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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
sorry admins for the double post but something ******** caught my attention...

We do not need Sonic in this game. If he gets in, I will be disappointed. I love Sonic and all, but no.
how can you be a Sonic fan and NOT WANT TO PIT HIM AGAINST MARIO?


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
he knows that its just not right to have him in.
Nothing is "wronger" than Snake and yet he's in it.

Snake is an M character from an M game and the version of him in SSBB was from MGS2, which never even appeared on a Nintendo console and the majority of his games have NOT been on Nintendo hardware.

If Snake is in, than ANYTHING goes.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
he knows that its just not right to have him in.
is that so? brawl is only hope to save Sonic. Mario & Sonic at the Olympics will be a joke. nobody knows Sonic anymore except from the classic genesis days. ill bet at the very least 50 % of the US population doesnt know that Sonic has reached 3 dimensions


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
What exactly did you point out? You don't know anything about what is going on behind the scenes of these companies. You know nothing. And if Sonic does end up in Brawl, man will that be great to "point out" to you.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
hoo boy. Lord Kirby, i had tons of respect for your opinion that people should stop automatically assuming Sonic is a given shoe-in for brawl until:

1. you automatically assumed Sonic was a given shoe-OUT for brawl based on nothing but speculation and no web-browser-viewable evidence

2. your arguments started sounding childish

look at the atrocity you wrote here:
point him out then. i would own sonic n e ways.
youve indirectly admitted that there is a possibility of Sonic being brawl by saying you would own him. Sonic may or may not be in brawl.

Sonc chances are both good and bad:

- good because hes the most wanted 3rd party character and has appeared in more Nintendo systems than any other company (except Sega in the past of course) and although this is far from definitive evidence of Sonic in brawl, he is collaborating in a future game with Mario

- bad because we havent seen any reassurance that Sonic will be included; bad because Sega's intentions havent been made clear; and finally (although somewhat less likely) because theres only 1 or 2 spots left for playable 3rd party characters and other 3rd party companies may have gotten back to Nintendo before Sega (e.g. Capcom, Hudson, or maybe Ubisoft or even Naughty Dog)


Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
what naughty dog characters could make it in brawl?!?!!?
try Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, they definitely pwn the prerequisites for being playable brawl characters. they just dont have a big enough fanbaseto give them a reasonable chance of making it in. personally i think Crash is the shizzle but i have no control over who gets into brawl or not. but who knows what will happen, like ive been trying to tell Lord Kirby no one outside the brawl development team knows who will be in and who wont be in brawl (that satisfy the prerequisites)


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
crash dies after only one hit though unless he has his vodoo mask on, and that series has been milked into the ground anyways, same with spryo

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
crash dies after only one hit though unless he has his vodoo mask on, and that series has been milked into the ground anyways, same with spryo
just cuz their series' have been sucking after their glory days on their former console, doesnt make them less of a potential candidate for brawl. if you need a prime example, look no further than the title of this thread


Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2007
southern michigan
dude props to del money he singal handedly shut down this thread in one post because its true no one knows. Yes i can see how many fans of sonic are our there but if you cant do better than the moveset provided on the first page good luck getting him in brawl. I mean seriously the bounce attack?!!?!? Whats stopping from spamming that move to the max and while ending up back in the air afterwards leaves that move open for endless combos. and all the speed your move set has provided for him. Everyone knows that speed is a huge part of melee as it is. before you say that is acinine look at bowser for example. normaly a ****ty character, but as soon as you add in L-canceling and wave-dashing, well you all have seen what gimby-fish has done with him. So the moves you ahve provided leave sonic with little to no lag time on any of his special attacks making him a god like character with no way to balance him.

So. before you say GO SONIC FOR BRAWL lok at other things besides that he's a cool character, because he is we all know that but the way he's been described he's god so look at the balancing befor everyone goes saying he is the best possible choice for brawl.


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
Wow Lord Kirby your actinng like the anti sonic fans on Gamefaqs "Sonic will NOT be in"

That does irk me mainly because atleast people who want Sonic in admit to the fact that he may not be in and it is all up to Sakurai. But people like you come in acting as if you are Sakurai and you know the final character roster. I don't know much about Ridely because I don't play Metriod but its stupid for me to go into a thread discussing Ridely and go like "Zomg u nubs Ridely will NOT BE IN". When infact I have no more knowledge than the general gaming public on the matter.

