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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
I would love for him to be in Brawl but I know he stands no chance but there are plenty of original moves he could use that are mainly exclusive to him so he wouldn't play at all like Sonic,but in the end he will probaly just be a different skin for Sonic.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I am totally against Shadow being in the game.. He IS cool, but he is a clone no doubt, even in the Sonic games he is a clone... Maybe a different costume..

LOVE Shadow.
TOTAL clone material.
Deserves to be a skin change.

Puffy Fox

Smash Rookie
May 24, 2006
Sonic would be awsome, and would have to be fast, and there are alot of moves he could have. I like the idea, but I dont think it will happen.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007

LOVE Shadow.
TOTAL clone material.
Deserves to be a skin change.
Yeah, actually, contradicting myself.. He is cool and I want him in the game.. but he will be a clone and if Sonic gets in. He should be an alternate costume.. So..

Shadow = Sonic Clone
Shadow is cool.
If Sonic is in Brawl, Shadow = Sonic costume.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
sorry I haven't been in this thread for a while.

But with my Sonic and Secret Rings Experience, I actually enjoyed it, and found it to be the best Sonic Game in a decade. Sonic and Knuckles to me was the last great Sonic game I remebered and I went back to Nintendo in 96/97. Sonic has had a bad run ever since he's hit the 3d world. But I felt Secret Rings they finally found something that works nicely.

And just hearing that line at the end: "I'm not a rat, I'm a Hedgehog". Sounds so cool and reminds of what Sonic used to be like once... Cool!

What I liked most about Sonic and the Secret Rings too is that most of the stages have their freedom and you can just run and flick by a stage like that.

The thing about Sonic games in the past is that you always had a choice to explore or just do a run, and I felt Secret Rings brought me back to that deal. Though it did enquire you to explore and get to know the area there were still these awesome skills you could pick up, use them to blaze through stages.

Sonic can get so fast when you get the necessary skills. And that's why I loved Sonic he was all about Speed again. And he didn't have tails or anyone to slow him down like we saw in Adventure. Plus there was nothing here that made his experience cute. No Chao, No tails, no Amy Rose, No Cream. It was Sonic the Lone Hedgehog.
And I thought the graphics were pretty good too, and I loved what they did with the Wii-mote.

By the way I got nothing against there was a time when I loved Tails I just feel bad cause Adventure really misused him and as you grow up and watch the cartoons, you realise Tails was picked on so badly, and that Sonic was always and will always be cooler. Because Sonic can Run. Tails was much better when he couldn't keep up.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i had my doubts about sonic and the secret rings in the beginning just because of the whole rollercoaster movement thing. Sonic is all about speed and level exploration and i thought the game confined it to a simple rollercoaster ride. although i havent played it myself and ive heard more good than bad.

personally id prefer a Sonic Adventure style movement game with a better camera, less voice-acting, no huntings/shooting/terrible TERRIBLE fishing, and no glitches. that was what i hoped Sonic 2006 wouldve been. i read somewhere it was originally gonna be a 3D reamke of the first Sonic game. i wonder what the hell happened. i personally think Sonic translates well to 3D but that Sega has gotten lazy and half@$$ed their products. you would think that dropping out of the console race would make em pay attention to their games more.

on a side note: Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty good


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
i had my doubts about sonic and the secret rings in the beginning just because of the whole rollercoaster movement thing. Sonic is all about speed and level exploration and i thought the game confined it to a simple rollercoaster ride. although i havent played it myself and ive heard more good than bad.

personally id prefer a Sonic Adventure style movement game with a better camera, less voice-acting, no huntings/shooting/terrible TERRIBLE fishing, and no glitches. that was what i hoped Sonic 2006 wouldve been. i read somewhere it was originally gonna be a 3D reamke of the first Sonic game. i wonder what the hell happened. i personally think Sonic translates well to 3D but that Sega has gotten lazy and half@$$ed their products. you would think that dropping out of the console race would make em pay attention to their games more.

on a side note: Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty good

I wish they would just do like Viewtiful Joe or Super New Mario Bros...... 2D world 3D elements, I know thats gonna happen for Sonic Rush Adventure 2 for DS....... Sonic's 2D games are the best and thats what we need.....unless they really think through the whole 3D thing because Sonic Adventure 2 was good. Maybe SEGA has lost their touch, just hope they get it back.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
I wish they would just do like Viewtiful Joe or Super New Mario Bros...... 2D world 3D elements, I know thats gonna happen for Sonic Rush Adventure 2 for DS....... Sonic's 2D games are the best and thats what we need.....unless they really think through the whole 3D thing because Sonic Adventure 2 was good. Maybe SEGA has lost their touch, just hope they get it back.
QFT, i want Capcom to do something similar with the original or the MM X franchises

i recently rented Sonic and the secret rings and thought that while it was creative in its idea, it sucked hardcore in execution. The comic book like cutscenes and poorly written script and voice acting was terrible. Im looking forward to playing sonic rush when i get my DS today.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
QFT, i want Capcom to do something similar with the original or the MM X franchises

i recently rented Sonic and the secret rings and thought that while it was creative in its idea, it sucked hardcore in execution. The comic book like cutscenes and poorly written script and voice acting was terrible. Im looking forward to playing sonic rush when i get my DS today.
remind me when the voice-acting in any Sonic game was good again...
Vector The Crocodile said:
its funny how sonic and the secret rings was supposed to be the anti-Sonic Adventure and yet people still say it sucks. its making me wonder whether that should be the first game i get when i finally buy a Wii anymore. but ive always been a true blue Sonic fan so ill probably buy it anyways. hell, i bought Shadow The Hedgehog and i actually liked it


