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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
*points at SuperAces quotation of me* i cant ****ing believe i wrote "[/SONIC]" instead of "[/QUOTE]". i must be losing it.

anyways, leave out Sonic Riders and possibly SatSR as well. theres pletny of moveset goodness without em. oh and im not sure if more than one smash ball can appear at once...thatll be insane though were it possible

**** man i completely forgot about emul---er i mean purchasing consoles on ebay. a Visual Bo-- er Game Boy Advance must be mad cheap now


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2007
In your house!
u cant do it at the same time...at least i thnk so. the smash ball can only be used once but im not really sure wut Sakurai means by it
He said that it would be a last ditch effort that can only be used once. Per character. I think. Not completely sure though. It probably depends on the type of Final Smash. Or how frequently the item appears.

Oh, and Del, It happens. It's good that you actually script it. (I'm lazy, I just press quote).
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
He said that it would be a last ditch effort that can only be used once. Per character. I think. Not completely sure though. It probably depends on the type of Final Smash. Or how frequently the item appears.

Oh, and Del, It happens. It's good that you actually script it. (I'm lazy, I just press quote).
wut i thot was that the item could only appear once

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
*sigh* you HAD to remind me...i need a GBA again. im hoping theyll just made a Gameboy Player for Wii since the GC one supposedly doesnt work. then ill be able to catch up on some handheld Sonic goodness...err...minus Sonic Advance 3
Fun Fact about Sonic Battle:

Sonic was the THIRD fastest character in that game.

Shadow was the SECOND fastest, and was better than Sonic in everyway. Shadow to Sonic Battle is Fox to Melee. Sonic = Roy while Shadow = Marth.

Emerl (exclusive) is the FASTEST character in this game. Emerl to Sonic Battle is like having a character from Melee that has Falco's Combos, Marth's Reach, Sheik's Agility, Fox's Speed, Jigglypuff's Aerial combat and Peach's/Samus' Endurance combined.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i belive sonic is in brawl, nd the idea of super sonic was good, but how he returns in the air to the plataform?

i second that. english please, UltimateDragonMagna?
Fun Fact about Sonic Battle:

Sonic was the THIRD fastest character in that game.

Shadow was the SECOND fastest, and was better than Sonic in everyway. Shadow to Sonic Battle is Fox to Melee. Sonic = Roy while Shadow = Marth.
first off, marth is slightly above fox in melee...the old tier lists are crap (i know therell be a debate about this)...
2nd: i cant believe they made Sonic below Shadow for once, thats weird. in fact i think all the games post SA2 have been trying to prove how unequal they are (especially Shadow the Hedgehog)


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
OH crap. This just in from Gamespot, Regarding TGS:

"Nintendo was notably absent from the exhibitor list, although a spokesperson for the company told GameSpot that its absence from the initial lineup did not necessarily mean it would not be present. They said, "We've not announced our plans yet for TGS 2007. Although it is worth nothing that we haven't taken part in many TGS events over the last few years--so were we not to be present it would not be unusual.""

Will we not get to see brawl again?


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
B up: Lightning Jump
Curls up into the ball and then is directly controllable with the control stick, meaning you can go one direction but instantaneously start moving another. This recover has medium/low range, but makes up for it since it's unpredictable.

B Side: Ring Toss
Ground: Tosses a ring in an arc. Doing so hurts him 5%, while the ring hurts enemies for 5% as well, as long as they are touching it (so it can rack up if they don't get out of the way). The ring will bounce on the ground for a few seconds until it disappears, but Sonic can also go over it an recollect it to regain his 5% health.
Air: Tosses the ring 45 degrees downward. In other respects it's similar to the ground move in that you lose health but regain it by collecting the ring again.

B Neutral: Ring Scatter
A very different kind of counter attack. When done on its own, Sonic just air dodges. But, when done during an enemy's attack, Sonic does his classic hurt stance and gets knocked back a small bit like in the games, and rings shoot out. There is one ring for every 5% damage dealt to Sonic, which he can recollect afterwards to completely regain all damage dealt in the enemy attack. All enemies that get hit by the rings surrounding Sonic suffer the normal damage and knockback of the original attack.