In short, you are NOT Sakurai and you are NOT the president of Sega so you don't know what they've decided. At this point it could go either way so stop pretending you know something the general public doesn't.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
ugh...did sega do anything yet?
Ok, so you say:

"Sonic won't be in Brawl because Sega hasn't told us that he is."

This is just like saying:

"They're not throwing me a surprise birthday party because they haven't told me they're going to throw me one."

Seriously, Sonic being in Brawl would be a huge surprise, which is why they won't tell us right away because it would spoil the surprise.

Snake was a huge surprise. Sonic would be too. My guess is they're holding off on the announcement to generate more hype at some point later down the line.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Ok, so you say:

"Sonic won't be in Brawl because Sega hasn't told us that he is."

This is just like saying:

"They're not throwing me a surprise birthday party because they haven't told me they're going to throw me one."

Seriously, Sonic being in Brawl would be a huge surprise, which is why they won't tell us right away because it would spoil the surprise.

Snake was a huge surprise. Sonic would be too. My guess is they're holding off on the announcement to generate more hype at some point later down the line.
Exactly, release the veteran characters so all the hardcores will shut up (hehe).. Then maybe Sonic will be the last minute release since he is the most requested and what not.

There are many marketing schemes that companies work off of.. It was like.. Show off some of the goods (Snake, Wario, ZSS, Pit, MetaKnight) so we know they are throwing some new characters in.. Then release veterans with some new stages, music, items so we don't get bored.. And last minute we get a huge suprise and will make us want to buy the game even more.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
Sonic and his friends will make a great addition,including an assist trophie of a caterkiller or those eggman robot and maybe egg man or Amy.Lucario is a nintendo character put him in!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Sonic and his friends will make a great addition,including an assist trophie of a caterkiller or those eggman robot and maybe egg man or Amy. Lucario is a nintendo character put him in!
Save that thought for the Lucario shrine?

Got Blood?

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2006
Wow,someone in here is an idiot,though I won't say whom.Anyway,although there is no evidence going either way,here is how I see things playing out:

Realistically: Sonic won't be in the game

Fanboyism: Sonic will be in the game and will be my other main besides Mario.:grin:


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Wow,someone in here is an idiot,though I won't say whom.Anyway,although there is no evidence going either way,here is how I see things playing out:

Realistically: Sonic won't be in the game

Fanboyism: Sonic will be in the game and will be my other main besides Mario.:grin:
I'm not a real fanboy of Sonic though I did like some of his games.

I live by the fact that Nintendo let Sega use Mario characters in Mario & Sonic go to the Olympics. So in turn it would make sense to let "The Studio"(Nintendo) have some rights to Sonic characters to use him in Brawl.

Though this is just speculation it makes sense. I'm not saying he IS in the game, I'm saying it is highly reasonable.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I agree with onyx... along with the fact that (as it's been previously noted) that Sonic was the most-wanted third-party person in Smash Bros. Melee... even though there were no third party people in there. Luckily, a rumor was started about him being in Melee.. which made everyone rush to Cruel melee...

I mean, I dunno how popular he is in japan anymore... because that's only who sakurai was listening to, anyway. lol.

BTW, did anyone claim to see his shadow after complete cruel? lol.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
dude props to del money he singal handedly shut down this thread in one post because its true no one knows. Yes i can see how many fans of sonic are our there but if you cant do better than the moveset provided on the first page good luck getting him in brawl. I mean seriously the bounce attack?!!?!? Whats stopping from spamming that move to the max and while ending up back in the air afterwards leaves that move open for endless combos. and all the speed your move set has provided for him. Everyone knows that speed is a huge part of melee as it is. before you say that is acinine look at bowser for example. normaly a ****ty character, but as soon as you add in L-canceling and wave-dashing, well you all have seen what gimby-fish has done with him. So the moves you ahve provided leave sonic with little to no lag time on any of his special attacks making him a god like character with no way to balance him.