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
remind me when the voice-acting in any Sonic game was good again...
it was good when there was no voice acting

its funny how sonic and the secret rings was supposed to be the anti-Sonic Adventure and yet people still say it sucks. its making me wonder whether that should be the first game i get when i finally buy a Wii anymore. but ive always been a true blue Sonic fan so ill probably buy it anyways. hell, i bought Shadow The Hedgehog and i actually liked it
i highly reccomned you rent before you buy. its one of those games you either hate or love


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
True, i haven't heard of anyone who thought it was ok. People like it or don't like it. I bought it and hated it so that was a waste of $. You should rent first like he said.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
it was good when there was no voice acting

no i meant since when was the voice-acting ever good to begin with. it definitely sucked in every 3D Sonic ive played

i highly reccomned you rent before you buy. its one of those games you either hate or love
meh i guess. i havent rented a game in like forever though, of course i havent bought a new game in like forever either until recently...Zelda Collector's Edition for GC 4 Games in 1...SO FRIGGIN HAPPY). but back on topic, i usually wait like 10+ months after the games release and then buy it on ebay anyways for like 40% retail price. i usually look at reviews first but ive lost faith in those since gamespot said the guns in shadow the hedgehog are pointless. for God's sake, im not gonna spend an hour taking out larger enemies homing attacks


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
*Off topic*I think I've gone a bit too overboard with the buying of games.. I've had the PS2 since.. idk how long really.. and I already have more 360 games than my PS2.

*On Topic.. I think* Why are there so many blue characters haha... I don't agree with the arguement "Too much blue" but blue will attact attention since its a well loved color?

Sonic voice acting sucks.. SOME are well placed.. but often followed by some odd ones.. Not to say this will be his falling point and why he won't be in the game.

Resident Evil voice acting was outright horrible.. But look how much games they made and how popular it is even with some lemon games. (Sound familiar?)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFVO-8JQQKM .... JIBBLE SANDWICH!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
its the prime example of voice-acting flaws in Sonic games. its in the Comsic Fall level of Shadow the Hedgehog, where Vector is your side character and repeats that same line consistently. if you look it up on youtube, youll hear exactly why its the prime example


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2007
Sonic would be so cool in smash, espcually if you have played super smash flash, you would understand why.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
cant check out that link now, im at work (even though my boss hasnt yet given me a new project to work on). but ill def check it out when i get home...if this game is as good as you say then i might have to postpone my working out-and-then-counterstrike routine for tomorrow

on topic: Sonic for brawl!

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
1. Eggman & Bowser: i can see Eggman failing at most of the events (He isn't seen exercising much) and Bowser winning much of the Power type competitions and then losing on the speed type or racing (Unless he uses fire to burn the racers to ashes).
I don't think that any characters size or talents will matter in the game.They will probably all be equal.

2. Mario/Sonic-Equal Amounts of characters?: Here is a small list on what the coordinating characters are in the game.

It showed Peach opposite Knuckles,but there was mention of Yoshi being in the game.

3. Story Mode- I know that usually Mario spinoffs don't have that much of a story, but this is being developed by SEGA (Not Nintendo). Sega is more known to put stories in their spinoff games (Sonic Shuffle had a story, Knuckles Chaotix & Tails Adventure had a story). So could this mean this game will have a plot of some sort? I have a possible story includeing a possible ending. Here it goes: It all starts as a friendly meeting & then some just as friendly competition. But then i see Eggman & Bowser somehow working together to make sure THEY are considered the winners of the games. Which ends up in Sonic & Mario having to team up in events against Bowser's henchman & Eggman's robots. And a possible ending is that they defeat Eggman & Bowser in a final, last event. And as reward from the owner of the games, he gives BOTH Sonic & Mario a golden medal. Thus ending as friendly competitors, rather then fierce enemies. Go ahead and flame me if it sounds stupid, but if it includes a story and is rated E with all the innocent events going on PLUS Sega is developing it (Sega Spinoffs have Stories). This is a possibility.
That will pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
3. Story Mode- I know that usually Mario spinoffs don't have that much of a story, but this is being developed by SEGA (Not Nintendo). Sega is more known to put stories in their spinoff games (Sonic Shuffle had a story, Knuckles Chaotix & Tails Adventure had a story). So could this mean this game will have a plot of some sort? I have a possible story includeing a possible ending. Here it goes: It all starts as a friendly meeting & then some just as friendly competition. But then i see Eggman & Bowser somehow working together to make sure THEY are considered the winners of the games. Which ends up in Sonic & Mario having to team up in events against Bowser's henchman & Eggman's robots. And a possible ending is that they defeat Eggman & Bowser in a final, last event. And as reward from the owner of the games, he gives BOTH Sonic & Mario a golden medal. Thus ending as friendly competitors, rather then fierce enemies. Go ahead and flame me if it sounds stupid, but if it includes a story and is rated E with all the innocent events going on PLUS Sega is developing it (Sega Spinoffs have Stories). This is a possibility.
that screams Mario party with Sonic and friends included and Eggman as Bowsers new lackey...of maybe the other way around. nonetheless the Mario Party games dont seem to get enough respect and so i doubt this one will either. its only advantage is that its Sonc and Mario together in a video game for the 1st time (or the 2nd if Sonic is in brawl)