B down: Spindash/Bounce
Ground: Does the charge up spin dash that every other moveset has mentioned.
Air: Sonic shoots towards the ground and then bounces up a bit. Horizontal movement controllable like normal aerial movement. Does small damage and low knockback, but is so beastly fast and can be repeated very quickly (as soon as it leaves the ground) for super bouncy pain.

So how about that moveset, guys?

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Will we not get to see brawl again?
Will you stop ****ing around and reach your 300th post already?

but seriously, i wasnt looking forward to TGS anyways....hell i didnt even know what is was til like 2 weeks ago
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
B up: Lightning Jump
Curls up into the ball and then is directly controllable with the control stick, meaning you can go one direction but instantaneously start moving another. This recover has medium/low range, but makes up for it since it's unpredictable.

B Side: Ring Toss
Ground: Tosses a ring in an arc. Doing so hurts him 5%, while the ring hurts enemies for 5% as well, as long as they are touching it (so it can rack up if they don't get out of the way). The ring will bounce on the ground for a few seconds until it disappears, but Sonic can also go over it an recollect it to regain his 5% health.
Air: Tosses the ring 45 degrees downward. In other respects it's similar to the ground move in that you lose health but regain it by collecting the ring again.

B Neutral: Ring Scatter
A very different kind of counter attack. When done on its own, Sonic just air dodges. But, when done during an enemy's attack, Sonic does his classic hurt stance and gets knocked back a small bit like in the games, and rings shoot out. There is one ring for every 5% damage dealt to Sonic, which he can recollect afterwards to completely regain all damage dealt in the enemy attack. All enemies that get hit by the rings surrounding Sonic suffer the normal damage and knockback of the original attack.

B down: Spindash/Bounce
Ground: Does the charge up spin dash that every other moveset has mentioned.
Air: Sonic shoots towards the ground and then bounces up a bit. Horizontal movement controllable like normal aerial movement. Does small damage and low knockback, but is so beastly fast and can be repeated very quickly (as soon as it leaves the ground) for super bouncy pain.

So how about that moveset, guys?
wheres the lightning jump from? the ring ones are kinda weird but i see how get them.
hold on imma think up a moveset now cuz im bored

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i like the down+B variation alot acutally...its pretty sexy. i just dont like the ring projectile stuff...and the up+B is a terrible variation of the lightning shield jump from Sonic 3, i cant possibly see what you were going for there


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
B up: Lightning Jump
Curls up into the ball and then is directly controllable with the control stick, meaning you can go one direction but instantaneously start moving another. This recover has medium/low range, but makes up for it since it's unpredictable.

B Side: Ring Toss
Ground: Tosses a ring in an arc. Doing so hurts him 5%, while the ring hurts enemies for 5% as well, as long as they are touching it (so it can rack up if they don't get out of the way). The ring will bounce on the ground for a few seconds until it disappears, but Sonic can also go over it an recollect it to regain his 5% health.
Air: Tosses the ring 45 degrees downward. In other respects it's similar to the ground move in that you lose health but regain it by collecting the ring again.

B Neutral: Ring Scatter
A very different kind of counter attack. When done on its own, Sonic just air dodges. But, when done during an enemy's attack, Sonic does his classic hurt stance and gets knocked back a small bit like in the games, and rings shoot out. There is one ring for every 5% damage dealt to Sonic, which he can recollect afterwards to completely regain all damage dealt in the enemy attack. All enemies that get hit by the rings surrounding Sonic suffer the normal damage and knockback of the original attack.

B down: Spindash/Bounce
Ground: Does the charge up spin dash that every other moveset has mentioned.
Air: Sonic shoots towards the ground and then bounces up a bit. Horizontal movement controllable like normal aerial movement. Does small damage and low knockback, but is so beastly fast and can be repeated very quickly (as soon as it leaves the ground) for super bouncy pain.