So. before you say GO SONIC FOR BRAWL lok at other things besides that he's a cool character, because he is we all know that but the way he's been described he's god so look at the balancing befor everyone goes saying he is the best possible choice for brawl.
You illustrate a grammatically sound argument, Choban. Yes, I was being sarcastic.

Y'know, one word comes to mind when I read this passage. Would you like to know what it is, man? I'll even spell it for you:


No, I'm not going to pull up a definition from dictionary.com because that would be asinine. You seem competent enough to understand the term.

This whole thread is just a collection of people who have a desire to see Sonic the Hedgehog in Brawl. Sure, some of these guys may come up with the most hackneyed theories ever to substantiate their claim but in the end it is mindless fluff. People have a right to be simple in their desires and waste time pontificating over silly **** like "OMG! Sonic's off the chain! He should be in Brawl!" It's just like you have the right to come in here decrying these claims---only I would recommend that you (and Lord Kirby) come in here with a little more basis to your argument rather than just waxing bull****.

Smooth Criminal

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
You illustrate a grammatically sound argument, Choban. Yes, I was being sarcastic.

Y'know, one word comes to mind when I read this passage. Would you like to know what it is, man? I'll even spell it for you:


No, I'm not going to pull up a definition from dictionary.com because that would be asinine. You seem competent enough to understand the term.

This whole thread is just a collection of people who have a desire to see Sonic the Hedgehog in Brawl. Sure, some of these guys may come up with the most hackneyed theories ever to substantiate their claim but in the end it is mindless fluff. People have a right to be simple in their desires and waste time pontificating over silly **** like "OMG! Sonic's off the chain! He should be in Brawl!" It's just like you have the right to come in here decrying these claims---only I would recommend that you (and Lord Kirby) come in here with a little more basis to your argument rather than just waxing bull****.

Smooth Criminal
for the most part, you read my mind.

and for the record, Choban, i wasnt trying to shut down the thread. in fact about 20 or so pages back i revived it, smart guy. i was trying to stop all this crap nonsense coming from people like Lord Kirby who like to believe they are part of the brawl development team and know the final product of the game by imposing their so-called "facts" upon us. and like someone whom i dont remember said 1 or 2 pages ago, facts arent facts if theres no source to reinforce them. and no one who stated that Sonic IS in brawl as fact or anyone who stated Sonic ISNT in brawl as fact couldnt regurgitate any evidence to support their "oh so truthful fact".
people who GUESS that Sonic is in, thats fine...hell im one of them. people who GUESS that Sonic is out, thats fine too...opinions are opinions. people who "KNOW" Sonic is in or "KNOW" Sonic is out are full of crap. please read between the lines next time you make another failed attempt at flaming me


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
for the most part, you read my mind.

and for the record, Choban, i wasnt trying to shut down the thread. in fact about 20 or so pages back i revived it, smart guy. i was trying to stop all this crap nonsense coming from people like Lord Kirby who like to believe they are part of the brawl development team and know the final product of the game by imposing their so-called "facts" upon us. and like someone whom i dont remember said 1 or 2 pages ago, facts arent facts if theres no source to reinforce them. and no one who stated that Sonic IS in brawl as fact or anyone who stated Sonic ISNT in brawl as fact couldnt regurgitate any evidence to support their "oh so truthful fact".
people who GUESS that Sonic is in, thats fine...hell im one of them. people who GUESS that Sonic is out, thats fine too...opinions are opinions. people who "KNOW" Sonic is in or "KNOW" Sonic is out are full of crap. please read between the lines next time you make another failed attempt at flaming me
Well.. You do you mean the people that KNOW he is IN or OUT have to be part of the development team to NOT be full of crap?.. Otherwise I agree, I THINK hes going to be in. But I'm not saying he is in fact going to be in... Hope he is though.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
i shoulda rephrased that differently, i meant people on these boards that claim to "KNOW" about Sonic's appearance or lack of in brawl, and have no proof to back it up except speculation. i mean seriously, how the hell can you know something for a fact if its based on your own self-centered opinion


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
i shoulda rephrased that differently, i meant people on these boards that claim to "KNOW" about Sonic's appearance or lack of in brawl, and have no proof to back it up except speculation. i mean seriously, how the hell can you know something for a fact if its based on your own self-centered opinion
Haha, because thats how the world goes round. If you just believe.. then it will happen... Like the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause.. Just believe..