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
A Mario and Sonic Adventure game would be freaking amazing......to me that is cause we still have people out there that hate the idea. Just imagine Mario some how bumping into Sonic because Amy and Peach get kidnapped by Eggman and Bowser working together...... now it's up to Mario and Luigi and Sonic and Tails to save them. Something really cool that grabs all gamers by the heart.

If they continue with the spin off games like M&S at the Olympics they might just shoot for an all action packed Mario and Sonic game. That would be the day..... and I can shove it in my brother's face that Mario and Sonic can get along just fine.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
It won't even get released if it got an AO rating. ****ing Nintendo and Sony refused to allow Manhunt 2 on their systems after it got that rating. Dispicable if you ask me.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
without it we wouldn't have video games, its the only thing that lets us blame the parents on the effect of violent videogames on children


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2006
so much heat on this thread

and we wonder why people start wars ....haha

over the stupid stuff

i still hope sonic remains out of the game...but whatever...it;s fine either way

lets all take a chill pill --please

we're all here cause we love smash

so we owe it to our community to get along as best we can

: )

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Uhhh we had video games before we had ratings dude

so much heat on this thread

and we wonder why people start wars ....haha

over the stupid stuff

i still hope sonic remains out of the game...but whatever...it;s fine either way

lets all take a chill pill --please

we're all here cause we love smash

so we owe it to our community to get along as best we can

: )
this must be your inner-peace kicking in. except for the fact your anti-Sonc for brawl in a thread that predominently supports him, but opinions are opinions and youre entitled to them.

only negativity i have is towards Sonic's ability to brawl assuming he becomes a playable. what the heck would his up+B be? ive seemed movesets all over this thread but none of em seem to give me peace of mind


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
only negativity i have is towards Sonic's ability to brawl assuming he becomes a playable. what the heck would his up+B be? ive seemed movesets all over this thread but none of em seem to give me peace of mind
Maybe one of the springs from the earlier Sonic titles could materialize beneath Sonic. It would then propel Sonic upward with that classic "BOING" sound. To me that seems like the only way to have Sonic's up+B, and still give it a Sonic feel.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Ok,I figure since Del Money mentioned it,I'll make my own Sonic moveset.Granted I don't know any of the fancy lingo,I think you'll get the message.

A Attacks
A-Two basic jabs and a third kick

Up Smash-Breakdance kick

Down Smash-Sweep (Think mario)

Side Smash-Somersault Kick (from Sonic Advance games)

B Attacks

B-Spindash (Think Jigglypuff's roll)

Side B-Homing Attack (Sonic Adventure games)

Down B-Bounce (Sonic Adventure 2)

Up B-Sonic Wind (Sonic Adventure 2)

Ground Attacks
Running Tap A-Rolls into a ball (all Sonic games)

Crouch A-One legged sweep

Up A- Upward Punch

Walking A-High Kick

Ariel attacks

Side A-Foward Drill (think mario's side A but with reverse direction)

Down A-Stomp (Think C.Faclon)

Back A-Back Kick

Up A-Rotational kick (usually a ground move [see sonic battle],but would be utilized in midair)

Final Smash-Either Chaos Control (The other characters and background turn to negative coloring and Sonic has temporary time to attack his opponents) or Super Sonic (Like Pikachu's Final Smash.)

What do you guys think of it? It's not as in depth or thought out as I could do,but it's a good quickie I think.
Well,I think that's everything.Not a fantastic moveset,as I didn't take time to get incredibly original,but I think it covers all the bases.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
It won't even get released if it got an AO rating. ****ing Nintendo and Sony refused to allow Manhunt 2 on their systems after it got that rating. Dispicable if you ask me.
That brings up why we should even have an AO rating..... if a game has an AO rating most stores or companies will refuse to sell it in their store..... Maybe due to more adult gamers we will see AO on game shelves........wow we went to Sonic in brawl to ratings ??? back to topic a Sonic and Mario game will probably never have an AO rating.

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
KillSwitch,you have one of,if not my favorite sigs on the board.Awesome picture and perfect color contrast.Anyway,there will never be a game where Mario or Sonic (if in Brawl) that would get over a Teen rating.
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