So how about that moveset, guys?
B+Up looks good to me.

B+Side looks a bit difficult to use

B Neutral/B+Down.. I think they should be switched. And the ring scatter is interesting but.. probably will be broken.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Del Monkey: The ring stuff does seem fairly convoluted, but I liked having the Ring scatter at least, to reference the good ol' days.
I don't actually know what the lightning shield jump you're talking about is. It's been awhile since I played any of the real Sonic games... unless you just mean the magnetic shield? No matter, I'm changing the name to "Sonic Saw" instead. It's not really from any particular game, I just couldn't think of anything else.

Hmm, maybe Side B can be changed so you push Side B but then you can angle the direction the ring is tossed, then it'd fall down, and the longer you hold the B button the further it'll be tossed.

Hmm, why switch B neutral and B down? In the classic games didn't you push down and the button to rev up the spindash? And for an aerial move that shoots you downward... well, that seems like a down B move to me...

And, meh, if Ring scatter'd be broken then it could be modified, like only doing half the damage/knockback, or only the damage etc.
But, Roy's counter, which would often do more than the initial attack, didn't end up being broken really. And the fact that Sonic still does technically suffer damage seems to be a pretty good equilizer, as long as the opponent can prevent him from picking them back up.

Also, forgot to mention, if there are multiple sonics on the same team, maybe they could toss rings at each other and trade up health so instead of having someone on the brink of death you could make both have medium damage to keep both players in the game longer, or when they are about to die toss out rings so the other can live on.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Del Monkey: The ring stuff does seem fairly convoluted, but I liked having the Ring scatter at least, to reference the good ol' days.
I don't actually know what the lightning shield jump you're talking about is. It's been awhile since I played any of the real Sonic games... unless you just mean the magnetic shield? No matter, I'm changing the name to "Sonic Saw" instead. It's not really from any particular game, I just couldn't think of anything else.
first off, its Money not Monkey. second, iguess the ring is more innovative but the whole auto-air dodge if not attacked thing is a little weird. it could screw up Sonic's metagame big time


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
First I'd like to say, the very first video game I layed my hands on when I was little was Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic holds a special place in my heart, and I sincerely hope that he will make it into Brawl.

Now back on topic:
The ring idea is very innovative and unique, and does seem like a definite possibilty, but I would prefer to have the rings make a more subtle appearance. I think it would be sweet if when Mario did his up+B to Sonic, rings would fly out of sonic instead of coins. What do you guys think?

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Any of you people have played Sonic the Fighters or Sonic Battle and think some of the move sets from those should be put into Brawl? Many of the moves in Sonic the Fighters are pretty similar to some characters moves in Melee. I don't think it would be too weird to put things like this in for Sonic's move set. Taking moves from his previous fighting games has always seemed the best way to go, IMO.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
First I'd like to say, the very first video game I layed my hands on when I was little was Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic holds a special place in my heart, and I sincerely hope that he will make it into Brawl.

Now back on topic:
The ring idea is very innovative and unique, and does seem like a definite possibilty, but I would prefer to have the rings make a more subtle appearance. I think it would be sweet if when Mario did his up+B to Sonic, rings would fly out of sonic instead of coins. What do you guys think?
thats actually an interesting thought. since more like an easter egg than a gameplay thing. but cool nonetheless
Any of you people have played Sonic the Fighters or Sonic Battle and think some of the move sets from those should be put into Brawl? Many of the moves in Sonic the Fighters are pretty similar to some characters moves in Melee. I don't think it would be too weird to put things like this in for Sonic's move set. Taking moves from his previous fighting games has always seemed the best way to go, IMO.
we've definitely known that since like page 2...but thanks anyways


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Don't yell at anyone for their post counts Del, not everyone can go through 1k in two weeks. I've been in the 600's for a long time now.
And BTW, a lot of people are going to confuse your name with "monkey" so get used to it.