Or people are just narcissistic.. Plenty of them.

But for all truth.. Sonic is not in the game.. Until it is announced and confirmed that he is.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Haha, because thats how the world goes round. If you just believe.. then it will happen... Like the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause.. Just believe..

Or people are just narcissistic.. Plenty of them.

But for all truth.. Sonic is not in the game.. Until it is announced and confirmed that he is.
well no, im just saying i HOPE itll will happen. i wouldnt bet my life upon it unless maybe i was held at gunpoint. but yes i do agree that Sonic is not in until the game or site or directly word of mouth from Sakurai says otherwise. the only thing i have a problem with is people telling me in goddam july what they think is going to happen on December 3rd, claiming is as unshakable fact, not having any proof to back it up, and then sounding like a pre-pubescent person while theyre at it. its like being kicked in the balls by david beckham


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I wasn't saying that against you. Just as a fact for all of us to remember when we are posting something in this thread. For all threads for a character for that matter.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I am not one of those people that knows Sonic is in Brawl. That is why i say "If, Could, or I hope" though i do wish to someday say "When, Will, and OMG He is confirmed"

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I am not one of those people that knows Sonic is in Brawl. That is why i say "If, Could, or I hope" though i do wish to someday say "When, Will, and OMG He is confirmed"
dont worry i was only directing it to one person and if you look maybe one or two pages back youll see who and why. anyways ive spent enough time talking about this. you guys should talk about Sonc & Mario at the Olympics or something and why everyone thinks theres no chance for it to be good. im mad tired and need to get up in 5.5 hours for work. peace out all


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I actually do have some stuff to say about that upcoming game. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (AKA One of the longest titles for a olympics game) sounds like something nice for both Hardcore Sonic/Mario fans and new people to both franchises. I think the people who will have the most fun, are people that ae fans of both the Sonic games & the Mario games. Now i will say a few things based on the new screenshots and playable and/or possible characters.

1. Eggman & Bowser: i can see Eggman failing at most of the events (He isn't seen exercising much) and Bowser winning much of the Power type competitions and then losing on the speed type or racing (Unless he uses fire to burn the racers to ashes).

2. Mario/Sonic-Equal Amounts of characters?: Here is a small list on what the coordinating characters are in the game.


With characters like that, what else will there be? Wario might return in the game since he is in alot of the Mario spinoffs. But if he comes, who coordinates with him on Sonic's side? I a VERY SCARED that might mean Shadow would be that one. I can't picture Shadow actually competing at something as family-friendly like the Olympics, he is just not that kind of character. I do want both Sonic & Mario to have equal amounts of characters, but i just hope Shadow would stay away from this.

3. Story Mode- I know that usually Mario spinoffs don't have that much of a story, but this is being developed by SEGA (Not Nintendo). Sega is more known to put stories in their spinoff games (Sonic Shuffle had a story, Knuckles Chaotix & Tails Adventure had a story). So could this mean this game will have a plot of some sort? I have a possible story includeing a possible ending. Here it goes: It all starts as a friendly meeting & then some just as friendly competition. But then i see Eggman & Bowser somehow working together to make sure THEY are considered the winners of the games. Which ends up in Sonic & Mario having to team up in events against Bowser's henchman & Eggman's robots. And a possible ending is that they defeat Eggman & Bowser in a final, last event. And as reward from the owner of the games, he gives BOTH Sonic & Mario a golden medal. Thus ending as friendly competitors, rather then fierce enemies. Go ahead and flame me if it sounds stupid, but if it includes a story and is rated E with all the innocent events going on PLUS Sega is developing it (Sega Spinoffs have Stories). This is a possibility.

4. Extra Eye-candy on the Screenshots- These are minor, but did anyone notice the crowd most notably behind Luigi? I can possibly point out both Piantas from Super Mario Sunshine and Chao from the Sonic Adventure series. If you can see better then i can on that, just reply and tell me that i'm making this stuff up. And also, who are the little creatures that are on some sign behind the Mario & Sonic dashing screenshot? Will they have something to do with the story? Or are they just random extras bored Sega artists did?

