and stretch his wings showing how big he actually is.
Right Taunt
Ridley's tail will flicker, raise into the air and flicker again before resting down on the ground.
Down Taunt
He will stomp his foot onto the ground and roar like he does in Brawl.
Left Taunt
He will stomp his foot onto the ground and roar like he does in Brawl.
Win pose 1
He will stomp his foot onto the ground and roar like he does in Brawl.
Win pose 2
He will fly in a loop, hover for a second and then fly away.
Win pose 3
He will hop with his tail like he does in the old 2D metroids.
He will put his hand over his face in a face palm like expression and just stand there with his head leaning towards the ground.