Incorporating rings is a very interesting idea. It seems rather clunky and awkward, but cooky and unique nevertheless. And, whether fortunate or not, Sakurai is going just for those qualities. So he may very well do something along those lines. Didn't really think of them beforehand....


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
First I'd like to say, the very first video game I layed my hands on when I was little was Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic holds a special place in my heart, and I sincerely hope that he will make it into Brawl.

Now back on topic:
The ring idea is very innovative and unique, and does seem like a definite possibilty, but I would prefer to have the rings make a more subtle appearance. I think it would be sweet if when Mario did his up+B to Sonic, rings would fly out of sonic instead of coins. What do you guys think?
That would make sense, I think their should be a good lot of easter eggs when it concerns both Mario and Sonic.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Don't yell at anyone for their post counts Del, not everyone can go through 1k in two weeks. I've been in the 600's for a long time now.
dear lord...i was joking
And BTW, a lot of people are going to confuse your name with "monkey" so get used to it.
only if theyre blind, maybe. "money" is a word too
Incorporating rings is a very interesting idea. It seems rather clunky and awkward, but cooky and unique nevertheless. And, whether fortunate or not, Sakurai is going just for those qualities. So he may very well do something along those lines. Didn't really think of them beforehand....
it seems creative enough, yeah
That would make sense, I think their should be a good lot of easter eggs when it concerns both Mario and Sonic.
like what else?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
You know what? I MIGHT be bored enough to do a Sonic moveset.

Not likely though...

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
yeah i decided to advertise for a new forum that Creo is an admin for and all Cero had to do for me was sign the petition. also i decided that bold was the way to go. the GamersValue forum is supposed to be like SWF except with less n00bs and more activity but its currently only got 55 members.

oh and im currently on the Sega boards eavesdropping to pick up more info on Sonic progress (if there is such a thing anymore in this day and age)

Sonic 4 Brawl

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
yeah i decided to advertise for a new forum that Creo is an admin for and all Cero had to do for me was sign the petition. also i decided that bold was the way to go. the GamersValue forum is supposed to be like SWF except with less n00bs and more activity but its currently only got 55 members.

oh and im currently on the Sega boards eavesdropping to pick up more info on Sonic progress (if there is such a thing anymore in this day and age)

Sonic 4 Brawl
I see what you mean. Since Sonic Nex-Gen, I feel that Sega and Sonic progress is moving 1 step forward, and about a good 1 mile back every time a new game is made...

Also, I signed up.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Hey--we should do a moveset contest in this thread to, Del.
yeah? when someone else can judge that one...i got my hands full with the Bomberman thread contest, increasing my posts, and cooking dinner which i havent eaten yet and its already 9:30pm
I see what you mean. Since Sonic Nex-Gen, I feel that Sega and Sonic progress is moving 1 step forward, and about a good 1 mile back every time a new game is made...

Also, I signed up.
nice. the more active members (with intellect) the better. i want to think that Sega has gotten so bad that the one way they can go now is up...however if they dont include Sonic in brawl the only way therell go up is...in flames

Sonic 4 BRawl

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
yeah? when someone else can judge that one...i got my hands full with the Bomberman thread contest, increasing my posts, and cooking dinner which i havent eaten yet and its already 9:30pm
nice. the more active members (with intellect) the better. i want to think that Sega has gotten so bad that the one way they can go now is up...however if they dont include Sonic in brawl the only way therell go up is...in flames

Sonic 4 BRawl

Wow 9:30pm? Its 8:44 here.

@ your last sentence: BaZiiiiNg!


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
I believe that's 3 times in this thread in the past 2 weeks that SiD has called himself God....If I had a superpower, it would be to shoot spaghetti out of my fingertips, because no one wants to be covered in spaghetti. I would like to cover SiD in spaghetti, he's very egotistical.

*Covers SiD in spaghetti*
Take your spaghetti, you're very egotistical.
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