Hopefully, this will be a fun game. If Sonic is not in Brawl this will heal my pain a little (keyword: A little)\

EDIT: Don't know how to paste pictures, you will have to find them yourself:urg:


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Did.... Did you just try to link to a picture on your computer?..

I don't think they will throw in a lot of Sonic characters (That 1-2 more 3rd party characters thing) but Sonic mainly accompanied by either Knuckles or Tails would be good. But do ATs count as one of those 1-2? We won't know until the game comes out or he announces it..


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Did.... Did you just try to link to a picture on your computer?..

I don't think they will throw in a lot of Sonic characters (That 1-2 more 3rd party characters thing) but Sonic mainly accompanied by either Knuckles or Tails would be good. But do ATs count as one of those 1-2? We won't know until the game comes out or he announces it..
I wasn't talking about the other characters being in Brawl


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
I actually do have some stuff to say about that upcoming game. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (AKA One of the longest titles for a olympics game) sounds like something nice for both Hardcore Sonic/Mario fans and new people to both franchises. I think the people who will have the most fun, are people that ae fans of both the Sonic games & the Mario games. Now i will say a few things based on the new screenshots and playable and/or possible characters.

1. Eggman & Bowser: i can see Eggman failing at most of the events (He isn't seen exercising much) and Bowser winning much of the Power type competitions and then losing on the speed type or racing (Unless he uses fire to burn the racers to ashes).

2. Mario/Sonic-Equal Amounts of characters?: Here is a small list on what the coordinating characters are in the game.


With characters like that, what else will there be? Wario might return in the game since he is in alot of the Mario spinoffs. But if he comes, who coordinates with him on Sonic's side? I a VERY SCARED that might mean Shadow would be that one. I can't picture Shadow actually competing at something as family-friendly like the Olympics, he is just not that kind of character. I do want both Sonic & Mario to have equal amounts of characters, but i just hope Shadow would stay away from this.

3. Story Mode- I know that usually Mario spinoffs don't have that much of a story, but this is being developed by SEGA (Not Nintendo). Sega is more known to put stories in their spinoff games (Sonic Shuffle had a story, Knuckles Chaotix & Tails Adventure had a story). So could this mean this game will have a plot of some sort? I have a possible story includeing a possible ending. Here it goes: It all starts as a friendly meeting & then some just as friendly competition. But then i see Eggman & Bowser somehow working together to make sure THEY are considered the winners of the games. Which ends up in Sonic & Mario having to team up in events against Bowser's henchman & Eggman's robots. And a possible ending is that they defeat Eggman & Bowser in a final, last event. And as reward from the owner of the games, he gives BOTH Sonic & Mario a golden medal. Thus ending as friendly competitors, rather then fierce enemies. Go ahead and flame me if it sounds stupid, but if it includes a story and is rated E with all the innocent events going on PLUS Sega is developing it (Sega Spinoffs have Stories). This is a possibility.

4. Extra Eye-candy on the Screenshots- These are minor, but did anyone notice the crowd most notably behind Luigi? I can possibly point out both Piantas from Super Mario Sunshine and Chao from the Sonic Adventure series. If you can see better then i can on that, just reply and tell me that i'm making this stuff up. And also, who are the little creatures that are on some sign behind the Mario & Sonic dashing screenshot? Will they have something to do with the story? Or are they just random extras bored Sega artists did?

Hopefully, this will be a fun game. If Sonic is not in Brawl this will heal my pain a little (keyword: A little)\

EDIT: Don't know how to paste pictures, you will have to find them yourself:urg:

Yeah I see what you mean here but whats got me wondering is If (keyword IF) Shadow is in the game will he be as fast as Sonic at the racing events and how strong will he be?

In Brawl I don't think we will get any third party Ats just characters although it is possible.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I am totally against Shadow being in the game.. He IS cool, but he is a clone no doubt, even in the Sonic games he is a clone... Maybe a different costume..
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